Kiljorn Commander

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by K. D. Jones

  Kiljorn Commander

  Katieran Prime [8]

  KD Jones

  JK Publishing, Inc. (2014)

  * * *

  Tags: Scifi, Romance, Erotic, Fiction

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. MF.

  In book eight of Katieran Prime: Commander TylOR of the Kiljorn nation has a mission to guard the wormhole from enemies of old and new enemies within. He shares this mission with the half-brother who he only recently met. The two brothers don’t get along. To make matters worse, the one female who has plagued him since he first met her is going to be traveling with him. His brother tortures him with constantly flirting with the female. TylOR fights his inner battle to claim the female. If he doesn’t soon encounter an enemy he can kill, he might have to take out his brother while waiting.

  Dr. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Connell has a PhD in linguistics, a doctorate in social cultures, and a doctorate in foreign languages. She has traveled all over Earth learning new cultures and experiencing the thrill of living on the edge. When she travels to Katiera she thinks it will be the pentacle of her academic career. Lizzie gets a lot more education than she had anticipated. First, she is almost captured by the Katieran's long time enemy, the Morins, only to be sort of rescued by the most egotistical, yet attractive man she has ever met. One she finds she has a hard time ignoring. Lizzie survives one battle from the Morins, only to find herself fighting an internal battle of wills that she fears has an inevitable outcome.

  TylOR and Lizzie have fought their attraction for one another from the very beginning. They have tried to ignore each other but circumstances change forcing them to be in close proximity of one another. They must face their feelings for one another while handling the dangers they are thrown in.

  Will they survive long enough to see their relationship through? Will the enemy end them before they can start? Come follow the journey as both TylOR and Lizzie discover there are some things you just can’t fight and some worth fighting for.

  Kiljorn Commander

  Katieran Prime

  Book Eight

  by KD Jones

  © Copyright May 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


  All cover art and logo © Copyright May 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by ML Hill

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  I would like to dedicate this book to my Katieran Prime fans. You have been with me through the beginning. You have been faithful and forgiving as I learn my craft. I could not ask for better friends and mentors. Thank you all for the support and loyalty. May the Goddess KatieRI bless all your lives.

  KD Jones

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  The Katieran Culture Guide Book

  Books by KD Jones

  Excerpt from Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunters

  JK Publishing, Inc.

  Chapter One

  TylOR boarded the Katieran transport with his laser gun at the ready. He hit his comm link, “Secure any females you find. Be prepared for anything!”

  “Yes, Commander!” his lieutenants responded.

  He caught a glimpse of two Morins dragging a couple of females. One female had black hair and the other had the strangest color combination of red and blond. TylOR fired his weapon at the Morins wide in hopes of making them drop the females. He said a silent prayer to the Goddess KatieRI not to let the females get hurt.

  His people, the Kiljorns, believed like the Katierans in protecting females and their young. Though they were few of either, his people were fierce with their beliefs when it came to protecting those weaker and in need.

  “Leave the females alone you sick creatures!” TylOR yelled out at the completely bald and yellowish-skinned beings.

  TylOR rushed to get to the females but he felt like something was pulling him back, slowing him down. By the time he had gotten to where he last saw the females, there was no sign of them. He was too late. He was unable even to save one of them. He hadn't saved Elizabeth. She had been taken by the Morins just like her friend Lola. No not her! Kitasa!


  TylOR woke disoriented. His breathing was rapid and he touched his chest area right above his heart, which felt like it would beat right out of his body. He looked around his sleeping quarters and frowned. He wasn’t on the Katieran transport battling the Morins. No, he was onboard a Kiljorn Transport heading toward the Colonial Planet to visit his sister,

  He threw the covers off his sweat soaked body and got up to head toward the bathing room. He didn’t have any clothing to remove because he preferred to sleep completely nude. As a Kiljorn, their body temperature ran high so he was rarely cold.

  Turning on the shower, he waited a few seconds for the water temperature to adjust to his preferred setting. Then he stepped inside and let the warm water wash away the salty dampness from his body.

  This wasn’t the first time he had nightmares of that fateful day. The day the Morins attacked a Katieran transport loaded full of defenseless females from Earth. Many females had been taken and tortured including Lola Marquesa, now bond mate to the leader of the Colonial Planet. Some females were never recovered alive. It was a crime to his people’s way of life to harm a female and though he never met them personally, he mourned the senseless loss.

  He didn’t understand why he kept reliving that moment onboard the ship. The moment he came across two females being dragged onto a Morin shuttle. One female he was too late to save. The other was…Elizabeth Connell.

  His cock immediately sprang to life at the memory of her fiery spirit fighting against the Morin who held her. She was such a little thing compared to the large Morin. Her height was barely five feet one inch if that much. Despite her height disadvantage, she surprised the Morin getting him to release her when she kicked him in his manhood. TylOR snorted remembering the look on the male’s face. When the Morin reached for the female again in anger, TylOR shot him straight through the heart.

  None of that is what changed him forever. No, what affected his heart, soul, and body was the moment he touched the small female. When he reached a hand down to help her up, their skin met and it was like a shockwave had run through his entire body. It was so sudden and strong, it nearly knocked him to his knees.

  He tried to ignore his growing arousal. He ducked his head under the showerhead. He should have had the showerhead moved up to accommodate his seven-foot height like what he had at his home on Kiljor; a home the Morins almost completely destroyed when they had attacked the Kiljorn home planet.

  He soaped up his body, closing his eyes. Big mistake. Immediately his imagination brought up an image of the beautiful Doctor Elizabeth Connell. Others called her Lizzie but when he thought of her, it was always as Elizabeth, unusual and more lovely than any female he had ever seen.

  Her strange colored hair had been the first thing he noticed. It was a combination of red and blond and changed back and forth between the two colors when the sunlight shined down upon her. He heard the other earth females call the color strawberry blond. He did not understand the description but it was eye catching for sure.

  The second thing he noticed about her was her striking light blue eyes. They were the purest blue he had ever seen. A great deal of his people and the Katierans had blue eyes, but theirs were always a darker shade set off by their golden irises. Elizabeth’s eyes were set off by her black irises, which he found intriguing.

  The next thing that fascinated him about her was her body shape. She was short and tiny compared to his size with curves that called to him. Made him lick his lips with the need to touch and taste every delectable inch of her. He shook his head dunking it in the spray hoping to clear his mind of her but it wasn’t working.

  He soaped up his cock, which was painfully hard. As he stroked himself, he imaged Elizabeth’s small hands doing the same to him. She wouldn’t even need to kneel down because of her height. She would only have to bend at the waist to reach the head of his penis. Her small tongue would swipe at him before she enclosed him inside her tight warm mouth.

  “Kitana,” TylOR moaned, picturing Elizabeth pleasuring him with her lips, tongue, and throat.

  He pictured her bare with her long pretty hair streaming down her back. He squeezed himself harder thinking of her sucking him and teasing him. He could almost see her large breasts bobbing with each movement.

  “Elizabeth,” he moaned her name.

  Then she would flick her bright eyes up at him and lock onto his eyes. Oh Goddess. The picture he conjured in his mind was all he needed to finally release. His seed shot from his cock as his hand continued to pump up and down on his shaft. Her eyes of were his undoing. They seemed to see right through him.

  TylOR leaned his head against the cold tile of the shower wall. He had fought his attraction for Elizabeth for so long. It wasn’t as if he had trouble getting females to pay attention to him, especially the earth females.

  Unlike the females of his home world, these females didn’t mind that he was different from other Kiljorns and Katierans with his hairless body. Just the opposite, they always wanted to run their fingers over his bare head. He enjoyed their attentions at first. He even bedded a few of them. However, none of them were his bond mate and he had no intention of mating any of them. They were aware of the fact from the beginning and they seemed okay with it. But the more he was around the irritatingly beautiful Dr. Elizabeth Connell, the less appealing other females were to him. Even now the thought of another female touching him had his still hard cock softening. What in Kitana was happening to him?


  “What are you thinking about?” Lola touched Lizzie on her shoulder and signed to her.

  Lizzie turned away from the window she had been staring out. The night was beautiful with the Luna glowing upon the nearby forest. It was a peaceful and calm environment, which should have been relaxing. Instead, she found herself feeling restless. She had felt so lonely lately. She hoped visiting Lola would help but watching her friend interact with her mate, LarIS, actually made her loneliness worse.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about seeing the villagers again,” Lizzie signed back, knowing she lied to her friend.

  “Or maybe you are thinking about a certain Kiljorn who will arrive in a few hours.”

  Lizzie blushed turning her head too late. Lola caught the expression. Lola clasped her hand making Lizzie look back at her.

  “I knew you had a thing for Commander TylOR. Does he feel the same? Is it serious?” Lola asked, signing excitedly. She wanted nothing more than to have her best friend happily mated as she was with LarIS. LarIS was her whole world. He showered her with love and compassion. She wanted Lizzie to have that too.

  Lizzie held up her hands to stop her friend from continuing. “No no. We’re not together. Not at all. In fact, the last time I saw him he was…with someone else.”

  She had seen him flirt with another woman at the last gathering on Katiera. It had been a while because he had gone right after that to the wormhole on a mission. At least, that was what Prima Captain Jaxon had said. Anyway, it did bother her to see him with someone else. She thought they had a connection, though she never would have sought him out to act on it. He was way too macho and controlling for her tastes. She preferred someone more gentle and kind. Her mind was all for finding someone new, but her body and heart was still pining away for TylOR.

  Lola looked at her in sympathy. “I’m so sorry. What a jerk!”

  Lizzie shrugged. “It’s okay. I felt some kind of attraction to him but I guess it was one sided. It happens.”

  “But he seems so protective of you, especially when his brother, AshOR, is around.” It didn’t make sense. When last she visited Katiera with LarIS for the Year End Celebration, she had noted how the Kiljorn Commander’s eyes would follow Lizzie everywhere she went. She did see other women trying to get his attention but he ignored them for the most part. Maybe there were things she hadn’t seen that Lizzie did. She felt so bad for her friend. Lizzie deserved a man that wanted her and treated her with love and respect.

  “You know, you made quite the impression with the village leader the last time we visited.” Lola teased her.

  Lizzie rolled her eyes. “He only paid me attention so I could teach him how to sign with you. You are the one who breaks hearts everywhere you go.”

  “Please don’t say that in front of LarIS. He’ll never let me go anywhere. B
esides, I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.”

  Lizzie looked down at her body. “I’m not exactly what most men fantasize about.”

  Lola touched her arm. “That is not true. You are gorgeous.”

  “I could lose a few more pounds.” Lizzie was always aware that her body was curvier. She remembered being a chubby little girl and her mother always inspected her weight day to day. Once she thought Lizzie had gained too much weight and started throwing out food from the kitchen, saying she had to stop eating junk food.

  “Don’t you dare! You have lost way too much weight over the last few months. Is it because of Commander TylOR? Has he said something to you about your weight?” Lola signed, anger burning in her eyes for her friend.

  “No, he hasn’t said anything. But the women I see him with are all long legged and model beautiful. Seeing him with them makes me feel short, fat, and ugly,” Lizzie admitted.

  Lola was livid that her friend felt this way. She had a distorted view of her appearance. Her mate sensed her distress and contacted her through their mental link.

  'Do you have need of me, my love?' LarIS asked with concern.

  'No, I am with Lizzie. We are fine.'

  'Are you sure? I can leave this meeting and come to you.'

  'Baby, I will see you later this evening. Finish your meeting. Plus, Commander TylOR arrives in a little bit.' She couldn’t help but sound bitter saying TylOR’s name.


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