The Red Wolf's Prize

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The Red Wolf's Prize Page 13

by Regan Walker

  She panicked. “You would force me?” she asked breathlessly knowing only his own rules could stop him now.

  At her words, he stilled, hovering over her, his breathing rapid as he stared into her eyes. Then, with sudden force, he pushed from her and sat back on his knees, breathing hard. He ran his hand through his hair.

  “Though you say me nay, Serena, your body tells me something else.”

  “I am an innocent. You would seduce me against my will?”

  “I would make you my wife in truth. For that is what you will be, no matter your anger at being wed to a Norman. You are mine by right.” He let out a breath in a deep sigh. “But I would not take you here upon the hard ground. Talisand has beds enough. And you and I will find pleasure in them, have no doubt.”

  Still flushed with the pleasure he had called forth from her innocent flesh, Serena experienced a wave of relief. Every time he touched her, whether as Sarah or as Serena, he created a desire for more. His words only made clear how close she had come to submitting. How much she already had.

  * * *

  Renaud looked down at his bride where she sat upon the grass pulling her clothing together. He was glad her words had brought a halt to his fevered consummation. Her eyes told him she was bewildered by her own reaction. Serena had meant to fight, he knew, but was defeated by the passion between them. A passion that pleased him. If that is all they had to begin their marriage, he was content. It was more than most marriages of state had when they began. He would use it to hold her. But he would not take her here, even though she was his to take. He wanted the memory of their first joining to be a pleasant one.

  “I will give you time to get used to the idea but know this, Serena: it will not be long. Your resistance and your deception are at an end, my lady.” The irony of it was that while his rules kept him from forcing the servant girl Sarah, a wife was another matter.

  He retrieved the rabbits Serena had killed, and her seax, fixing them to the saddle on the white palfrey he found standing among the trees. Whistling for his horse, he waited only a moment before Belasco entered the clearing and nuzzled his master’s shoulder. Renaud reached for the satchel of food tied to the saddle.

  “Here,” he said handing her some dried venison. “Eat. You must be hungry if you are hunting. But I do not want to take time to cook the rabbits now.”

  With a look of resignation, she took the dried deer meat and chewed in silence.

  “It was your speed with the bow that told me you were Lady Serena. You hid well your skill in the shooting match, but not so well I did not think something amiss.”

  He tied the reins of her white mare to Belasco’s saddle while continuing to glance at her where she sat upon the ground. Even with her wet plait, now half brown and half flaxen, and her disheveled state, she was beautiful and the knowledge that in finding her he had found both the servant girl he desired and the woman promised to him produced a feeling of deep satisfaction. A wife and a leman in one woman, and in one day. Even his anger at her deception could not destroy his joy at so great a find.

  Serena slowly rose, and without a word or a glance at him, walked toward her horse as if in a daze. He reached for her arm and pulled her toward Belasco.

  Defiantly, she wrenched away. “I can ride my own horse!”

  “Nay, you’ll ride with me. I want you close.” In truth, he did not want to be so far from her he could not touch her.

  He lifted her to his saddle and leapt up behind her, repositioning her onto his lap. She kept her back stiff, even when he drew her body against his chest.

  Taking the reins in his free hand, he swung Belasco toward the south and Talisand, urging the stallion to a fast pace with his knees. Serena looked straight ahead, her hand clenched on the pommel of the saddle.

  He bent his mouth to her ear. “Serena, you must accept the truth of it. England is conquered, your lands are conquered, and you are conquered. God must have willed it for William has prevailed, as have I. He is king by conquest as I am your lord. You will become my wife and bear my sons. You are mine as Talisand is mine.”

  She tensed against him keeping her gaze fixed ahead as she spoke. “You may have conquered my lands, my lord, and I may be forced to birth your sons, but I shall never be content to be a Norman’s wife. I…I hate you!”

  “Nay, Serena, I think not. You hate only yourself for wanting me. Mayhap one day you will even be content to belong to me.”

  “You are wrong!” She spit out the words with great force, as if trying to convince herself they were true.

  He experienced a sudden twinge of remorse seeing the girl’s broken spirit. She had tried so hard to escape her fate. A proud, courageous woman who loved her people. As she had told him the first day they met, she would have fought alongside her father had she been a son. But she had seen him with her people and had to know he would not treat them ill.

  She might hate what he represented, but she could not deny what lay between them. He was certain if he touched her again, as he intended to, she would respond as she had before. Only next time he would not rein in his passion. He would make her his in all ways.

  He had not expected to find a woman of such fire in the English maiden William had given him, but he was glad of it. Their winter nights would be warm and their children would be many and strong.

  In one sweep of his arm, Renaud wrapped his cloak about her and held her fast, declaring his intention to possess and protect what was his. Her days of hiding from him were over.

  The Lady of Talisand was coming home.

  Chapter 11

  Serena woke to the movement of the horse beneath her and the Red Wolf shouting orders as they rode into the yard. Sometime during the long ride back, she had fallen asleep against his warm chest where his strong arm now held her. For hours she had fought to stay awake as the knight drove his horse at a maddening pace. Finally exhausted, she had succumbed to the sweet oblivion of sleep. Now fully awake, she sat up to see they had reined in before the manor where a crowd was gathering to greet them.

  The Red Wolf dismounted and reached for her. She did not fight him when his hands circled her waist and he lifted her down, but when he again swept her up into his arms, she protested. “Put me down! I can walk.”

  “Not just yet,” the Red Wolf replied stonily. Then to Eric, “See to the horses, lad. A good rub down and oats. It was a long ride home and Belasco did well.”

  “Aye, m’lord,” said the boy, accepting the reins.

  Serena twisted in the arms of the Red Wolf, embarrassed at being treated like an errant child in front of her people who watched with curious eyes.

  Jamie ran up to his master, smiled at her, and awaited his lord’s instructions. Though his blond curls were in disarray, Jamie now wore with pride the dark blue tunic displaying a snarling red wolf.

  “Jamie,” the Red Wolf looked down at his page, “see that Maggie gets the rabbits.”

  “Yea, sir, I will. Welcome back, m’lord.”

  Serena could feel the tension in the Norman’s body as he held her. She gave up struggling, realizing he intended to carry her into the manor whether she liked it or no. The Norman knights who had come to greet their returning lord gazed intently at the woman in his arms who was dressed like a Welshman. Serena’s plait was under the cloak he’d wrapped around her, so none yet observed the change in the color of her hair. They knew only what they observed: the maid Sarah had tried to run away disguised as a boy, and had been found by their lord who was now carrying her close to his chest. She could only imagine what they were thinking took place in the woods.

  With her in his arms, the Red Wolf closed the short distance to the manor’s door. She spotted Rhodri standing to one side, his clothes soiled as if he, too, had been in the woods. He watched her with concern in his dark eyes. Where had he been? Had he followed the Red Wolf? Next to Rhodri stood a few of Talisand’s women who looked at her with questioning eyes. She wondered, as mayhap some of them did, in what manner she h
ad returned? Prisoner? Bride? Or both?

  The Red Wolf carried her inside and dumped her onto the bench. She shot him a glare just as Maggie rushed to meet them.

  “M’lord?” the housekeeper said, a worried look on her face as her gaze shifted from the Red Wolf to Serena. Both were wearing a scowl.

  “See that your lady has a bath and something to eat,” he ordered shortly.

  A startled look crossed the housekeeper’s face as recognition dawned. “Yea, m’lord.” Maggie’s eyes took in Serena’s bedraggled appearance. “Come, m’lady, I’ll see to ye meself.” Maggie wrapped a comforting arm around her and led her toward the stairs.

  “So he knows, does he?” Maggie whispered.

  “Aye.” Serena let out a sigh. She was tired but her desire to fight was changing into a new resolve. It was no use fighting the inevitable. Mayhap it was time to resume her position as the Lady of Talisand even if she had to become a Norman’s wife to do it.

  They started up the stairs, and from behind them, the Red Wolf shouted to Maggie, “See that her hair is washed and that dreadful color of dirt gone from it. I will have a tray sent up.”

  Maggie looked over her shoulder. “Yea, m’lord.”

  Nearly to the top of the stairs, Serena heard the Red Wolf order Sir Niel to guard her door.

  So it was to be a prisoner, after all.

  * * *

  Renaud took a deep drink of his wine, forcing himself to calm as the evening meal commenced. He was fighting exhaustion but he was pleased his bride was now in her chamber behind a guarded door.

  Sitting on his left, Geoff speared a large piece of venison on the point of his eating knife. “Is it true?” he asked, holding the meat before his mouth. “You have found not only Sarah, but your bride?” At Renaud’s nod, he continued, “I can scarce believe it, Ren. All this time Lady Serena living among us. I must say, she fooled me. I failed to recognize the lady in the servant’s garb.”

  “As did I,” Renaud muttered as he circled his goblet with his hand. Something was nagging at him, a thought that had not left him since he had nearly taken her at the edge of the stream. She was clever in deceiving him, disguised first as a maid and then as a lad. On the ride home she had fallen asleep, curled against him like a protected child. But she was no child. She was a woman full grown and he could not hold her without his body stirring. He had wanted the violet-eyed beauty since the day he had first seen her, and now she was returned as his bride. One day she would be the mother of his sons, would she prefer it or no. Still, he has no illusions. She might try and escape again if she could. The desire he had awakened in her, he was certain, did not alter her feelings for Normans. He had to remember the battle was not over.

  “Why are you so sullen?” Geoff needled. “This sudden turn of events should please you.” The blond knight snatched the venison off the knife with his teeth.

  “Aye, it does, but I’ll not celebrate the marriage just yet. Something tells me the fight for the lady’s hand is not over. I cannot trust her, Geoff. As you observed yourself, the woman has only disdain for Normans. And she is clever at escape. Hence, I have posted Sir Niel at her door. I want her watched at all times Mayhap the next days will disclose her intent. I expect she may yet try to flee.”

  Renaud gazed about the room. Some of his knights still lingered over their meal. Others diced or played échecs, the game of skill with carved pieces, occasionally letting out a yell when one won a round. The red-haired serving girl he recognized as Maggie’s daughter was smiling at Sir Maurin as she filled his tankard with ale, and the knight smiled back. Mayhap there would be more weddings celebrated ere midwinter was upon them.

  “Would it help to recall that you need no priest’s blessing to claim what William has given you, Ren?”

  “That may be, but I would have our marriage blessed by the church. Best send for the priest, or the bishop, if near. I want the people to know we are wed according to God’s law, not just William’s command.”

  “Have you forgotten? Father Bernard left some time ago, not to return for a fortnight. Sarah…that is, Lady Serena said he is seeing to the needs of other villages. And the nearest bishop is Ealdred, Archbishop of York to the east.”

  “Ah, so it is. I remember now, the chapel was missing a priest. Mayhap ’twould be best if I await his return. Still, I would keep her guarded until the marriage ceremony, no matter she shares my bed. Tell the men she may have free run of the manor and the yard as long as her movements are watched. She may not ride unescorted.”

  “Get her with child and she will nay travel far.”

  “’Tis my plan.” Renaud had thought of little else on his ride back to Talisand. Now that he had his bride, he need not woo the servant girl. And he wanted no other. Serena had ruined him for any other woman. Geoff and Sir Maurin were not the only knights at Talisand who were besotted with English women. But Renaud knew well he would have to hide his weakness for his bride. If she were not loyal, she could do him great harm.

  He drank deeply of his wine and pushed back from the table, bidding Geoff a good night. He was barely able to keep his eyes open, yet he was eager to see the lady who had so long eluded him. Likely, she was still angry with her Norman captor. He was angry as well for her deceit had disturbed him.

  As he dragged his tired body from the hall, Maugris intercepted him at the bottom of the stairs.

  “My lord, I understand the Lady of Talisand has returned…is it so?”

  “Yea, I hunted the servant girl, Sarah, but found the Lady Serena. It seems she has been deceiving all of us.” Renaud studied the wise one’s face and realized from his knowing smile he had been aware.

  “’Twas nimble witted, you must admit,” the old man said with amusement dancing in his ancient blue eyes. “Me thinks she is a worthy mate for the Red Wolf.”

  “I did not find her behavior praiseworthy, wise one. Though I am certain it brought smiles to the faces of the villeins. They knew, all of them. To fool the Normans who went about their business unaware the lady of the manor was living under their noses as a mere servant must have amused them. And you, my own advisor—you knew, yet did not tell me!”

  Maugris’s smile faded. “No, I did not. I knew from my vision it was you who had to find the jewel among the stones. And I had confidence you would find her, though you had to reason it on your own if you were to be her mate. Think, my lord. She was angry and afraid, and only fled for her honor and that of the other maidens. Do you not remember?”

  “Aye, I remember the women.” Renaud could not find fault with the servant girls who had fled that first day. Mayhap Serena was only doing what she thought was right. But when she learned he would be honorable toward her people, she had not revealed herself. Instead, she had sought to escape again.

  The old man’s blue eyes stared at Renaud. “You have but to hold her close, my lord, and she will be yours.”

  “Oh, I intend to do that, Maugris.” Renaud’s gaze traveled up the stairs. “Very close.”

  “I will leave you then to your bride.” Maugris grinned and headed toward the hall.

  Renaud could still hear the sounds of his men indulging in their entertainments but he had no tolerance for games or small talk this night. His head was pounding, and he was more exhausted than he could remember being. But he still had one last task.

  Climbing the stairs to Serena’s chamber, he sent Sir Niel to his dinner and to his pallet. Renaud entered to find the room dark, save for one candle. He recognized the flowery scent and chided himself for not identifying it before. It was her scent.

  Flickering golden light bathed the lone figure curled up on the furs at the end of the bed. Dressed, from all appearances, only in a white robe, her eyes were closed and her head rested on her hand. A cloth was clasped in her other hand. She must have fallen asleep while drying her hair.

  She had the face of an angel with delicate features, ivory skin and rose-colored lips. Her long flaxen hair fell around her, glistening in the cand
lelight, a crowning glory so magnificent it could have hidden wings had she possessed them. Certainly his woman, soon his bride, was an otherworldly creature. Fierce with a bow, quick with her tongue and the voice of heaven in her throat when she sang. And curves to entice the most monkish of knights. No man, be he warrior priest or no, could resist her when she lay like this.

  William had given him no ordinary woman. Renaud had only to claim her.

  Quietly he approached the sleeping girl and lifted her into his arms. She stirred but did not wake as he carried her to his own chamber, her pale hair falling over his arm nearly to the floor.

  Laying her down on his bed, her robe fell open revealing the full breasts he had feasted upon next to the stream. His manhood stirred. Brushing her long silvered hair to one side, he shed his clothes and climbed into the bed to lie beside her, pulling her body into the curve of his own. He drew the cover over them and his body responded to her softness, his aroused flesh eager to sink into her sheath. Serena softly moaned in her sleep as he cupped a warm breast. But it was more than lust he felt. He wanted to protect her, to care for her, feelings he’d never had for another woman.

  He doubted he had won her fully. Mayhap their sons would bind her to him, as the king’s decree could not.

  Renaud had intended to wake her to his lovemaking, but he was so exhausted after riding hard without sleep for so long, his last waking thought was to shut his eyes for a few minutes. Then he would wake and claim his bride.

  * * *

  A pounding on the door woke Serena from a deep sleep.

  Still groggy, she heard a voice shout, “My lord, a messenger from the king!”

  The arm that held her slipped away and the bed cushion beneath her was jostled, making Serena realize she was not alone. The one sleeping next to her lifted from the bed. She opened her eyes, surprised to see she was in the lord’s chamber—and in the Red Wolf’s bed. She caught only a glimpse of his naked form as he reached for a dark blue robe.


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