The Unbreakable Trio [Long Mead] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Unbreakable Trio [Long Mead] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

“This is some good grub, Claire.” Each man shoveled down the food, letting out moans of approval with each bite. She couldn’t help giggling as they licked their bowls. When she offered more, every man held up their hand.

  After a second portion, Shane silenced the room.

  “I think we need to take a vote. Who wants Claire as our housekeeper?”

  “Wait, wait. Before you vote, I’ve got cake and custard.” She tempted them.

  A chorus of whistles and screams of yes erupted around the kitchen.

  Claire served them cake and sat back down, laughing.

  “You’ve got the job,” Shane whispered against her ear. She shivered and wished she could lean in farther and ask for more.

  She smiled and ate her own cake.

  The meal went by with plenty of work talk, and Claire left them to it. She cleaned the dishes and went into the pantry to search the large freezer for more meat. The life of a housekeeper meant she would always be planning for the next meal.

  Liam found her picking out chicken pieces.

  “Thank you,” he said. Claire shut the freezer lid.

  “You’re welcome. I’m looking forward to leaving that apartment and moving here. I’ve always loved it here,” she told him.

  “I know.” He moved closer into the room. Since she’d been in the pantry, he’d removed his shirt, and she couldn’t look away from the tempting view of his pecs.

  “Aren’t you cold?” she asked, cursing her curious mind.

  “No. I’m on fire.” His voice deepened. Claire gasped as the gravelly tone of his voice affected her. Her traitorous nipples hardened against the fabric of her shirt. She wore a lacy bra and knew he’d be able to see them protruding. Her pussy creamed with her arousal. She was sure he could smell her sex, standing where she was.

  Whenever her men came near her, it was like her body got ready for sex.

  He walked closer until he blocked her against the freezer and the hard length of his body.

  “I like you being here. It feels right,” he whispered.

  Claire gazed up at him. His presence made it harder for her to think.

  “I like being here.”

  His hands reached out and cupped her hips. Liam had never been so bold before. His hands were so large, they made her feel small. Delicate.

  “I’m pleased you picked me,” she said, trying to get her brain back on track. Liam smiled. He wasn’t teasing her anymore. The man standing before her was serious. Her heart picked up speed. A yelp escaped her lips as he picked her up and rested her on the lid of the freezer. He spread her legs open and stood between them.

  Where was the man she’d known for all of her life? Not that she was complaining. Never had a move made her so weak at the knees. Liam was turning her on by his powerful display.

  “I love you, Claire.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Liam smiled. “I love you like a friend, but I want more.”

  She frowned at his words. He loved her like a friend, but he wanted more? What more could he want?

  He took her hand and pressed her palm against his bulge in his jeans.

  Claire gasped and squeezed the thick cock in her hand. She’d read so much and seen a few pictures, but nothing compared to the hard length in her hand. Liam took his hand away and cupped her cheek.

  “I want you to be mine.” He brushed her lips with his. The small touch of his lips had her whimpering. She wanted more. The men in the other room didn’t matter. She wanted Shane to walk in and be with them, Liam and Shane to be with her together, the way she always wanted.

  * * * *

  Liam groaned as her fist tightened over his cock. Fuck, he shouldn’t have done that. The jeans were getting painful as he was getting harder.

  What would she do if he pulled his shaft out?

  He’d talked with Shane about seducing her. For them to turn the friendship into something more. He knew the risk he was taking, but standing around waiting for one of them to make the first move was killing him.

  Sharing her with Shane meant he got to be with her as well, and that was fine by him. They’d shared women before. This would mean more. It wouldn’t be an itch that needed scratching. Claire was the right woman for them. The only woman they would ever want to spend the rest of their lives with.

  Her response to his touch and kisses was setting him on fire. Shane would be seeing the ranch hands out while he started pushing the barrier.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she said as she pulled away from his kiss.

  Liam nodded. They would seduce her by going at her own pace until she couldn’t bear to say no. He prayed she wouldn’t last long.

  “I want you.” He grabbed her head and gave her a thorough kiss before leaving the pantry.

  Shane stood in the kitchen, sipping from a cup. “Where is she?”

  “Dealing with my reaction.” Liam slammed out of the house. He needed some privacy. His hard-on wasn’t going to go away.

  The privacy of the night and the shed would give him what he needed.

  He closed the door and turned on the small light. What he was about to do made him feel like a horny teenager, but he didn’t care. If he couldn’t be inside Claire’s tight cunt, then his fist was the next best solution.

  His jeans were pushed down to his ankles. Wearing boxers was a pain in the ass, and he never bothered with them. If he wasn’t in his jeans, he walked around naked. Shane preferred him to be dressed.

  Looking down at his cock, he saw the tip red, swollen, and glistening with his pre-cum. He smeared the salty substance all over the tip and down to the base. Closing his eyes, he pictured Claire.

  In his mind he saw her sweet, hot body, naked as the day he’d peeked at her at the river on one of their camping trips.

  Liam pushed aside the guilt of spying on his best friend and thought about her naked body swimming in the water. Even at eighteen, she’d had full round tits, a small waist, and flared hips. The water cascading down her body made him want to swim out to her and lick every drop.

  His mind traveled to his fantasy, rewriting the morning he spied.

  Liam stood behind a tree. Claire swam from one end of the river to the other. Her body was graceful like a ballerina in dance.

  Hating peeping on her, Liam made his presence known. Startled, she looked up and stood. Her round tits on display, her nipples large, red, and tight.

  “I didn’t see you there,” she said.

  “I wanted to make sure you’re all right.”

  “My Liam, always the protector. Why don’t you join me to make sure there’s nothing to take me away?”

  Liam ripped his clothing off his body and joined her in the warm river. He swam till he stood in front of her.

  “You’re so strong,” she whispered. Her fingers traced a pattern down his arm, across to his stomach, and down to cup his dick. “Everywhere, you’re strong. Is this for me?” Under the water, she stroked his hard cock. Her touch was firm but with an inexperienced hand.

  “Fuck,” he cried out as her finger stroked the slit at the tip of his cock. Liam took her by the hand and led her to the dry patch of land.

  “I want to suck your cock, Liam. I want to feel you in my mouth.”

  Liam lay back on the ground and watched her open her mouth and slide his cock between her lips. The view brought him off, exploding into the back of her throat. Claire moaned and swallowed every bit of his semen down.

  Liam came out of his fantasy as the last wave of cum shot out of the tip, splattering the ground. Panting for breath, he rested his head against the wooden beam.

  The fantasy he’d had so many times was starting to wear thin. Claire was an addiction he didn’t want to get rid of. He prayed she felt the same way.

  Chapter Five

  As the days passed, Claire canceled her rent on the apartment and moved her meager belongings to the ranch. Liam and Shane had prepared a room for her, and it was beautiful. A full four-poster, king-sized bed with whi
te drapes lay against the far wall. When they’d been growing up, she’d mentioned about wanting to have a similar bed. The bed was fit for a princess. She laughed and hugged her friends. Not wishing to tell her friends her ideals had changed, she embraced her friends and thanked them for their thoughtfulness. She’d have any bed, providing Liam and Shane shared it with her.

  The ranch hands grew happier to be working and were pleased with the changing meals she served. She cleaned the ranch house and made it a home rather than a dumping ground, and made sure her men had clean clothing. This is where she belonged.

  Liam and Shane were attentive. However, Liam didn’t mention what had happened on the freezer or make any more advances. She tried not to think about the touch and taste of him as he’d kissed her. Her parents weren’t happy with her decision to move in with two men. The same negative comments had been voiced to her by a few of her coworkers in town. She was happy and wouldn’t leave the comfort of the ranch. The men were respectful and ate her food, each one telling her what a good cook she was.

  This was her family. Liam and Shane had always been her family, and now she could be with them properly.

  Except that Shane avoided her at every turn, and she didn’t like it. He’d been different with her ever since the night she’d attacked him.

  Fucking hormones. Being a teenager had sucked.

  The days were getting hotter, and cooking in the kitchen was becoming unbearable. She found the old barbecue and started to light it up. It was a black one that needed charcoal to burn. The meat was already defrosted in the fridge. As the coals were burning down the last bit, she got the meat out and left it on the side to get to room temperature. She’d made coleslaw, potato salad, as well as several other salads throughout the day.

  The barbecue was big enough to serve her workers.

  As the bell dinged, she set up the bench and left sauces, relishes, buns, and plates for the boys to serve themselves as they wished. She skipped the burgers and went straight for the steaks. They’d been marinating in olive oil and peppercorns for most of the day.

  The sound of the soap bucket alerted her to the hungry horde.

  “Steaks are cooking. Orders—rare, medium, or dead?” she asked.



  “Medium.” Orders were called. She served one by one, leaving herself to the end. She sat down with the men and listened to their banter.

  “So, Claire, are you going to marry one of these douche bags?” The question caught her off guard. She didn’t know who the query had come from.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because we get the guarantee of great food.” Silence descended on the table.

  “Looks to me like someone needs to go and wash his mouth out,” Shane said, dropping his hamburger bun on the plate.

  “Which one do you think would be the best candidate?” she asked, ignoring the glare Shane sent her.

  All the men pointed at Liam. “He’s the nicest of the bunch.”

  She burst out laughing. Liam might be the joker and the more easygoing of the two, but he had a dark side. When he thought no one was looking, she’d seen the flashes in his eyes and the telltale signs of a darker man underneath. Nothing scary, but clearly more than the laid-back persona he gave off.

  “I’m sure he’s got his secrets just like the rest of us. Now stop being a pain in the ass and eat your food before they fire you.” Claire dived into her steak as if the conversation hadn’t bothered her.

  Marriage was such a huge step. Although most girls growing up thought about their white wedding and who the guy would be, from the type of church to the horses and the dress, Claire spent most of her time wondering where the guys were going and if she’d have to prove herself being the only girl.

  In fact, she’d never thought of marriage for herself, ever.

  Liam and Shane had dominated most of her life from a young age. Being with the guys had been her only dream.

  When the ranch hands went home, Claire cleaned away all the dishes. The barbecue pit was too hot to deal with, and she marked it as something to do in the morning. Her thoughts couldn’t move away from marriage.

  Did the men have plans for getting married? She scrambled through her brain to think of all the conversations they’d had over the years. They’d talked about girls who’d kissed them or something like that. Never had they talked about sex with girls.

  Had there been a barrier they’d refused to cross and she’d never known about it?

  Claire showered and dressed, ready for bed. The men were in the sitting room watching a movie.

  Like so many times before, the space between them was vacant. She sat down, and they offered her popcorn and candy. The movie was a lame action movie, more money spent on the explosions than the story line. She wouldn’t tell them how much she loved watching romance films. They’d make fun, and she’d never get to watch one.

  Soon the lead actor was being led to a bedroom by a large-chested woman. Claire tensed. She’d watched loads of movies with sex in them. All the other times she hadn’t been as blatantly aroused imagining Liam and Shane reaching out to her. Touching her. Tasting her.

  “Man, why do they have to pretend they can be gymnasts? I mean look at the guy, he looks like he’s doing some sort of yoga move while pounding her,” Liam said, from her left.

  “Don’t know. Makes normal men like us look feeble, I guess,” Shane said.

  “Aren’t you going to throw in your point?” Liam nudged her on the shoulder.

  She shook her head.

  “Surely, with all your female wisdom, you’d be able to add something to this.”

  “Sorry. I’ve don’t have any opinion on this. The movie’s crap, and I’m not overanalyzing it.”

  Liam laughed, his arm reaching along the back of the sofa. He started playing with her hair. The movie didn’t provide any distraction for Claire at all. Every touch felt sexual, as if he was trying to seduce her by the touching of her hair.

  She sat and watched until the credits came up. Leaving the room was out of the question. Her legs were like jelly, and she couldn’t guarantee she’d be strong enough to carry herself.

  Liam moved his arm and stretched.

  Don’t stare at his pants.

  Close your eyes and think of something gross.

  Spiders. Eww, would rather be thinking of Liam and cock.

  Claire opened her eyes and stared at the television.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m tired. See ya tomorrow.” Liam leaned over, kissed her on the cheek, and left the room.

  The moment he left, Shane stood. “I’ve got to finish off my chores.”

  Claire suddenly felt invisible. The only option for her was to go to bed. She closed off the sitting room and replaced the movie in its box before going to her room.

  She closed the door, removed her robe, and slipped between the sheets. Book at the ready, she began reading.

  Usually the books she read had her intrigued within seconds. But tonight, as time went by, she read the same page over and over. The page was a total blank to her. She couldn’t remember what the story was about or who the characters were. Her own life had become much better than the escapism of a safe story.

  Shaking her head in frustration, she threw the book onto the bed, flung the covers off, and grabbed her robe. She needed some fresh air. Wrapping the robe around her body, she made her way out of her room.

  The house was dark and silent.

  She opened the back door and stood on the porch overlooking the ranch fields. Her knowledge of ranching was minimal. Feeding the workers she was good at. She loved being part of a family that needed her and cared about her.

  Growing up with older brothers and sisters might have sounded like a dream. For Claire, being the youngest had been lonely. No one had time to play with her. She wasn’t old enough to fight with the boys or for the girls to do her makeup.

  Shane and Liam always had time for her
. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh scent of the air. The scent wasn’t tainted or impure. This was perfection, being free to be herself without fear of being gossiped about.

  The door opened, and she knew it was Shane. He wouldn’t make his presence known until he needed to. She felt him like she did Liam. Their connection was stronger than she’d ever realized.

  Opening her eyes, she gazed up at the stars. Would her future be changing tonight?

  Chapter Six

  Shane stood in the doorway. Claire stood in a robe which seemed to mold to her figure and emphasize her full breasts and hips. The moon did nothing to hide every outline of her body. His mouth watered to get a taste of everything she had to offer.

  He stepped forward, and he noticed her tension. Not bothering to back down, Shane moved until he was pressed to her back. His hands went to either side of her on the railing, trapping her in. This had been the first time they’d touched since that night.

  “What are you doing outside?” he asked. He’d been in his study reading when he heard the sound of footsteps. The footsteps were too light to be Liam’s.

  “Thinking. I couldn’t sleep.”

  Since she’d been working at the ranch, she’d spent most of her available time in her room. He hoped she liked it. Both he and Liam had spent ages picking out the colors and the furniture, hoping to make it beautiful for her.

  “Well, Liam was asleep, up until his parents called about five minutes ago. I just had to wake him from a deep sleep,” he said.

  Claire chuckled. “What could they be wanting at this hour?”

  “I’m sure we’ll get the heads-up when he’s done. A grouchy Liam. That sure sounds like fun.”

  Liam was on the phone talking with his parents. They wanted him to ask a girl out to the dance on Friday. Shane wanted to go with Claire. What would the town think if both men turned up with Claire?

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing much. Just about my life.”

  Shane glanced down at the railing where her hands lay next to his. Her hands were pale against his own tanned hands. He wanted to close the distance and enfold her in his arms. To keep her, hold her tight, and never let go.


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