Johnny Dash and the Doral Flower (Johhny Dash Series Book 1)

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Johnny Dash and the Doral Flower (Johhny Dash Series Book 1) Page 11

by Unknown

  The other members of the crew also ran to meet their families again who, despite everything, had been waiting for them as they had promised before their journey. They hugged and cried like never before. Nevertheless, something ended the happiness produced by their encounter.

  Mini-Chapter 136

  The village was falling apart little by little. The winds were very strong, and they could barely see a thing. Johnny Dash knew that there was not much time left, so he asked Taylor for her backpack. She handed it to him quickly. The young brave man exclaimed: “Rest easy, friends, we have the new Doral Flower! Here it is!” The amazed citizens contemplated the beautiful plant, which did not cease to shine. The young man hurried himself to place it in the central location of the square. There was little left to do. He felt happy to have it in his hands, he felt like a true hero. He made a small hole to place the wonderful plant. He knew that, once he planted it, life would return to Happy Town; however, just as he was about to do it, someone appeared amidst the crowd, determined to stop him.

  Mini-Chapter 137

  “YOU AND YOUR STUPID FLOWER!” Shouted Mayor Midas. “Look at what you have caused…! My empire has been destroyed! I hate you! My petroleum has run out because of you! Because of your stupid flower! My gold… my money… I have lost everything, EVERYTHING! Now, you will pay for having destroyed it!” Then, to everyone's surprise, the Mayor took out an object: it was an exact replica of a gun, like the ones normal humans used, which he had commissioned while the brave ones were in their expedition. He aimed for the Flower that the young man had in his hands and shot. In the last moment, Johnny Dash turned around, shielding the wonderful Flower with his body, and the bullet pierced his back, but the new Doral Flower was intact. “NOOOOOOO!!!” They all shouted, especially his parents and Taylor. The young man fell heavily on the barren land of his beloved Happy Town. Motivated by that injustice, The Olympic Warrior took a spear and threw it with all his strength. The spear hit the mayor's chest and pierced it in a tenth of a second. The coward Mayor Midas stopped existing in an instant. When they saw this, his bodyguards did nothing, just like the rest of the citizens. On the contrary, they all rushed to see Johnny.

  Mini-Chapter 138

  The young brave man was badly injured and was bleeding profusely. He tried to get up, but he could not do it. He remained there, hugging the Doral Flower. "JOHNNY!” Taylor shouted, while hugging him uselessly, trying to give him some of her warmth. He was getting weaker by the second. Despite of all this, he managed to say: “The Flower... Plant the Flower... Plant it… Taylor… my sweetie, save the village…” Even though she was crying inconsolably, Taylor took the flower from Johnny Dash's shaky hands and put it in the hole he had made. The Doral Flower emitted an infinite light beam which destroyed all darkness in Happy Town. People could not believe it. The plants grew again out of nowhere, the land was filled with flowers and fruits, the rivers regained their crystalline color. However, the young man could not see such a beautiful landscape anymore. “…Did it work…?” Johnny managed to say. Taylor, who was hugging him more tightly than ever, told him: “Yes, my love…! You did it…! You have saved Happy Town!” While she said this, she shed many tears on Johnny Dash's cold face. “How... is... everything?” Taylor answered, without being able to hide her crying: “Very beautiful... Everything is very beautiful… my love! The plants have grown again… The sky is blue again… The land is fertile again.” “…That's good... Why do... you... cry then?” “Because I love you so much… and I don't want to lose you! I don't want you to leave, Johnny…! I want to have you by my side…! I love you!” The young man only replied: “And I... love... you…!” Then, he closed his loving eyes and etched a small smile: he had ceased to exist.

  Mini-Chapter 139

  Even though Happy Town had been saved, they all cried inconsolably for the loss of Johnny Dash. The friends who had gone with him on the long journey, and the citizens, came closer and hugged him, but his cold body did not feel anything. With great sorrow and disappointment, they did not accept that there was nothing that they could do: that young man had given everything for saving his Homeland, even his life. Taylor went to the Doral Flower and ripped one of its petals with big care. Then, she went to where Johnny was. And told him, even when she knew all too well that he could not hear her. “My love… you always fought for your beloved Happy Town. You never gave up… you fought for thirty-one long days as a great hero… You fought like never before… my beloved. You gave your best to find this precious Flower, which your Homeland needed so much… You have made it, my love! Not only have you saved my life once more… but, this time, you have saved us all…! And we will be eternally thankful… even though you cannot see the sublime accomplishment that your sacrifice has achieved… Take this petal from the Doral Flower, for which you fought so much…! Thanks for everything, beloved Johnny! I will always love you! And I will always have you in my heart, my love…” Taylor let the petal fall near the wound of the brave young man and cried on his cold chest as she had never cried before. Then, something wonderful happened.

  Mini-Chapter 140

  The petal shone like a diamond and Johnny was shrouded in a golden light. The delicate leaf shed a crystalline dewdrop on his wound and it was cured. Taylor felt the warmth of her beloved's body once more, and she was surprised. She looked at him. Slowly, Johnny Dash opened his eyes and smiled again: “Sweetie… did we do it?” Taylor kissed him a thousand time, while saying: “MY LOVE, YOU ARE ALIVED!!! I thought you were lost forever...” When he saw that she would not stop crying, Johnny Dash told her: “I promised you I would never abandon you… and just like my great friend… I always keep my promises.” They kissed like never before. When they saw that their friend was alive, the scientist, the techs, the warriors and the physicians got closer. They all hugged Johnny with great love. They congratulated him and told him how resilient he was. He only said: “Thanks a lot, my friends…! But if we have to thank anyone, that is our dear Captain Ernest, without his sacrifice, none of this would be possible.” All the citizens came closer to hug Johnny Dash again. The first to arrive were those who made fun of him before he started his journey. They apologized and he accepted their apologies kindly. During the rest of the day, Johnny and his crew were treated as what they were: great heroes.

  Although he wanted to receive him personally, Freeman Wise could not do it, because his advanced age and physical condition did not allow him to. Anyway, from the solitude of the highest part of his tower, he saw how the sky changed colors, and noticed how everything got better. Only then did he exclaim, with tears in his eyes: “You have done it, Johnny! You have saved us, friend!”

  Despite all that, this was only the beginning. Johnny was about to receive news that would change everything.

  Mini-Chapter 141

  As the days went by, there were elections and people chose him as the new mayor because he had risked his life to save his Homeland. However, Johnny Dash did not want to govern by himself and chose the crew members who had accompanied him during his journey so they would govern with him. Next to his inseparable Taylor, the woman of his life, and his brave friends, Johnny promised the people they would defend Happy Town from any danger and that they would help it progress in all senses.

  After that day, there were many changes in his beloved village: They sold the gold and diamonds from their houses, as well as the luxurious dresses and cars. They spent all the money on agriculture. They destroyed the mines and factories, and promised never to build them again. They changed the discos and food establishments for markets where they sold fruits and vegetables. They improved the Happy Town’s Whole Foods Factory, increased the salaries and implemented the establishments. They discovered the healing properties of the Doral Flower’s dewdrops and used them to improve the citizens’ health, especially those who had gotten sick for eating so much junk food. Finally, Johnny —who always refused being called Mayor— commissioned a copper statue to honor Captain Ernest. Once it
was finished, he placed it in the central place of the square, next to the new Doral Flower. He commissioned it just like his friend was: with his blue suit with golden lines and his military awards; his bushy eyebrows; his kind and melancholic blue eyes, like the sea he liked to navigate; his white beard, and his shining victorious katana held high, always ready to defend the crew. Under the sculpture, he placed a plaque that read: “Dedicated to a brave one who always fought for our Homeland. To a man of noble ideals who never lost Hope in seeing his people fighting for the same cause and sacrificed himself to achieve the true happiness of this town. To Captain Ernest, War Hero, unconditional friend and, especially, extraordinary living being.”


  Despite being the mayor, each new day, Johnny Dash continued getting up as early as always. He went to visit his friend, Freeman Wise, received his teachings and asked him for advice to be better governing. Then, he watered the new Doral Flower with the same dedication and humbleness. After watering it patiently, he contemplated the Captain's statue, which was next to it, and did a military salute as a symbol of the profound respect, honor and admiration he felt. And, also each morning, he wondered the same: Had he managed to win the fight? What if Captain Ernest was still alive somewhere in the jungle?

  Be a Real Hero, Leave a Review.

  I grew up watching Dragon Ball Z, Saint Seiya, Spiderman and the X-Men. Ever since, I have always wanted to create hero, a character with especial powers and who is a role model for children and adults, someone who fights for the greater good and freedom of others. I do not know whether I have achieved it with Johnny Dash, but I have so many other projects in mind. The only one thing you have to do is leaving a little review (in the Customers Review’s section of this book, down the author’s information) and you instantly will be helping me so much. Isn’t easy? The truth is that I just need you, my dear reader, to support me, because I am completely alone and it’s so sad. I don’t have the motivation for keeping writing. But I am completely sure that you will leave a review.

  If you liked this great story, tell it to the world. I need your help for continue writing, dude. If you help me, I will be able to write the second and third part. And I promise you incredible heroes that will entertain you as ever will come. After all, that is my goal: to entertain you and make you forget all your problems. Let’s be friends, I want to know what you think, I do not want you to be a mere spectator, you are very important to me. Add me on Facebook and I will always reply to your comments with the love and affection I feel towards you. After all, I work, live and think for you. Again, thank you for Reading my book. Now I know that you will help me to «bring to life» my new heroes. As you see, you are more than a simple reader, you are fundamental for me, my friend.

  Well, that’s all. On the other hand, I want to say sorry if there are some grammatical errors in this book, I am still learning American English, and it’s really complicated to me. Anyway, I want to say to you the first word I learned, because I think it’s the most important and beautiful word in American English: “Thanks”. Thanks for reading my book, for leaving a review and, specially, thanks for your time, my friend. I really admire you and I wish you the best!

  Jay Lion




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