Web of Desire

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Web of Desire Page 4

by Cathryn Fox

  There was so much emotion in his voice it took her breath away. Ally felt her heart do a somersault while her stomach did cartwheels. She drew in a shuddery breath and absorbed the heat radiating from his body.

  He ran his fingers up her arms until his hands locked with hers. His mouth hovered over her lips. She could feel his cock throb against her body. “Tell me how you like it, baby. Do you like it hard and fast or soft and slow?”

  The fire in his eyes began burning her up. “It doesn’t matter, Tanner. All that matters is that it’s you who is giving it to me.”

  He grew quiet for a moment and then said, “Do you really love me?” His expression was bewildered, his voice full of disbelief.

  A surge of warmth flooded her veins and she had a hard time filling her lungs. “I’ve never loved anyone but you, Tanner.” Her voice trembled. “When you ran away, you took my heart with you.”

  He cupped her face as his mouth closed over hers for a deep, passionate kiss. She felt his thick cock probe her opening.

  “Please, Tanner. Let me down from here. I need to hold you in my arms again, just one more time.”

  With a quick, forceful tug he tore the silky bindings from her hands and pulled her to him. She collapsed against a wall of packed muscle. Burrowing her face in the crook of his neck, she inhaled his familiar scent while focusing on his touch and the feel of his skin against hers.

  He gathered her into his arms and backed her up against the wall. Her body fit against his perfectly. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his back. “Fuck me, Tanner.”

  “No,” he said. His gaze was powerful, unguarded.

  She looked at him questioningly. Her brows knitted together as she frowned. “No?” Need made her voice husky.

  He trailed a kiss over her jaw and looked at her with pure desire. “No, baby. I’m going to make love to you. The way you said we were supposed to years ago.” There was such tenderness in his gaze.

  Her pulse leapt in her throat. Ally twined her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Her breasts pressed against his chest. She couldn’t seem to get him close enough. She cried out his name as he pushed his thick cock into her. With slow, steady strokes he massaged the tight walls of her pussy, drawing out her pleasure.

  “You feel amazing,” he murmured into her mouth. His voice covered her like a warm blanket as he filled her with his heat. When she squirmed against him, he pumped harder and faster. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her.

  “Tanner…please.” Her voice quivered as she cried out to him. In her haze of arousal she had no idea what she was begging for. She only knew she needed him to ease the escalating tension building inside her.

  She squeezed her cunt muscles around his cock. “Mmmm…” he moaned against her skin.

  Reaching between their bodies, he pressed his fingers over her swollen clit, coaxing her body into release. Waves of pleasure began washing over her.

  She threw her head back and gasped. “Don’t stop,” she whimpered as her release approached.

  “I don’t ever plan on stopping. Not today, not tomorrow, not next week. I’ll never stop making love to you, Ally.”

  His words sent her over the edge. Her pussy began to spasm. She arched against him, drawing his cock deeper inside. She called his name and gasped in pleasure when his fingers caressed her sensitive flesh.

  He lowered his head and drew her nipple into his mouth. The feel of his warm lips closing over her breast was exquisite. Her body shook as he laved her tight peak with his tongue. She went wild in his arms. She scraped her nails over his back and came apart completely. She felt Tanner’s release shudder through him as he slammed into her and pinned her back to the wall.

  He closed his mouth over hers and drew her in for a soul-searching kiss. She remained pressed against him until their hearts and bodies fused into one.

  Tanner broke the kiss and finger-combed her hair, pushing it from her face. He gave her a warm smile. He opened his mouth to say something but then shut it again. He looked perplexed. She looked into his eyes searching for answers but all she saw was unanswered questions.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He gave a slight shake of his head. “Nothing.” She was astonished by the tenderness in his voice.

  Ally suspected she knew what he was thinking. “Why is it you can’t remember me? Remember us?” Once again, Ally’s stomach curdled, wondering if witchcraft was indeed involved. But who would do this to him? To her? And why?

  Tanner shook his head sadly. He didn’t have an easy answer. “I’m not sure.”

  “Well, well… What do we have here?”

  Chapter Five

  Tanner and Ally both spun around at the sound of the voice. When Tanner spotted a shadow in the dark corner of the doorway, he hooked his arm around Ally’s waist and positioned her behind him. A moment later a beautiful woman stepped into the room. He vaguely recognized the girl with the long black hair and shimmering sapphire eyes. A knot tightened in his gut as he stared at her. There was something about her eyes. Something hauntingly familiar. Something…hypnotizing.

  She stepped closer and slowly walked over to the table that held the used sex toys. The light from the flickering candle cast shadows across her porcelain profile. She twisted around to face them and pouted.

  “Seems I’m a little late for the party.”

  Tanner heard a small gasp escape from Ally. She grabbed him by the shoulder and whispered in his ear. “I need my pants.”

  He quickly scooped Ally’s clothes off the floor and handed them to her. She hurried into her pants and pulled on her T-shirt. Tanner shrugged on his own shirt and climbed into his jeans.

  “Do I know you?” he asked, widening his stance as though prepared for battle.

  As soon as the girl smiled, it hit him. She was the one who had captured him. The last thing he remembered before Ally had come to his rescue was having a conversation about the Belhaven high-school reunion.

  Tanner blinked his eyes and shook his head, trying to remember what had happened before he’d woken up bound to the web. He broke out in a cold, uncomfortable sweat. “What did you do to me?” he growled. He listened with half an ear to Ally’s low whispered chant behind him. What in the hell was she doing?

  The dark-haired girl emitted a deep, sultry laugh from the depths of her throat. “Well, it seems I didn’t get a chance to do anything to you. It looks like my lovely cousin got to you first.”

  Tanner spun around and glared at Ally. “Cousin? You were in on this?”

  Ally shook her head then glared at the dark-haired witch. “Selina’s responsible for this, not me.”

  Tanner stepped back and shook his head. “Would somebody please tell me what’s going on here?”

  They ignored him and glared at each other.

  “Selina, what are you doing? Why are you back in town? And why would you do this to Tanner?” Ally asked, her voice rising with each question.

  Selina folded her arms across her chest and grinned. “Now what kind of greeting is that, little cousin?”

  “How did you get here?”

  Selina’s grin widened. “Bad always prevails over good, Ally. Haven’t you learned that by now? I managed to find a way around your ancient banishment spell.” She rolled her eyes. “As you know, I had many years to work on it.”

  Banishment spell. Tanner wrestled with half forgotten memories. They were witches? Ally slipped her hand into the front pocket of her jeans. “What do you want with Tanner?”

  Selina’s eyes darkened to black coals. Her jaw twitched. “Why do you care? He never loved you. If he had, he wouldn’t have made love to me on prom night before he deserted you and joined the military.”

  Tanner watched Ally’s shoulders stiffen. She shook her head in disbelief. “You were with me on prom night, Selina,” she countered.

  “Before that, cousin. While you stood on your porch and waited for Tanner, he was making love to me.”

  Face red
with anger, Ally took a step toward Selina, but Tanner held her back. “He never would have done that,” Ally bit out.

  “If you don’t believe me, ask him yourself.”

  Ally’s mouth twisted as though she’d just sucked on a lemon. “I can’t. It seems he’s lost all recollection of that night. All recollection of me and the love we shared.”

  Tanner’s head bobbed back and forth as he tried to follow the conversation. Tried to put together the pieces of the puzzle.

  A mischievous grin curled Selina’s lips.

  Ally let out a humorless laugh and shook her head in disgust. “I can’t believe you’re responsible for this. Why, Selina? Why would you delete Tanner’s memories? Why would you do this to him? To me?” she asked in a low, deceptively calm voice.

  Like a bow stretched to the limit, Selina’s composure snapped. She took a step forward and reached for something in her pocket. Tanner fisted his hands and waited. He wasn’t about to let anything happen to Ally.

  “He would have wanted me if you hadn’t come along. Little Miss Perfect with a sweeter than sugar smile. The little tomboy who grew into a gorgeous cheerleader with all the popular friends. While I sat at home alone with no one.”

  Ally’s eyes softened. “But you had me. And I thought we had each other.”

  Selina huffed. “We had each other? Are you forgetting you banished me to the netherworld?”

  “Only for your own good, Selina. What you were doing to the townsfolk was wrong, and you know it. If they had gotten their hands on you before I sent you away, it could have been a lot worse. I was protecting you.”

  “I didn’t need or want your protection, little miss good witch. Didn’t you ever think I would tire of being in your perfect shadow?” Selina waved her hand through the air and snarled. “But I fixed you, all the women of Belhaven who preferred your friendship over mine, and all men who never gave me the time of day. I made everybody in this town pay for overlooking me.”

  Ally stepped forward. “The townsfolk will pay no more for your imagined insults,” she assured her.

  In a motion so fast it took Tanner off guard, Ally pulled a packet out of her pocket and sprinkled the contents over Selina. Keeping a wide berth, Ally circled her cousin and began chanting a spell.

  Selina laughed. “Oh please, little cousin. Your magic has grown weak from lack of use.” Reaching into her own pocket, Selina pulled out a vial. “Now it’s time for you to go visit the netherworld. And you won’t be coming back.” Selina glanced at Tanner. “But don’t worry, Ally. I promise to take extra special care of him.”

  Ally twisted around and glanced at Tanner. “Get out of here now, while you still can.”

  “I’m not going anywhere without you, Ally. Ever again.”

  A movement at the door drew their attention. Tanner turned and spotted the sheriff.

  Selina’s eyes widened in delight. “Sheriff,” she purred. “How nice of you to join us. Don’t worry, I have something extra-special planned for you. No one turns me down without paying for it.”

  The sheriff drew his gun. Selina threw her head back and laughed. In that split second, Tanner lunged for her and knocked her off balance.

  The vial flew into the air. Before it hit the floor and smashed, Ally grabbed it. She pulled the rubber stopper free. “Tanner, move!”

  As soon as Tanner distanced himself, Ally threw the potion on Selina and once again recited the spell.

  A thick fog covering her, Selina cried out and lunged for Ally, but before she could grab hold, her body turned translucent. “I’ll be back, Ally. Wait and see…”

  “Not this time, you won’t.” Ally brushed her palms together. “You were wrong, dear cousin. Good always prevails over evil.” She turned to the sheriff.

  He scratched his head and gave her a genuine smile. “Thank you, Ally.” Taking his notebook from his pocket, he turned. “This place gives me the creeps. I’ll meet you both outside.” His boots pounded the floor as he hurried outside.

  Suddenly, as though he’d been struck by a wrecking ball, Tanner flew backwards and hit the wall. He cracked his head and winced in pain. When he opened his eyes and looked up, Ally was standing over him. Her eyes were full of worry. She knelt down and brushed his hair off his forehead.

  “Tanner, are you okay?” Her voice trembled. “Please be okay, my heart couldn’t take losing you again.”

  Tanner looked deep into Ally’s eyes as old memories flooded him. “Ally Cat,” he said softly and pulled her down onto the floor with him.

  Her relief was obvious. “Oh my God, Tanner, you remember.” Her voice caught on a sob as tears pooled on her lashes.

  He shook his head and smiled. “Your spell must have broken the one Selina had over me.” He pulled her into his arms and she molded herself against him. Every forgotten emotion he’d ever had for her filled his heart. His insides ached with the love that overcame him. “I never slept with her, Ally. She tried to lure me into her bed, but I turned her down. That must be why she cast a spell over me and erased you from my memory.”

  “It’s okay, Tanner. I believe you.”

  He cupped her chin and lifted her face until her eyes met his. “Baby, we’ve lost so much time together. I’m so sorry this happened.”

  “I know. Me too.” The sadness in her heart was apparent.

  He brushed her tears from her cheeks. “I love you, Ally Cat.”

  She closed her hand over his and sniffed. “I love you too, Tanner,” she echoed. “I’ve never stopped.”

  He pulled her impossibly closer and she melted against him. “I always felt like there was something missing from my life, and now I know what it is. I want to make love to you every day for the rest of our lives to make up for all the lost time.” He tilted his head to kiss her.

  She inched her head back and looked at him. “One question.” A sudden gleam sparkled in her eyes.

  “What is it?” he asked, nuzzling her neck, inhaling her rich female scent.

  “When do we start?”

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  About Cathryn Fox

  Cathryn is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. She has two teenagers who keep her busy with their never ending activities, and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. Cathryn can never find balance in her life, is always trying to find time to go to the gym, can never keep up with emails, Facebook or Twitter and tries to write page-turning books that her readers will love.

  A maritime native and former financial officer, Cathryn has lived all over Canada but has finally settled down in her childhood hometown with her family.

  Connect with Cathryn:

  Twitter: @writercatfox

  Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1cFJtEL

  Blog: http://cathrynfox.com/blog/

  Cathryn also writes New Adult under the name Cat Kalen. www.catkalen.com.




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