The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2

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The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2 Page 6

by Hildie McQueen

  "That will get old soon and she'll need a woman friend." Tesha smiled. "At least that's what I hear." She stood to stretch. "I better head home. Adam will be here soon."

  "Uh huh." Cassie gave her a teasing look. "I have a hard time thinking being with the man you love ever gets old."

  Minutes later Cassie leaned her elbows on the counter and looked through the shop's windows. Everyone went on with their lives. Soon Tesha would be gone and she'd remain behind, in her shop center of Lovely, with no life. Sometimes it was more than enough, but at other times, she wished for what Tesha had. A companion.

  She removed her apron and gave the space one last look-over before heading out the door. The day was nice enough that she didn't mind walking the three blocks home. She'd left her car for Kyland to use.

  Jensen stood under a tree, his cell phone to his ear. From the way he waved his free arm in the air, it was obvious the conversation was not a good one. He kicked at a rock and jammed the cell phone in his pant pockets.

  When she neared, his widened eyes met hers. "Hello, Cassie Tucker."

  She braced for the insult. "Mr. Ford." Cassie nodded at him and kept walking.

  "Where you headed?" He came up alongside. "Don't you have a car?"

  "I let my brother borrow it. He's staying with me until he leaves, for two weeks in Myrtle Beach and then to college."

  "You can borrow mine." He never ceased to perplex her. "If you don't mind driving a car that belongs to someone you don't like."

  So her jab had bothered him. "No, thank you. And it would be easier to like you if you didn't keep insulting me."

  Hands in his pockets, he remained quiet for a few moments.

  Cassie let out a breath. "You seemed to be arguing earlier. Someone mad at you?"

  "It was Adam. Tesha called him about something I did." He frowned and ducked his head.

  She knew exactly what the call had been about. The night with Vanessa. But decided to have fun with him. "What did you do?"

  His wide shoulders moved up and down. "Nothin'."

  "Then Adam was wrong to be mad at you for doing nothing." She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling.

  "He was right about the things he said."

  "Sometimes I wish I had close knit family. I have a younger half brother who I try hard to connect with, but he's a teenager and all into himself. Which is normal, I suppose. I wonder what it's like to have that connection with your parents and siblings," Cassie admitted.

  Jensen slid a glance at her. "It can be a pain, too."

  "Why are you out and about and not filming?" She changed the subject. Hadn't meant to get into her family dynamics.

  "Headed that way in a bit, had to come into town to pick up some things for the weekend." His vague reply was accompanied by a scowl. "I'm going..." He stopped and looked around as if he'd not noticed where they were headed. "This is a cool spot."

  Cassie agreed. The street was line with wooden Victorian-style homes. Different gingerbread accents decorated porches filled with ferns and rockers; it made Eleanor Street a place she was proud to come home to. With trees lining the sidewalks, the neighborhood was reminiscent of an older, gentler time.

  "My house." She pointed to a green bungalow home. Not sure why, but she sensed Jensen needed some time to relax. "Wanna come in and meet my brother? He'll be thrilled." She held out a hand as if to stop him. "But you don't have to, of course."

  "Sure." He went up the porch steps ahead of her.

  Just two minutes later, Cassie made tea, listening to Kyland pelt Jensen with questions while they played a video game of some sort. Gunfire rang out and she shook her head at the combination of chatter, bullets and her wind chimes outside.

  She poured two glasses of sweet tea and brought them to the living room. She sat on a chair opposite them. "What are y'all playing?"

  Kyland barely looked up from the screen. "Combat Zombie."

  "Sounds intense."

  Both ignored her and then yelled in unison over something that happened, which of course she didn't understand.

  Finally she gave up, reached for her Kindle and began reading.

  Jensen tried to ignore her. Cassie had her long legs over the arm of an overstuffed chair, her hair up in a messy bun, in bare feet. A picture of absolute normalcy. She reached for her cup of tea and looked to him. Their eyes met for just an instant before he returned his attention to the game.

  Adam had called him an idiot and chastised him for sleeping with Vanessa. Funny, since his brother had slept with her, too. It wasn't as if he was in a relationship. Single man could do as he pleased.

  His cell vibrated in his pocket. Mark was probably having a fit that he'd taken off. But he needed to get away from the shoot. Vanessa was acting all grabby-feely and the crew kept snickering and making snide remarks. Usually it wasn't a big deal, but for some reason it had irritated him to the point of throwing a glass across the room and stomping out.

  Now they had one more thing to pick on him about. Damn, they were like a bunch of high schoolers at times.

  "You're dead." Cassie's brother gave him a "you suck at gaming" look. "That wasn't even hard."

  "Yeah. I got distracted." He put the controller down. "Gotta go."

  "Can I get a picture with you?" It was obvious from the redness in the boy's cheeks, he'd been building up the courage to ask.

  "Of course. I want one, too." Jensen positioned himself to the side and took one with his phone.

  "I'll be right back." Kyland stood and rushed to his room.

  Cassie studied him. "You look more relaxed now."

  "Yeah, but I better get back to the shoot." He stood and posed for several pictures with her brother, who immediately lost interest in him and went away, his thumbs flying over the cell phone keys.

  "You made his day. Thank you." Cassie went with him to the door. "Sometimes you can be okay." Her smile warmed him and Jensen lowered his eyelids to his perfected ambivalent look.

  "It was cool. Thanks for the tea. Later." He gave her a two-fingered salute and jogged down the stairs.

  Damn, if he didn't feel better. Just those few hours away from the crew and prying eyes re-energized him. He made it back to his motorcycle, climbed on and headed back to face his agent.

  Two more days and then Cabo.

  He pushed thoughts of a weekend with Vanessa away. The thought of spending the night with her held little enticement. She was fun to be around with and hopefully that would be enough for them. Although they'd share a room, he'd ask for two bedrooms and insist they sleep separately.

  Caden waited for him at the house and he wondered if his brother's visit had more to do with him or Cassie. Of course he had no right to feel any type of propriety over her. Truth be told, she and Caden were probably a better match. Both lived normal lives, and Caden had a lot more in common with Cassie than Jensen did.

  His brother sat and watched while Mark ranted about how Jensen was setting production back by disappearing twice now. The producers jumped in with some blah blah about budgets. Jensen assumed an apologetic expression while assuring them he'd not pull anymore disappearing acts. He offered to cancel the trip to Cabo, but the execs wouldn't have it.

  "Everything is in place," Mark snapped. "We can't change it now. Just make sure you put in the time to make up for ghosting on us."

  Jensen nodded in agreement and looked to Caden, who shrugged in return. Now was not the time to allow his brother to pull him into some sort of trouble. Caden had the look in his eye that told of getting into something that could send the movie execs into comas.

  "Guess what?" Caden neared when the suits finally walked off assured he'd do his part.

  Jensen held still so the makeup artist, Chachi could do his thing. "What?"

  "Undercover assignment. Tonight at strip joint."

  "I'm in." Jensen grinned and stopped when the makeup artist tilted his chin up. "I want to be an undercover John."

  "No, you can't." Caden gave him an incredu
lous look. "You're too easily recognizable."

  "Then why you telling me if I can't be part of if."

  "You are the distraction." Caden cleared his throat when the make-up artist glared at him.

  Chachi wagged a make up brush at his brother. "Did you not hear the tongue lashing he just got? If he goes to a strip bar, he won't make it to early call in the morning."

  "Yeah. I will." Surely he'd not be out that late. "How late we talkin’?"

  Caden shrugged. "I'll have you back in time for early call. What time is that?"


  "Six." Chachi corrected and winked at Caden. "He has to be in this chair at six," he said, pronouncing the words "theese” and “share."

  "Wow. That's early," Caden gave him a worried look. "But yeah, I'll have you here by then."

  That night he walked into the Nashville police station. The usual smell of sweat, coffee and old building reminded him of his brother. Although not glamorous, he sometimes envied Caden's calling. A police officer looked up from his desk and did a double take. He prepared for the inevitable "aren't you Jensen Ford?" Instead the guy looked over his shoulder. "Ford, your brother's here." He promptly went back to whatever he was doing on his computer, looking at a pile of citations on his desk.

  He'd forgotten, the men in blue had more important things on their minds.

  "Oh. My. God." What could have been a man in drag, grabbed his arm. Handcuffed hands wrapped around Jensen's arm in a two-handed vice grip. "You are so hot." With a sigh, the person leaned against his side. "Smell good too baby."

  It was a man. Jensen looked around expecting to be rescued, but the arresting officer just rolled his eyes and walked to his desk to grab a set of keys.

  Caden walked up and looked at his new arm attachment. "Gigi, you in trouble again?"

  The drag queen shrugged and once again laid his greasy head on Jensen. "This time it was worth it. Why you didn't tell me you had a famous brother? All these years we've been so tight and you didn't share."

  "We have not been tight." Caden attempted to pry the person off of Jensen. "Come on, Gigi. Let the man go."

  "I don't want to go to jail. I didn't do anything that bad." Jensen could feel his eyes getting rounder. If Gigi started crying, all the makeup would end up on him.

  "Don't make him cry," he said to Caden, only to garner a narrow-eyed look from his new admirer.

  "I'm Gigi. I'm a her," she snapped and pushed away. An officer neared and unlocked her from the chair. "Come on Gigi, let's get you into a nice cozy cell."

  Gigi glared at Jensen. "Dumbass." The "woman" teetered away on her heels, following the officer who walked with slow patience alongside. "I better get my own cell."

  "Ready?" Caden smiled at him as Jensen brushed at his jacket sleeve. "Gigi didn't leave any cooties. You'll live."

  Jensen wasn't too sure about the cooties. The man, woman, whatever, had some strong perfume.

  They went out to Caden's jeep and he looked over the dark blue vehicle. Caden had added a few enhancements to his birthday present. They walked around it as his younger brother pointed out the new light bar and speaker system. It had been lifted and sported a wench in the front.

  "Nice." Jensen had to grin at his brother's enthusiasm when it came to the vehicle. "What about the Jag? You ever drive it?"

  Caden scratched at the stubble on his chin. "Yeah. On the weekends, sometimes. If Cassie goes out with me, I'm gonna drive it."

  "She's off limits."

  "Says who?"

  He didn't bother answering because it would be a lie.

  "You aren't thinking of seducing her, are you?" Caden neared, his nostrils flared. "I'll kick your ass if you do. She's a nice lady."

  "Not that it's any of your business, but no, I have no plans to sleep with her. I'm seeing my costar. Heading to Cabo this weekend."

  Caden let out a whistle. "She's hot."

  "Yep. Now what do I have to do at this strip joint?"

  His brother seemed to have second thoughts. "You sure this won't be bad for your reputation?"

  "I'm a bad boy. Bad boys go to strip clubs."

  Several hours later, the blue lights from all the cop cars, parked askew in all directions, were blinding. Jensen leaned against his car and watched Caden and several other undercover guys dragged men to patrol cars. When someone took a swing at Caden, Jensen almost rushed into defend his little brother. But Caden took the man down with one swift move and handcuffed him in seconds. All right, so the boy could take care of himself. It didn't mean Jensen could help wanting to kick the asshole on the ground.

  "Thanks for the help." Caden finally came over, a wide grin on his face. "Now I can spend the rest of the week writing up reports."

  Jensen nodded. "The exciting life of a cop."

  "It comes in spurts." Caden touched his bottom lip gingerly. "Don't want Momma to see this. She'll have a fit."

  Jensen studied his brother's bruised lip. "He clocked you good."

  "Got lucky."

  Across the street, a twenty-four hour diner with bright neon signs and even brighter interior was almost empty. "Wanna grab a bite before I head back?"

  "Sure. Hold on a sec." Caden went to where one of his partners waited and talked to him. Seconds later he returned. "Come on. They make a killer Reuben."

  Chapter Nine

  In Tesha's large kitchen, Cassie stretched, thankful the morning went off without a hitch. With most of the dishes cleared, Cassie's mind was already on what needed to be done at her shop. When her phone rang, Cassie answered without looking at the display. When Kevin's voice sounded in her ear, it gave her a new reason to dislike Mondays. She really had to start checking the damn thing to see who called.

  "You promised to call me back." He didn't sound put off or upset, but rather resigned. "Did you forget?"

  "I umm...yes, I did." She eyed the people who lingered after breakfast. It was time for her to help Tesha finish up and head to her cupcake shop. Although the extra money from helping feed the film crew was great, it was exhausting keeping up with both it and her shop.

  "...I am coming to see you. We need to talk," Kevin was saying. She'd stopped listening when Jensen strolled in and poured coffee into a cup. Then without more than a quick head tip, he went to sit next to Vanessa, who continued a conversation with the agent and producer, not bothering to acknowledge him.

  "What?" Cassie moved to stand in the hallway. "There is no reason for you to come here. What is so important, we can't discuss over the phone?"

  "It's not something I can tell you over the phone. Go to dinner with me."

  Kevin Madison had been her life for almost four years. Cassie had a flashback of walking in on him rockin' and rollin' with a bridesmaid at their wedding reception.

  "No Kevin. I don't want to."

  "I'll be there this evening. Just hear me out."

  He hung up and she let her arm fall to her side. "Argh!"

  "Who was that? Is Kyland all right?" Tesha came and touched her shoulder.

  Cassie let out a huff. "That was my ex. He keeps insisting on coming to talk to me. I don't want to see him."

  "Why now?" Tesha gave her a worried look. "Hasn't it been years since you broke up?"

  "Yes, over two years." Cassie pushed away from the wall. "I need to finish cleaning up and head to town. Can I come back here afterwards? I don't want him to find me if he does come into town."

  "Of course."

  For some reason, she burst into tears and rushed to the laundry room behind the kitchen. Tesha on her heels. "Honey, it's going to be okay. Don't worry about it. He won't bother you. I can call Deputy Castro and ask him to keep an eye out."

  "Its not just that. I'm being silly." Cassie wiped at her face and managed a wobbly smile. "That time of the month." It was that and seeing pictures of Jensen and Vanessa in Cabo over the weekend on every entertainment channel. Hugging and kissing while swimming or lounging in the sun, they made a good-looking couple. According to the entertai
nment show, they had tried to hide, but were discovered after a hotel staff member let it slip.

  She felt so stupid for having a crush on a celebrity to the point of crying. What a fool she was turning out to be. Angry, she cried harder. Tesha patted her shoulder. "Don't cry. It's going to be okay. Hey I know. Why don't you call the lady that fills in for you in the mornings and ask if she can stay the rest day? You need a break."

  "I can...can't afford to do that." Once again she burst into tears and then stomped her foot. "Why in the hell can't I stop crying?"

  "What's wrong?" Jensen peered at her from the doorway. "Something happen?" His gaze bore into hers and now she wished for the ground to open up and swallow her.

  "I'm hurt, angry, broke and sad. Oh and let's not forget, I'm on my period. My life sucks today. Something neither of you get right now." She stormed away from a shocked Tesha and rounded Jensen. "I'll be back later, Tesha." She turned to her friend. "Sorry."

  She made it to her car and sunk into the seat, a glob of bird poop plopped onto the windshield. She giggled, hiccupped and opened the window. "Why don't you crap on my head too while you're at it little fucker!"

  She closed the window and stared at the steering wheel. "I'm going crazy. I need to be locked up." She jumped when Jensen opened the passenger door and got in.

  He tapped on her shoulder. "I can loan you some money."

  Cassie burst into laughter. She laughed until her eyes watered. Then looked at his confused face and laughed even harder.

  "Or not." He didn't move, but watched her with interest. "Things must be pretty bad. You're a mess."

  "Yes I am. I am a mess. And you know what? I need to pull up my big girl panties and deal with it. This is not who I am. I'm not a crier and I'm not a mean person." She made to shoo him with both hands. "If you will excuse me, I'll be on my way. Thank you for your offer, but I'm not really broke. Not sure why I said that, other than a moment of menstrual insanity." A giggle erupted and his eyes widened.

  "Oh, that."

  "Yes that. I'll talk to you later, Jensen. Now shoo. Your girlfriend is probably wondering where you're off to."


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