Fae Dominance

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by J. B. Miller

  Fae Dominance

  A Dia Mclearey Novel [1.50]

  J.B. Miller

  JK Publishing, Inc. (2014)

  * * *

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content. Group sex, orgies, BDSM, and MM scenes.

  In book 1.5 of the Dia Mclearey Novels: Robin and Kale are not getting along and Dia has had enough. She tells them to get their act together or it's over.

  In a bid for more time Robin pulls Kale into Fae. The idea was to have a few weeks to get to know each other, fight a little, love a lot…and come back a happy little duo. Well, Puck should have known better. There is nothing easy when a Fae and wolf are mates.

  Fall into Fae with the boys for three weeks of murder, torture, betrayal, and mayhem. After all this is the land of the Fae we are talking about.

  Fae Dominance

  A Dia Mclearey Novel

  Book 1.5

  by JB Miller

  © Copyright April 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


  All cover art and logo © Copyright April 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by ML Hill

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Books by J.B. Miller

  Excerpt from Dianthe Rising

  JK Publishing, Inc.


  “I’m leaving and I am going to have a nice evening with Daniel. I suggest that you two boys…” Dianthe pointed to both of them, "go somewhere private and sort this out.”

  Dianthe waved her hand at the general destruction of the room.

  “Fix this first though. This is ending right now. Kale, you mated me.” She turned her head so he could see the scarring on her neck. “Robin, you mated me.” Her arm rose so we could both see the marks. "We are a family, and while families fight and squabbled this," she swallowed back a sob, "this is unacceptable. Talk, fight, hell, make out. I do not care. Go get it out of your systems or there is no us. I refuse to be part of a relationship where I’m a bone of contention. Do you understand?” Dianthe said the last in a deadly quiet voice.

  We both stood there stock still like a deer caught in headlights. “Answer me, damn it,” she yelled at them.

  “Yes,” we both spoke lowly.

  “Good. I do not like to argue, it hurts me, and I don’t want to be in a situation where I’m always hurting. I refuse to be a victim. My mum raised me to take charge of my family and make sure their needs are met. We are not there and if you boys can’t get there then you’re not going to be part of my family. Got it?” the last words whispered out of our Dianthe's lips painfully. The pain in her eyes obvious, yet she stayed so very strong.

  Our heads nodded and she finished with, “Good, I’m leaving now. The next time I see you it better be with an understanding between you two—or not at all.”

  With that, she turned around with her back straight and walked out of the room.

  Chapter One


  I stood there watching as my heart marched out of the office. My hopes and dreams for the future crumbling around me. Anger filled my eyes and I turned to the wolf.

  "What have you done?" I scowled.

  "Me?" Kale growled.

  "You're the fucker who keeps riling me and flaunting your relationship with my mate!" The wolf took a menacing step toward me.

  "What the hell is up with that, anyway?" Kale pointed at my arm and the markings making their way up underneath the shirt's sleeve.

  "This?" I held up said appendage. "This is my marriage vows, Kale. This is proof that I have sworn myself to Dianthe, and have forsaken all others.” I ripped back the sleeve so he could see them more clearly. A rare emotion was working its way through my system—anger. Frustration, rage, and lust roared through me. It turned the bubbling emotions into an inferno. One such as I prided myself on control. Unfortunately, it was slipping away faster than I could grasp it.

  My arm was now bare from the shoulder down and I forced myself into the wolf's personal space. The marks glowed lightly as I held them close for him to see.

  "These, Kale," I whispered, "these show that Dianthe and I belong together. What is hers is mine, and mine hers." Our eyes locked in silent battle.

  A low rumble vibrated from the wolf while he took in my words. "What is that supposed to mean, you fucking faery?"

  "It means," my eyes glinted in anticipation, "that you are mine as well." I wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him down to me. Even though he had me in height, my heritage alone ga
ve me greater strength. I had caught him by surprise with my move and our lips crashed together in a violent kiss.



  I stiffened when our lips met, shocked by the contact of another male's mouth upon mine.

  While I had never had a problem with gay men, I was as straight as they came. The thought of being attracted to another man had never even passed through my mind. Electricity shot down my body and my cock lifted in query before reason reasserted itself.

  I am Alpha! I thought. I submit to no one!

  The growl that rose in my throat was filled with rage mixed with other more confusing emotions. I could not bring myself to look at those things right now. I had to break this wicked kiss and assert myself over this Fae bastard.

  With a shove, I tried to push him away. Amazement filled me when he barely moved. The shit was stronger than he looked. Never having been in this predicament before, I wasn't sure how to release myself from it. The feel of his lips working on my closed mouth was beginning to feel good. Robin pulled at my bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth. One hand wrapped around my neck holding me in place while the other slid down my back to my waist.

  He pulled our bodies tighter together and the feel of his erection rubbing against me, sent hints of arousal racing through my stomach and into my groin. It felt so wrong but so fucking right at the same time.

  I had to get out of this situation before he worked any more of his faery magic on me. My mind was confused with the conflicting Intel it was receiving. I had a mate and he was not it.

  Carefully, I slid a foot behind Robin's leg. My left hand went to his hip and gripped it gently. The right rested at his shoulder and I gulped before opening my mouth to let his tongue slide past my lips. If this did not work, I was screwed and in so many ways.



  Kale gentled beneath me. His muscles relaxed and he embraced me before opening his mouth for my kiss. I was slightly shocked, as I believed the wolf would have fought much harder than this against his unwitting attraction. Perhaps the mate bond was working its magic and he was less against the idea than I would have assumed. Whatever the reason, I was more than happy to take advantage of his surrender.

  I relaxed my hold on him and gentled the kiss. Aggression would only rile him up again. Tentatively, I let my tongue enter his open mouth. I did not want it bitten off by a sudden change of heart. Kale met my questing appendage with his and we hesitantly tasted each other. It was a heady sensation.

  The taste of my wolf was wild and free. It was so very different from our Dianthe's but in no way less alluring. My erection rubbed against his and belief in his submission grew. My overconfidence would be the death of me one day. Perhaps I should try to learn from my mistakes. Then again, where would the fun be in that?

  Nearly lost in the sensations of our body's friction against each other and the taste of his wonderful mouth, I sighed. I had so many plans for that mouth. I missed the signs that I was about to have a rude awakening. One moment I was in an erotic paradise and the next, I was flat on my ass looking up at an extremely irritated wolf Lord.

  Damn, he was hot when he was mad. I smirked with the thought. Sometimes I cursed my puckish nature. Common sense would often take a back seat and the wild magic in me took control. It was not a helpful commodity when dealing with an enraged wolf. It is what it is though, and I have never been one to deny my nature. Therefore, that is why I opened my mouth.

  "What's wrong, puppy? Do you want to be on top?" I asked.

  "You Fae bastard, I'm going to rip you a new arsehole," Kale snarled.

  My eyebrows rose at this and a mocking smile curved my lips. "Oh baby, I love it when you talk dirty to me. I don’t mind bending over for you, and believe me, I'm looking forward to the knot."

  A look of pure horror crossed his face before he dove for me. "I would never knot with you, you faery bastard. That is my mate's privilege," he roared.

  The next moment he was on top of me doing his best to beat me into the floorboards. I would have loved to fight him into submission right there but Dianthe had warned us, and frankly, she scared me when she got mad.

  It was time to end this fight for now. I couldn’t lay here all day blocking his punches. Some of them were landing and they fucking hurt. At the same time, I did not want to hurt the wolf. He was mine after all. The devious side of me took over and a smirk tilted my lips. "Kale," I called loudly to get his attention. "You are so hot when you go all growly on me, baby. I just want to eat you all up," I paused, "or let you devour me," I winked at him.

  It was enough to startle him and his mad pummeling stopped for a moment. That was all I needed. Faster than he could follow, I reached up with both hands and pinched his nipples between my thumb and forefingers, squeezing just the wrong side of pain.

  He froze and the look of confusion melted into something more. "Hmmmm…you like the bite don’t you, puppy? Let's see how you like this?" I twisted hard and he howled. While I gave him the mother of all tittie twisters, I maneuverer my leg underneath me before thrusting up hard. He lost his balance and tumbled sideways. It only took a fraction of a second to be on top of him.

  My grip moved from his chest to his shoulders pushing him hard against the floor. "Don’t move, Kale," I snarled. We were going to have to do this his way. I pressed down harder, forcing him into a submission position. My eyes never left his while our wills battled for dominance.

  Kale's need to shift came off him in waves. I could not allow that. I had a plan and being shredded by his wolf was not part of it. We were both hard from our grappling and I ground myself against his hardness.

  "Do you feel it, Kale," I asked softly. "You can deny it all you want but it's there. Just a small flame at the moment but it will be so much more. You do not have to fight it. Think of our Dianthe, how much happier she would be if we came to terms with this heat."

  The words were having an effect on him but he was still unwilling to give in. "Would you really hurt me, Kale? Do you honestly want to kill me? Or is it the ideal that you have to share her and yourself with Daniel and me? We are not your enemies, wolf. Daniel and I are your mates just as Dianthe is."

  Awww, my poor puppy, his eyes clouded over in confusion. In the scheme of things, he was still so young. His life had not been easy but there would come a day when he would trust his mates. He just needed a little help with getting there.

  "No," he finally let slip. "I don’t want to kill you. It would hurt Dia too much. I do want to beat the shit out of you though," he growled. "When I get loose, Puck, I'm going to pound your ass into the ground."

  "Oh, the sweet things you say, baby," I grinned. Before he could spit out another insult, I leaned down and nipped his bottom lip. It was time to end this tiff. Dia wanted the office repaired and us sorting out our differences. We did not have the time needed here, so I would take him to the one place I knew we would have all the time in the world.

  "Now be a good boy, we are going on a little trip," I laughed. With a wave of a hand, the office was back to how it was before and I whisked us away—home.

  I stood up from Kale once we arrived and let him take in the room we stood in. He lay before me, stretched out on my bed, which surprisingly made him look diminutive.

  "Where have you brought us, Puck," he questioned. He was taking it all very well. Therefore, I decided to tell him the truth.

  "Welcome to my home, my wolfen mate, we are in the realm of King Oberon Lord of the Fae," I finished with a bow.

  "You brought me to Faery," Kale whispered.

  "Oh, yes," I purred. "And we will not be leaving until our differences are sorted."

  Chapter Two


  Faery, I was in gods be damned Faery. How the hell did this happen. What did I do? Never had I been so helpless. The rules I had always lived by were gone. There was no escape. My eyes took in the room around me noting the opulence. It was pure decadence and indulgence but st
ill so empty. There was no life in this room.

  Did the Puck really live here? He stood there watching and waiting to see what I would do next. He was wary, expecting me to attack. What was the use though? Where would it get me? The only way home was through him.

  The first thing the bastard I had called dad taught me, was patience. I knew how to wait until the right moment to strike, it was time to bide my time.

  "Why did you bring me here, Puck? What do you hope to gain? Are we supposed to become best friends or some shit? You can't keep us here forever, Dia would notice if we didn’t show up eventually." Damn, now I was sounding like the petulant pup he called me.

  The damn Fae rubbed me the wrong way. I knew we had to do something to get this shit under control. We had to coexist with each other. I understood he was Dia's mate as well. I would cope. Sharing was not my thing, but for her I would do it.

  He watched me thoughtfully before stepping cautiously toward the bed. Gingerly, he sat on the edge and made eye contact. My instincts had my lip curling. I am the Alpha, I snarled silently. Still his eyes patiently stared into mine for endless moments before he spoke.

  "We are here until we work out our relationship. We are not the end pieces to a Dianthe sandwich, Kale. It is not just sex, although that is a wonderfully delicious part of it. All of us are to be mates. You, Dianthe, Daniel, and I. The problems that you have with that are numerous but with a little help from me and a flogger or two, we will get you there," his eyes twinkled as he said the last.


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