Schooled in Love

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Schooled in Love Page 59

by Emma Nichols

  Shane could only nod as Cassie continued to try to figure out who he was talking about. They went on like this for at least half an hour, Cassie suggesting different people and Shane shooting them down with one excuse or another.

  "I give up." Cassie sighed. "I've listed nearly every person here, whether they’re St. Martin's alumni or not. I think you're just having fun with me."

  "I am having fun, but I promise, she's here."

  He couldn't help the amused smirk he knew was on his face. He thought it was cute she'd picked nearly every female here but herself. There were a couple other women she hadn't suggested. They had to be at least sixty. He considered just telling her, but this wasn't the right place.

  "Come on, just tell me." She looked like not knowing was driving her crazy. That look stirred something inside him.

  "Not here," he put her off. "How long do you need to get ready for dinner?"

  She was quiet a moment. "Hmm. Shower, dressed, hair, make up. An hour to an hour and a half, depending on how much time you need in the bathroom."

  Shane checked his watch. They had plenty of time. He was tired of sitting here, but something wouldn't let him leave her side. He had things he wanted to say, but this wasn't the place. "No problem. It's three now, let me know when you're ready and we can go anytime."

  "You're sure you don't mind playing designated driver for me?" she sipped the last of her drink through the straw.

  He shot her a look that meant stop asking. "Not at all - you want another one?"

  Cassie looked at the cup in her hand - no glass by the pool. "I better not. Not because it wasn't good, but I want to keep my wits about me for a while and another drink right now wouldn't help."

  Another point in her favor, in Shane's eyes. Too often people took advantage of free alcohol and had more than they should, putting themselves in bad situations. He was glad Cassie was aware enough not to do that to herself.

  They sat in comfortable silence a while longer before Cassie sat up and stretched, then she swung her amazing legs off the lounger toward him.

  "I don't know about you, but I've had enough of this. Did you say you were ready to go?"

  "Whenever you are."

  "Give me five minutes to change and I'll meet you out front.”


  Cassie stepped into the locker room to change out of her swim suit and thought about how strange Shane was acting. Cassie had seen him sitting on the patio when she'd gone out to get some sun, but she hadn't expected him to join her or buy her a drink. She thought after spending the morning together, he’d be eager for other company, but apparently not. Just as she’d dozed off, he had come and sat beside her. That alone had surprised her, but he'd brought her a drink, the same kind she'd had the night before, which took more attention than she'd realized he'd paid.

  Back in her street clothes, she stuffed her now dry suit into the bag she’d brought it in and went out to meet him.

  "Ready?" she asked as she walked up beside him in the foyer area of the country club.

  "Yep." Together they went out to the parking lot. "You need anything out of your car before morning?"

  Cassie froze, trying to remember what was in her car and if she'd carried everything she needed for tonight in. Had she carried it all in the night before, or had she left something? "I better check. I'd rather find nothing now than realize I forgot it later."

  "No problem. Where are you parked?"

  "Just over there." She motioned to where she'd parked. "I got here early so I parked in front."

  "Let me go get my truck while you check. I'll pick you up there."

  Cassie nodded and took off for her car. She didn't think she'd left anything behind, but knowing how forgetful she was, it was better safe than sorry.

  After checking the car, she was glad she had. She stood beside the trunk of her rental holding the shoes she’d brought to go with her dress for tonight hooked on the fingers of one hand while she waited for Shane. She didn't see him anywhere, all she saw was a large, black SUV pulling through the lot. It stopped in front of her and she frowned until the tinted window lowered, revealing Shane.

  "I see you found something."

  "I did." She went around and climbed into the passenger's seat. He waited while she buckled her seat belt before he pulled out. "I would have been screwed if I'd not found them. I don't have any other shoes with me I can wear with my dress tonight."

  "You could go barefoot, it's all indoors."

  "As much as I might like that, I think Mrs. Williams would turn me away." She couldn't help but laugh at the mental picture of the prim woman's reaction if Cassie showed up barefoot. "You were going to tell me who it was that caught your eye. We're not surrounded by people anymore and no one can hear us." She suspected he'd lied when she'd been suggesting people, denying who it really was. She wasn't sure why, maybe he hadn't wanted the game to end, or perhaps he hadn't wanted to be overheard. Either way, neither was an issue now.

  "I'm not sure you'll believe me if I tell you."

  She turned and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "If? You said you'd tell me." Was he backing down? After all the stupid, silly, embarrassing things they'd talked about the night before?

  "I will, just give me a few minutes." He glanced at her before looking back at the road. She watched him, wondering what he was waiting for until they pulled into the lot at the Hilton where their room was, as well as the dinner tonight. She waited while he parked then turned to look at her.

  "I can tell you here if you want, but I'd rather wait until we’re up in the room."

  "But you'll tell me then?" Something about the mysterious way he was behaving made her wonder what he was up to.

  "I will."

  "All right, then let's go up." She opened her door, grabbed her bag and shoes, and got out.

  The long lead up to who had caught his eye, who had taken his breath away, had Cassie confused. She didn't understand why he didn't just tell her. Why did he keep evading every time she asked? He'd promised he'd tell her and now he was out of time. She unlocked the door to the room they were sharing and let herself in, stepping out of the way as he followed her.

  Cassie dropped her bag and shoes into the chair, propped her hands on her hips, and spun to face him. She was about to demand he tell her who he had seen when he stepped in and brushed his lips across hers.

  Her breath caught in her chest.

  What? Why? It wasn't possible.

  The Shane she'd gotten to know in the last twenty-four hours wouldn't be this cruel.

  He broke the kiss and looked down at her face as he cupped her cheek in one hand.

  "It's you, Cassandra. I thought you were beautiful last night at the Leaning Pine. I couldn't believe my luck that of all the rooms they could have given me, I opened the door to yours. Then you said I could stay.” He smiled. “This morning, waking with you curled against me was something special, something I'd like to repeat with far less clothing." Shane smoothed his thumb over her lips. "Then you walked out to the pool this afternoon and took my breath away."

  "No way." Cassie pushed away, not believing him. He had to be teasing. She knew she was too heavy for anyone to describe her the way he had. "I'm too fat for that." She tried to spin away in a huff.

  Shane caught her arm but didn't pull her back. He waited, holding her arm until she turned to look at him.

  "I'm serious. It's not just the way you look, though I do love that." His eyes skimmed down her body, then came back up to her face. "I swear, it's you. I love talking to you, even about stupid, meaningless things. I loved watching you at the sale this morning. Your bright, simple enjoyment is something I want in my life. I've lived but not to the fullest. I did wild and stupid things, insane things you wouldn't believe. I've never found anyone, in anywhere I've been, that draws me like you do."

  Cassie's heart skipped a beat. Could he really mean it? Even Peter, the last guy she'd dated, hadn't told her she was pretty or desirable. In fact, he'd regul
arly said she needed to lose weight and how much better she would look a few sizes smaller.

  "You're serious?"

  "As a heart attack." He tugged at her arm. "Come here." He waited while Cassie slowly closed the distance between them.

  "I really took your breath away?" her voice was little more than a whisper.

  "You did. I'm sure you will again, soon."

  Cassie couldn't resist the urge to move closer until her body pressed against his in ways she'd dreamed about when they were in school. "Kiss me again." Her voice was even softer this time.

  He hesitated for a split second, then he lowered his lips to hers. Heat spread through her. Shane’s arms came around her. Hers snaked up and around his neck. Her world narrowed until nothing existed but the two of them. They stood in their hotel room engrossed in each other.

  Shane jumped and pulled away, looking around as if searching for something.

  "What is that?"

  The haze in Cassie's mind receded, and she realized the alarm on her phone was buzzing in her bag.

  "That's my phone. I forgot I set an alarm. I wanted to be sure to get back, so I could dress for dinner."

  "I guess we should then..." he trailed off, turning away.

  Cassie's chest ached at the loss of what they'd had just seconds before. "I guess we should."

  Shane stopped and turned back. "Will you be my date tonight? Spend the evening with me, then it's up to you if we come back up here and continue what we've started or not."

  She hesitated. "Are you sure you want to be seen with me like that?"

  He slid one finger down the side of her cheek. "Why wouldn't I want to be seen with the most beautiful woman here?"

  Cassie scoffed but didn't argue.

  "Well, will you?"

  "Why not?" Cassie sighed, wishing she were brave enough to suggest skipping the dinner all together. "If we're going to go together, I need to get ready. Why don't you shower first, then you can finish dressing while I'm in the bathroom...” She trailed off, hoping he’d take the hint. “I'd like to surprise you with the finished product. It loses the magic if you’re around while I get dressed." She leaned in and dropped a quick kiss on his cheek in hopes he'd agree.

  She could take her clothes into the bathroom, but this would take a while, and she usually didn't put on her dress until it was one of the last things left to do. Hair and make-up were usually done in her underwear. She didn't want to parade around the room in front of him like that. Getting ready for the formal dinner hadn't even occurred to her when she'd offered to share the room.

  "I can do that." He pulled her close and gave her one more hot, hard kiss, which left her blinking and wondering why they should bother with dinner long after he'd disappeared into the bathroom.


  On the main floor of the hotel, Shane checked in with Mrs. Williams and picked up his name tag, they were required for the open bar, and then he wandered around visiting with people and watching the clusters of people headed for both ballrooms. He wasn't sure how both schools had managed to schedule their reunions for the same weekend, but he couldn't be upset about the mix up, as it was why he'd ended up rooming with Cassie.

  Checking the clock on the wall, he realized it had been nearly an hour since he’d left the room. Cassie could come down any time now. Anticipation made him restless. He swirled the remaining inch of bourbon in his glass as he ducked back into the ballroom and scanned the room.

  "Hey, man. You look good, what have you been up to?"

  Shane turned and found Tyler Carson. Tyler was the closest thing to a best friend Shane had in school. Shane had been too rebellious and self-destructive for any real friends, but Tyler had been close.

  "Hey!" Shane gave Tyler a one-armed hug and clapped him on the back. "How have you been?" Shane didn't bother to answer Tyler's question.

  "Good, lately. I'm sure we've all had our ups and downs since graduation."

  "Isn't that the truth?" Shane said.

  "I'm an attorney in Baltimore now, so that's worked out."

  "What kind of attorney?" Shane and his staff sometimes needed a good attorney, and why not use one who was an old friend?

  "Criminal defense."

  Shane had to hold back a laugh. It was perfect for him. Tyler would have been the best person to argue them out of trouble when they’d been caught during their last antic… If Shane had included him, which, all too often, he hadn’t. Shane tended to go off on his wild hairs alone, and he’d usually get caught, which was part of why he’d always been in so much trouble.

  "Man, that's perfect." Shane shared with Tyler what he was doing now, partly so he could use his old friend's services, partly so the lawyer might call him when they needed security for a client. He was still talking to Tyler when Cassie appeared in the doorway. The sight of her made his breath catch in his throat and his heart stutter. She'd been beautiful this afternoon, but now she was stunning. He was glad he’d agreed to wait for her down here.

  "Wow. I don't know who you just saw, but whoever it is, totally does things for you. Your face lit up like someone handed you a priceless treasure."

  "It's her." Shane nodded to where Cassie was checking in with Mrs. Williams and getting her own name tag. Tyler moved to stand beside Shane.

  "Who is she? I don't recognize her."

  "Cassie King."

  She finished at the check in table and looked around again. A smile spread across her face as she spotted him and headed in his direction.

  "Cassie King? Wait? The nerdy scholarship girl?"

  "That's her."

  "Wow, she's really blossomed."

  "She looks amazing, but it’s not just that. She's the one for me. Now I just have to convince her."

  "Wait, you're not here together?"

  "We are, but we haven't been for long."

  "How long?"

  Shane checked his watch. "About an hour and a half."

  "There you are." Cassie stepped close. "I wasn't sure where to find you."

  "Right here waiting for you." Shane knew he was grinning like an idiot, but he couldn't help it.

  "Will you help me with this?" She held up her name tag. "I want to make sure it's straight."

  "Sure." He took the pin and looked at the top of her dress, it was lace and he could use the holes to keep from tearing up her dress, but he didn't want to stab her. He lifted the shoulder of the sleeveless dress a little so he could slip one finger beneath the thin fabric to keep from sticking her while he adjusted the pin and closed it. "There, how's that?" He let the deep red lace fall back against her skin as he stepped back to look at it. It looked straight, but the blue and gray school colors of the badge looked a little strange against the deep red of her floor length dress.

  "Looks good to me, how about to you?" She turned to look at Tyler, checked his name tag, "Tyler Carson. You used to hang around with Shane some, didn't you?"

  "I did." Tyler said. "Your tag is fine. I was just catching up with Shane when you came in. You look great by the way."

  "Thank you." Her face turned a little pink and Shane realized he should have said something sooner.

  "I'll give you a call once we get back to town and maybe we can come up with a mutually beneficial arrangement." Shane said to Tyler. "Right now, I'm going to take my date to get a drink and find seats." He looked around. "I think they're going to start things soon, and I want to make sure we can sit together."

  "I'll wait for your call. It was good seeing you again." Tyler turned and drifted away.

  Shane wrapped an arm around Cassie's waist and pulled her close enough he caught the light, sexy scent coming off her skin. "He was wrong, by the way." He guided her toward the bar.

  "Oh? About what?"

  "You don't look great, you look fucking amazing." The vulgar word came out without thinking, and he felt her slight flinch at it. "Sorry, I guess I've spent too much time with rough GI's and my language has gotten a little rough itself."

  "No." She t
urned and gave him a smile that reached all the way to her eyes. "You didn't offend me, just surprised me. Honestly, I've been known to use similar language, I just wasn't expecting it here."

  "Either way, I'll try to keep my low-brow language under lock and key, at least while we're in public."

  "If that's what you want. The people I spend time with are more likely to curse than not." They made it to the bar and Cassie ordered her drink. "You look nice too, by the way." She reached up and smoothed his tie.

  Shane liked her touching him, even little fiddling things like straightening his clothes or fixing his hair. He could only imagine what her hands would feel like on the rest of him.


  Cassie enjoyed dinner with Shane. He was attentive without being pushy, and throughout the meal, he never made her feel as though he'd rather be with someone else. Not something most of her past dates had managed.

  They chatted and reminisced with their table mates, catching up and remembering antics from when they were in school. After the meal, when the dishes had been cleared, a band started playing at one end of the room near an area cleared for dancing. Cassie turned her seat so she could see the band easier. Shane moved his chair closer and draped his arm across the back of hers. She liked the passive reminder that he was there with her.

  The band played a couple of tunes, things from when they were in school. Cassie finished the water she'd had with her meal and looked toward the bar. Should she get another drink? She'd already decided she would be inviting Shane back to the room. It might be her only chance, and she wasn't going to pass it up, especially not after the soul searing kiss they’d shared earlier.

  Before she'd made up her mind, Shane leaned close and murmured in her ear. "Do you want something? I'll go get it."

  "Hmm... I'm thinking about it. I've already made up my mind about later.” She gave him a slow smile, “I want to relax a little but still be in control and able to remember every detail."


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