Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3)

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Carter (Remington Ranch Book 3) Page 6

by SJ McCoy

  “Nothing. I like Summer. She seems like a decent person. It’s just you. This is the first time I’ve seen you interested in anyone since Trisha, and it’s not exactly a straightforward situation is it?”

  Carter sighed. Beau was right, of course. It wasn’t. “I know, but what can I do? It’s just my luck that the only woman who’s caught my eye happens to be a country music superstar who’s only going to be in my life for three months before she leaves and breaks my heart!”

  Beau was quiet for a long moment.

  “Hey, come on. It is what it is. I’m not as stupid as I make out. I know the score. I was going to try to stay away from her, but that’s really not an option. So, I’m choosing to make the most of the time that she’s here. It’s better to have loved and lost and all that, right?”

  “Are you sure?” asked Beau. “I remember you saying you’d rather never have loved at all after Trisha.”

  Carter sighed. He remembered saying that, too. “I know. But that was different. I thought me and Trisha were forever. I was totally blindsided by what she did. It’s not like that with Summer, is it?”

  “I guess not. If the two of you don’t work out it will be because of circumstances, because of life.”

  “Yep, and I’m old enough and wise enough to get that now. I’m making a choice, and part of that is understanding the consequences and accepting that I’ll have to live with them.”

  Beau sighed. “Sounds as though you’ve got your head screwed on right.”

  Carter laughed. “Thanks, I think.”

  “I’m here for you, okay?”

  Carter smiled to himself. That meant the world to him, especially coming from Beau. “Thanks.”

  “Yeah, okay, well I’m going.” He laughed. “And don’t you breathe a word of this conversation to anyone else, will you? I’ve got my reputation as an asshole to think about. I wouldn’t want you blowing that. See ya.”

  Carter chuckled himself as he hung up. Beau was no more an asshole than any of them. He was just a bit uptight about things that didn’t matter to the others. His heart was in the right place and that was what really mattered.

  He decided he may as well call Summer while he had his phone out. Hopefully then he’d be able to get finished with Cassidy’s yard without any more interruptions. He dialed the number and waited while it rang.

  “Hi, Carter.”

  He smiled at the sound of her voice and at the realization that she must have his number saved. “Hey.” He kept on smiling to himself, then remembered that he might need to actually say something. “I said I’d call.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  “Have you decided what you’d like to do later?”

  “I was thinking I could make you dinner.”

  He took a deep breath. That would mean spending the evening at her house again. Did it also mean that she didn’t want to be seen out with him?

  “Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, that’s great. Do you want me to bring anything?”

  “Just yourself.”

  He pursed his lips. He knew what she wanted to do with him, too! “What time?”

  “As soon as you can get there.”

  “Okay. I’ll call you when I’m leaving my place.”

  “Great. See you later.”

  “Bye.” He hung up and wiped his sleeve over his eyes. He really needed to get to the gym! Maybe he could take her out for a walk down by the river. He’d have to do something. He closed his eyes and pictured her the way she’d been this morning in that cute, sexy night shirt. Damn! He wanted a fast forward button so he could hurry up and take his time!

  Summer hung up and smiled to herself. She wasn’t at all worried about going out in public with Carter. She just wanted him all to herself!

  Cassidy gave her a knowing look. “Got your evening planned then, have you?”

  She nodded. “I do. I’m going to cook for him.”

  Cassidy laughed. “Yeah, right. You just don’t want to let him take any more time!”

  “Well, there is that, too!”

  “Poor guy. He’s trying to do the decent thing and take it slow and you’re planning on ravishing him!”

  Summer laughed. “It’s true! But I can’t help it. I’ve wanted to ravish him since the first time I laid eyes on him. I mean, who wouldn’t? He’s gorgeous! He’s so damned sexy.”

  Cassidy laughed. “Well, don’t force him. It might do you good to take it slow.”

  Summer sighed and looked around. They were sitting in the back room of the gallery. Cassidy had gone for sandwiches from the coffee shop and brought them back here. She hadn’t been so much worried about Summer going out in public as she was interested in being able to have a private conversation about Carter. “You’re probably right. I keep thinking that myself. And he’s so sweet. He even said you only get one first time and he wants it to be special. I do too, but I just don’t want to wait!”

  “Aww, he’s a sweetheart,” said Cassidy. “Don’t rush him. Let him take his time and make it special.”

  Summer nodded. “I know. I should. But at the same time, I keep thinking if we’re only going to have three months, I want us to make the most of every moment we can. Why wait?”

  Cassidy gave her a long hard look. “Because the best things in life are worth waiting for, that’s why.”

  Summer stuck her tongue out. “I bet you and Shane didn’t wait.”

  Cassidy laughed. “As a matter of fact we did. I made him wait. I sent him home all horny and desperate.”

  “I find that hard to believe. How long did you make him wait?”

  “Okay, so he was back at six o’clock the next morning. Still horny and…yeah.”

  Summer laughed. “Yeah. That’s more like it.”

  “Still, though. Carter’s different.”

  Summer smiled. Yes, he was—very different. Very special. “I know. I’ll try to be good.”

  Cassidy looked up at the sound of the buzzer signaling someone had come into the gallery. “I’d better go see to them,” she said.

  Summer ate her sandwich while she waited. She couldn’t help smiling to herself at the thought of her evening ahead. She should get going soon. She wanted to go to the grocery store to get stocked up and get everything she’d need for dinner. She loved to cook, and she was looking forward to cooking for Carter. She smiled as she wondered what she should make for dessert. Whipped cream would be good! No. She needed to stop thinking like that. She should let Carter go at his own pace.

  Cassidy came back in.

  “That was quick.”

  “Yeah, it was just one of the ladies from my seniors’ art class. We’ve invited them to our engagement bash.” Cassidy chuckled to herself. “They’re a hoot and they did play a part in bringing me and Shane together.”

  Summer made a face. “So you’ve invited them, but not me?”

  “Oh, shit! I didn’t even think! We did all the planning last week. Of course you’re invited. That goes without saying.”

  Summer laughed. “Don’t worry. I was only teasing. I’m just surprised that I hadn’t even heard mention of it. What are you doing? When is it?”

  “A week from Saturday. We’ve booked one of the function rooms up at Chico.”

  “Great. I’ve never been there.”

  “You’ll love it. It’s really cool. It’s like a little resort. There’s the hot springs and a lodge and guest cabins and then the saloon, and the restaurant is fabulous. Get this! They call it the dining room!”

  Summer smiled. “It sounds awesome. And the restaurant is good?”

  Cassidy nodded. “The food’s great and they have a wonderful wine cellar.”

  Summer nodded thoughtfully. “And it’s open during the week?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Maybe Carter and I should go there tonight. Going out for dinner might make it easier for me to resist temptation. I think I’ll be tempted to trip him up and beat him to the floor if we spend the whole evening
at my place.”

  Cassidy laughed. “If you’re that horny, then maybe the two of you should go out.”

  Summer nodded. Maybe they should. She jumped as the back door opened behind her.

  “Hey, G,” said Cassidy. “Look who’s here.”

  Gina came in and smiled at Summer. “Hi! I’m glad you’re back. How are you feeling? How’s your voice?”

  Summer nodded. “I’m great thanks, glad to be back. And now that I think about it, my voice is doing surprisingly well.” She looked at Cassidy. “You haven’t told me to shut up once today.”

  “You’re right. I hadn’t noticed till now, but you haven’t croaked at all!”

  Gina laughed. “Well, I guess that’s good then.”

  “It’s great,” said Summer.

  “Just don’t go overdoing it,” said Cassidy.

  Summer rolled her eyes. “Yes, Mom!”

  Cassidy shook her head. “Don’t give me that! Just because I’m the responsible one and I care.”

  “You do make a good mom, though,” said Gina. “Are you practicing for the real thing?”

  Summer looked at her in surprise. Joking aside, she’d never thought of Cassidy as the maternal type. Her getting engaged to Shane was wonderful, but the thought of them having babies was a little surprising, to say the least.

  Cassidy shook her head. “Not yet. Jesus, Gina, we’re only just planning our engagement party. What about you? You’re getting married in a couple of months, any baby plans for you?”

  Gina shook her head. “No, not for a long while yet.”

  “When are you getting married?” asked Summer. “I’m behind on all the news. I only just found out about her engagement party.” She jerked her head toward Cassidy. “She forgot to invite me.”

  “Well, you’re invited to our wedding,” said Gina. “I wouldn’t forget you. Will you still be here by the end of August?”

  Cassidy gave her a pointed look. “What do you think, will you be?”

  Summer didn’t know. Three months from now would take her to the middle of August. She didn’t have to leave as soon as the time was up, but she also knew Cassidy’s question was bigger than that. She was asking if Summer planned to return to her career at all. She didn’t know the answer to that yet. “It doesn’t matter either way. I’ll come to the wedding no matter what.”

  “Good,” said Gina. “We’d love you to be there.”

  Cassidy held Summer’s gaze for a moment longer. She obviously had more to say, but to Summer’s relief, she let it go. Who knew how things would stand by the end of August? So much could happen between now and then.

  “I will be. Thanks for inviting me.”

  Gina smiled.

  “Hadn’t you better get going?” asked Cassidy. “You’re not going to have much time if you want to get groceries and get home before your hot date tonight.”

  Summer nodded. “I’d better get going.”

  Gina raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you seeing Carter?”

  “I am.” She couldn’t help the big smile that spread across her face as she said it.

  Gina grinned back. “That’s wonderful! I hope you have a great time.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure I will. I’ll see you ladies soon.” Her voice cracked halfway through and she finished on a whisper.

  Cassidy shook her head. “You might want to see if you and Carter can do something that doesn’t involve too much talking.”

  Summer laughed. “I’d love to. It’s him you need to convince; not me!”

  Gina laughed. “Don’t hold your breath! You can expect a full and proper courtship from Carter. He’s not the kind to rush you into bed.”

  Summer rolled her eyes. “So, I’m finding out! But what if I want to rush him into bed?”

  Gina’s expression sobered quickly. “I think you’d be better taking your time, Summer.”

  She nodded. She already knew it. She’d hate to scare him away by being too forward.

  “Get going!” said Cassidy. “The only rushing you need to be doing right now is to the grocery store!”

  “Okay, I’m going. See you soon.”

  Chapter Seven

  Carter finished up his workout and headed for the locker room. He felt great. He’d almost skipped the gym so that he could head back down to Summer’s place early, but the way his body kept reacting to the thought of a whole evening alone with her let him know that he had to burn off some energy somehow. He was startled when Melanie stepped out in front of him.

  “Hi, Carter.”

  “Hello.” Man, he could do without stopping to talk to her. She stood there smiling at him expectantly. What did she want? Then he remembered. She’d asked if he wanted to go out with her sometime and said he could take some time to think it over. Shit! He didn’t know what to say.

  “How are you?”

  Damn, he didn’t want to drag this out. “I’m good, thanks, but I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

  She looked so disappointed, he felt bad, but not bad enough to hang around. He darted for the locker room door and heaved a sigh of relief when it closed behind him. That had been pretty shitty of him, he thought as he collected his bag. He should have told her that he wasn’t interested. It wasn’t right of him to leave her hanging like that. He’d have to tell her straight away the next time he saw her. For now, he hurried to his truck because he wanted to see Summer—not because he wanted to escape from Melanie!

  When he got home, he went out back to check on the cats. Buster was holding court in the shed with four of his buddies. They all came to rub around his legs in greeting. He smiled. He viewed them as his guilty secret—he could just imagine Beau’s face if he knew he took such good care of a bunch of strays. He made a fuss over each of them before filling the food and water bowls he left out. He turned at the sound of mewing just outside the broken board. Squatting down to peer out, he saw a cat he didn’t recognize. He went to open the door. As she came toward him, it was obvious why she hadn’t come in the way the others did. She was heavily pregnant and wouldn’t have fit through the door. He held the door for her to come in. She just stood there and mewed up at him, but wouldn’t come inside.

  Damn. He couldn’t leave her out. She looked like she could have her kittens at any minute. He came out and closed the door. She followed him across the yard back to the house. Great. She didn’t want to have her kittens out in the shed, but she was happy to come into the house. He held the door open and she came inside. She sniffed around cautiously and then made her way to the laundry room. Carter followed and watched as she began to knead at the pile of towels on the floor. She lay down and purred up at him gratefully. Great! What was he supposed to do now? Call Summer and tell her he couldn’t see her tonight because he needed to play midwife to a cat? He let out a little chuckle. Apparently he was going to have to do just that. He didn’t see himself driving away and leaving this girl to do her thing in the laundry room all by herself. He’d never forgive himself if something went wrong. He fished his phone out of his back pocket while he went into the kitchen and brought a bowl of water. He dialed the number and waited.

  “Hey, are you on the way?” asked Summer. Her voice sounded scratchy.

  “Sorry, but I’m not.”

  “Oh.” He couldn’t help but smile. She sounded disappointed! “Is everything all right?”

  “Everything’s fine so far, but I need to stick around here to make sure that it stays that way.”

  “Why, what’s going on?” She sounded genuinely concerned.

  Even to his own ears, his laugh sounded embarrassed. “Umm, I don’t know what you’re going to make of this, but I have cats. Well, I don’t really have cats, they just kind of live around here, and I take care of them…”

  “I love cats!”

  He smiled. That was something, he supposed. Maybe she’d understand, then. “Well, you see, one of them has decided that tonight is the night she needs to have her kittens. She’s made herself a nest in my laundry room. I do
n’t want to leave her in case she needs me. I’m sorry.”

  There was a long silence before she spoke. Carter was starting to think he’d blown it. She must think he was an idiot! What kind of guy would pass up a date with Summer just so he could be there for a stray cat? When she eventually spoke, her words warmed his heart.

  “Oh, Carter! That’s awesome!”

  “It is?” He wasn’t totally sure whether she meant it. Maybe she was being sarcastic?

  “It is! That’s so sweet of you! Can I come? Can I help? Do you want me to bring anything?”

  Carter grinned. That wasn’t the reaction he’d been expecting, it was so much better than he’d dared hope for! “I’d love you to come, if you want to. I don’t know that there’s anything we can do. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing. I just can’t bring myself to leave her, in case she hits any problems.”

  “Of course not. Listen, I went to the grocery today. How about I bring a frozen pizza and a bottle of wine? We can still have dinner and we’ll be there for her if she needs us.”

  “That sounds great. If you’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “I don’t mind at all! I’m on my way!”

  “Okay, well drive safely. Watch out for deer.”

  “I will. See you soon.”

  Carter hung up and looked down at the cat who had curled up on top of the towels. “Okay, lady. I hope you know what you’re doing, because I’m not sure I do.” He didn’t just mean that he’d never delivered kittens before. He also wondered what he was doing letting Summer come over to join him—with a bottle of wine—which meant she wouldn’t be driving home tonight.

  He’d worry about that when she got here. For now he wanted to make sure that he had everything he might need on hand. For a moment he stood and looked around the little laundry room. The cat looked as though she might be getting close. She was crouched on top of the pile of towels panting. He had no idea how long a labor might last. He took his phone back out. He was going to have to call Doc Lee. The old guy would no doubt be surprised to get a call about a cat, but he’d taken care of all the Remingtons’ animals for as long as Carter could remember.


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