Fae Dominance

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Fae Dominance Page 13

by J. B. Miller

  I leaned my head wearily against Kale’s shoulder while we sat on the couch in the antechamber attached to my rooms. I had refused to give Oberon the proof of Blayre’s depravity. Now I questioned myself on whether that was the right choice.

  Kale nuzzled the top of my head and his deep regular breathing relaxed me. We only had a few precious moments before we had to move. Everything was in place for tonight. Moss had come back from seeing Blayre and he had assured her he would come to see me at sunset. That worried me. There were many creatures in Fae that called the night their home. Wards would only do so much, so we would have to be on our guard at all times.

  “Do you think they will be alright,” Kale mumbled into my hair.

  I knew he spoke of Isbeth and Moss. For once words failed me, as I honestly did not know the answer. Finally, I told him what I could only guess at.

  “It depends,” I sighed. “If Moss realizes that she is the key to leading Blayre to his death, then she won’t ever recover. She loves him too deeply. Isbeth will grieve, as will Oberon, but I think both of them know deep down the Blayre they knew and loved is gone. Even if they will not admit it to themselves, they still hope.”

  “There’s no hope left, is there?”

  “My clever wolf,” I smiled sadly against his neck. “No, there is no hope. Blayre is corrupt to his core. I have some evidence that he is a serial killer. He does not discriminate at all in his victims. From what my information states, he takes great pleasure in torturing and killing his victims before giving them the final release of death. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find enough to bring before the king.”

  We were both silent for a few moments before Kale spoke, “So this is it then. Tonight we will kill your brother, destroy his mate, and break his father's and adoptive mother’s hearts.”

  “Let us not forget, kill Mab as well, if the opportunity arises,” I replied.

  “Damn,” Kale whistled lowly. “And we’re the good guys supposedly. I thought I had things rough in the pack. I can tell you what, if we survive this, I don’t think I will ever complain about the petty fighting and squabbles amongst the pups again.”

  I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him gently. “This was not how I planned our retreat to Fae. In all honesty, I wanted to show you that we were not that bad. To introduce you to my family and rock your world a little bit.”

  “Well you have definitely done all of that,” Kale laughed softly. “You more than rocked my world." He nipped my bottom lip and threw a leg over me drawing me in closer.

  The door to my bedchamber opening had us jerking apart. This was not an appropriate time and we knew it. Oberon stood looking at us, his mouth drawn tight and his glacial eyes as cold as the ice they resembled.

  “Let us go, my Puck and Wolf. It is time to kill a traitor and his bitch of a mother if at all possible.”

  We both stood and nodded our assent before following the king out of the room.

  Oberon was weak but he held himself tall. Only his willpower kept his back straight. It made my heart ache to see him this way.

  “When were you going to tell me, my Puck?”

  “My Lord?” I asked.

  “Don’t pretend to be subservient, Puck. You know very well what I meant. I have excellent hearing. I would have believed you without physical evidence of Blayre’s atrocities. It saddens me, my Puck, that you would withhold this information from me.”

  “My King,” I began but he held up a hand never stopping to look at me.

  “I understand why and I do not blame you. I only wish that you would have trusted enough in me to share the information.”

  Oberon’s voice was distant and it broke my heart. I had failed my king. Kale’s growl was the only warning given before he grabbed Oberon and spun him around. I stared in shock as my wolf shoved my king against a wall and snarled in his face.

  “You dare,” his voice was low with fury. “Robin has done everything for you. He has ripped apart his own soul in service to you! The one time he holds back because he does not want to cause you pain, you freeze him out. He has been more of a son than the little fuckwad we are chasing could ever be. How many thousands of years has this male stood by your side never faltering, yet in only a handful of years your own flesh and blood has not only betrayed you but plotted your death?

  "For fuck's sake, what is wrong with the lot of you. If you knew what was good for you, you would see that you are pushing away the son that loves you more than his own life.”

  Kale let go of Oberon and turned to me. “We are done with this, Robin. We help him here, but then we go home. I have had enough 'daddy issues' without going through yours. He accepts you either wholly or not at all. I will recruit Dia and Daniel to back me on this one.”

  Both Oberon and I stood open-mouthed staring at Kale. Where had this come from? The king recovered first, shook his head and turned to me.

  “The wolf is right, Puck. I have failed you.”

  “Sire, no you have not,” I began.

  “Hush, my Puck. I told you once long ago the first thing a father does is name his child. I called you my Puck. That is no longer good enough. You are so much more.”

  He reached out and pulled me against him in a crushing hug.

  “You are so much more now, it is time I give you a new name and that is—Son. Once this is finished I will have it official transcribed into our annuls. You will be knows as Puck, first son of Oberon. I cannot give you the throne as it is not in my power. However, I want you to know that if I could, I would. You would make a fine king.”

  I was speechless. This had happened more in the past weeks than in all the many years of my life before. I had no idea what to say. It seemed my wolf unfortunately did.

  “That’s great. Happy families and all that, but the sun is about to set so I suggest we get a move on.”

  Oberon glared at Kale. “I agree, Wolf Kking; nevertheless, if you ever assault me again I will retaliate.”

  Kale smirked, “Understood.”

  My wolf was going to be the death of me one of these days. But at the same time my heart was much lighter. I had never expected Oberon to claim me openly; I was content to know that he cared privately. This was not the time for sentimental thoughts, we had an unsavory job to do and it was time to do it.


  We had decided the gardens would be the most neutral location for our meeting. Oberon sat waiting on a bench staring pensively into the distance.

  I understood this was very hard for him, even knowing what I know, the thought of the coming confrontation was beyond painful.

  Our private reflection was interrupted when a feminine voice called out, “It’s practically a family gathering we have tonight. Why, I can’t recall the last time we were all together.”

  Oberon rose stiffly and glared at the unwelcome voice. “Mother, you are not welcome here.”

  “Oh, baby boy, you will break your dear mother's heart. Can I be blamed for coming to see my first born when I had heard rumors of his debilitating weakness?” She looked Oberon up and down while an ugly smile twisted her lips. “I must say, dear heart, I had thought that this could be some plot of your tricksters, but you look almost human,” she sneered the last.

  Blayre put a restraining hand on his mother’s arm and pulled her back. “Father, Moss came to me and told me of your illness. I came as any good son would.”

  A silent snort slipped past my lips but it was enough to draw Blayre’s attention.

  “Well, if it isn’t my almost brother.” He held out his arms wide. “As you can see I am unarmed. There is no need for the mighty Puck to become involved. Feel free to toddle along.”

  I arched an eyebrow sardonically before replying, “Unlikely, even if I did trust you, she is another story. I would not leave a member of the horde alone with the mad queen.”

  Mab gasped and took a step closer. “You dare talk to me that way you mongrel. My boy found you rolling in the mud of the forest and dr
agged you up from the filth of the woods. You are not fit to even be in my presence, much less speak of it. Blayre, do not let this creature speak to me so. It is because of him and Oberon that you are in this position to begin with.”

  Mab’s eyes became calculating and the air thickened with her power.

  “Blayre, think of poor Moss and all she has had to suffer through, of the abuse and hatred just because you loved her.

  "It’s because of them.” One long thin finger rose and pointed at Oberon and myself. “They are the reason we are here. The Puck would have your throne,” she hissed. “He spread half-truths and rumors to make sure you failed. Undermining you at every step. The unworthy creature snuck in, stole your father's love, and left you with nothing!

  "Where were they when you and your love were being persecuted? After you gave your troth, was it respected? NO! Females of the court thrown at you left and right, more suitable females…better stationed to stand by a young prince's side. Did your sainted father even notice the agony of watching your sweet little mate loose her glow?”

  “Enough,” Oberon growled. “Blayre,” he reached out to his son. “None of that is true. I would have supported you. I will admit I was blind to what was happening. You were so very young, I had no idea that things had progressed that far.”

  Oberon’s eyes were beseeching as he reached out a hand to Blayre. It was met by mocking laughter.

  “Do you think I believe that you did not know what went on in your own house, Father? Do you take me for a fool,” Blayre sneered. “I am tired of this, and I will finish it tonight. You failed as a father and you have failed as a king. It is time a new Lord took the crown.”

  I stepped out from beside Oberon, leaving Kale to guard him. “Do you think you are ready to take me on, Blayre? I will see you dead before I let you harm him,” I hissed for his ears only.

  “Oh, Puck, I plan to see you both dead tonight. Once I have taken the two of you down, I will bathe in your blood and rejoice. It will give me such pleasure to see the light leave your eyes.”

  I shook my head before responding. “Oh, child, what happened to you? Where did we go so wrong? I always loved you and I know our father did as well.”

  Referring to Oberon as our father enraged him. “He’s my father you bastard. However, here is one final thing you can do together! You can die,” he screamed.

  Blayre shoved with his dark power and attacked me. It seemed to be a signal as all hell broke loose. Redcaps, trolls, hags, and Jacks in Irons appeared from beneath hidden glamour.

  Our own guard rushed in to defend the king and battle ensued. There had never been a battle here and the fact it happened now showed how far Blayre had fallen. This was sacred ground.

  I took a quick glance and saw that Kale had shifted to his half beast form. He stood on two legs but was more wolf than man. At over eight feet in height, he was a fearsome sight and he was more than ready to fight.

  Oberon was still too weak to fight, but my wolf was guarding him well. The others were holding their own so I concentrated on the battle at hand.

  “I will finally kill you,” Blayre snarled. “I’ve fantasized about it so many times. It would have been nice to have you in my playroom but sadly, it is not to be.”

  “I have heard about your sick little torture chamber, I think I would have to pass on that one, little brother,” I smirked while I diverted his blow.

  “Then again, tied down and tortured half to death would be the only way you would ever have a chance of besting me,” I folded out just as he would have plunged iron into my stomach. Folding back in behind him, I tsked. “Now you are just playing dirty. But then, I can do that as well.”

  The iron edged blade I pulled from the sheath at my waist was a foot long and deadly sharp. “Shall we even the odds a bit?” I tapped the flat of the blade with my chin. “No better not, then I would need to be tied and blindfolded to give you a chance.”

  “Just shut up and die, you arrogant bastard,” Blayre snarled and dove for me again. Instead of stabbing with his blade though, he tackled me to the ground. His anger and rage overcame him and he began to pummel me.

  I let him hit me for a few moments before I tossed him over and reversed our positions. “You are right. I am both arrogant and assumedly a bastard. Now let’s get down to the truth of the matter. Were you always such a sick fuck or did your twisted mother turn you into the monster…”

  My question was cut off as Oberon’s anguished scream rent the air. The world around us froze and we both turned our heads to where our father stood.

  The sight in front of me seemed surreal. Oberon stood unharmed but sweet beautiful Moss fell to her knees in front of him. Her nutmeg eyes widened in shock and her hands grasping her belly.

  Mab licked her lips, expression caught between glee and worry as she looked at Blayre. Blood dripped from her dagger, matching the river pouring from Moss.

  There was still fighting going on around us, but for the five of us, time had slowed to a standstill. Oberon reached out helplessly while Moss shuddered from shock.

  Mab fought to hide her delight over what she had done and Blayre and I lay on the ground our grips gone slack as the young woman we both cared for bled out before us.

  An unholy sound filled the air and it took me a moment to realize that it was Blayre. Pure power build up, threw me backwards, and he folded to Moss’s side. It only took a blink of an eye for me to be there next to them.

  Oberon put his hand on my shoulder and held me back. He was giving the lovers these last few moments alone.

  “Oh no…no…my sweet precious girl,” Blayre sobbed. “What have you done? Oh my Mossie, why are you even here?”

  She was shaking from the iron poisoning by this time and her words stuttered. “I...I…wanted to be…here,” she choked before trying again. “I needed,” Moss took a ragged breath. “To see you and the king reconciled. It’s a silly fight.”

  Her eyes went distant for a moment before turning back to Blayre.

  “It does not hurt anymore, my love…but I am so cold. Will…you hold me, Blayre?”

  “I will never let you go, my heart. Never,” he swore through clenched teeth. Blayre pulled Moss to him tightly and buried his face in her hair. Gently he crooned to her while rocking them back and forth.

  “Mother's song,” Moss whispered.

  “Hush, love. You need to save your energy. We will get a healer.” He stopped when Moss’s gaze met his.

  Her bloody hand lifted and cupped his face before she took a deep shuddering breath. “I will always love you, Blayre. You are my faery tale prince. You always rescued me.” Her voice had dropped to barely a whisper but we all heard her final words.

  “It’s not true, you know? What they say. We do have souls and Danu has come for mine…good…” the hand holding Blayre’s cheek fell limp to the ground and our Moss’s eyes stared lifelessly into the distance.

  Blayre kissed her gently then laid her lovingly on the grass. Stillness had overtaken Blayre when he rose and he turned to Mab with death in his eyes.

  “Son, it was an accident.” She pointed at Oberon with her blade. “I was going after that treacherous bastard of a father of yours and she just stepped into my path.”

  “Enough,” roared Blayre. “You traitorous bitch, I saw your face! You took joy in her death.”

  Mab did not even have time to blink before Blayre had the knife from her hand. With one fierce thrust, he shoved it into where her naval would be.

  Mab leaned over in an almost macabre embrace when Blayre pulled her closer to twist the knife deeper.

  “I hope you suffer in whatever hell there might be,” he rasped before ripping the knife upwards all the way to her throat. Blayre stepped back and watched detachedly while the woman who had birthed him tried vainly to catch her spilling intestines and other internal organs.

  It was only seconds before she was dead in a bloody pile of gore. Blayre turned from her to us. I saw him look to make sure t
he knife was still in my hand then he faced Oberon and raised his blade above his head. He gave me a speaking look before he ran straight for the king, blade raised to strike. I did what I was trained to do. I stepped in front of the king and slid my dagger between my brother’s ribs, piercing his heart.

  Tears slid down my cheeks but I managed to lock gazes with Blayre. His lips moved as he silently spoke two words, “Thank you.”

  I lifted him in my arms and laid him on the ground beside of his Moss. Oberon collapsed down beside them and wept openly.

  Around us, the fight had died down. Most of Mab’s creatures were dead or had retreated when she fell. Kale was battered and bruised but was able to stand and the guard waited for instruction.

  “Get rid of the Unseelie bodies,” I told them.

  “What of the queen,” one of them questioned softly.

  “She is no better than them, throw her in a pit and burn her with the rest of this rubbish.” I turned my back on it all and walked to my king. My wolf joined me and we stood sentinel while he grieved.

  Someone must have called Isbeth. Her cry was worse than Oberon’s when she saw Moss and Blayre.

  “My babies,” she gasped. She had paused at their feet, her hand held trembling against her mouth. Oberon rose wearily and folded to her side. It was the first time I had seen him use power since the night of the feast. Looking at the scene in front of me, it seemed years ago and not weeks.

  “Isbeth,” Oberon crooned. “Shhhh…” The almighty king of the Seelie Fae stood in his gardens and wrapped his arms around a halfling, giving her comfort where none could be found. He did not care that his guards watched. Nor did he care that other High Fae had begun to seep into the gardens as word spread throughout the palace.

  Right now in this place and time, there was only a mother and a father who had lost both their children. Someone in the guards began to croon the song of goodbye. Others took up the melody and soon a great wave rose from the Fae. The sound of our mourning song rose above the walls and flowed out into Fae.

  Kale who had been silently watching, stepped closer to me. “They finally have the acceptance they were searching for,” he said sadly.


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