La Contessa and The Marquis (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 1)

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La Contessa and The Marquis (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 1) Page 3

by Lindsay Downs

  “Against my better wishes and desires, you will protect her from here. You’ll be assigned a suite in the south wing and Stanley will assign guards to make sure you don’t venture into ours. The first time you transgress you’ll be out of here. Do I make myself understood?” the duchess ordered.

  “Yes you do and I also promise to behave. With that resolved and to see if those men are about as they should be considering the hour, might I suggest a drive around the park. I’ve my landau and a chaperone to maintain propriety,” Rainer suggested.

  Rainer waited while his godmother mulled over his plan to which he was happy when he saw her smile after a few moments of thought.

  “Yes, and since you have a chaperone you two may stroll about under her watchful eye. She is to be trusted?”

  “Of course, since she’s the daughter of your late estate housekeeper, Alice. She came with the recommendation of Mrs. Scott, so you know the girl is trustworthy.”

  As the duchess and Bianca stood, which brought Rainer to his feet, he glanced over to where Stanley was waiting. Risking censure he strolled over to the butler and whispered a few directions to him.

  Turning back, Rainer caught the scowl on the duchess’ face she sent him.

  “I’m sorry but I wanted to arrange for a few extra guards for our excursion, both in uniform while the others in street clothes, to blend in,” he said, to quickly explain his action.

  “Excellent suggestion. Now, if you’ll excuse us we need to collect our bonnets and parasols. We’ll meet you on the front portico shortly,” the duchess asserted.

  Silently, he followed the two ladies from the orangery only to separate from them when they ascended the stairs to the second floor, where they’re suites were located. That action reminded him he’d need to send a note to Mike to pack for a week and be ready to report to the palace. He wondered what the man’s reaction would be, on returning to the place where he’d been trained as a valet.

  Walking out into the afternoon sun he went over to a waiting Alice and Daniel standing by his carriage.

  “We’ll be going for a drive in the park with Her Grace and Contessa Goretti. Alice, once there the contessa and I will be strolling about. You’re to follow while the duchess will remain in the coach. I’ve already arranged for footmen from my house and here to be present so if you see a familiar face don’t acknowledge them.”

  “Yes m’ lord,” they replied in unison.

  Chapter Four

  While he waited for the ladies, which from past experience could be anywhere from five to thirty minutes or more, Rainer pondered what other avenues he might engage to learn more about the men. One direction could be the harbor master at The Pool. Of all the areas of London, that was the one where he knew no one, then again he did have an interesting collection of staff with wide interests.

  “Daniel, I know you come from a fascinating background. Perchance, would you know anyone who works the docks?” he asked of his driver.

  “Aye m’ lord, I do. My uncle works there helping to unload passengers trunks.”

  That was the news Rainer needed to hear. It was unfortunate the duchess and Bianca decided to exit the ducal palace at that moment so any further discussion would have to wait. He started for them but halted, swallowed around the constriction in his throat on seeing Bianca. She’d taken the time to change into a soft blue dress which flowed around her as she glided toward him.

  “Well, are you going to stand there like a ninny or are you going to assist us,” the duchess ordered.

  The sound and harshness of her voice brought him out of his dream state and back to reality.

  “I’m sorry but I was contemplating different ways to hunt down the men, and their accomplices,” he said, then offered the duchess his hand, followed by the contessa.

  He wasn’t surprised when the two elected to take the seats facing front which left him having to take the opposite. The reason, he suspected, was the duchess wanted him nowhere near Bianca unless necessary. However, it did benefit him in that he could study both as they rolled through the streets to Hyde Park.

  As they progressed along he caught sight of several young ladies, who along with their mommas frowned at him. One or two even displayed unladylike comportment to him by sticking their tongues out. His response was to mentally shrug off their behavior and pray they’d not meet at a ball where they could and would easily let their anger out at him.

  Entering the park, and having already given Daniel his direction, Rainer waited while they pulled to the side of the carriage path.

  “Will you be joining us Your Grace?” he asked, even though she’d already informed him of her desire to remain behind. This had been done more the benefit of his driver so the man would know to make sure she had extra protection.


  Rainer climbed out, turned back and assisted Bianca from the landau. With a glance over his shoulder he noted Alice was standing by the front wheel. He gave her a nod then started to offer Bianca his arm but waited until she had her parasol properly set.

  “I’m sorry m’ lord, the duchess insisted I bring it. At least she let me out without a bonnet. I’ll never understand why ladies of breeding here insist on having a pasty white complexion,” she uttered, then settled her hand on his forearm which he covered with his.

  “For some reason they think it makes them look healthy. My preference is for a young lady to not be ashamed of a hint of blush to her cheeks, as you have. Of course with you it’s more from your father I suspect,” he replied, as they slowly walked away from the landau.

  Rainer tilted his head down to her upturned face and was enthralled by the smile she gave him. He knew it was one of approval for his statement. Without warning he felt his heart skip a beat then speed up at what his eyes took in. With confidence he returned the emotion before lifting his head and scanned the area they were strolling.

  “Shall we continue on, Contessa as we shouldn’t keep the Duchess waiting too long. I’m sure you’re aware she sometimes has little patience.”

  “I agree on both points m’ lord,” she answered.

  He loved the soft sing-song rhythm of her voice. “Please, I do request you call me Rainer or Rain if you see fit.”

  “Only if you use my Christian name, Bianca.”

  “Done, but might I recommend we keep this between ourselves otherwise Her Grace will most assuredly come down on my head,” he corrected.

  “And most likely with her cane.”

  Striking out toward the Serpentine he took the occasion to look around for not one but several individuals. Even though he was familiar with his staff he had a difficult time spotting several of the footmen in street clothes. He was happy they were with maids in personal dresses. One even carried a basket of flowers to which she was carefully approaching groups in the attempt to sell posies to them. He had to remember to thank Mrs. Scott for her added ingenuity.

  Rainer knew if his people were here then someplace within sight so were those dispatched by Stanley. They would be the most difficult to locate but he knew if trouble arose they’d be at his and Bianca’s side in moments.

  Turning back to the sound of several voices, male and tittering female, he saw Tony had ensconced himself with the group. If he didn’t know better his friend had already picked his target for this evening’s entertainment. All Rainer could hope, it wouldn’t lead Tony into the parson’s mousetrap.

  “Excuse me Rainer but that gentleman over there, didn’t I see you and he talking last night at the ball?”

  “Yes, he’s an old friend going back to our days at Eton. Would you care for an introduction thus possibly saving him from a fate akin to death?” he said, with a slight teasing tone in his voice.

  “Sir, if you’re referring to marital bliss then we should leave him to whatever befalls him. However, as you both grew up together a little rescuing now might teach him a lesson later,” she retorted.

  As they got closer Rainer called out which had the desired ef
fect, separating Tony from the others. He’d done that as he wasn’t familiar with two of the gentlemen but was with the young ladies.

  They stopped walking to let him approach.

  “La Contessa Bianca Maria Ledford Goretti, Contessa de Massa, it’s my displeasure to introduce you to Anthony Fuller, Earl of Wyatt,” Rainer announced.

  Not releasing his hand from over hers, Rainer was happy to see her curtsey wasn’t as deep as Tony’s bow. Even as a widow her title outranked his.

  “La Contessa it is truly my pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Tony said straightening.

  “And I yours m’ lord even though I have it on very excellent authority, next to Lord Cross you rank right up there as one of the most dangerous rakehells this season,” she said.

  Much to Rainer’s enjoyment his friend seemed to squirm at her words.

  “We all must do our part to make sure the young ladies have an enjoyable time,” he teased back.

  “Yes, and if we’d not separated you from the group you were talking with the only entertaining event in your nearest future would be a trip down the aisle,” Bianca added.

  “I believe you could be correct in that assumption. What might this humble gentleman do to be of assistance,” Tony queried.

  Now Rainer was in a bind, tell Tony what they’d learned or keep him in the dark.

  “As of now nothing. La Contessa only wished an introduction. I’ve been tasked with her protection and made known to you, if need be she or I should call on you for assistance in the future,” Rainer explained without giving anything away.

  He knew Tony wouldn’t enquire any further at the moment but on a later date most likely he would. That, he’d deal with at the time.

  “If you’ll excuse us I promised the contessa an enjoyable stroll about the park before returning to the ducal palace for tea,” Rainer announced.

  “Then I bid you both a good day.” Tony bowed, turned and headed off in a different direction than the group he’d been conversing with.

  Once enough distance separated them from Tony, so he couldn’t hear, Rainer breathed a sigh while gently patting Bianca’s hand, still on his arm.

  “Might I enquire as to why you refrained from informing your friend of my problem?”

  “First off, I’m glad you didn’t say anything about it. I chose to hold back any information for the present as we have little to go on. Once pieces of the puzzle start to come together I will. Plus, the conversation with Tony will be held either at the ducal palace or my townhouse. The last thing any of us need is for the wrong ears to hear what we discuss,” Rainer said, to explain himself.

  “Yes, I do believe you might be correct in that. Even with our brief conversation I noticed several men, not gentlemen I should point out, slip closer to us. I suspect to listen in,” she added.

  “I saw them also and right now they are being followed to see where they go and who they talk to.”

  “How? Granted I was focused between you and Lord Fuller and never noticed anything untoward from you, save a simple action of rubbing your chin.”

  He loved on hearing the bafflement on her voice. Little actions as he’d done were one of the main reasons his godmother had enlisted his aid. The question before him now, tell her or keep his action secret from her. One could cause a tension between them while the other give away something he’d trained for and with. Even including select staff in learning the subtleties of non-verbal communication.

  “My dear, if I may be so bold to use an endearment, I wish I could tell you but considering the current conditions in maintaining your safety I can’t. I do hope you’ll accept my apology,” he pleaded.

  Silence coming from her worried him until he felt a gentle squeeze of her diminutive hand on his arm. He knew, for now at least, she had accepted his explanation but that wouldn’t hold for long.

  “I understand and look forward to when you can explain.”

  “Thank you. I would also suggest, even though we’ve only seen a little of the park, we return to Her Grace for I fear her cane.”

  “Not to mention her tongue for keeping me away longer than necessary. And trust me, not that Alice will inform her who I requested in introduction with, I’m sure the footman with her will tell Stanley and it will get to her ear,” Bianca said.

  Much to his disappointment, as he was always aware of those around him, he had to admit to himself he’d forgotten about the man. If the footman did as she said, which most likely he would, Rainer wondered what his fate would be. Hopefully, not banished from the palace and Bianca’s company. Only time, very short at that, would tell. He did have an excellent argument for doing the introduction, Tony had connections he didn’t and could call on them, if need be.

  While they made their way back to his landau he was pleased she kept the conversation light, except for mentioning the two balls scheduled for the evening. Being able to provide protection at them would be difficult but not impossible. First though, after tea he needed to return to his townhouse, collect Mike and the packed trunks.

  “Well, I was beginning to wonder when you were going to return? From the smiles you both are wearing I’m sure you enjoyed yourselves,” The duchess declared.

  “Yes we did, dearest godmother. Lord Cross even introduced me to a gentleman of his acquaintance.”

  Rainer wanted to skulk away in shame on hearing what she’d said but then realized she was doing it as a preventive measure.

  Against his better wishes or brain he looked to Bianca then the duchess, only to see the faintest of smile from the lady. Maybe, he wondered, his hide might remain intact for another day.

  “If, my dear, you happen to be referring to Lord Fuller then he has my full approval. Granted he might be a rakehell, the man is other than that above reproach. Now shall we return as it’s close to tea and we both need to rest before this evenings balls,” the duchess stated.

  Chapter Five

  After bidding adieu, to the contessa and Rainer, Tony strutted off toward a new group of acquaintances. As with before he skillfully positioned himself so he was able watch her. Having learned Rainer had been tasked with her protection, which didn’t surprise him, he watched as they returned to his friend’s landau. Once he saw the vehicle was on its way out of Hyde Park he made his good byes then slipped away to an unmarked coach, which awaited him on Kensington Road.

  Climbing in he rapped once on the ceiling then sat back as it moved off, taking him to a house in Rose Hill.

  When his conveyance finally came to a halt he glanced out the window, smiled to himself then climbed down. Not looking right or left he marched up to the house’s door, freed the latch and stepped in.

  “He’s expecting me,” he demanded of the huge man standing in his way.

  “Yes m’ lord, follow me,” the hulk said in broken English.

  He wondered why they’d brought this man. Not only was he tall and t broad but seemed to never have seen or heard of a bath, he smelled so horrible bad. Then Tony remembered the funds he’d learned had been tiny so their employer was only able to hire what he could afford, not much.

  As he followed the walking mountain down the narrow hall it was all he could do not to wretch. Fortunately, he knew the end was near since the house, more a cottage, was tiny and not normally fit for a barone. This had been the second time in several weeks he’d been here, after receiving secret messages to tell his employer what he’d learned. Until now there hadn’t been anything to report on but what he’d learned a short while ago would make the old man unhappy, or so he hoped.

  “What do you have to say? You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t,” the old man demanded.

  “It’s as you thought. She’s alive, seemingly well and under the protection of Lord Rainer Cross. He’s the godson to The Duchess of Gorham, the same lady who is your daughter’s godmother. I fear it will be near impossible to separate them as I noticed a tendre between them. If I miss my guess, he will move into the ducal palace to make sure she’s safe,
” he informed his employer.

  “Then you’ll have to figure out a way to separate them as I’ve everything in place to return la Contessa to the bosom of her family and marry Visconte Umberto. He’s also arranged to send her away to a convent declared a mad woman where the nuns will watch over her.”

  “I’ll do my best but you must be patient for I know Lord Cross and he won’t let her out of his sight for a moment.”

  “You have seven days as I’ve already contracted my private yacht to return us to Italy under a neutral flag,” the man ordered.

  “Consider it done.”

  “Be gone and don’t show your face again until you have my daughter truly and well secured.”

  “I will but tell your people to stay hidden or they will cause her to bolt and we may never locate her direction,” Anthony Fuller, Earl of Wyatt demanded of Barone Nardo.

  Spinning on his heel Tony stormed from the hovel and climbed into the carriage which had brought him but not before telling the coachman to return him to Hyde Park.


  “Your Grace, thank you for enjoyable tea but I must remove myself to my townhouse to review the afternoon posts. I also need to collect my valet while returning Alice. If things go as planned I’ll be back within an hour,” he declared.

  “M’ lord, worry not about me as I will not even venture into the garden. With two balls this evening I plan to read then rest,” Bianca told him.

  Rainer answered with a nod, bowed then made his way from the duchess’ private sitting room, only to be met by Stanley.

  “Let me guess, you’re here to make sure I don’t make off with the silver on my way out the door?” Rainer told the man through a grin.

  “No m’ lord I’m here to let you know Mrs. Worthington has assigned you the brown suite in the south wing. Her Grace has also decided to take you at your word as a gentleman not to venture into the north wing. Except for that you are being given free rein to roam about the palace.”


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