The Evolved (The New Era Saga Book 1)

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The Evolved (The New Era Saga Book 1) Page 21

by KT Webb

  With one hand on Epimetheus dark hair, he held the other hand over the man’s abdomen. A beautiful light began to emanate from beneath his hand, and continued to grow brighter until the Creator stood, holding a bone in his hand.

  The Council of Immortals followed the Creators every move as he laid the curved bone in the center of the table. Dorian recognized the bone as a section of Epimetheus’ rib cage. He glanced over at Epimetheus, sure that a removal of this sort would have caused the man great physical pain, but Epimetheus appeared to be sleeping peacefully.

  “Before you is the beginning of woman. Man must be able to recognize a piece of himself within his mate. Man must also be able to accept woman as his partner, someone to stand beside him.” The Creator began his explanation. “He must be able to wrap his arm around her to show her affection as well as to offer her protection.”

  “Have you discussed what you would like to share with woman as she comes into being?” The Creator asked the Council of Immortals.

  “We have.” They replied as one.

  “Charis, come forward. Your giving spirit will be perfect to begin our project.” The Creator beckoned.

  Charis stepped up to the Creator and bowed her head slightly. She smiled up at him and then went to place her hand on the bone in the middle of the table.

  “Woman will be kind. She will be warm and comforting to her family and friends. She will be hospitable. Her soul will be soft and welcoming. Woman will be the ultimate nurturer.” Charis said confidently in her soft voice. She smiled at the Creator and returned to her seat.

  Caprice came forward next and placed her hand on the bone. “Woman will be capable of great love. She will be passionate. She will offer man a life filled with affection and become his life-long lover.”

  Once Caprice had taken her seat, Lida stepped forward and placed her hand on the bone.

  “Woman will be curious. She will have a sense of humor and be able to laugh with her mate. She will be in constant pursuit of knowledge. She will be creative and inventive. Her smile will light up the room.” Lida said with a grin.

  “Do any of the men have something to share with our new creation before she becomes flesh and blood?” The Creator asked.

  Absalom stepped forward. “Woman will be a good judge of character.”

  Romulus touched the rib. “Woman will be strong in mind and body.”

  Marcellus took his turn next. “Woman will be vulnerable where man is strong, and strong where man is vulnerable.”

  Rance came forward. “Woman will be intellectual.”

  Silas reached for the bone, his eyes on Caprice. “Woman will have great beauty.”

  Lucien closed his eyes and touched the rib. “Woman will be led by her heart.”

  Finally, Dorian leaned across the table and took his turn. “Woman will be fruitful.”

  The Creator held his arms open wide and took a deep breath. Light poured out of him and surrounded the rib bone. It began to levitate and a body took shape. Dorian watched in awe as woman took form within the light. As she came back to the table, she lay covered in a white gauzy material.

  “She is beautiful.” Epimetheus said, breaking the silence. He came forward and took her hand in his as her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him with confusion before she relaxed and smiled.

  “Pandora.” The Creator called. “Rise and receive your gift.”

  The woman slowly stood with help from Epimetheus. She smiled at him as he helped her off the table, his hands resting on her waist.

  The Creator revealed a golden sphere. It caught the light and sent sparkles around the Great Hall.

  “It is breathtaking.” She said in a melodic voice. “What is it?”

  “This sphere was created by Absalom. I sent him to retrieve all the beings that may threaten my prefect world. I cannot allow my creations to procreate in a world where these creatures are free. I am giving this to you for safekeeping. You must never let it fall or break, you must never try to see the beings within.” The Creator warned as he handed the sphere to Pandora.

  “I will do as you ask my lord.” Pandora said, still staring wide-eyed at the sphere.

  The Creator nodded at both of his creations and took their hands in his. “Go into the world together and build your lives.”

  With a wave of his hand, the humans were gone and he faded away. The Council of Immortals were left in their Great Hall with the realization that they had just helped create the future.

  Chapter One:



  She ran through the trees with her blond hair bouncing in its pony tail behind her. Her heart was beating so hard she thought it might burst from her chest. She glanced over her shoulder to see if they were following her, and discovered they were. They would soon catch her and try to destroy her.

  Ever since the day they destroyed Absalom, she had been chased by these monsters. They had never gotten this close to her. The creatures that had been released by Pandora now ran amuck through the world. For years, Tahlia had been the only one who stood between them and their devious plans.

  Tahlia made a sharp turn and broke through the trees. The moonlight shone down, casting a pale glow around her. Now that she was in the open, she turned to face her attackers. Pain broke through the trees first, followed closely by Panic and Malice.

  Pain resembled his name. Just looking at the little urchin hurt; he had twisted limbs and scarred flesh coving his hunched body. Panic always reminded her of a junkie; he was always flitting around. Malice was cold and dark. She had straight black hair and pale white skin; her black eyes were always filled with hatred.

  Tahlia knew they just needed to touch her in order to infect her with their maladies. She kept her force field firmly in place.

  “All alone. Helpless and alone.” Panic sang in a taunting voice.

  “Alone, but never helpless.” Tahlia replied evenly.

  “You don’t know where you are. How will you get home? How will your family know where to look for your body?” Panic asked sardonically.

  Tahlia heard the truth in his words and closed her eyes trying to push down the panic rising in her chest. She was distracted by breaking twigs as two more figures loped out of the woods.

  Malice giggled with maniacal glee as Disease and Vanity made their way into the clearing. Tahlia felt her stomach turn as the smell hit her.

  Disease was tall, skeletal, and covered in oozing pustules; the smell of death and decay floated in the air around him. Vanity kept her distance, clearly disgusted by her companion. It never ceased to amaze Tahlia how these creatures worked together despite their extreme differences.

  They had surrounded her. Pain, Panic, and Disease were standing in front of her. Triumph was written all over their faces, but they should have known Tahlia wasn’t going down without a fight.

  “Vanity, your shoes are dirty.” Tahlia said in mock terror.

  A squeal escaped Vanity as she desperately tried to wipe the mud off her high heels. A disgusted sound came from Malice as she glared at Vanity.

  Tahlia felt a small amount of joy from tormenting Vanity. She reminded her of the stereotypical cheerleader from teen movies. She was a striking beauty, and the complete opposite of Malice with her luscious blond locks and tan skin.

  Tahlia didn’t understand what they were waiting for. They’d been alone in this clearing for long enough. She looked carefully at each of her foes, assessing the risks of an attack. No matter what happened, she couldn’t let them see her fear.

  She felt a shudder run through her body. The energy gathered within her as she prepared for her attack. Tahlia closed her eyes and pushed a wave of energy out around her. As it hit the Maladies around her, they fell to the ground disoriented. She didn’t have time to think, she turned and ran to the other side of the clearing and didn’t stop.

  About the Author:

  KT Webb is a big city girl living in small town South Dakota with her husband and two children. She be
lieves in the power of words and enjoys writing stories that make the impossible seem possible. By day, KT is a marketing and communications professional; by night, she is a passionate independent author.

  KT loves reading, listening to pop-punk music (especially when she’s writing), having adventures with her children and traveling. She believes in magic, that there’s a hero inside everyone and that characters should be just as flawed and intriguing as the people we meet every day.

  A Note from the Author:

  Thank you for reading The Evolved! I truly hope you are enjoying The New Era Saga so far. You can find out what’s in store for our heroes next by reading Growing Hope. I cannot wait to share the final installment with you all. Look for it to come out next year. Tell others what you think by leaving a review on and/or

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