Leaving Me Behind

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Leaving Me Behind Page 14

by Sigal Ehrlich

  “Four months since we’ve . . .” his smile gets wicked, “gotten to know each other.”

  “Oh, no, we don’t do that.”

  “Right, excuse me, my bad,” he says, his smile dims some by a touch of annoyance. “Happy fuckversary.”

  Although I’m sure it was meant to be humorous, something about his last words and my sudden uncertainty of our, whatever we are, makes me frown.

  “How do you even know how long it’s been since . . .” I shake my momentary funk off.

  “It was the night before I left for Madrid for an important meeting. To which I showed up a total mess, tired and with you all over my mind. A night to remember.”

  “A night to remember,” I repeat under my breath. Our stares meet, and Sebastian opens his mouth to speak, but a gentle cough coming from the waiter standing by our table makes him keep silent. Sebastian’s lips shut, but his stare remains on me for another lengthy beat before he turns to the server.

  “A bottle of Cordornìu Cava,” Sebastian says. “The lady will take care of the food part.”

  I reward him with a soft smile before dictating a long list of small dishes to the patient waiter.

  “Sure you got it all?” Sebastian teases.

  “What can I say; I just love the food here.” I close the menu and set it on the table. “This place has been a long orgasmic culinary joyride for me.” My eyes run greedily over Sebastian in a suit. “Um, this place is a long orgasmic joyride. Period,” I add, earning a small side smile by my dinner partner. Small, albeit embedded with such great promise.

  “I thank you on the behalf of myself and my people. Our great nation is both humbled and honored to have made your experience orgasmic thus far, and we look forward to continuing your pleasure and satisfaction for the rest of your stay.”

  “Sebastian, are you sure we are there? You ready to commit to doing that for so many more months? It’s a serious commitment, not to be easily promised.”

  “I do.” His smile progressively fades. “Actually, it would be great if you’d drop your going home deadline.”

  I gape at him.

  “Think about it, Liv. It isn’t set in stone, it can be modified.”

  My heart hastens its pace.

  “So, I’m not wearing any underwear,” I blurt, dangling a sexy promise before him, knowing full well that this bait will surely steer us away from the previous topic.

  “Then, what do you call these?”

  “Hmm . . . I thought it would sound sexy, like in all those trashy romance novels.”

  His lips coil in mild ridicule.

  “I never thought you’d have your fingers up my alleged nakedness, before I had the chance to finish the sentence.”

  “Do you even know me?” he asks through a chuckle. “A chastity belt wouldn’t keep me away from inside of you.”

  I join in his playfulness, loving the sound of his words on so many horny levels that I can’t even begin to count.

  “You see what I mean, that is actually something you would never do. You’re too uptight.”

  “Oh, come on. I can’t believe we’re back to that,” I huff. “After everything we’ve done.” He cocks an eyebrow. “Seriously, I can’t believe you still say that.”

  “Prove me wrong then.”

  I fold my arms over my chest and tip my chin. “What do you have in mind?”

  His eyes slowly move from me toward the restaurant’s window. A devilish grin settles on his lips.

  I crane my neck to follow his stare. I frown at the few shops before us and turn back to him in query.

  He gestures to the direction of a specific store. “We’re going to visit that one after we’re done with dinner.”

  I narrow my eyes and a soft, “Oh,” leaves my lips at the tacky sign, blinking “Sex Shop” in neon pink letters. “And we’re going to get one another the most bizarre thing they have and try it . . . for dessert.”

  A toy from a sex shop for dessert. Touché, Sebastian.

  “Like I haven’t done that before.”

  Sebastian tilts his head to the side and studies me with crinkled eyes. “No, you haven’t.” The cocky jerk is right, of course. Too bad the wine we’re having is good; otherwise, I’d probably splash it over his irritating, teasing smile.

  We refuse the waiter’s offer for individual plates and ask him to leave the many small dishes between us. Sebastian brings a fork of grilled and lightly peppered squid to my mouth as he tells me about an interview he had today with a local radio station about his family’s winery and his life in general.

  “They asked me if I could name an event that shaped me as a teen.” He takes a taste of his half-empty glass of red.

  “What was your answer to that?”

  “When my father had a heart attack.”

  My eyes shoot to his above the rim of my glass.

  “He gave me the speech while lying in his hospital bed. The ‘you’ll need to take my place and take care of the business and our family if something happens to me’ one.”

  “That’s a heavy duty speech. How old were you?”

  “Seventeen. It was some kind of an omen not to fuck up. I’ve always known I’d be involved in the family business, but it was the first time he actually told me what he expected of me. What was yours?” Sebastian catches me off guard.

  A few monumental events of my youngish life pass through my mind before I say, “It’s not an event, it’s actually a few that together formed the effect.”

  Sebastian runs his cloth napkin over his lips and drops it back to his thigh, his stare coaxing me to go on.

  “Ever since I can remember, every year my parents made me switch schools. It was more my mom’s idea, but my father never confronts her, so there was essentially nothing to stop the crazy.”

  “Did you guys move a lot?”

  “Funny, but not at all,” I say flatly. “We lived in the same house since the day I was born. The thing is that when it came to me, nothing was good enough for my parents. I mean my mother.” I sigh. “Even though my grades were always nearly perfect, my mom was never content with any of the educational institutions I went to. So, basically I started a new school every year.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, there’s no other way to describe it. No matter how much I tried to fight it, she wouldn’t hear any of it, and this madness went on till the day I graduated.”

  “That must have left quite a mark on you.”

  “Oh, it did. By the third year, I had mastered not getting too attached to anyone, and what I like to call a ‘sayonara sans emotions’ mechanism. I don’t do good-byes, or I do, but don’t really care. It’s my gift.” I don’t even bother to conceal the bitter bite of my words, nor do I elaborate about the not getting too attached to anyone part, either. “I can be your friend for so long, and in a blink of an eye, let you go, no emotions, none whatsoever.”

  “Won’t happen with me,” Sebastian says. “You won’t be able to let me go.” For a moment, we stare into each other’s eyes, and something passed between us, wordlessly.

  I break the tense moment. “Believe me, you’re no exception.”

  “You sure know how to make a man feel special.”

  “Like you need any more strokes to your ego.”

  His response is a twitch of his lips.

  Thankfully, the rest of our meal flows with a lighter ambiance, less disturbing topics, and some utterly delicious food.

  “Ready to get some toys?” Sebastian asks, leaving a couple of notes on the table.

  I return with a cheeky, bring it on smile.

  . . .

  The young, stylish guy at the register with a creepy smile gives us both a knowing wink as soon as we enter the debauchery parlor. Having penises in all shapes, colors, and sizes present themselves to me from every corner makes me want to hold my head up and blow this scene (pun intended). I’m definitely out of my element here – the mother of all understatements.

  “Remember, the most bizarre thing,” Sebastian whispers next to my ear, giving my waist a soft squeeze.

  “Shouldn’t be a problem, everything around here is uniquely unusual,” I murmur, and he snorts a chuckle.

  Something about this situation sends sparks of excitement through me. Sebastian, whose eyes burn to mine above the aisles, is looking for something to pleasure me. I counter his stare with one no less heated. As his attention drops to something behind the packed shelves separating us, I squint my gaze, dying to get a glimpse of what it is. With Sebastian’s attention elsewhere, I turn to examine the abundance of lascivious gewgaw before me.

  I shriek when large hands grab my shoulders from either side. “Does it excite you?” Sebastian asks, his lips next to my ear and his chest pressed against my back. His hands slowly trail down my arms.

  “I don’t need any accessories to get excited when it comes to you. I get turned on just looking at your wrist.”

  “Good to know.”

  I nod.

  “So, I’m ready to go whenever you are.” His hand moves to my waist and traces up to caress the side of my breast.

  “You got me something?” I say.

  “Yeah.” His lips flutter under my ear. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

  “You’re leaving me alone in here?” I ask in blunt dismay.

  Sebastian chuckles and kisses the top of my head. “You’ll survive. After all, it’s nothing you haven’t done before, right?” And he leaves, a smirk decorating his lips.

  Oh God, what am I doing here? Pig tail anal plug, really? What on God’s green Earth is a Clone-a-Willy? Oh, not . . . it’s not . . . my cheeks catch fire as I read the illuminating label. “Make an exact vibrating clone of any penis.” Not that Sebastian’s equipment is not clone worthy. On the complete contrary, it is very much worth replication, but still, no way in hell. Just when I’m about to grab the lovely G.I.L.F, aka the Inflatable Granny that comes with a set of false teeth . . . for the full experience, of course, I find the grail of the weirdest holy.

  I snatch the item that in my book is by far the most bizarre pleasuring toy and in utter discomfort walk toward the clerk. I swallow hard and, yes, want to die, as I hand it to the cashier. I look everywhere, ensuring I don’t meet his eyes even by accident.

  “So let the record show that I, Liv Bliss, stood the test. And so help me God, if I ever hear the combination of the words up and tight ever again,” I tell Sebastian as soon as I meet him in front of the smut establishment.

  Sebastian grins at me. “You would what?”

  I bite on my smile. “Never again. You hear me?”

  . . .

  Sebastian lies on his side on my bed, his head supported by his hand as he gazes at me with a hint of amusement. I kick my heels off and tuck my legs sideways under me.

  “You go first,” he says, drinking me in.

  I hand him the black bag in my hands.

  He shakes his head and his lips tip up. “Show me.”

  Thrill laced edginess enfolds me as I set the bag between us and sink my hand inside. I expect Sebastian’s stare to follow my action, but it stays fixated on my face. I finally get the item out and put it on the bed between us. Sebastian’s eyes study me for an additional beat before they slowly descend. His eyebrows shoot up as he takes in the box standing between us.

  A low chuckle rolls off his lips when he snatches the box and examines it closely. His stare arrows at me, to the box, and back at me again. His expression morphs to mild surprise with a hint of mirth. He turns to me with an air I’m not able to decode.

  “Do you really want to watch me fuck a can?”

  Of all of my most embarrassing moments, this one skyrockets to first place. Leaving me telling Kai I’d definitely do his dad, with the father person himself standing behind me, in the dust. “You got me a Pussy in a Can, Liv? I guess it’s true what they say, it’s always the reserved ones who are the kinkiest.” Sebastian bursts into guttural, free laughter.

  I hide my face in my hands and can’t stop my own laughter. I couldn’t be more embarrassed, but still, the situation is beyond absurdly amusing, not to mention Sebastian’s contagious chuckles.

  Our laughter mixes when warm hands peel mine from my face. Sebastian’s dancing eyes trace mine. He holds both of my hands in one of his and with the other brings the box forward for display. He makes a whole production of studying the item again.

  “Okay, read me the instructions,” he says, and our amused cackles take a higher note. “Seriously,” he adds through a chuckle. “I’m not accustomed to fucking cans. I think I need guidance.”

  “God, can you just stop, I can’t breathe,” I say, having a hard time breathing, my insides burning from the uncontrollable laughs. He shakes his head with the broadest grin and tosses the disturbing can aside. I dry my eyes and still chuckle when I ask, “So, what did you get me?”

  He presses a soft kiss to my lips and sends his hand to his pocket. I watch him curiously as he produces a small bag and hands it to me. I slide my hand inside the plastic bag and scrunch my eyebrows, feeling the lacy fabric. With two fingers, I fish out a delicate, lacy thong. I give the panties a short perplexed peek and turn to Sebastian.

  “That’s the wackiest thing you were able to find for me?”

  He shrugs and his hand caresses the skin of my throat, moving slowly to curl around my shoulder, pulling me closer for his mouth to hover over mine.

  “Thought you’d look great in them.”

  “Um, isn’t this kind of missing the point of finding the weirdest, err, sex thingy?” I say to his mouth.

  He takes a taste of mine, slowly kissing me. He eases back to look at me, our mixed breaths noticeably heavier. “I never intended to go through with it.”

  “So, it was all about tutoring me.” I gently push his chest.

  He bobs his head. “It was fun, though?” He grins at me, and I echo with an amused beam.

  “So, no toys then?” I ask, not the least bit disappointed.

  Sebastian pushes back to lean on the headboard and extends his hand to help me straddle his thighs. He brushes his fingers through my hair, holding my face next to his. He leans in to swipe a feathery brush on my lips. “I’m not into toys. To be honest, it doesn’t do it for me. I’m more into experiencing the body like it’s meant to be.”

  I can’t even begin to express how much I like the words coming out of his beautiful mouth, how every part of me finds it enticingly promising.

  And how much I love the tour his mouth starts on my skin – my neck, my breasts, my thighs. A tour that ends with us both blissfully exhausted in each other’s arms.

  I close my eyes and rest my cheek on Sebastian chest, indulging in the pleasant blend of warmth and incredible scent.

  “So, am I now forever exonerated from the being windup charge?”


  “Wrong answer, dude.”

  He huskily chuckles.

  “The thing is that I like that part of you. I find it incredibly sexy how one minute, you can be so lustful and sensual and the next, timid and demure. In fact, I like everything about you.”

  “You’re okay, too.” I smile to his skin as he slaps my butt. “Good night, Sebastian,” I whisper.

  “Aren’t you gonna kick me out?” he whispers back, wrapping me tighter in his arms.

  “On our anniversary? That would be ruthless!”

  We both lightly chuckle. I leave an airy kiss on his skin. My lips smooth into a calm stretch thinking how in fact, I more than like everything about him. How content I feel in his embrace. How incredibly right it feels. To an alarming, dismantling degree.

  Long moments pass in which we lie in easy silence, tangled in each other, both in our own bubble of thoughts, slowly falling asleep.

  Sebastian’s low voice breaks the tranquility. “You know what, Liv? Sometimes it’s the things you aren’t telling me that I like best.”

  There’s a twinge in my heart as I make a dec
ision to keep silent and not tell him just how much I like him, too.

  Chapter 15

  “Say Something”

  Great Big World

  Stephy, in a red tee with “Shoe Addict” plastered on the front, paired with cute distressed jeans, sets four cups of heavenly smelling coffee on the table and takes a seat to my right. Dominique peels off her black blazer, adjusts her silk cream blouse onto skinny jeans, and gracefully takes the seat on my left.

  “Morning,” Vivian says, making her way toward us with generous pieces of Tarta de Santiago on a tray, my recent favorite, an almond, rich in flavors cake. Vivian licks her icing sugar tinted thumb, smooths her maxi tribal dress, and plops onto the last vacant chair.

  “Gérard and I are not together anymore,” Dominique says dryly and takes a sip of her coffee. I give her hand a squeeze under the table while taking a sip of mine. “Alors, dzere will be none of dzat.” She points her finger at our friends who regard her with bemused yet compassionate eyes. “We are not discussing this, and you are not consoling me. I’m done mourning.”

  We all nod, some more reluctantly. I can see the many questions on Vivian’s face and the great job she is making to honor Dominique’s request to “zip it.”

  Stephy forks her cake. “Oh my God, Vivian, this cake is unreal,” she gushes. Which immediately leads to Dominique and me forking our own pieces. A unified moaning moment follows our tasting of the baked orgasm.

  “You’re getting me worked up with the noises you’re producing.” Vivian grins widely.

  Dominique pats her lips with a napkin. “Stephy, tell us one of your dating stories; I need something to lighten my mood.”

  “I can do that,” Stephy answers, polishing the last piece on her plate. “Remember the guy I told you about from the UK office who came for an orientation week?”

  “Cute ginger guy?” I lightly chuckle, recalling how Stephy dreamingly said she’d like to lick each one of his freckles, all over his body, if given the chance.

  “Same one. Hot freckles, delish accent.”

  Vivian eyes crinkle along with the shake of her head.

  “On the last day of the orientation week, we stayed late, and he offered to buy me a drink. The power of the freckles intensified after the second glass of wine, and eventually, we ended up in my bed.”


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