Poke Checking

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by Kristen Echo

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  A New Year’s Eve Hockey Romance

  By: Kristen Echo


  Puck Battle Series Book Two

  Copyright © 2017 by Kristen Echo and Kristen Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of the above copyright owner of this book or publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Website: http://www.echoromance.com

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/authorkristenecho/

  eBook ISBN:978-0-9952712-4-1

























  “I t’s getting late. Daddy, if you don’t send her home—” The threat died on her lips as yet another hockey player approached.

  “Martin, I’m so glad you could come,” her father cut her off and turned to face the newest arrival.

  She rarely got upset at being dismissed for business. Her father, Spence Northcote, always made time for his team. Owning an NHL team took a lot of his time. She didn’t resent the players for stealing his time, but they didn’t win any favor in her books either. Caroline rolled her eyes as the guy shook her father’s hand, beaming like he was in the presence of greatness. The team loved him; they feared him; more than all of that, they respected him. She wished one day someone would look at her with half the admiration he got.

  “Mr. Northcote you’ve outdone yourself. The place is packed.”

  “Thanks. We should meet our targets, but I can’t take all the credit; the foundation handled everything. I merely extended a few invites.” Her father was being modest as usual. He started the Masters Mental Health Awareness Foundation and still sat on the board of directors. The cause was near and dear to them all. This New Year’s Eve fundraiser gala had been his idea. “You played one hell of a game tonight son. It was a close one.” He patted the young man on his back, and both men smiled.

  The hockey player’s cheeks turned an endearing shade of pink. She would have found it sweet, downright adorable, if he hadn’t rudely interrupted her conversation. “Thank you, Sir. I’m glad I got a shot to help the team, though I wish it was under different circumstances. It was a tough one, but we came out ahead.” The guy looked more like a model than a pro athlete with his high cheekbones and long eyelashes. Damn, those things had their own time zone, and she envied him. Her own lashes were short and blonde, and nowhere near as impressive. He was beautiful, but she wasn’t interested.

  As if her father sensed her checking out the guy, he stepped in front of her and blocked her view. The pair continued their conversation. “Our defense let through too many shots on net. You stopped more pucks than necessary.”

  Blah, blah, hockey blah.

  Caroline shuffled her feet, knowing she would not get an introduction. Her father never introduced her to the players. She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. That didn’t even bother her. This was the first event she’d ever been allowed to attend where the two would co-mingle. She knew the rules and kept her distance. But she had something to say, so she chewed her lip and waited.

  And waited.

  Her younger sister sat at a table, rocking in her seat. Connie had reached her quota for company and refused to look up from her iPad. Caroline had spent the last hour sitting with her and reassuring the nine-year-old that everything was fine. Her sister had been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome at a young age and big events weren’t good for her. Any changes to her routine were usually met with hostility. It was hours past her bedtime and her nanny, Meagan, was too star struck by all the famous people in the room to do her job properly. If Connie hadn’t instantly taken to her, Caroline would have fired the eighteen-year-old the first week. But her sister’s wish always came first.

  The more minutes that passed the angrier Caroline became. Eventually, Martin walked away, and she stepped in before the next guest came to steal her father’s attention. “Connie needs to go home. I’ve asked Meagan to take her, but she won’t until you say. Go tell her.” Caroline tapped her high heels against the marble floors.

  Her father gave a wistful glance around the room. His eyes landed on his baby girl, Connie, was the apple of his eye. Everyone loved her. She was special, and Caroline adored her. But it was almost midnight and way too late for a little girl to be at a party surrounded by suits. The ballroom was squeezed tight with partygoers dressed to the nines, ready to ring in the New Year in style.

  He cleared his throat. Something he always did before he laid down the law. “Don’t get snippy with me, Caroline. She’s not going home yet. Your sister wants to stay to hear you sing your first performance since joining the band. Besides, if I send her home now, she’ll miss the countdown. I promised her.” He was such a softie when it came to his girls.

  “Daddy, she will not make it till midnight; even if that is only an hour from now. This evening has been a challenge for her, and she’s handled all the people really well; better than expected. But can’t you tell she’s at the end of her rope. She’s hiding her face in her hands and rocking. When I checked on her last she barely looked at me. I don’t care what you promised. It’s time for her to go home.” Often, Caroline felt more like a mother than a sister. She blamed the twelve-year age gap.

  “You’re being dramatic. If Meagan thought your sister couldn’t handle it, she’d make that call. She’s in good hands. Stop worrying. Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your big performance?” He squeezed her bare arms lovingly, but his eyes traveled over her outfit with disapproval.

  The black and gold sequined cocktail dress was strapless and short. Very short. Most of her body was on display, and she liked the attention. Her attire stretched from her usual jeans and sweatshirts. But she wasn’t a student anymore. She had to look like a Rock star. Her father had arranged for her band to play one set while the orchestra took a break. It was her first paying gig, and she was grateful. Few people had the connections he did.

  “I’m not overreacting. I know my sister. You’re being irresponsible. She needs a bed.” Caroline stomped her foot, nearly breaking the heel off her three-inch sparkled pu

  Her father pressed his lips in a hard line and pushed her towards the door. “Let me be the parent. Quit making excuses for not being back stage. The orchestra will be taking their break soon and it will be your turn. You’ve refused to work with me, saying this is what you want to do. You quit University to pursue this dream.”

  She didn’t need the reminder. Music was her passion, and she was determined to make it her career. Caroline took it seriously. For him to think anything else hurt. She wasn’t avoiding the mic; rather looking out for her sister. He thought she was nervous, but he was wrong. Dammit, why wasn’t he looking out for Connie? “Dad—”

  “Be a professional and take this job seriously. Everything we do, we do it one hundred percent.” Their family motto didn’t apply at this moment. “Stop arguing with me. I have more guests to thank. Go make music and make me proud.” His word was final. He gave her one last glance and walked away.

  Her cheeks heated, and she clenched her fists. He was infuriating. Caroline stormed off toward her band. Her best-friend and bass player, Maddy, sat at the bar. She had her tanned face covered by her hands to hide her giggles. The laughter rang out loud and clear. The other three band members were bent over in hysterics.

  While she’d been arguing with her dad, her friends were having the time of their lives. Caroline was done being Miss Responsible. “What’s so funny?”

  All eyes turned to her, and Maddy recovered first. “These idiots made up a game that you have to—”

  “It’s fucking awesome. Caroline, you have to play,” Brody said, draping his arm over her shoulder. His forearm rested against the side of her breast, whether intentional or not, she didn’t like it. He was a damn good drummer, but she had no interest in anything more than a working relationship.

  She smiled and stepped away. “I love games. What are you playing?” She took an empty seat next to Maddy, so it wouldn’t seem like she was purposely avoiding him.

  “It’s called best kiss or worst kiss of the year. This place is crawling with hotties and since we’re all single, we’re having a little fun.” Nathan, the lead singer, wiped a smudge of lipstick off the side of his mouth. The red stain lingered.

  “It’s dumb, but funny as hell.” Maddy reached over and wiped the remaining color from his lips. Their level of comfort with one another was obvious.

  Her best-friend had been with the guys for close to a year. Only recently, their second vocalist and piano player left to pursue a solo career. Maddy had begged the guys to give Caroline a chance. Her raspy vocals fit the jazzy rock vibe and they accepted her. Or rather, they were giving her a chance. She was still finding her place among the group. This was her big audition.

  She waved at the bartender. “Vodka cranberry, please.” Caroline had a feeling this game would lead to nothing but trouble. It was the perfect way to end the year. “Count me in. How do you play?”

  “Yes!” Brody fist bumped Nathan while Maddy rolled her eyes. “You find someone to kiss and the rest of us will judge if it’s a best or worst kiss of the year. Nathan’s latest kiss fell into the worst category.”

  “Yeah, it was a wet, slobbery mess.” Maddy giggled again.

  Nathan looked smug and puffed out his chest. The nipple rings were obvious through his dress shirt. “I’ll admit it felt like she tried to eat my face. I can do better. Since you’re just joining, we’ll let you go next.”

  “Definitely,” Brody agreed. “If you can’t find a suitable contender, I’m right here.” He cracked his knuckles and rocked back on his heels.

  Caroline couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. “Thanks, but I’m sure I can find someone.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. There are hockey players everywhere. Your dad would shit bricks if you broke his rules.” Maddy was always the voice of reason. It was true Caroline’s father pretty much let her do anything she wanted, as long as she never dated a hockey player. He didn’t want his little girl involved with the team unless it was in a business capacity. One day she’d join him in the owner’s box, but until then it was easy to keep her distance. He didn’t believe in mixing business and pleasure; an easy rule to follow. She liked nothing about hockey so she stayed away from his business and the players. Though technically it was her business too, she unfortunately had no desire to be a part of that world.

  “All the hockey players arrived well over an hour ago.” She scanned the room and admitted she had no idea which guys were from the team. She never watched the NHL. The fundraiser was swimming with athletes and businessmen. The place was full and it would be impossible to pick someone from this group. “I’ll kiss the next guy that walks in.” Anyone would be a better choice than Brody.

  Maddy looked relieved at her suggestion, making Caroline wonder what that was all about. “What if he’s a hockey player too?”

  “Impossible. Everyone from daddy’s team who was planning on making an appearance is here. They came as soon as the game was over. They were all smiles because they won. Trust me, I got stuck listening to him talk with one of the goalies. Hockey is so boring.”

  The guys laughed and Brody’s smile widened a little too much. “So, dear old dad won’t let you mess around hockey players. Guess that takes out half the guys here. But not all of them. Who’s your type, Caroline?”

  Maddy slid off her stool. “This game isn’t about finding her a boyfriend. It’s random stranger kisses and the best kiss of the year wins bragging rights.” Maddy licked her lips like she planned to take home the prize. Caroline wondered if she had a guy picked out already. She didn’t get the chance to ask.

  “One kiss and women can’t help but want more.” Brody was so full of himself. His long, lean body and dark features didn’t do it for her. He was a good-looking guy, but he was too cocky. Not to mention, he was a total player. In the year since Maddy joined the band, they were pretty sure he’d slept with over a dozen different girls. “I’m going to win this game. So, you may as well kiss me Caroline. If you want to win that is.”

  Fat chance of either happening. Caroline was extremely competitive. “My type is whoever walks in the door next.” She prayed it wasn’t an old guy or heaven forbid one of her father’s friends or business associates. No, most of those men arrived ages ago. Whoever this straggler happened to be, she hoped he was young and at least mildly attractive.

  The doors opened, and she held her breath. Leather covered hotness strolled in like a brooding hurricane. She’d never seen such wide shoulders. He barely fit through the doors. She exhaled. Everything about this man was large and intimidating. His leather jacket and gloves made her think he was a biker who accidentally opened the wrong door, but he wore dress slacks and designer shoes. He didn’t make eye contact with anyone and headed straight for the bar. He didn’t appear happy. Definitely not a hockey player.

  He was built like a fortress. The hotel they were in looked like an old castle and this man made her think of a knight from the medieval era. His blond beard was trimmed short but long enough to grab hold of. Wow. If she had a type, this man was it.

  Her friend leaned over, pressing their shoulders together. “Hot damn! Do you recognize him?”

  “Nope,” she replied. The word sounded raspy and faint. “Do any of you know him?”

  Her band mates shrugged their shoulders, but offered no indication he was anyone famous. “I don’t think he’s a good choice, and we don’t have time for this. Our set’s about to begin,” Brody chimed in.

  She disagreed. He was perfect. She pegged him in his early twenties. It was hard to guess with the beard and distance between them. His long strides ate up that space mighty quickly.

  “Um… Care…” Caroline tore her eyes away to glance at her friend. Maddy gnawed at her lip and her brown eyes looked at Nathan, Peter and Brody before landing back on her. “Never mind. Make this quick, but you can’t drag him off; we need to see the kiss in order to judge.”

  Right. A kiss. One little kiss and she’d win the game. Easy.
Only she couldn’t walk up to a man like that and kiss him. Or could she?


  H er mouth felt like she’d swallowed a bucket of sand and her hands shook as she dug into her purse. She located a pack of raspberry bubble gum and sighed. The fruit flavor wasn’t ideal, but she couldn’t kiss a stranger with vodka breath.

  Mr. Man looked like someone who knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. He exuded a dominating vibe that didn’t scare her in the least. She was drawn to him. The way he held the shot glass with such power as if he meant to crush it. He possessed the brute strength to do it, and that was unnerving and terribly arousing. The stage beckoned in a matter of minutes; otherwise she might have watched him all night.

  “What are you waiting for?” Peter, one of her band mates, asked before he stole the last sip from her glass. “You’ve got exactly five minutes before we have to head back to prep. If you don’t go over there and kiss him, then I will.” He was trying to get under her skin and it worked.

  “I’m going.” Damn, she needed that liquid courage. Caroline looked back at him as his face tilted back and he guzzled an unknown dark liquid. This was a bad idea, right? No, she needed to do something naughty like this. “I’m… He—” Her words evaporated when two girls approached him, blocking her access. The window of opportunity slipped away.

  Brody stepped closer until his leg brushed against her. “Oh, too bad. He’s already got company. Guess you’ll have to find someone else.”

  “No.” Maddy rushed to her aid. “Caroline’s got this. I’ll be your wingman.” She sent Brody a sickly-sweet smile before squaring her petite shoulders.

  Caroline loved her friend dearly, but maybe he was right. She should pick someone else. A man not so virile and sexy that every woman in the room took notice. But that made him the right choice and there wasn’t time to choose again. She had to finesse this situation to her favor. “I don’t think I can do this,” she whispered.


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