The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2

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The Last Hero: Fords of Nashville, Book 2 Page 9

by Hildie McQueen

  "Yes Ma'am. I love you."

  "I love you, too, baby."

  He took off at a run. "Tesha!"

  At Tesha's insistence, Cassie sat in the back seat of Adam's black '68 Ford Fairlane. Jensen drove fast, but did not go past the speed limit by much. The quiet tension in the vehicle was tangible. No matter how angry she was at Jensen, at the moment she wanted to be there for Tesha and Adam. The entire way, Tesha spoke on the phone with Adam or Miriam Ford, Jensen's mother, and gave them updates.

  Caden had been taken in for emergency surgery. He'd been shot four times. Two bullets penetrated his bulletproof vest and struck him in the abdomen. The other two shots hit his upper arm and left thigh.

  Finally, they turned down Broadway in Nashville toward Vanderbilt University Hospital. Cassie let out a breath as they slowed down. "Pull up to the entrance. Both of you go inside. I'll park and find you." Neither argued.

  She watched Jensen take Tesha's hand and lead her inside. A part of her ached at seeing the closeness brought by times like this. Tesha had found a new family with the Fords. Maybe one day she'd be lucky enough to meet someone who would treasure her and bring her into the family like Adam had Tesha.

  After parking, she made her way to the ER entrance, her gaze fixed straight ahead, while praying that Caden would be all right. Just as she entered through the sliding doors, Tristan Ford caught up with her. The usually stoic man's face was even more so, his expression carved from stone. Without speaking, he took her arm, and they walked together to a waiting room where the rest of the family was huddled.

  Miriam Ford was ensconced in Jensen's arms, her face hidden into his shoulder. Tesha leaned on Adam's shoulder. He sat in a chair looking blankly toward a wall. The patriarch of the family, Roman, stood by watching over his family with a pained expression.

  They looked up as she and Tristan neared. No one said anything. Jensen's gaze flickered to where Tristan held her arm, but then he returned his attention to their mother.

  Rows of uncomfortable chairs filled the overly air-conditioned room. On each beige wall one large abstract painting was centered. Cassie absently wondered who picked the ugly art for hospitals. Anyone with half a brain would know scenic pictures of open land with horses or some sort of ranch scene would be better suited that the ridiculous splatters of paint. The window were thick glass panes that didn't open. Lord forbid anyone let in some fresh air.

  In the background phones rang and elevators dinged, the only noises besides the occasional comment from one member of the family to another.

  An hour later a doctor finally appeared, and everyone except Adam, who remained as if in a trance, jumped to their feet.

  The doctor looked to Roman, who stood the closest, his arm protectively around his wife. "Caden has made it through the surgery. He lost a lot of blood, and we had to remove one of his kidneys. But the other kidney is healthy. I am cautiously optimistic. The next few hours will tell."

  "When can I see him, Patrick?" Miriam touched the doctor's forearm.

  Cassie realized the resemblance between the physician and the Fords. Same dark hair and blue eyes, same stature, with wide shoulders. She glanced at the doctor's nametag. Patrick Ford. Ah, a relative.

  Dr. Ford smiled at Jensen's mother. "I promise I'll get you back to see him as soon as possible, Aunt Miriam. He's in recovery right now." The doctor left after promising to return as soon as he had news.

  Cassie sat next to Tesha, who held Adam's hand. Her friend let out a breath. "I appreciate you being here."

  "Don't thank me. That's what friends do."

  Jensen paced the length of a wall on his cell phone, while explaining to his manager why he couldn't be there. By his end of the conversation, they seemed to be demanding he return immediately. The world he chose to live in had no compassion, no care for family or any life other than what revolved around them. How could someone who came from such a strong, close-knit family choose to live in that world?

  Cassie's attention was taken from Jensen when Tesha got to her feet and stood in front of Adam. "Adam, look at me."

  It was then that Cassie noticed Adam was gripping the arms of the chair, his arms trembling and face ashen. He suffered from extreme PTSD, an after effect of three deployments to Afghanistan. It was understandable that his youngest brother being shot would catapult him into an episode.

  Jensen must have also seen it because he moved Tesha aside. He kneeled before his brother and gave him a cocky grin. "Hey, Adam. I have something to tell you. Don't yell until I finish and don't deck me, cause I need my face to stay pretty for an interview tomorrow." He waited a beat and finally Adam's gaze moved to him.


  "I drove the Fairlane here."

  Adam's eyes widened.

  Although Jensen acted as if he didn't noticed, Cassie knew he did. "It ran like a champ, but I think it needs a few tweaks. I heard a small knocking noise. I'll work on it this week. Get under the hood and tighten up a few things."

  "Don't ever touch my car," Adam growled; his body lost some of its tension, but his gaze remained glazed over.

  "What? Don't you don't trust me? I'm a great driver, unlike the rest of you. I'll just pop the hood and take a look. Let you know what I think is wrong. How about that?"

  Finally Adam looked to his brother's face. "Did you really hear something or are you just me? What do you think is wrong?"

  Jensen began rattling off what he thought should be done to the car and engaged his brother into the conversation of what they could do to the car, which once belonged to Adam's best friend. The friend who'd died in Afghanistan.

  It never ceased to amaze Cassie how Jensen managed to switch personalities so easily, from total jerk to nice guy. She dragged her gaze away wishing to be anywhere but in the same room with Jensen Ford. Tesha leaned against her and took her hand. "You're probably ready to get some sleep."

  Both looked to the large clock on the wall. It was almost midnight. "I am a bit tired, but I want to wait until you get news. I couldn't possibly sleep right now."

  As if summoned by her words the doctor appeared again. "Uncle Roman and Aunt Miriam, come with me. Caden is awake." Patrick Ford looked past the older couple to everyone else. "He's still not out of the woods, but the fact he's coherent and asked to see his mom and dad, is a good sign."

  Tristan went to the door and spoke to the doctor while Jensen and Adam hovered, surrounding their cousin.

  The sun had risen by the time everyone had been in to see Caden. After everyone had witnessed with their own eyes that he was alive, it seemed the tension somewhat dissipated.

  "Tesha, why don't you and Cassie go to the house and rest for a bit?" Mrs. Ford looked to her sons. "I doubt I can get any of these knuckleheads to leave so I won't ask. But one of you take the girls home to get some sleep."

  The three men looked at each other as if by some sort of telepathy the driver would appear. Finally Jensen huffed. "Fine, I'll take them."

  Cassie shook her head. "I can drive. I had a short nap a bit ago. You stay here."

  Tesha hugged her soon to be mother-in-law. "Please call me if anything comes up. I will be back in a few hours."

  In the car, Tesha let out a breath. "I can't stand it. Just when things are good, something always seems to happen. Adam has been doing great the last few weeks. This could set him back a bunch." She let out a sniff. "Caden has to be okay. I'm not sure I can stand the idea of life without the little brother."

  "Little?" Cassie snorted. "He's a six-foot-four tall hunk. Hard to think of him as the ‘little’ one." She smiled at Tesha. "He'll be fine. The doctor said he was doing good."

  Tesha let out a breath. "Yes, he did, didn't he?"

  "We're not going to get any sleep, are we?"


  They pulled into the Waffle House parking lot and both stared at the huge yellow letters on the side of the building. "You are the best friend ever." Tesha grinned. "There's nothing to reassure a person like hash b
rowns and a big waffle."

  Arms linked, they walked into to the restaurant and were immediately overcome by the mixture of wonderful aromas and cheerful hellos.

  Chapter Twelve

  "You look like shit." Jensen was instantly awake at his brother's statement. He'd snuck into Caden's room and promptly camped out on the empty bed next to his.

  "Yeah, well, you're not exactly lookin' GQ cover ready." He yawned so wide his jaw popped. "What the hell are you doing awake? It's like..." By the brightness of the sun, it was about midday. "...noon or something," he finished.

  The blood pressure machine beeped and both looked at it. "What the hell?" Caden pushed a button and it went silent. The cocky bastard had the nerve to chuckle. "You slept through Mom and Dad coming in to tell me they were going home to get some rest. Adam is somewhere rattling around the hallways. Said he was getting coffee. Refuses to leave."

  Jensen swung his legs down to the floor. "Shit, I need to go look for him."

  "Nah, he's fine." Caden groaned and his face constricted. He glared at the ceiling. "What you need to do is get me out of here."

  "Are you fucking kidding me?" Jensen gave his brother an incredulous look. "A few hours ago they didn't know if we were going shopping for a long ass coffin and you think I'm helping you get up and go? Hell, no. You, little bro, are staying here until the doc says you can leave."

  "I am not about to lay in a stupid coffin, hair all gooped up and plastered on top of my head. If I croak, promise me you'll set me on fire."

  "Wanna practice now?" Jensen couldn't help but laugh. His brother was going to recover. Everything would be all right in his world. "Shit. Where's my phone?"

  "Adam took it. It wouldn't stop buzzing and it was bothering the patient." Caden grinned. "I'm not to be bothered, apparently."

  "Ugh!" Jensen fell back into the bed. "They must be shitting bricks right now. The film is already behind. Couldn't you have waited a week to get shot?"

  "Sorry. Next time I'll have the gunman check your schedule." Caden slurred and his eyelids drooped; Jensen watched his brother's face go slack as he fell asleep and let out even breaths. Jensen reached and touched his brother's shoulder, needing the reassurance.

  "Hey." Patrick walked in, looked at Caden, and then checked the chart.

  "Is he going to be all right?"

  His cousin nodded and let out a breath. "Yeah. He looks good. Barring an infection, I'm optimistic he'll be arguing to get released in a couple days."

  "Try a couple hours. He already asked me to break him out."

  "That's why we give him sleepy meds." Patrick studied Jensen. "How are things with you? The movie business seems to be treating you well."

  "Yeah. It's good." He looked to the window. "Great."

  "That bad, huh?" Patrick let out a breath. "It's okay to step back. Take a break. You've been going at it pretty hard for the last few years. Take some Jensen time."

  As if the thought had not occurred to him. "I'm an idiot. Signed a contract for another movie in a couple months. So there goes another six months of my life."

  "After that?"

  "Releases. Carpets to walk, interviews to do and Oscars to accept. You know, the usual."

  "Oscars? Really?" Patrick lifted an eyebrow, his green eyes accessing him. "That would be cool. But you'll have to make one of those boring movies only critics watch."

  "Damn, I knew I was doing something wrong."

  Except for the bleeps of the machines around Caden's bed, the room was peaceful. It had been a long time since he’d been able to just lay around with only his thoughts for company. The ability to think without a phone call or person demanding his attention was something he rarely experienced. From the window, Jensen watched people hurry to their cars to avoid the rain, and a mother laughing when her toddler lifted her face and opened her mouth to catch raindrops. In between the filming he'd do more of this. Stay at Adam's house and chill, take time to consider what to do after the next movie. Maybe it was time to do what Patrick suggested. Jensen time.

  "That's a wrap!" A week later the director called out and put a hand on Jensen's shoulder squeezing it. "We'll be done in a couple days. Good thing you decided to put in the extra time."

  The people mulled about; most had nothing much to do and were anxious to leave Lovely. The novelty of the small town had worn off weeks ago and they were ready to head back to the city, traffic, and hurried life.

  Once he grabbed his jacket and sunglasses, Jensen decided to take a drive into town for dinner. He'd become addicted to the diner's shepherd's pie.

  About a mile from town he saw a familiar figure walking on the side of the road. He pulled over and got out of the car. "Cassie, you okay?"

  "Heading to town. My car broke down a mile back."

  He'd been so focused on dinner, he'd not noticed. "What's wrong with it?"

  It was surprising to see how non-pulsed she was by the situation. Her lips curved. "It's a piece of shit. Old and needs to take regular naps."

  "Come on, I'll drive you to town. Then I'll come back and take a look at it."

  Once settled into the passenger seat, she let out a breath. "Seems you're always driving me around. What will I do when you leave? No one to drive me around and piss me off."

  "I can call and annoy you." He grinned at her. "Wanna eat with me? I don't feel like eating alone."

  "Sure." Her answer surprised him and he let out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding. "But I'll need a ride home after. Not in the mood to swim."

  The steady rainfall had turned into thunder and heavy downpour. "You got a deal."

  The diner was not very busy, due to the bad weather. Just a few patrons lingered at the four-seat tables. The aroma of garlic and other delights made his stomach grumble and Jensen made a beeline for a booth.

  He couldn't help but note she kept studying him while they ate and talked. Finally he had to ask. "Why do you keep staring at me?"

  Her pretty eyes narrowed at him. "This is about the time when you're going to turn into an asshole. We've been getting along too well for the last hour."

  "Nah. I'm an asshole all the time, you just haven't noticed that I've been spitting into your plate."

  Her bark of laughter made the people at the other tables turn to them. Most had become used to his presence, but he noticed a pair of women attempting to hide the fact they were taking his picture with their cell phones, by pretending to take pictures of each other. If somehow the pictures made it to a gossip magazine, Mark would have a cow. He lifted his hand to the side of his face and peeked through his fingers. The women were older, late fifties he guessed. They were giggling behind their hands and whispering. Cute.

  "The food here is incredible," Jensen told Cassie. He didn't want to go. Didn't want to leave the diner and drop her off.

  She drank her sweet tea and their eyes met over the rim of the glass. "I'm glad my car broke down. This has been nice." She shocked him by covering his hand with hers. "Thank you for helping me out. Let me pay for dinner."

  "Are you going to expect me to put out?" He smiled at her pretty blush. "Because I'm not that kind of guy."

  "Whatever." She slapped his shoulder and picked up the ticket. "Come on, I have to hurry home. My plant is lonely."

  Once in the car, Jensen drove below the speed limit. "What about your brother, isn't he there?"

  "No, he's gone to college. He'll be home on the weekends he doesn't work." She fumbled in her purse for her keys. "Would you mind pulling into the driveway? It's a doozy out there."

  He pulled in and there was an awkward moment. Both looked forward. Finally he turned to her. "Can I come in?"

  They were soaked by the time they made it inside the doorway. He didn't wait for her to say anything, but took her mouth instantly, tasting sweet tea and promise. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers raking through his hair.

  No words were needed, both knew it was best not to speak. She yanked at his clothing while kic
king off her shoes and he did the same. Both unbuttoned, unzipped and tore clothes away, leaving a path of clothing to the bedroom.

  In her bra and panties, she was the most beautiful sight, but Jensen didn't have the patience to look right now; the need to touch her was too great, so he pulled her against him. Her skin was cool to the touch and she shivered when he ran his hands up and down her back.

  Cassie lifted her face and he took her mouth once again while walking her backwards to the bed. They slid between the blankets and snuggled against each other.

  Her curves were a novelty, a rare find. He never thought to have a chance with her, to feel her plush body against his. When she ran her hands up his chest he let out a low groan and rolled Cassie onto her back. Laying over her, it was hard not to speed things up, but he forced himself to go slow. He wanted to make this memorable, ensure each moment was prolonged, never let her go.

  He reached around and unfastened her bra and slid it away. Her generous breasts fell free and he took to them. Suckling at one while fondling the other, he paid attention to each one, his tongue flicking over the hardening tips while he circled her other nipple with the pad of his finger.

  "Oh." Cassie was overwhelmed by sensations. She ran her nails down Jensen's back until reaching the curve of his taut butt. The man was built perfectly, his amazing body matching the gorgeous face. She refused to consider anything other than enjoying the present.

  And oh boy, was the present amazing. Jensen lifted from her breasts, his lips swollen from her kisses, and smiled at her. She opened her mouth to say something, but his hand slid between her legs and speech evaded her. "Ah." Her eyes rolled back when he slid his finger through her center and one into her sex.

  The man definitely knew what he was doing. He licked his way down the center of her body to swirl his tongue into her belly button while his hand did delightful things between her legs. Her hips lifted into his hand, urging him to continue.

  "Come for me, Cassie." His darkened gaze met hers. She closed her eyes and pushed her head against the pillow when the heat spread up her body. When his hot mouth took her breasts again, she was lost. The combination of sensations sent her to lose control and she cried out.


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