Bringing Out The Beast

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Bringing Out The Beast Page 2

by Marie Medina

  He touched his cheek. He'd felt that kiss over every inch of his body. Every nerve had gone electric as her lips brushed his skin. His cock had responded to the contact, and only his surprise had kept him from placing his lips against hers when he turned to her. He sipped his coffee and savored the creamy flavor. She knew exactly how he liked his coffee. She knew so many things like that, but she had no idea how much he loved her. When had it happened? He still remembered how shocked he had been when Paul had told him Georgia was pregnant and they wanted him to be the godfather. He'd been nineteen when Sophia was born, and he had never held a baby before. He'd been nervous about the ceremony, but the instant she'd been placed in his arms he'd felt different. Holding her had made him feel strong and protective. He wished he had been around more when she was young, but he'd always let work come first until Paul and Georgia died. He'd never had anyone to take care of before, and he'd promised himself he would do everything in his power to give her a happy life.

  Had ten years really passed so quickly? He remembered the first time he'd looked at her and realized she had grown up and become a woman. He'd glanced across a crowded ballroom a few days after her eighteenth birthday and been transfixed by how beautiful she looked. Three men stood around her vying for her attention, and he'd been so jealous in that instant he'd broken the stem of the wineglass in his hand.

  He laughed at the memory and how Sophia had rushed over to him when she saw the blood and insisted they leave and go to the hospital. She loved him very much. He knew that beyond any doubt, but what would she say if he confessed how strong his feelings were? Even if their age difference didn't bother her, why would such a beautiful and enchanting woman settle for him? He had money and power, but he didn't think such things would make any difference to her. Some women pursued him for those reasons, and he knew they would probably do well enough at pretending his scars didn't repulse them, but he didn't want any of those women. He wanted Sophia, but deep down he knew she deserved more. She deserved a man who could steal her breath away with a glance. He wanted her to fall in love one day, even if it meant losing her. He doubted he would ever consider any man good enough for her, but when the time came he would let her go. He knew he had to for the sake of her happiness, which meant far more to him than his own did. He couldn't make her stay hidden away from the world with him forever.

  Dominic walked into the library and came up behind Sophia as she slid the book back onto the shelf. “Looking for something?”

  She jumped at the sound of his voice, but then she smiled when she turned around. “I was looking through these old travel narratives to get ideas. I'm still not sure where we ought to go.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Most of those are from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. I'm not sure you want to visit many of those places.”

  “Just for ideas. I want to go someplace different. This trip is going to be special.” She turned back to the bookshelf and began reading the spines.

  “Is it?” he asked in a voice lower than he'd intended.

  She turned and met his gaze, and then she nodded slowly. “It is. I promise.”

  “Why?” He wanted to hear her repeat how much she wanted him along for the trip, and he even held his breath as she paused.

  “We've never taken a trip together. The last time we traveled together was when we took a plane to come here ten years ago. I don't know why I never suggested it before.” She shrugged and moved closer to him. “I guess I was always content to be here with you.”

  Did she mean what he hoped she meant? Would she be happy anywhere as long as he was with her? “And you still are?”

  “Of course! I love this house. When I was fourteen, it was like being in a castle. I could imagine I was an enchanted princess waiting for something magical to happen. Or a gothic heroine looking for floating candles and hidden doors behind black veils.”

  Despite his disappointment that she was rhapsodizing about the house instead of him, he laughed. “Hmmm. Perhaps I shouldn't have given you that Anne Radcliffe novel when you were thirteen. I'm obviously a bad influence.”

  She smiled up at him, but then she rolled her eyes. “Hardly. My parents never bought books. I don't know where I would have been if not for your gifts.” She turned in a circle and looked at the library, raising her hands to indicate all the books. “When I saw this room, I knew I would love it here. You know, like in the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast?”

  His smile faded in an instant, and he lowered his eyes. “I'm glad it brings you so much pleasure.” He lifted his eyes again and tried to recompose his features.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I remembered something I need to do is all. It distracted me.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh holy shit! Dominic, that's not what I meant and you know it!”

  He feigned ignorance. “Not what you meant? I don't understand.”

  She crossed her arms as she looked at him. “Don't give me that. Your face fell when I mentioned Beauty and the Beast. Don't lie to me, Dominic.”

  He cleared his throat. “It's not a bad analogy. You are a beauty, and I did bring you to live here in my labyrinthine mansion.”

  “But you aren't a beast. You're a wonderful man. I said I enjoyed living here, but I would still love it no matter what our home was like.”

  Her use of the words “our home” brought him both pleasure and pain. He wanted to end this conversation before he said something he couldn't take back. If he revealed his feelings, he wanted the moment to be perfect. “Forget it, Sophia. I know you didn't mean anything by the comment. I'm oversensitive. You've always told me that.”

  She moved much closer. Her breasts were only an inch away from his chest, and she had to tilt her head back to look up into his eyes. “Dominic,” she said as she lifted her hand to the scarred side of his face.

  He had a choice. He didn't want to hear any words of pity, not from her. He could silence her by pulling her into his arms and kissing her, or he could get away from her as fast as possible. “I do have something I must do. I'll see you later.” He moved away from her as quickly as he could without bumping into any furniture.

  He heard her frustrated sigh, and then she said, “I'm going to the mall. Do you want me to wait so you can come with me?”

  He didn't look back as he answered. “No. I don't need anything.” Except you. He sighed as he left the room and fled upstairs. He appreciated everything she had ever done to make him feel normal and accepted, but today he simply couldn't take it. Her care and pity were not the kind of tenderness he craved. He needed to get a grip on his thoughts before he fooled himself into believing she would ever offer him the kind of love he needed from her.

  Sophia got her purse and slowly descended the stairs. She reached the front door and opened it, but then she closed it again. She wasn't going to leave Dominic alone right now. She was angry with herself for making the Disney reference and even more angry with him for reacting to it the way he had. She'd been trying to give him so much encouragement, but it didn't seem to be working. They needed to have a serious talk and be honest about their feelings. If he truly didn't return her love, she could live with it, but if he was only holding back because of his looks she was going to enlighten him on the subject of her not giving a damn what he looked like. She paused on the third floor landing to consider what she wanted to say. She shook her head. She needed to speak from her heart. Nothing else would do.

  She went to his study, but he wasn't there. She went down the hall to his bedroom and saw his door cracked. She hesitated. She had never seen his bedroom before. She had never even dared to knock on the door. She always found him in his study. She moved toward the door, but she stopped again when she heard a moan. She heard another one, and the sound denoted pleasure, not pain.

  She approached the door and looked through the crack. Her knees became weak, and she had to brace herself on the doorframe. Dominic lay on his bed completely naked. His clothes had been
tossed carelessly on the floor. His body mesmerized her. More burns and a few scars ran all the way down the right side of his body, but the rest of him was magnificent. His muscular and toned body would make any woman wet with need, and she wanted to run her hands over his hard chest and abs. He stroked his long, thick cock with one hand while the other hand gripped the comforter beneath him. He slowed his strokes and moved his hand down to massage his balls.

  He groaned and mumbled something, but she couldn't hear him. He stood up and began pumping his cock again. He looked so virile and powerful. She'd never wanted to have sex more in her whole life than she did now. She had sex toys, and they got the job done, but having the man before her on top of her, plunging into her would truly be an unforgettable experience. She rested her fingers on the wood of the door. All she had to do was push to open it. She didn't though. She kept watching, her pussy growing wetter every moment.

  He braced one arm against the wall and leaned over as he jerked himself. The rapture on his face made her long to join him. What would he say? What would he do? Would he feel ashamed, or would he throw her on the bed and take her in a lustful frenzy? She kept her eyes on his cock as his fist moved over it. She ached to have that cock fill her.

  He backed up and grabbed a handful of tissues from his desk and moved back to the bed. He perched on the edge of the mattress and jerked himself harder. Then he said, “Sophia.”

  She jumped away from the door guiltily. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited. He said her name again and moaned in ecstasy. She inched back to the door and saw that he hadn't said her name because he'd seen her watching. He still had no idea she was there as he stroked his cock. He drew in a sharp breath and came, semen squirting from his cock into the tissues. She'd never seen a man come before, and the sight made her pussy clench.

  “My sweet girl,” he said. He opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed heavily and tossed the tissues away before rising and picking his clothes up. He looked so sexy, his expression a mix of hunger and longing, of love and sadness. He threw his clothes on a chair and pulled his workout clothes from a dresser drawer.

  She moved away slowly and then sprinted down to the second floor on her tiptoes. She went into her own room and pushed the door closed as silently as she could. Her heart still raced and her pussy ached with an unbelievable need. He'd said her name. He'd been thinking about her as he masturbated. He'd run from her when she tried to touch his cheek, but then he'd fantasized about her as he touched himself.

  “You are one frustrating man, Dominic.”

  She went into the bathroom and stripped. Now she needed to come. She stretched out on the plush rug beside the tub. She reached behind her and pulled open the bottom drawer of the plastic bin between the tub and lavatory. She grabbed her vibrator and turned it on. She touched her pussy and moaned at how wet she was. She felt so sexy after watching Dominic. He did think of her as a woman, and the confirmation made her feel empowered. She ran the vibrator over her clit and clenched as the pleasure shot through her. He had her so worked up she'd come in no time. She bent her knees and spread her legs to slide the vibrator into her pussy. She imagined his cock filling her. He was bigger than any of the toys she had, but she couldn't imagine it hurting. He would be gentle with her, and she would be so happy to take him inside her nothing else would matter.

  She buried the vibrator deep in her pussy and stroked her clit. Her hips moved up and down a little as she remembered how sexy he had looked. She imagined him leaning against the wall again, and then she put herself in the fantasy. She came up behind him and ran her hands over his tight ass and then up his back. He turned to her as though he had been waiting for her, and she ran her hands over his delicious abs before taking his cock between her fingers. He threw his head back as he enjoyed her touch, and then he lifted her into his arms and kissed her passionately as he carried her to the bed. He ripped her clothes off and climbed on top of her. He fingered her wet pussy and then thrust into her, pinning her to the bed with each pounding stroke.

  She came, her pussy squeezing the vibrator so hard it hurt. Her clit throbbed under her fingers and stars danced in front of her eyes. She dropped her hands and took deep breaths. She had never come so hard before. She rubbed her breasts and pinched her aching nipples. She pulled the vibrator out and rolled to her side, clutching her knees to her chest. She felt sated, yet her hunger for Dominic's touch was worse than ever. Whether he loved her or not, he wanted her. Was that why he hesitated? Did he feel only lust and not love? She knew he adored her, so that explanation made no sense. How long had he desired her? Had those feelings confused him? Perhaps he believed she would always see him only as a father figure. She smiled. She could prove him wrong easily enough if she got the chance. She dressed quickly so she could slip out of the house before he realized she hadn't left earlier. Did he only masturbate when she was gone? She pushed the image away. If she kept thinking about it, she would never get out of the house. When she returned, she would find a way to show him how she felt. She felt a little guilty for her voyeurism, but she was glad she had seen and heard him. He wanted her, and if she had her way tonight, and every night, he would have her in his bed.

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  * * *

  Chapter 2

  Dominic took a deep breath as he stepped out into the sun. He'd planned on working out, but then he'd felt the need for some fresh air. He followed the cobblestone path to the woods, his favorite part of the estate. He shouldn't have been so dismissive of Sophia's concern, but getting away from her had been the best move. He'd become aroused at the thought of her touching him, and he'd had a raging hard-on by the time he reached his bedroom. His need for her had grown in the past week since she had suggested they take a trip together. He fantasized about her twice as often as he used to. Would she go out on a date with him if he asked? Would she feel strange living with him if they became involved? How would she feel if he touched her the way he wanted to?

  And what if the very idea repulsed her? She might love him as her guardian, as the man who had cared for her and protected her when her parents were taken from her, but that kind of love was so different from what he wanted with her. If he'd let her touch his cheek earlier, would he have confessed his feelings? Probably. He couldn't go on like this. He came to the end of the path and went to the right. Three minutes later he stood in front of the opening of a cave. It had been his favorite place as a child. When Sophia was younger, she had often come out here to be alone. He hadn't been here in years, but he looked around and saw signs that she had. Candles had been wedged into every spot in the rock walls that would accommodate them. A plastic laundry bag lay against the wall, and inside it he saw a blanket that had been in the laundry room just last week. A couple of books nestled inside the bag, protected from the elements.

  He smiled. She still came here. He'd told her ten years ago that it could be her special place, and it pleased him that it remained special to her. He crouched down to look at the books: Jane Eyre and Emma. He'd given both of them to her, and they looked like they had been read and enjoyed a dozen times. He smiled as his mind made the connections it wanted to. Jane married her dark and brooding—and eventually scarred and blind—employer, and Emma fell in love with the brotherly man who had been watching over her since she was a child. Combining these two heroes in the right way produced a man very much like himself. He relished the idea that she might see him in an equally romantic way.

  What had changed lately? He'd been able to control his desire for her for years. He wanted what was best for her, and logic told him it wasn't him. He sat on the ground, opened the bag, and began flipping through the Austen novel. Four years in college had passed and he could hardly recall a single evening she had not been home to have dinner with him. His eyes fell on a passage in the novel. Emma would make a match for everyone in the neighborhood but herself. Her father needed her, and she had enough nieces and nephews to content herself. She would remai
n happy as long as Mr. Knightley came over to sit and talk with them every evening.

  You're my favorite person in the whole world, and if you didn't already know that you have been working too hard. He put the book back and sat for a long time, his mind reeling with the possibility that he was the biggest fool to ever grace the planet. He suddenly wished Sophia hadn't left. He'd been anxious to flee an hour earlier, but now he wanted nothing more than to be standing in the library again. He wanted to see her looking into his eyes and reaching up to touch him. Feeling her sweet caress would give him the courage to say what he had to say, what he must say before another day slipped away from them. She'd been different lately too, and that had to mean something. He'd talked himself out of it hundreds of times, but in this moment he felt he would go mad if he let one more day slip by without telling her.

  His phone alerted him to an incoming text, and he pulled it out to look. He read the message three times.


  Sophia didn't know if it was wise to go searching for Dominic again, but he was never late for dinner. She turned the oven to low and stuck the Parmesan-crusted chicken back in so it would stay warm. She moved the rice to another burner so it wouldn't clump together and walked out of the kitchen.

  Dominic came in the front door as she was heading for the stairs. He looked awful. The room actually felt cold as he closed the door and moved toward her. He looked both angry and depressed. What could have happened?

  She tried to sound cheery. “There you are. Dinner is ready.”

  His dark eyes flashed at her. “I'll eat something later. I have a few things to take care of.”

  “Is something wrong?” She felt stupid asking the question, but she knew it was her only chance of getting any kind of answer. Also, she'd wanted this night to be special. They would have a nice dinner, and then she would tell him how much her feelings for him had changed and grown. Her stomach turned flips now as she imagined this plan being spoiled.


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