Knocked Up by the Dom: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance

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Knocked Up by the Dom: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance Page 9

by Penelope Bloom

  “What now?” I ask. “Sir,” I add hastily.

  “It’s time for some privacy.”

  He takes me down a long hallway full of doorways. I can’t help thinking back to the corridor in the airport with the conference rooms. It’s like we’re walking through a darkened shadow of that memory now. I only hope this time doesn’t end like the last.

  He uses a key on a door at the end of the hall, opening up a space like nothing I’ve ever seen. It’s dark, and the faint shape of countless devices and tools stand in shadow. Fear stabs through me. “Damian,” I say, stepping back toward the door. “Yellow. This is…”

  He flicks a lighter, bringing the flame alive on a candle near the door. “You’re scared. I know, Kitten. I’d be worried if you weren’t, frankly. We don’t need to use any of this tonight if you’re not ready. We can just sit in here and talk, let you get used to seeing all of this.”

  “Have you used everything in here?” I ask, looking around as my eyes adjust to the darkness and I can see the countless devices and tools, not to mention furniture that I can’t even begin to guess the use of.

  He chuckles. “No. I’ll be honest with you. A hundred percent honest. I’ve always been drawn to… this,” he says, motioning around the room. “Sex never brought me any real pleasure. I thought something might be wrong with me. I eventually stumbled upon the world of BDSM. It felt right, but I never wanted a submissive for myself,” he says, pulling a leather paddle from the wall and running his thumb over it thoughtfully. “I never made it past the initial phases with any women. None of them were right. Until you.”

  “I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I still don’t understand. Why me?”

  He moves close and breathes in deeply through his nose. “Because you infatuate me. Your smell, your beauty, the aura of innocence that clings to you like armor. I want it all for myself, more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I want you. I want to be part of your life, part of your son’s life. I don’t even care if you never want to use a room like this. I just want you.”

  I put my arms around him and nuzzle my face into his chest. I can’t believe how good it feels to be held by him, to be close to him. “There’s something I need to tell you,” I say. “Before we can go any farther with this, before… I just need to tell you.” The words tumble out of me faster than I can stop, but I know I’m doing the right thing. He needs to know.



  “That day…” she pauses briefly looking unsure, but forges on. “You got me pregnant.

  My stomach clenches so tightly I nearly double over. Pregnant? My mind is already racing to conclusions--to the one conclusion I want to believe so badly it hurts. Is Dean mine?

  “Dean?” I ask breathlessly. I feel tears prick at my eyes but I hold them back.

  She nods, watching me carefully. I realize she’s scared. My kitten is scared that I’ll be mad. “Yes.”

  “Does he know?” I ask.

  “No,” she says. Her eyes fill with tears.

  I want to make her feel better, but despite my best efforts, I feel a swell of something dark and angry inside me. She didn’t tell me. She held this from me for three years--three years of my son’s life I can never get back. My fists clench at my sides and I take an involuntary step back. If I were being rational, I would remember that she didn’t know me nor did she know how to locate me and she didn’t have the means that I did to search for her, but right now I can’t see past my anger.

  “Say something,” she pleads, moving toward me.

  I hold up a hand, stopping her. “Just give me a second. I just need a second.”

  She breaks down now, tears streaming down her cheeks as she rips the door open and running back out into the club.

  I want to chase after her, but my legs won’t move. Nothing will move. I feel only the crushing sense of loss pushing down on me like the weight of a mountain. I missed his first steps, his first words… I missed so much.

  And the first time I saw my own son? I saw him with a knife twisting in my heart because I thought Kylie had been with another man, that she had a child with another man.

  I slam my fist into the wall. Fiery pain bites through me, but I let it run its course, savoring the distraction. “Fuck,” I growl. In my own selfish anger, I just let Kylie walk out into the club alone and unprotected. All other thoughts die in an instant. The mother of my child is out there and some fucking asshole could be trying to put his hands on her right now.

  I rush out into the hall, hurrying down the corridor and barging in every door along the way. Some are locked, but I throw my shoulder into the doors and check anyway, not caring about the angry shouts of protest that follow in my wake.

  “Kylie!” I shout. “Kylie!”

  I reach the lobby and still see no sign of her. Just before I run outside to check the parking lot, I take one last look over my shoulder. I barely catch sight of a tall man in a suit who has Kylie pinned in a corner. His hands aren’t on her, but he’s standing too close. Way too fucking close.

  I’m on him in a second. I yank him around to face me by the shoulder. He’s tall, but not taller than me, and he has to look up slightly to meet my eyes. “She’s spoken for,” I say, moving my eyes to Kylie’s long enough to make sure she hears my message loud and clear. You’re still mine, Kitten. I may need to punish you for holding the truth from me, but you’re still mine.

  The man has defiant eyes and an obnoxiously thick chin. It’s a punchable face if I’ve ever seen one, and all he needs to do is give me an excuse. “Spoken for?” he says in disbelief. “By you?”

  I grip his suit and lift him an inch off the ground before pressing him into the wall. He reaches to pry my hands free but doesn’t have the strength.

  I’m satisfied to see Kylie doesn’t try to stop me. She only watches with her mouth pressed into an angry line. I just don’t know if she’s angry at him or me, but that’s a problem for later. Right now I need to set this fucker straight.

  “Did he touch you?” I ask Kylie.

  “On the shoulder,” she says quietly. “He touched my shoulder to get my attention.”

  My grip tightens and my teeth clench. “You touched my submissive. She’s marked as untouchable. She’s marked as claimed. And you touched her. You know what that means, don’t you?”

  “Fuck all those rules. My family is worth millions, asshole. I could buy this whole club if I wanted.”

  “It means,” I say, ignoring him. “I could have you banned for life. Or, I could do something much more enjoyable.”

  I pull my arm back and punch him so hard in the face it sends him crumpling to the ground. He writhes and groans.

  “Get up,” I suggest. “Just give me an excuse to hit you again.”

  Some of the members of the club are watching us, but fights aren’t uncommon, especially not here. Many clubs have extremely strict rules enforced by bouncers, but this club has always catered to an almost wild west style of justice. It’s part of the charm, I guess.

  He wisely stays down.

  “Come on,” I say to Kylie. “We need to talk.”

  She looks worried, but falls in beside me as we walk outside. I take her to my car and open the passenger door for her. Once I’m in the driver’s seat, I let out a long sigh, searching for the right words. “I won’t apologize for how I reacted,” I say carefully. “But let me make myself perfectly clear. We have a child together. A son,” I add, unable to stop from smiling a little at that. “You’re the mother of my child. There’s nothing I won’t do to make sure you’re mine and mine alone. Nothing. And now we owe it to our son to make this work. Am I angry that you held this from me? Yes. I’m fucking angry. But we’ll talk about that another day when I’ve had the proper amount of time to think of an appropriate punishment for you.”

  She lowers her head, thinking for a long moment before she responds. “But do you understand why I didn’t tell you? I didn’t even know I was pregnant when I left three ye
ars ago. I didn’t know how to find you for one thing. And then you came back into my life and I still wasn’t sure if you were telling the truth or if Faleena was.”

  I cringe at the mention of her name. No one has earned the scary level of hatred I hold than that woman. She took more from me than she could ever know with her scheme three years ago, and now the price I paid for her jealousy is even higher.

  “You should have told me when I came to your office,” I say.

  Kylie gives me a exasperated look. “Yeah? Oh hi, Damian! Long time no see. By the way, you knocked me up when you fucked me in that conference room in an airport three years ago. We have a son together.”

  My anger flares at the tone she takes. I’m cupping her chin with my hand before I realize it. “Be careful,” I growl. “I’m already on edge, and you’re pushing me. You don’t want to push me. Not right now.”

  She meets my eyes defiantly. “I don’t? We’re not in the club anymore. I don’t have to be your submissive out here.”

  My breath is coming rapidly and my mind is filling with ideas that have my cock stiffening in a confusing blend of anger and arousal. As much as I want her submission, I enjoy the idea of wrestling it from her just as much. “It sounds like I need to teach you a lesson, Kitten. Get in the back seat.”

  “No,” she says.

  I study her face carefully, looking for signs of arousal. Her pupils are dilated slightly. Her cheeks are flushed red. She pushes her chest out slightly, giving me a clear view of her cleavage. And most telling of all, her legs are parted just enough to let me see her white panties and the dark patch of fresh moisture staining them.

  She safe worded me in the club, and I have a moment of doubt. Does she realize the safe words will still work out here? As much as I don’t want to soften the experience by reminding her, I have more important things to think about than my cock now. I’m a father. Every time that thought skids across my consciousness it sends giddy waves of excitement through me.

  “You remember the safe words?” I ask.

  Momentary surprise registers on her face and she nods quickly.

  “Good,” I growl. “Because you have two choices. You can either get in the fucking back of the car, or I’m going to drag you out of that door and throw you in the back.”

  Her eyes widen. “I’m not moving,” she says with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

  I throw open my door, storm to her side of the car, and yank her door open. I grab her with both arms, pulling her into my chest and turning her away from the car so she won’t hurt herself by accidentally kicking the car as she struggles to get free. I open the back door and throw her in, making sure she lands on the seat and doesn’t hit her head on anything. I yank on a lever beneath the passenger seat that lets me fold it up and push it close enough to the dash to give me all the space I’ll need.

  I’m going to need all the room I can get to enjoy my kitten the way I want.

  I climb in the car, watching her with predatory eyes as she backs herself up against the far door, knees up defensively. Her dress is hiked up giving me the most amazing view of her panties I can imagine, and it’s all I can do not to rush this, to get my dick out and fuck her senseless right now. But I wouldn’t swallow up a filet mignon in a single bite, and I’m not about to waste this opportunity by rushing through this.

  “No,” she says, moving back a little as I come toward her. She has nowhere to escape to… not that she really wants to get away from me.

  “No isn’t the magic word, Kitten,” I say. My stomach clenches in fear that she might safe word me. Stopping now would be hard. Hard as hell, but I’d do it in a heartbeat. My main goal may be to make her cum as hard as she can and turn this night into as enjoyable an experience for her as I can, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dying to punish her before plunging my cock into her sweet warmth again. It has been way too long since I last felt her pussy clenching around my length--felt her walls stretching to accommodate my size.

  I reach for her legs to press them open more but she fights me. I test my strength against her, forcing her legs open and then moving my body between them. My lower half is on the floor board, using most of the space I freed up by moving the seat.

  “Fighting me only means I’m going to give it to you harder,” I say through clenched teeth.

  There’s a hungry flash in her eyes when she deliberately pushes against me with both hands.

  “Naughty, Kitten,” I say, “now you lose your hands.” I grab her wrists and pin them to the seat behind her, taking the seat belt and twisting it around her wrists in a way that will keep her from breaking free without my help. As much as I’m enjoying the game of breaking through her resistance, I still don’t want to hurt her, so I’m careful to leave enough room for her wrists to breathe. She won’t have any lasting marks from a night with me. She never will.

  Her chest heaves and she still struggles against me, pushing at me with her legs and arching her body to avoid my grasp. Even though she fights me with her body, she can’t mask the look in her eyes. She’s practically dripping with desire. She’s hungry for this, maybe even as hungry as me.

  “You’ve been bad tonight,” I growl, moving my mouth to the supple skin of her neck and kissing her there. I grip the hem of her dress with one hand and pull it up to her chin, exposing her white lace panties and bra. My breath catches at the sight of her perfect body stretched out for me like a prize. My prize. “You’re fucking beautiful. Even more beautiful than I remember.”

  She stops struggling against me as hard, clearly enjoying the praise. So my kitten likes to be complemented, does she?

  I unhook her bra and grip the shoulder strap on one side with both fists, yanking hard enough to pop it free so I can let it dangle from one of her arms and out of my way. Her tits drop free of the bra with a pleasant jiggle, giving me a completely clear view of her rock-hard nipples. “I’ve never seen breasts so perfect,” I say, cupping one of her tits and taking her nipple in my mouth.

  She arches her back into me, gasping while I circle the hardened nub of her nipple with my tongue.

  “I knew you were submissive, but I never imagined you’d be a disobedient brat.” I say in a lower tone, just before I bite with the slightest pressure on her nipple. It’s enough to make her jump with surprise.

  “Ow,” she gasps.

  “We’re just getting started, Kitten. I’ve been keeping track of all the times you’ve earned a punishment, and it’s going to take more than tonight to get caught up.”

  I use the warmth of my tongue to soothe away what can only be a slight sting from the bite. “Pleasure and pain aren’t so different,” I say between kisses. I give her another taste of my teeth, this time on her other breast. She jumps slightly against the pain, but it’s only a moment before I have her moaning again, this time more intensely than before.

  “We enjoy salty food with sweet drinks because the flavors complement one another,” I say, kissing my way lower now until the scent of her pussy reaches my nose and inflames me even further. “Too much salt and it can ruin the flavor. But pair it with something sweet and you can enjoy every bite like it’s the first. Every time.”

  I draw a slow line with my fingertip down from her clit, through her soaked folds. Without warning, I thrust two fingers inside her to the knuckle. She arches her back and cries out.

  “The pain reminds your body how sweet the pleasure is,” I say, capturing her swollen clit between my lips and sucking while swirling the tip of my tongue around it. She’s shaking now with the need to cum. I can sense it as if it was my own orgasm--an eruption building toward the point of explosion, so close that even the gentlest touch could trigger the release.

  “And…” I say, pulling my fingers from her core and taking my mouth away. “The sudden absence of either can do more than just remind you how sweet the pleasure is.”

  She watches me with pleading eyes. She wants to cum. She wants whatever I’ll give her and she wants it so
badly she can barely stop herself from begging. But that’s not enough for me. I want her past that point. I want her so far gone that nothing stops her from getting on her fucking knees, begging and pleading with me for the orgasm she so desperately needs. I want her complete submission.

  “Absence can enhance the pleasure… or the pain.” I let my words settle around her like a cold mist, knowing every second I delay will only make what she feels next more intense. “Now we reach the point of the night where I need your trust. Your absolute, complete trust.”

  Her eyes are unwavering, but after a long pause, she gives the slightest nod of her head. “Okay,” she says quietly.

  I reach into the center console and take out a black blindfold. She watches warily until I cover her eyes and tie it off behind her head. Now I have her tied up and blind, completely in my control. I take my time admiring the sight of it, savoring the knowledge that her submission is almost totally mine now. I’ve spent a long time thinking of how I would break her in when I finally found her, and now’s my chance.

  For a time, I thought the best way would be gradual. That I should gently introduce her to my world where pain and pleasure merge into one, but I realize now that isn’t the way. Kylie needs to see what heights I can bring her to, and she needs to see sooner rather than later.

  I won’t damage her in any way. No marks left that will be there in the morning. No emotional trauma. My tool of choice tonight will be the promise of pain undelivered, the wicked potential of the sharpened edge close enough to the skin to raise hairs.

  I grab the cigarette lighter and press it into the console, letting the coiled iron wire heat until it glows red hot. I put my hand in front of it, testing the radiating heat. One second is all it takes to know something incredibly hot is close. Two seconds is too much.


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