Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) Page 41

by Candace Blevins

  * * * *

  Cam picked up several freelance graphic arts jobs, and was busy enough, and making enough money, he turned in his notice to Frisco a few weeks before he was scheduled to go to Atlanta.

  He aced his last final exam on a Wednesday, and everyone took off work the next day to give him a long goodbye, as he left Friday morning for his first rehearsals.

  Waking up was bittersweet, as he knew he’d be sleeping alone for a while, but he was so excited about getting started with rehearsals he couldn’t be too sad.

  Cam had arranged to stay in one of those rent-by-the-week hotels meant for executives, and Isaac followed him down to help him get his bags in and make sure he was settled.

  “With the hidden gun safe I had installed in your fancy new car,” Isaac told him, “your weapon needs to either be on you, on the nightstand beside you as you sleep, or locked in your car while you’re at practice. Promise me you won’t wander the city without it?”

  “I promise, Sir.” Isaac had bought him an adorable Subaru Forester with this whole crash prevention package thing, because it was apparently rated so high for safety. Isaac and Frisco had been clear it was for Cam’s use, but didn’t belong to Cam, and that they’d bought it because they didn’t think his Miata was safe enough. As his owners, they had a right to keep him from engaging in dangerous activities. He still had his Miata, but it had been suggested he sell it and put the money towards paying off his student loans. The idea of not owning a vehicle, of being dependent on others for his transportation, was both hot and scary. He’d asked for financial slavery, and wanted it, but it was still daunting.

  “Okay,” Isaac said, “I’m going to say something one time and I want you to listen without interrupting. You’re a free man while you’re here. You’re my boyfriend, and Frisco’s boyfriend, so you don’t screw around, but you aren’t our slave. You’re the male star of Giselle, a damned good dancer, and this will be your life. If you decide you enjoy your freedom and want to come back to us as a boyfriend, or as a submissive or pet instead of slave? Tell us. This is your chance to decide for sure you want to return to us as our slave.”

  “I liked the time I spent as submissive,” Cam said as he shook his head, “but you saw for yourself how it wasn’t the right fit.”

  “I did, and you seem much happier now that we’ve put you back into the slave role, but the offer still stands.”

  Isaac went to the grocery store with him, and drove him around the area, and back and forth to both the studio and the theater until Cam was sure he could find his way around.

  “Send a text to all three of us in the morning before you leave for practice and in the evening as you go to bed, and we expect a voice call to at least one of us every single day.” He bopped Cam’s nose with the tip of his pointer finger. “It can be Cassie most of the time if you want, but Frisco and I also like to hear the sound of your voice. We won’t call and bug you, but you need to call us. Our schedules are on the calendar, so you’ll know who should be available at any time, and you know you can call me pretty much whenever. There’s rarely a time I can’t take five or ten minutes away from whatever I’m doing to talk.”

  “I know, Isaac. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Cam.”

  Isaac’s goodbye kiss was bittersweet, and Cam’s eyes teared as he watched Isaac drive away.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Things weren’t the same without Cam around. Cassie missed him and looked forward to his phone calls.

  She also hadn’t realized just how much Frisco had him doing around the house until he wasn’t around to do it anymore.

  He straightened up after scenes, he cleaned the kitchen, washed sheets and towels at everyone’s house, and he’d apparently been keeping both Frisco and Isaac’s floors and bathrooms clean.

  The three pitched in and worked together, so it didn’t take long, but she was embarrassed she hadn’t realized how much he did. Or how many towels they went through.

  She also wasn’t fully prepared to handle both men all the time without Cam there to take some of their attention. They didn’t do anything to bring up bad memories, but pleasing both men by herself was a big job.

  Some nights they pleased each other, but most of the time it was up to her to make both of them happy.

  Frisco was still playing with her bottom, but hadn’t gone beyond one finger and a tiny plug. She could take either with no problems, and finally told him, “Master, I think I might be ready for you to do something else in my backside.”

  She told them as they were cleaning up Isaac’s kitchen after dinner, and both Doms looked at each other a half-second before Isaac picked her up and started walking towards his bedroom.

  She started to protest, but he slapped her bottom and said, “Hush. We’ve been waiting for you to be ready.”

  “I’m not ready for tons more! Just more than what he’s been using!”

  “I know. Trust us to know what you need, Sweet Thing.”

  Isaac stood her beside the bed and had her clothes off in minutes. Frisco was going through the toy armoire, and he brought a handful of things, but she focused on the blindfold draped over his arm.

  She was no more than a rag doll to Isaac as he propped her hips over the triangle wedge and attached the butterfly vibe.

  Frisco situated the blindfold over her face and then moved her mouth to his cock. “You’re going to blow me while Isaac plays with your pussy and ass.”

  Isaac’s fingers were bigger than Frisco’s, and she squealed and whined at the stretch when he put the second in.

  “You’re okay, Sweet Thing,” Isaac assured her. “Relax for me. Let me in.”

  “Oh, I’m good with the noises,” Frisco said. “I’ll have to return the favor and let you feel her whining and moaning around your cock.”

  Frisco was sitting flat on his butt, and didn’t push into her mouth. It should have brought back bad memories, but it didn’t. Maybe because he didn’t thrust, or maybe because it was Frisco and Isaac, and she knew they’d never hurt her.

  Little did she know, the two planned to do this every night, though the men alternated who played and who got the blow-job. Some evenings they gave her a break and only used the original small plug, but most nights they worked two and then three fingers into her, and used bigger and bigger plugs.

  She was almost always fucked by both of them vaginally. Often while she wore a plug.

  Somehow, they managed to keep it from being anything at all like it’d been with the bastards who’d raped her — yeah, she’d thought it and hadn’t retreated into herself. The bastards had fucking raped her, and she was fucking surviving.

  Two weeks after she asked for more, they put her on all fours instead of using the wedge. It was Frisco’s night to be behind her, with Isaac’s cock in her mouth.

  And there was no blindfold.

  Frisco showed her a dildo. “You took this up your ass last night.”

  They didn’t always let her see what they used on her, and told her if it felt good then nothing else mattered. She had a feeling they were up to something different tonight, and she was ready for it.

  Her blood rushed through her veins as Frisco held the dildo beside his cock and she could see they were about the same size.

  “I want to take your ass,” he said. “Are you ready?”

  Cassie’s heart somersaulted in her chest, but she nodded. “If you say I am, I trust you.”

  “We know you are physically,” Isaac said, “but we need to know you’re ready emotionally.”

  “If we keep talking about it I won’t be.” Okay, that’d come out a little snippy, but the guys were giving her leeway with the attitude, so Frisco chuckled and moved behind her.

  “Put your mouth on Isaac’s beautiful cock and relax for me, Sweetness.”

  She moaned and wiggled as he worked her with his fingers.

  He worked the dildo into her before pulling out and pressing the head of his cock to her bottom. She
sucked harder on Isaac’s thickness, unsure why she was so scared. Frisco was no bigger than what he’d just put in.

  “You aren’t on the wedge for a reason today,” Isaac said above her, his hand on her shoulder. “We want you to push back on Frisco.”

  Isaac liked teeth, and she sucked just the head and didn’t worry about keeping her front teeth off him as she pushed her hips back, and back, and back.

  Frisco was right — he was no bigger than the dildo, and she reached to push the butterfly vibe harder into her clit as she took more and more of him.

  When he was in all the way she came off Isaac’s cock with a gasp and Frisco said, “That’s our girl. You ready for me to move?”

  “Yes, please Master!” If he didn’t do something soon she’d die. She needed them to just fucking do this without asking so many damned questions.

  He pushed her up until she was solidly on all fours again and not leaned back, and he pulled out so slow she felt every damned inch of him. There was resistance as the head made it to her outer muscles, and then he pushed back inside just as slow.

  “You’re going to kill me going slow. Please fuck me, Frisco?”

  Isaac talked her through lowering the front of her body until she rested on her forearms and her cheek was on his thigh. He caressed her face and ran his hands through her hair, comforting her as Frisco picked up speed behind her.

  Before long her arms slid under Isaac’s legs, and it was almost as if she were bound into position as Isaac held and comforted her while Frisco fucked her, but she knew he’d need to go harder to come, and she wanted him to fuck her full out.

  “Fuck me already!” she yelled, and Frisco pushed in and stopped.

  “Is this the way you speak to your Master?”

  Okay, so there was a limit to the snippy attitude. She modulated her voice and said, “No, Sir. I’m sorry, but you’re holding back and I want more.”

  “You’re the submissive; you take what you’re given.”

  Cassie tried to push back onto him, but he was all the way in and it did no good. “Please Master! I need it! I want you to… god, I know I can’t make demands, but just this once can you give me what I’m begging for?”

  “I can, but you know the next step is to take Isaac up the ass, right? Not tonight, but soon.”

  “Yes, I know. But for now, I just need you to give me this. Please.”

  “I will, and Isaac’s going to hold you while I do, and after I’ve come up your ass he’s going to fuck your little pussy.”

  Isaac ended up with one arm over her back, holding her down, and the other stroking over her hair to comfort her.

  Frisco pounded her from behind, and Cassie could no longer reach to push the butterfly vibe into her clit.

  Her knees slid backwards and Frisco rode her down, and she almost sobbed when the bed pushed the vibe into her clit.

  Isaac scooted sideways and pulled his thigh out from under her face, but held onto her hands as he lay in front of her, talking.

  “That’s it, Sweet Thing. Take him. Let Frisco lose himself in your fine ass.”

  “I’m going to come, oh, god, I’m going to…”

  Her body cut off all speech, all coherent thought, and all motor control. Her ass muscles shuddered and contracted around Frisco’s cock as her empty pussy spasmed and her clit felt as if it might fragment into a million rapturous pieces.

  She screamed and writhed for what seemed an eternity, and just as she began to come back to earth, Frisco roared as he came. Cassie’s body went back into autopilot, and she screamed with him as her body thrashed under his.

  No sooner than Frisco was out, Isaac had her on her back, looking up at him as he went into her missionary style.

  “Look at me as I go in, Sweet Thing,” he growled at her as he entered.

  “I can’t, give me a minute,” she begged, as she hadn’t caught her breath from the last time.

  “If you can’t, I’ll take Frisco’s ass, but I need someone right fucking now, and I’d rather have you at the moment.”

  He sank into her slow, giving her a chance to tell him not to, but she couldn’t deny him. “Fuck, Isaac. Master. I’m yours, but I need to catch my breath.” And find her equilibrium.

  “I’m not stopping you from breathing, Sweet Thing. I’ll go slow a minute, I just need to be buried balls deep in your sweet, sweet puss.”

  Isaac was so sweet, and so gentle.

  Until he wasn’t.

  When she told him she was okay, he pulled back, so the head was almost out, kissed her as thoroughly as she’d been kissed in at least a week, and slammed into her. His strong thighs carried him in and out, and before long her body was primed for another orgasm, whether she thought she had the energy for it or not.

  “Not yet, Sweet Thing. Hold onto it for me, just another couple of minutes.” He changed angles and she felt the orgasm slipping away, but he only chuckled as she wailed her disgruntlement.

  He picked up speed, and when he neared his own release he changed angles again, and this time it was him holding back until she was flailing and spasming under him, and he finally hammered his way through his own climax.

  Frisco was back beside them, with warm washcloths and dry towels, and he cleaned both Cassie and Isaac as they lay on their backs, side by side, and tried to learn to breathe again.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Cassie’s heart was happy as she, Isaac, and Frisco checked into the luxury hotel in Atlanta early Saturday. She was finally going to see Cam again, and couldn’t wait for tonight’s opening show. They’d talked on the phone this morning, and he was so excited without seeming to be at all nervous. This was his dream role, and he was going to dance it in front of an audience.

  Frisco texted Cam their hotel room and told him to take a cab, as they’d all be coming back to the hotel after the show and they could drive him back to his long-term hotel suite the next day.

  Cam was a bundle of excitement when they opened the door for him, and he let them all hug him, but then paced and walked the room.

  Cassie knew he’d been asked to dye his hair black. He’d sent her a picture, but she was still caught off guard. However, before she could say anything Frisco practically barked, “You’ve lost weight, boy.”

  Cam’s jeans hung on his hips and Frisco didn’t look pleased.

  “Have I? I don’t know.” Cam didn’t seem to care, either, but added, “There are no scales, but we’ve had all-day rehearsals so I’m not surprised. I promise I’ve been eating, it’s like I starve all the time.”

  Cassie touched Frisco’s arm and said, “He has twelve shows over the next nine days, and then he’s ours again. You can fatten him back up once we get him home.” Not that Cam ever looked anything but hot, with his washboard abs and skinny frame showing every fucking muscle in his body. Besides, she wasn’t sure Frisco was right. Cam’s waist was possibly smaller and his abs even more defined, but she thought his shoulders and arms were bigger, and possibly his thighs, though she wouldn’t know for sure until he was naked.

  Cassie made a point of looking him over from head to toe, and said, “I think you may have buffed up a little in your shoulders and arms, actually. I can’t wait to see you in your costume, and then naked tonight.”

  Frisco put his hand on Cassie’s back. “No talk of sex until afterwards. We promised.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, and meant it. She hadn’t intended the statement to raise the subject of sex, but could see from everyone’s expression, she had.

  Cam rolled his eyes. “It’s okay. I figured one of the guys would be the one to break it, not you.” He looked at his watch. “Ya’ll are going to drop me off and then go eat, right? And then come to the cast party afterwards?”

  “We’ll be there, boy,” Isaac said with just a touch of Dom in his voice. Cassie could tell Frisco was having a hard time not reining their boy in, too, but they all knew he could manage himself for performances and needed the excitement he built up beforeh

  “You’ve prepared your cast mates for two boyfriends and a girlfriend? Or are we just going to be your friends?” Cassie asked.

  “Oh, I’ve told several of them, but I don’t think they believe me.” He shrugged. “I didn’t argue the point. I didn’t need them to believe me; I just needed them to stop hitting on me.”

  “You haven’t told me about them hitting on you being a problem,” Frisco said.

  Cam looked at Cassie, and she said, “Everyone wants to fuck the lead dancer. Plus, I mean, just fucking look at him. I thought he was sex-on-a-stick when I first saw him on the end of your leash, and he’s a thousand times hotter now.”

  “So,” Isaac asked with a chuckle, “how did you manage to fight them all off? ‘Cause I have to agree with Cassie about the sex-on-stick thing.”

  Cam shrugged. “I flirted with everyone so they wouldn’t think I was an ass, but kept telling them I was taken, and madly in love with all three of my partners.” He looked down. “I wanted to say my Masters and my girlfriend, but…”

  Isaac pulled him into a hug and said, “I know, boy. You tell us how you want us to act with you tonight, and we’ll do it. You have another week with the cast and crew, so whatever we can do to make it easier? We will.”

  “Just be my overbearing boyfriends? Not too much Dom stuff, but make it clear I’m yours?” He looked to Cassie and added, “Don’t be afraid to touch me and hold me? I know you don’t like PDA, but it’s okay with this group. I mean, no supercharged kissing, but everyone’s pretty touchy-feely.”

  * * * *

  Cassie was breathless through most of the performance.

  She knew Cam was good, but wasn’t prepared for his strength, athleticism, and grace combined with the beautiful stage set, the costumes, and the men and women dancing around him.

  He held Giselle over his head and flipped her around, and they were almost through the first act before Cassie stopped gasping every time the girl looked like she was about to hit the floor head first.


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