Darkest Hours

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Darkest Hours Page 16

by S. K. Yule

  “Is Avril in there? I’ve come to take her down to the ball now. The guests are arriving and I thought I could maybe introduce her around.”

  Was Aiston actually nervous? Surely not. However, Ebony suspected that he was just that. “Yeah, Aiston, she’s here. “Avril, Aiston’s here.” Ebony noticed the look that came over Avril’s face, it screamed what-the-hell-did-I-agree-to with maybe a hint of excitement. She had a feeling that Avril found Aiston very attractive but was fighting it every step of the way.

  Avril stepped around Ebony to stand in front of Aiston when a small, almost discernible sound, something that sounded like a groan escaped under his breath. “Did you say something?”

  Aiston cleared his throat and stood straighter handing the rose to Avril. “Uh, you look really nice. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” Avril took the rose, thanked Aiston and asked Ebony if she wouldn’t mind putting it in some water.

  Aiston held his arm out to Avril and placed his hand over the top of hers when she took it. “Okay then, let’s go.”

  “Oh, by the way, you look very nice too Aiston.”

  Aiston pulled at his bowtie a little. “Uh, thanks.”

  “We’ll see you later, Ebony.” Avril called over her shoulder as she followed Aiston out into the hallway.

  “Yeah, later, Ebony.”

  “You two kids have fun now and don’t be out after curfew.” Ebony laughed when Avril chuckled at her comment then closed the door.

  Well that was quite interesting, Ebony thought to herself as she finished getting ready.

  Ebony looked at herself in the mirror to make sure everything looked just right then remembered she needed to put the necklace and earrings on Ashe had given her and went back to the dresser to get them.

  She pushed the earrings through each ear and fastened the backs. She looked down to pick up the necklace and jumped when warm hands rested upon her shoulders. A deep, familiar voice penetrated her soul.

  “Let me fasten it for you.” He fastened the necklace and let his fingers linger on her neck, rubbing small circles on her smooth skin. He put his mouth close to her ear. “God Ebony, you are so beautiful all I want to do is throw the skirt up on your gown and bury myself deep inside you.”

  She gasped when his lips grazed her neck. “A grown man shouldn’t feel this out of control, but damned if I can help it when I’m around you.”

  His warm breath on her neck made the short hairs there stand on end. “Oh, Ashe.” The words came out in a strangled whisper. The man was absolutely gorgeous in his black tux. It fit him perfectly and showcased his lean, muscular body. His shoulders looked impossibly wide and the black material clung to his thighs. Her fingers itched to run up and down those wonderfully sculpted legs. She was so turned on that she hoped he would take her, make-up and hair be damned.

  He took a deep breath and briefly rested his forehead on her shoulder. “Let’s go before I ruin that gorgeous dress you’re wearing.” He held his arm out for her.

  She felt disappointment shoot through her and placed her shaking hand on his offered arm. She stood on tiptoe and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for the necklace and earrings. I don’t think I have ever seen anything quite so beautiful.”

  He gave her a long, searing look that made her knees turn weak. “I have.” He kissed her long and leisurely then grabbed her hand and pulled her to the door. “Now let’s get downstairs while we still can.” He guided her downstairs and took his place by the door, Ebony by his side, and greeted the arriving guests along with Aiston, Avril, Estril and Aldin.

  Chapter Twelve

  Estril looked gorgeous as she did every year. She had an elegant beauty about her that was unique. The black dress flowed perfectly over her lean form and complimented her flawless complexion. He smirked at his two brothers, remembering the fiasco of dressing in their tuxes earlier. They had helped each other with buttons and ties, grumbling the whole time about the damned monkey suits. All of them stood around glaring at one another, itching and scratching at the offending material before finally giving in and going downstairs. Every year they swore they’d never wear one again and yet when the next year rolled around, they’d be grumbling and cursing as they went through the whole demeaning process once more just to please their sister. It was a battle they would never win, but they still had to complain. After all, it wasn’t in their nature to give in humbly.

  By twelve-thirty all of the guests had arrived with the exception of a few stragglers and Aldin was making rounds trying to find any information that might help with Ebony’s situation. Aldin was the only one besides Estril who didn’t have a date, therefore, he was the one given this task as he could move around without hindrance. Later Ashe was supposed to leave Ebony with Aiston and Avril for a short amount of time to see if he could find anything useful. Then, Avril and Ebony would stay with Ashe while Aiston took a turn. Some of the guests were better acquainted with one brother or the other so they figured this was the best course of action to take.

  Of course, Estril knew what was going on and had her ears open for anything important also. Avril and Ebony were supposed to stay completely out of it for safety reasons. Avril wasn’t a problem as she didn’t realize the underlying reason for the ball other than it being tradition. However, Ashe had a sneaking suspicion Ebony knew exactly what was going on. He just hoped she wouldn’t try anything foolish.

  He would be too distracted to do what needed done if he had to worry about what she might be up to every second. He would never forgive himself if something happened to her. She seemed to accept lately that he didn’t want her involved in any way, but he knew she could be stubborn when she wanted. He hoped she wouldn’t pick tonight to showcase that particular trait. He had instructed her to stay with him or one of his brothers and if she needed to use a restroom to use one on the main floor. She was not to leave the main floor by herself.

  As he and Ebony walked towards the back of the house, the orchestra began playing a slow sonata and Ashe asked Ebony to dance. The room the ball was being held in was closed off most of the year and only used for formal occasions. It was huge with shiny marble floors and several stone pillars that ran from floor to the top of the cathedral ceiling. The ceiling was mostly glass skylights and showed the clear night sky with its millions of twinkling stars. It proved a spectacular sight.

  It was a little hard to make it to the floor through the crowd of tuxedos and swirling gowns of silk. The ball had a great turn-out. Many couples were already dancing and Aiston and Avril were among them. Finally making it to the floor, Ashe took Ebony in his arms. She felt good there, like home. Her soft warmness seeped into him and her delicate scent weaved through his senses, comforting him. She laid her head on his shoulder and followed his lead. He could feel his control slip and prayed for strength when the song finally ended and they made their way around the crowd talking to some of the guests.

  Ashe introduced Ebony to several of the guests and was surprised to admit that he was actually having a good time. He grinned at her when she quirked a brow at him while Mrs. Maddox charmed her with an endearing story of her pet poodles that she considered children. Mr. Maddox just wanted to talk about his indoor golf course and how Ashe and Ebony should stop by for a game sometime.

  They talked to several other couples before Ashe was able to pull Ebony back onto the dance floor for yet another slow number. Ebony sighed as his strong arms encircled her. “Everyone seems so normal.”

  “Well what did you expect?”

  “I don’t know really. I just figured maybe . . .” Ebony chewed her bottom lip. “Well—”

  Ashe laughed. “It’s okay. I get what you’re saying.” She was the cutest thing when she was flustered, her brow drawn down in concentration. She swayed in perfect unison with the music and his body.

  “Your dancing is impeccable.”

  “I’ve had many years to practice. I’m glad I learned because it gives me an excuse to hol
d you. You feel good in my arms.”

  “You feel pretty good, too.” Ebony sighed again and leaned in closer to him.

  They enjoyed the rest of the dance in silence, absorbing each other’s warmth. The music stopped and the orchestra announced they would take a very short break when an unwanted voice interrupted their bliss.

  “Hello, Ashe.”

  Ashe pulled Ebony to his side in a possessive manner when he felt her body tense at Alaina’s arrival. “Hello Alaina, you look lovely as usual.”

  The silver and red dress Alaina wore hugged her body’s every line and left nothing to the imagination. He could never deny Alaina was a beautiful woman on the outside, but the inside was something else. He wondered how he could have ever been attracted t her. She was cold, calculating and never took no for an answer. She was a spoiled brat.

  “Good grief. How did she get into that dress?” Ebony looked down at her gown then back at Alaina. “I could never wear something like that. I don’t think they even make something like that in my size.”

  “You outnumber her in every way. You have no reason to feel insecure in the least where Alaina is concerned or any other woman for that matter. And you would look stunning in that dress. Not that I would allow you to be seen by any other man but me in it.”

  Ebony smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Oooh, the perfect gentleman as always,” Alaina preened, batted her lashes at Ashe

  “That woman makes me want to rip her hair out.”

  Ashe chuckled. “Jealous again baby?” He didn’t miss the look Ebony shot him. The one that told him she wanted to do him bodily harm.

  At that inopportune moment the orchestra returned from break and started in on yet another slow piece. “Come dance with me, Ashe.” Alaina put her hand on his arm. “Surely Ebony will let you go long enough for that, won’t she?” Alaina fixed a cold stare in Ebony’s direction.

  “Actually, I have promised all of my dances to Ebony tonight. I’m sorry.” He didn’t want to dance with Alaina but he also wanted to avoid angering her. She could be quite the bitch when provoked and he didn’t feel like dealing with it tonight.

  ”No, go ahead, Ashe. One dance won’t hurt anything. Besides, I could use a cold drink.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

  “Are you sure, Ebony? I don’t want to do anything to upset you.”

  “I’m sure. Please, I don’t want her to think I’m so jealous and insecure that I don’t even trust you to dance with her. I trust you.”

  Ashe watched Ebony make her way through the throng of people as Alaina draped herself over him and started dancing, swaying her hips in blatant invitation of what she’d really like to be doing with him. He kept his muscles taut and maintained a respectable space between their bodies.

  “Ashe, darling, you should have never left me. You know we make such a perfect pair.” Alaina rubbed against him provocatively.

  God, the woman was annoying. Didn’t she know that she did absolutely nothing for him? “Alaina, you know why I left. Besides our relationship was only sexual in nature, I told you that from the start. That was a long time ago anyway. As they say, just let sleeping dogs lie.”

  He didn’t miss the anger that flashed briefly in her eyes before she puckered her lips into a perfect imitation of a pout. “Oh, you can be so stubborn.”

  “Not stubborn, just realistic.”

  “Whatever, darling, rumor has it that you are seeking certain information about a certain incident.”

  His eyes snapped to her face. “What do you know?” Ashe didn’t trust her, but hell he would take a chance if it could possibly lead to anything that would help Ebony. He only hoped that when this whole mess was straightened out, Ebony wouldn’t want to go home still. He wanted her to stay with him.

  “Oh, my, that certainly got your attention. I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you grab us a nice drink and meet me in your study. We’ll have a nice little chat there, hmmm?”

  “Why don’t you just tell me what you know now?”

  “Now darling what would be the fun in that?” She trailed her fingernails down the front of his tux.

  Sighing, he nodded and went to get the drinks. He didn’t see Ebony anywhere, but assumed she had gone to freshen up or maybe she and Avril ran into each other. Either way, he knew she was safe down here with his brothers and with any luck, he would get whatever information Alaina had and be back before Ebony missed him.

  * * * *

  When Alaina saw Ebony leave the bar she read her mind and knew she was going to the lavatory. She used compulsion on her and suggested she go to the study afterwards.

  Now that she had Ashe’s attention, it was time to put her plan in motion. Men were such easy creatures to manipulate. His interest in that little blonde human would almost be comical if it weren’t so sad. He was blind to think that Ebony would make a good match for him. She was weak and unremarkable.

  Alaina knew he couldn’t refuse her invitation to go to the study even if he didn’t quite believe her and he shouldn’t. No matter if he did or didn’t, he would follow her even if there was a minute possibility that she knew anything that would help his little pathetic Ebony. And boy did she know, but she certainly wouldn’t tell him.

  * * * *

  Avril was surprised that she was having such a good time with Aiston. He had turned out to be quite charming. He hadn’t been chauvinistic at all, but she was still waiting for it to come. He was a great dancer and had made her laugh several times with his witty come-backs and jokes. They had just finished another number on the floor when she asked if there might be someplace she could get some fresh air as she was a little hot from the dancing. He nodded and led her to the bar for a cool drink to take along.

  She followed him as he weaved through the crowd stopping off and on to reply to a remark someone had made to him. They finally made their way out the back where it opened onto a gorgeous and humongous paved patio that overlooked a huge backyard with a perfectly manicured flower garden highlighted by the full moon. She sighed in pleasure as the different scents from the flowers gently flowed through the air. Aiston handed her one of the cold drinks and they stood side by side in silence for a moment. She took a sip and set it on the railing that surrounded the patio.

  “It is stunning. I could never get used to all of this.”

  “Yes, you could. I mean, the appreciation never leaves, but the shock eventually wears off.” He playfully laughed at her thoughtful expression.

  “It’s easy to say that when you are around it every day. I couldn’t imagine having all of this.” She spread her arms wide and did a full spin. Aiston’s eyes turned black and he sucked in a breath.

  Avril studied him for a moment and then began walking down the steps that led to the garden. She could hear Aiston following behind and came to an abrupt halt as she rounded the first corner where a shocking sight greeted her. Aiston almost knocked her over, but she steadied herself as she stared in disbelief at the scene in front of her. A man and woman were sprawled on a bench. The woman was sitting beside the man, head thrown back moaning, while he was . . . biting her on the neck.

  “My God! Ebony was telling me the truth. You really are vampires!” She gazed back at Aiston with wide eyes, realization hitting her hard that he was a vampire, too.

  “Avril, it’s okay. Let’s just go back inside.” Avril tensed ready to run but before she could flee, Aiston gripped her arm gently but firmly. “Don’t run Avril. I don’t want to scare you more, but if you run, I will chase you. And, I will catch you.”

  His words made a shiver run down her spine and his black eyes made her feel as if she were being stalked. “You’re one, too. What the hell? I can’t believe this. I mean, how . . . what . . . I don’t even know what to say.” Avril was confused and a little scared. She came to her senses somewhat though and figured she was pretty safe, as any of them could have hurt her at any time and didn’t. She knew for certain that Ebony would never put her in a position that could lea
d to her being harmed. This thought allowed her to relax a little.

  Aiston gently put his hand on her back and turned her toward the house. “Come on, we’ll go someplace quiet and talk.”

  Avril reluctantly went with him. An hour later, they both sat in the study and her head was spinning from everything Aiston had told her. He had even given her proof by shimmering in and out of the room. It was actually kind of neat after she finished freaking out. Ebony must have been as weirded out as she had been when she found out. Now she felt kind of bad for not believing her. It was probably a hard thing to know without anyone to share it with. She was doing her best to understand, but decided to go back to her room instead of returning to the ball. It was getting very late and she had an overall great night. Well, until all the vampire crap.


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