Dirty Flirting- Part Two (Gently Broken Series)

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Dirty Flirting- Part Two (Gently Broken Series) Page 10

by Ava Alise

  “Dear Lord, that old man can talk,” Tara says, and Amy gives us all a knowing look. I have to fight to stop my gaze from falling to her stomach, it’s damn hard. She still hasn’t told the family about the baby and is wearing oversized clothes to cover herself. Tara is very petite and even though she only in her fourth month of pregnancy, one glance at her stomach and everyone would start asking questions. “So no date this year, I see,” Amy says, looking at me.

  “Uhh. No, not this year.” My eyes briefly fall on Tara before I meet her mother's questioning gaze. “I noticed that,” my mother chimes in. “What happened to that sweet redhead you brought last year. What was her name?”

  “Chrissy,” I say.

  “Yes. Chrissy. What happened with her?”

  “It was just a date. Nothing happened with her. It wasn't serious.”

  “Oh, like you are with the new girl?” Tara says.

  My eyes snap to the smug look on her face.

  “New girl?” My mother says right on cue. “Well, where is she?” Not removing my hard gaze from Tara, I answer my mother.

  “It's complicated.”

  Tara chuckles. “I'll say.”

  “Well, what do you know of it, Tara?” my mother asks.

  “Oh, he'll tell you all about it.” She reaches past me grabbing a chip from the bowl on the counter. “And when he does, please make sure I'm here for it.” She pops the chip in her mouth and walk out of the kitchen.

  I'm still staring at the back of Tara's head as she reenters the living room. She's ballsy. So many things… So many horrible things are running through my head. Things I can say that will knock that smug look off her face. Like not only is she hiding a pregnancy from everyone, but she also has no fucking idea who the father is.


  Well, I guess it wouldn't make as much of an impact since I'm one of the parental candidates. If that's my kid, not only will my life completely change, but so will the dynamic of our family. My grandmother will probably tell me to marry Tara, and our mothers… who knows how they will take it. I remain in the kitchen listening to my mother and Amy chatter about the party guests. How Mrs. Leeman spent the whole afternoon laughing with Mike, her neighbor, instead of dancing with her husband. Or how great Brenda's new car looks and how annoying her husband is. Thinking I've endured more than enough lady gossip, I finish my drink and head into the living room. My father is still sitting on the couch, his forehead sporting a deep crease as he watches Ben and Kimberly dance.

  “When did he get back?” I ask, dropping on the couch next to him.

  “An hour ago.” He groans. “He bought her roses, a bag full of presents.”

  “Ugh,” I say.

  “I know,” my father says, reaching for a drink from a nearby table.

  I grimace as I watch my nineteen-year-old sister look at her fiancé like he holds the world in his hands. It’s annoying.

  Only a few people are left as we head into the dinner portion of the evening. Being that it's Christmas Eve, and most of our guests have their own family dinners to attend, many of them leave the party after just a few hours.

  Some time goes by and the girls begin setting the table for dinner. I'm trying to be patient, but the tension rolling up my spine is too hard to ignore. Tara laughs loudly at something Kimberly says and I’m just praying for Kim to leave so I can confront her. Like an angel, my mother carries in a large pan of dinner rolls, places them on the table, then she and Kim return to the kitchen. I immediately stand from my seat, hoping to grab this opportunity to have some semi-alone time with Tara. She doesn’t see me approach as she busies herself with placing the cloth napkins on the able. The set mom only pulls out on Christmas Eve.

  “So, what the hell was that?” I ask, peering at her from the opposite side of the table. She doesn’t lift her gaze to mine, she just continues positioning the napkins and fiddling with the silverware.

  “What was what?” she finally says.

  “Oh, don’t play dumb,” I say through gritted teeth. My hands grip the chair in front of me as I lean toward her across the table. “You know exactly what.”

  “Drex, sweetheart, can you come carry the turkey in?” my mother calls from the kitchen, cutting me off. Tara is now looking at me dead on with pursed lips and folded arms.

  “Sure thing,” I answer my mother, but don’t allow my gaze to leave Tara. “We are going to finish this!” I whisper harshly and walk away.

  A total of eleven of us sit at the dinner table, including Mr. Walton and his date.

  “The food looks amazing, Karen,” my father says, placing a kiss on my mother's cheek. The table is covered in various mouth-watering dishes. Way too many pies, and I think I’ve counted at least four different meats. It’s enough to fed a small army, but nothing out of the norm when it comes to Christmas dinner in this family.

  Ms. Benton clears her throat as she places her napkin in her lap, making a point to note that he left her out of the praise. “Of course, you too. Thank you, Amy,” my father says quickly. My mother and Amy have tag teamed Christmas dinner every year for as long as I can remember.

  Once the turkey is cut and we begin our meal, I have to force myself not to scowl at Tara through most of the dinner. Everyone is laughing, conversations are being had, but I can’t wait to have words with her and I can’t stop thinking about it. She stands, adjusting her chair, and my eyes travel down to her belly. Her small baby bump is covered perfectly by a huge Christmas sweater. I wonder when she plans on telling the family about the baby. It’s a pretty fucked up situation, I admit, but still, I’m surprised she hasn’t shared.

  My grandmother has just finished telling a story when my mother looks to me. “So how are things going at work, Drex?”

  “Great,” I say, finishing a bite of pecan pie. “It’s going well. I’m learning a lot working in my new position.”

  “Wonderful!” my mother says. “So… is that where you met your young lady?”

  “Young lady?” my grandmother pipes in.

  Tara smirks and my eyes find hers briefly.

  “Yes, actually.” I exhale. “I’ve known her for almost two years. Things are complicated, though.”

  “Two years?” my mother exclaims. “And you haven’t brought her over?”

  “No… I said it’s complicated.”

  “Ohhh. Remember the time Liam brought a girl home for the first time? He was terrified,” my mother says.

  “Yes!” Amy laughs. “Poor kid thought we would hate her. He barely let her talk.”

  “Helena, was it?” My mother smiles.

  “Yep,” Amy says. “Poor girl.”

  Tara laughs, but the laugh is forced as if she’s trying to make a scene. “Speaking of Liam…” she says. The laughter dies down, and one by one, everyone looks at her. “You know that girl he was dating, Kelsa?” A smug grin floods her face as she holds my gaze. “The one who made him feel so worthless that he shot himself?” Her glare hardens.

  I swallow hard as I look at her.

  “That’s who he's dating,” she says, pointing at me.

  You could hear a pin drop as everyone’s eyes move slowly from her to me.

  “What the fuck, Tara?” I say.

  “Is it true?” Amy asks, but I'm so pissed at Tara that my attention never leaves her.

  “Right now? Christmas dinner. What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Well, you're so in love, right? And, since you don’t want to talk to me about Kelsa, I thought you may want to talk to them.”

  We exchange glares across the table and I can feel the eyes of everyone on us.

  “You’re in love, Drex?” That’s my mother. I can't believe how callous Tara is being. What the hell?

  “Won’t you tell them your secret? The one you're hiding under your fucking shirt! Let’s see who they think is worse.” Tara’s eyes soften and immediately well up with tears. She doesn’t speak again as she stands from the table and runs from the room. Everyone remains sile
nt as they look around uncomfortably. Well, actually, Mr. Walton and his date are the only ones fiddling with awkwardness. Everyone else is glaring at me.

  “What was that about?” Kimberly says. “Is she pr…”

  “Kelsa, really?” my grandmother says, cutting Kim off.

  I can’t tell if they are disgusted or just shocked, but everyone is holding unwavering expressions.

  “Liam wasn’t in love with her,” I say.

  “How do you know that?” my father says.

  “They only dated a few months. Even then, they hardly saw each other. He was grieving and she was the only person he was attached to. He was one of my best friends. I've seen him in love. Hell, you’ve seen him in love. Helena, for example, that was William in love.” Everyone seems lost for words as they stare. “How many times did he bring her to the house? How much did he talk about her?”

  “Constantly,” Amy says.

  “How many times have you met Kelsa?”

  “He never brought her around.”

  “That's my point. It was never about her. William was sick, he was grieving his father, and he attached himself to Kelsa.”

  The room stays quiet for a beat as I look from person to person wondering who will speak first.

  “But Tara,” Kimberly says. “Liam’s death is hard on all of us, but you know it's been so much harder on her. Why would you…”

  “Seriously, Kim?” I say, running a frustrated hand down my face. “You're questioning my decision making when it comes to relationships?”

  “Drex,” my mother says.

  “No, it's ok. I'm going to go.” I stand from the table. “When Tara comes back, tell her I said to have a Merry fucking Christmas. I'll see you guys when I get back from Paris.” I grab my coat and walk out the door.

  It's time to put this game into high gear. I'm going to go get my girl and show my entire family exactly where she belongs.


  This has to be the worst case of déjà vu in history. Once again, I'm nervous as hell boarding a plane for a business trip. Once again, Drex is going to be there, and once again, I'll be trying to resist him. The only difference is, this time I will succeed. I don't have months of sexual frustration from bad hookups and curiosity about Drex coming with me. I know exactly what it’s like to be with him, but I don’t know if that will make this better, or worse.


  I can do this.

  I totally can.

  This time I have all the right reasons to stay away. End it now before we start resenting each other, before love shows us how ugly it can get, end it now before the pain starts. By the time I make it to my gate, everyone is boarding the plane. Due to traffic, and missing my alarm this morning, I am running behind. But, thanks to a really sweet flight agent and a little luck at the baggage check, I make it to my gate. Drex, Ronald, and Amber aren’t anywhere to be seen, so I fall in line with the sea of people as we board.

  Excited chatter breaks out from every direction as we make the slow walk to the plane. This will be a non-stop flight to Paris and I plan on sleeping most of the way there.

  “Kelsa, over here,” Amber says, waving to me a few aisles up. I smile, gesturing to her with a small wave, but inwardly, I'm cringing. Ugh. I still don't know what to think about her. She makes me nervous. We'll be sitting together for the entire flight, all seven hours and twenty-six minutes of it. On one hand, she's like that older aunt you connect with but know there will always be a divide, a level of respect you must keep no matter how friendly you two get. On the other hand, she’s like a strict professor where the only contact you want to have is to listen, turn in your assignments quickly, and speak as little as possible. I never know how to act around her, so I usually choose the professional route, I figure if I keep all engagement in line with “business only” then I can't go wrong.

  Her brown hair is pushed back behind her ears, causing her short bob to flatten against the back of her head. We will be flying business class and it looks totally different than anything I’ve seen in coach. There is tons of leg room and space for carry on luggage. Each seat has its own entertainment center with a remote for a private TV, additional outlets for charging devices, and even a small divider for privacy. I can already tell that I’m about to like flying a whole lot more this time around.

  Seated directly behind us are Drex and Ronald, who both smile when they see me approach. I envy Drex's relationship with Ronald. They connected right away, and even after Drex and I had our…. indiscretion, they are just as close. Clearly it's only my relationship with my boss that's awkward after all of this, or maybe it's just in my head. I guess we've never been friends, and hell, she gave me a second chance. That has to count for something, right?

  After greeting everyone, I stuff my carry on luggage in the overhead compartment and take my seat. The sound of Drex’s laughter bleeds through the aisle as he and Ronald mutter over something I didn't quite catch. I can't help but smile, a warmth creeping through my veins. I've missed him. Christmas with my family was incredible. I loved seeing my parents, my brother Chris and my nephew MJ. But damn, I really missed Drex. Amber coughs, reminding me she's sitting next to me, probably wondering why the hell I'm smiling like a crazy person. Looking in her direction, I’m able to see Amber a little below the shoulders; enough to know that she’s using her laptop. The divide does a wonderful job of making the seats feel separate and together at the same time. It provides the opportunity to get even the most classified of work done.

  Blowing out a deep breath, I try to settle in.

  Drex and Ronald carry on their conversation and I find myself smiling again. I prepared myself for this and five minutes is all I get. Five minutes to miss him, to fall into that feeling of wanting to be close to him, to soak in the sound of his voice. I knew what it would feel like to see him again, and now that it's over, I need to tighten up, stay the course, and make the hard decision.

  It’s pretty smooth sailing after takeoff. I took advantage of the in-flight breakfast and I’m just finishing my coffee when the flight attendant offers me a blanket. Amber is still busy with her laptop and it’s a perfect time to try and get some sleep. Instead, I find myself wrapped up in a blanket, bouncing back and forth between trying not to stress about this business meeting and trying not to think about Drex. I’m totally failing at both. Desperately needing to say something, anything to stop my thoughts from spinning out of control, I look over at Amber. “Were you able to get the meeting with Delon's moved up to tomorrow or are we still on for the day after?” I ask.

  “Yeah, actually,” she says, looking up from her screen. “Everything is a go with Henry. We will meet with him and his team in the morning.”

  “Great. Any projections? Do you think they will have any push back with Headly’s offer?”

  “Not anything we haven't prepared for. Their line is starting to gain traction in the UK, and if anything, they may hate the idea of exclusively signing with Headly’s. But that's why Marsh sent us. We are the best.”

  “Yeah.” I exhale and turn slightly in my seat to face her better. “The contract Headly’s is offering is pretty great. They’re going to take it. I'll be surprised if they don't sign immediately.”

  Amber nods and her eyes move past mine to someone standing behind me. As I'm turning around, I get a whiff of his familiar cologne, a bold spice with a hint of musk. It turns my senses inside out.

  “Hey,” Drex says, smiling down at us. Ronald slides out from his seat too and begins adjusting something in the overhead compartment.

  “Hi,” I say, looking up and finding his eyes. A young couple moving down the aisle causes him to lean in closer, allowing them room to pass. The moment his body makes contact with my back, I'm on fire. I return my gaze to Amber, willing myself not to blush. Fortunately her attention is moving back and forth from the young couple to Drex.

  “So, all ready for this meeting?” she asks.

  “Definitely, I can't wait,” he says.
  He doesn't move, even after the couple leaves. Ronald returns to his seat and Drex stands there talking to Amber about the presentation.

  “The pitch you guys came up with is phenomenal,” he says. “There is no way they will refuse it. Hell, their presence is minimal in the US market and signing with Headly’s will put them front and center with the top players over here.”

  “Think so?” she says in an appreciative tone.


  Every sense I have dulls as I catch myself bathing in his voice. His smooth baritone rolls over me like a wave as he continues to stay behind me. God. I should speak, join in the conversation, let Amber know that this won't be weird. She said we are the best and I would hate if she thought my lack of conversation now that Drex is involved means things will be awkward when I work with him.

  “You're pretty confident, are you?” Amber grins.

  “Hell yes. In fact, once we land this client, I'll be treating everyone to drinks and dancing.”

  I'm finally about to speak, but all of my words evaporate when I feel Drex's fingers travelling lightly up my spine. My face is definitely red at this point. I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Amber is paying me no attention though, as she stays focused on Drex.

  “Dancing? Really?” she laughs. “I don't know.”

  As much as I’m trying to ignore his effect on me, every part of my brain is zeroing in on his hand. How it slowly slides up the tender place in the middle of my back and down the side of my breast. Tingles roll through me as my senses react to his touch, dulling and heightening, causing an ache to grow deep within me. I’m annoyed at the control his touch has over me. He's positioned himself perfectly, from Amber's angle it seems as if he's only leaning on the seat, plus my blanket and the seat divider acts as a visual shield.


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