Kiljorn Commander

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Kiljorn Commander Page 13

by K. D. Jones


  At that moment Lizzie remembered DugER. “What about Lieutenant DugER?”

  The medic answered, “He is in critical shape but we believe he will pull through. There may be damage to his spine that cannot be completely repaired.”

  “Will he be able to walk?” Lizzie was horrified.

  “If he does it will be with some difficulty.”

  “Can I see him?”

  “Not right now. He is heavily sedated while the nanos work on repairing the damage. Perhaps in a couple of days he will be up for visitors.”

  Lizzie nodded with understanding. She was now laying on a bed but TylOR was standing by her side. “Go sit down before you fall down.”

  He smiled at her bossiness. He loved her bravery and strength. “I love you, mate.”

  “I love you, too. Now go sit down because craning my head to look up at you hurts my neck.”

  He chuckled as he clamored over to a bed. The medic stopped him before he sat down. “Commander, perhaps we can get you a shower first. That way we will know which blood is yours.”

  “I will not leave my mate.” TylOR glared at the medic.

  “TylOR, there are five lieutenants guarding the Medic wing. The rebels are in holding cells. I am safe. You are covered in disgusting blood and smell. Go take a damn shower.” He grunted as he went to the shower in the medic room. Lizzie noticed everyone had stopped to stare at her. “What?”

  “I have never seen the Commander handled like that,” the Second Commander TenON said, shaking his head and smiling.

  “Well, he needs a shower.”


  An hour later Stryker entered the medic wing. He found TylOR laying back on a bed with Lizzie by his side on the same small bed. She was half on top of him and completely asleep. He lowered his voice.

  “How are the two of you doing?”

  “We are both fine, just bruises. What did you find out?”

  “The two males, CalamRI and HarvEY, are Purist rebels from one of the mining colonies. They met up with RojAY six months ago and he helped get them a position with fake identification on a Kiljorn transport. RojAY told them his sister had to be relocated to the Colonial Planet and that is when they hatched a plan to travel to the Colonial Planet and they planted a bomb.”

  “Did they give you the Purist rebel leader’s name? Are they planning something else?”

  “They wouldn’t talk about the leader but I saw images of him and his second in command. I sent lieutenants to check their quarters for any vital information.”

  “So we don’t’ have anything?”

  “Actually, I did find out something with the images in the rebel’s mind running rampant. But I think I should speak to Prime Leader KadEN as well.”

  “What else did you find?”

  “A plan to blow up the wormhole.”

  “Oh Kitana!”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Wait.” TylOR carefully slid Elizabeth out of his arms and laid her on the bed. He got off the bed and walked outside the medic wing. He addressed the security liaisons, “You will guard her with your lives.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  TylOR continued down the corridor with StrykER following him. “Tell me how.”

  “The Purist Rebel Leader OrIN is sending a ship to go through the wormhole. While inside the wormhole, the ship will self-destruct. The result will be that the wormhole will collapse and be unable to reopen. There could be far reaching repercussions for the nearest solar systems on either side as well,” StrykER told him as they found a remote area away from anyone's hearing.

  “So it isn’t just the Colonial Planet that they targeted?”

  “These rebels onboard were only assigned to take care of the bomb on the Colony as a distraction and delaying tactic to keep the Katierans, Kiljorns, and Colonists away from the wormhole. Their main objective is the wormhole.”

  “Come with me, I have to send a warning to all three leaders and to Commander AshOR.” TylOR headed toward the command center.

  “Lieutenant, get a secure line and request an emergency communications call with Prime Leader RendEL, Prime Leader KadEN, Leader LarIS, and Commander AshOR.” TylOR cleared the room of all personnel not needed for the call. Second Commander TenON joined him.

  It took about fifteen minutes. “Commander, I have everyone on line.”

  Four images appeared on the large viewing screen. KadEN was the first to speak. “Commander TylOR, I assume you have important information regarding the bombing on the Colonial Planet?”

  “Yes, sir. We have discovered at least two Purist rebels and two sympathizers onboard. The Purist rebels posed as Kiljorn officers with the help of two Kiljorn citizens, a brother and sister. They attempted to take my mate off the ship. My mate was saved by her guard. One of the Purist rebels is dead and the other is locked up in the holding cell with the brother and sister sympathizers. Interrogator StrykER questioned those in the holding cells and uncovered a plot to destroy the wormhole.”

  “Kitana!” Prime Leader RendEL cursed.

  “How do they plan to destroy the wormhole?” Leader LarIS asked.

  “The Purists plan to send a ship into the wormhole with a self-destruct timer. Once it blows up inside the wormhole, it will cause it to collapse in on itself, possibly closing it off for good.”

  “Is it just one ship or more than one that they are sending?” Commander AshOR asked.

  TylOR looked to his side at StrykER. StrykER spoke, “From what I could get from the questioning, it appears that only one set is planned. But the leader of the rebels may have more than one ship at his disposal to implement his plan.”

  TylOR continued, “I suggest all transports going to and from Earth be put on temporary hold.”

  RendEL frowned. “Unfortunately we have a transport with Earth females en route. They are already halfway to the wormhole.”

  “Then I need to go through the wormhole immediately,” AshOR said.

  TylOR didn’t like it at all. If his brother went through the wormhole and the Purists were able to destroy it, AshOR would not be able to get back home. That was unacceptable to him.

  “I do not think that is a good idea. If the Purists succeed, you will be stuck on the other side,” TylOR spoke directly to his brother.

  “I know, but the Morins are a threat to the females on that transport. I have to go,” AshOR returned.

  “Commander AshOR is right. Someone needs to continue the pursuit of the Morins. Leaving them on the other side is just too dangerous. Commander AshOR will go through the wormhole to continue searching for the Morins as planned,” Leader LarIS said.

  Prime Leader RendEL spoke next, “Prime Commander ConEL is already at the wormhole guarding it on this side. I will inform him of what is going on.”

  Prime Leader KadEN asked, “What is your ETA for the wormhole?”

  “My transport will arrive within thirty minutes. I will have a scan of the area to see if we can catch the ship before it gets in range of the wormhole,” TylOR told them.

  There was a long pause as everyone gave orders. KadEN looked at TylOR, “Keep us updated on what is happening.”

  “Yes, sir.” TylOR looked at his younger brother and felt true regret that they had not gotten along. Now it might be too late for them. “Be careful, AshOR.”

  “You too, big brother. If something happens and the wormhole closes, take care of both my sisters and my nephew.” AshOR gave him a crooked smile before ending the communications line.

  TylOR gave out orders. “Put us on Yellow alert. I want every fighter we have ready in case we have to fight warship to warship.”

  Second Commander TenON responded, “Yes, Commander.”

  TylOR hated to ask him to do this but he needed more information. He turned to StrykER. “Could you continue questioning the Purist? We need to find out if they have moles or sympathizers on Kiljor or the other two nation’s planets.”

  “I need to give myself an hour t
o re-charge. Then I can continue questioning him. I will see what I can find. But this male, he is low on the totem pole. He knows it too. Just like those coming on the Purist ship, they know they are expendable. They do not expect to live to see tomorrow. So make sure you are aggressive.”

  “Let me know if you discover anything else.” He watched as StrykER walked out of the command center. He had thirty minutes before they reached the wormhole. He wanted to check once more on his mate and let her know what was going on.


  Lizzie sat in a chair beside DugER’s bed in the medic wing. She begged them to let her sit by his side. They told her he would not know she was there and would be unconscious for about a week. But she wanted to be here for him. It was the least she could do. He was shot because of her and LoEK gave his life to protect her.

  “So, do you have a girl back on Kiljor? I’m sure you do. You are big, strong, and brave. I bet you even put the lid to the toilet back down when you are done. Let’s not forgot how hot you are.” A growling sound from behind her made her jump in her chair. She looked behind her to a glaring TylOR.

  “Why are you flirting with another male?” TylOR growled at her.

  “Please, he’s comatose. Just trying to talk to him to let him know he is not alone. Are you jealous?”

  He bent down and lifted her in his arms. “Yes.” He carried her back to her bed and laid her down. He sat down next to her and caressed her face.

  “What’s happening?”

  “The Purists are planning to collapse the wormhole.”

  “How? When?”

  “StrykER discovered the Purist leader is going to send a ship into the wormhole set up for self-destruct. We believe it will happen soon. The bombing on the Colony was a distraction.”

  “When will we arrive at the wormhole?”

  “In twenty minutes.”

  There was a pause as Lizzie tried to think of what to say. It sounded like a battle was about to happen. She has been through one of those already when the Morins attacked.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I just wanted to hold you for a little bit,” he said with a husky voice.

  Lizzie didn’t question him. She climbed up into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you.”

  “Goddess knows I love you too, baby.” He lowered his head to breathe in her sweet scent. A peace settled over him and calmed him. His mind cleared and he could breathe again. “I almost lost you once today. I am not going to let anyone or anything take you from me.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I am fine here and the security guards are not going to let anyone in here to hurt me. You concentrate on doing your job and keeping us safe. I’ll be here waiting for you to come back and make love to me.”

  He growled and took her lips in a deep searing kiss. Their tongues dueled with desperation and desire. He cupped the back of her head to hold her right where he wanted. By the time he ended the kiss they were both breathing heavy with heat in their eyes.

  “Do not leave the medic wing.”

  “I won’t. Go kick some Purist ass.”

  He chuckled as he moved her off his lap and stood. “I will kill their asses.”

  Lizzie smiled when he said it wrong. God, she loved him. He went to the door of the medic wing, turning back once more to wink at her. Then he was gone. She prayed to God to bring him back to her.


  Right before he reached command center the lights began flashing. He ran the rest of the way. “Report!”

  “Sir, Prime Commander ConEL reported they have detected an unknown ship twenty miles from the wormhole. We are due to intercept in less than two minutes.”

  “Get pilots ready to go for the warships!”

  “Yes, sir.”

  TylOR watched on the viewing screen as they approached closer to the wormhole. He could see a transport ship making its way. Just ahead of them was the Colonial transport. “Get me Commander AshOR!”

  “Ready, sir.”

  “Commander, I am a little busy here.” AshOR’s image came up on the viewing screen.

  “Get through the wormhole now! Do not engage with the approaching transport.”

  “But I could stop them.”

  “No, me and Prime Commander ConEL will stop them. You get through that wormhole and…don’t get yourself killed.”

  AshOR nodded his understanding. “Good luck.”

  “You too.” The transmission ended. He turned to his second in command. “As soon as we are in range send out the warships. Let us see if we can damage the ship and stop it in its tracks.”

  “Yes, Commander.” A minute later TenON gave the order. “Launch all warships!”

  The Purist transport launched their own warships but they didn’t slow down. They kept their course straight for the wormhole. AshOR’s ship just passed Prime Commander ConEL’s ship. ConEL was trying to maneuver his ship to place it in between the Purist and the wormhole.

  Kitana! “Get Prime Commander ConEL’s ship some coverage! The Purists are sending warships to slow down the Katieran transport.”

  Suddenly their ship shook. The Purists fired on them. “Return fire!” TylOR ordered. Part of him itched to get into a warship and go out to fight. He would too if it came down to it. However, he was needed here, giving out orders for others to follow. Their lives depended on him doing his job.

  TylOR walked closer to the viewing screen. “What is that?” He pointed at a barely visible dot moving behind AshOR’s ship.”

  “It has a low heat signature. Looks to be a warship. They cannot expect one warship to be a match for a Colonial or Katieran transport,” Second Commander TenON said.

  “They are not going after the transport, the warship is the bomb. Get that warship at all costs before it gets to the wormhole!”

  There was a huge explosion and the viewing screen blinked then came back on. It took a few seconds for images to reappear. Smoke and debris cleared. Was it too late? Did AshOR make it through the wormhole?

  “We have visual! The wormhole is intact and the Purist warship is destroyed.”

  “What about the Purist transport?”

  “It is fleeing. Should we pursue?”

  “We have to help protect the wormhole. There could be more Purist ships. Have some of our warships follow but not to engage, then have them report back where they went to.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  It was hours ago that TylOR went to prepare for battle. Lizzie was going a little stir crazy inside the medic wing. Then the injured starting coming in. She realized she was just taking up bed space. She requested the security guards take her back to her and TylOR’s sleeping quarters. They didn’t like it but they asked TylOR via comm link and he gave his approval.

  She opened the door to their sleeping quarters and was relieved that someone had cleaned up all the blood. She wasn’t squeamish but she didn’t want the reminder that someone else almost died to protect her. She carried the guilt of LoEK’s death with her. Tears spilled down her cheek. She brushed them away quickly.

  “Could you wait in the corridor?” she asked one of the guards.

  “We are supposed to keep you within view at all times.”

  “But I am going to take a shower. Surely Commander TylOR would not want you watching his mate take a shower.” She watched at the males blushed.

  “You can close the bathing room door. But two of us will remain in the main living space while the rest guard from outside in the hallway,” the lead guard said.

  She sighed. It was the best she was going to get. “Okay. Let me grab a change of clothing.” She was looking forward to taking a shower. It would refresh her physically and mentally.

  She didn’t lock the door because no one was going sneak a peak of her naked and risk setting TylOR off into another killing rage. She saw the blood but did not see what was inside the shuttle, but she overhead the security guards talking about it.

  She shivered thinkin
g about how strong a man must be to literally yank another man’s head and arms off. He was tearing the guy limb from limb. Gruesome. She didn’t like to think of TylOR as violent, but she supposed everyone had that ability if pushed far enough over the edge. His belief the Purist rebel had killed her was a giant shove. He loved her so much he decapitated the enemy. Romantic if not a little creepy.

  She closed her eyes and stepped into the warm stream of water letting it run down her body. A cool breeze hit her back. She looked over her shoulder and found TylOR standing there watching her. He had taken off his clothes and he was hard for her.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  “So are you.” She gave him a sexy smile. “Planning to join me or are you going to stand there all day?”

  TylOR walked into the large shower stall and pulled her warm wet body against his. He was immediately calmed just by touching her. This was home to him. She was home to him.

  TylOR ran his large hands over her wet body enjoying the feel of her. He wanted to take his time but the need to be inside of her rode him hard. The thought that things could have turned out for the worst made him realize how precious life was and how he did not want to waist a single moment of it.

  He reached down and stroked her pussy lips finding them moist and ready. “Are you ready for me? I do not think I can wait much longer. I need you.”

  Hearing those words from him made her womb clench with need. “I’m ready, baby.”

  He lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She loved that he was so strong he lifted her without any problems. Then all thoughts escaped her as he lowered her down onto his hard cock.

  They both moaned at the fullness of him inside of her. TylOR took her lips again as he raised her up and then pulled her back down on him over and over. His thrusts became harder and deeper hitting her G-spot within in.

  “TylOR!” Lizzie tried to hold back her orgasm but he felt too good and she had missed him.

  “Release for me, sweetness,” TylOR growled, clutching her to him tighter.

  “Yes!” Lizzie screamed out as her inner walls squeezed and spasmed. A few seconds later TylOR roared with his own release.


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