Persona (The 'Professional' series)

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Persona (The 'Professional' series) Page 4

by Ceri Bladen

  Daniel watched Eric through narrowed eyes. He wanted to see if his friend enjoyed his meal with Ella too much. Eric’s smile was there, but his body language was impassive. Daniel relaxed. He knew his friend well enough to know when he was interested in someone. There wasn’t a flicker of that type of interest. Daniel reflected, there wouldn’t be, not from Eric, as she was already taken.

  What was wrong with him? She was affecting him too much for someone he had just met? A wicked smile lifted his lips, but he was already going to be sharing breakfast with her!

  Perhaps he was getting bored with Cassandra. He hadn’t even gone out with Cassandra last night when he was at a loose end. He had gone across town to a bar for a meal and a couple of beers. He had been royally annoyed to find out Ella had a partner and needed some space to sort his head out. Logically, he didn’t fancy her, just not his type. He always went for the more ‘high-maintance’ women, they interested him for a short time and then he found another one. He looked over at Ella, who was reaching to get a mug for her coffee, her robe pulling tightly across her bottom. She might not be his type but the reactions of his body, were telling him something different.

  He had to let her do her job. The last thing he needed were complications. He could imagine her write up if there was, it would have the bitter twist that Eric had warned him about.

  The previous evening, after mulling things over, while having his food and beer, he had convinced himself that he was settled, she was there to do a job. It was just a healthy dose of initial lust on his part, nothing to get worked up over. He had left the bar late enough that she would be in bed by the time he returned.

  Daniel leaned against the counter and thought about the phone call from Jeff. He knew in his head that going into her bed room had been the wrong move. But something had pulled him in, and that something had left him a night with no sleep! His previous conviction to leave her alone had disappeared instantly, when he had seen her naked body, so soft and warm, in one of his beds.

  “Jeff called you last night. He said he would ring sometime today.” Daniel mentioned, while turning the heat on under the frying pan, as he didn’t care to gauge her reaction to the news.

  “Ah, yes. I phoned him a couple of times yesterday. We just kept missing each other.”

  Eric looked up from his newspaper. “Is Jeff your partner?”

  Daniel continued to feigned disinterest in the conversation as he placed the bacon in the pan, but he was actually very interested in her replies.

  “Yes, Jeff Williams. He is an accountant.” Daniel smirked to himself, boring kind then.

  “How long have you been together? That’s if you don’t mind me asking personal questions?” Eric was hoping some of the answers to his careful questions would put cold water on some of the looks he had seen his friend give their guest.

  “About three years.”

  Damn, thought Daniel nearly dropping the spatula, serious then.

  As though reading his mind Eric enquired, “Serious then?”

  Ella became a little flustered, something that both Eric and Daniel sensed. Was it serious? She didn’t know! It was serious in the fact that they shared a living space and bills, but they still maintained their separate bank accounts. It was serious that they were exclusive, but did the thought of only being with him for the rest of her life, excite or fill her with dread?

  She realised that Eric was looking at her waiting for an answer. She looked at the back of Daniel, he was cracking eggs into the pan now. She would have to answer before she looked foolish. “Who knows what the future holds?” She was sure she saw a smirk on the profile of Daniel’s face.

  “Ah, who knows indeed?” replied Eric. So his friend might be in with a shot after all.

  Chapter 9

  The first two weeks trailing Daniel had gone so fast. Photo shoots, auditions, autographs and meetings meant Ella had started to get a loose picture of who Daniel Spittle was.

  She spent her working hours following Daniel on his many assignments. Sometimes her feet would be sore from walking and standing for long periods. The evenings were usually spent either writing her assignment, or with Eric. Usually only Eric as Daniel never seemed to be around at evening times.

  Over the weeks, Ella thought they had grown more comfortable with each other and had even enjoyed the teasing of each other when the situation had arisen. At first, the slight flirting had made her blush incessantly, but she felt as though she was controlling situations better. She was thankful that she had started to also win over her initial gut reaction to Daniel’s beauty. It was difficult trying to be professional at times, when every time she looked at him, her heart skipped a beat. But she felt as though her professional mask was firmly in place.

  Ella still found him one of the most handsome men she had ever met, but on the back of that, came the knowledge that someone like him would never be interested in someone so ordinary. She still always got a flip, or butterflies in her stomach when he entered a room, or when he gave her one of those cheeky smiles, but it was getting easier for her to absorb the nice feeling she experienced. Because she knew he wouldn’t be interested in her, no one, other than herself, would ever know how she felt. He could be her little secret fantasy when she was in bed at night, on her own, missing Jeff’s company.

  What she found slightly unforeseen, was how quickly Daniel’s mask fell when he was relaxed. She had imagined that the stereotypical traits would be more ingrained into his nature. If he thought she was observing him, he quite often hammed up something, such as his arrogance. It was as though he was putting up his shield again, his persona firmly back in place.

  But when he let his guard down and relaxed, Ella had got to know him enough to know that the majority of it was an act. He reinforced this, many times, without thinking - he would carry in the shopping, open a door, make lunch, go out of his way to give his autograph to someone, give money to the homeless guy when he thought she wasn’t watching. Most of his unguarded attributes were of a genuine caring guy.

  She thought briefly about how many people were so different in the work place to at home. She knew she was. Perhaps she could get her Editor let her do a study in the future? She mused, how many used a shield to get ahead in their profession or even, use it as a way of protecting themselves from getting hurt?

  The only ‘stereotypical’ aspect that that still held, was that Daniel was a lady-killer. Daniel always evaded her questions when it came to his love life, so Ella had resorted to regularly checking popular magazines, for now. It looked like Cassandra was no longer with him. She had seen him photographed with at least half a dozen different women, coming out of restaurants and clubs. It was times like these that she felt she was lucky to be with someone as stable as Jeff.

  Daniel was actually enjoying having Ella follow him. He really got pleasure in her company. She was funny and flirty at times when she relaxed. You could even have a good debate with her, without anyone getting upset. Actually, all three of them were having a great time, they all got on well.

  Occasionally though, Daniel had noticed Eric acting a little differently from his normal behaviour. Sometimes he seemed to be giving them space, the next he was acting like her personal bodyguard. Daniel made a mental note to have to have a word with him to find out if something was wrong. Perhaps he was struggling with his new book, which sometimes made him act a little strange.

  Daniel needed to tell Eric that he didn’t have to worry about Ella and him. He still fancied her like crazy, hell, he wouldn’t be a normal male if he didn’t. But he made sure that he was never near her in the evenings. He knew nothing could come out of his attraction, so it was simpler to stay away from her at the times that could lead to trouble.

  At first, in the evenings, he had started trying to hang around with Cassandra. He had liked her, he thought, but after a week she had become whingey. Why wasn’t he dragging her into bed? Didn’t he fancy her? Did he have another woman? He didn’t have another woman and he
did fancy her. Half the male population did, but for some bazar reason, he didn’t want to have sex with her. He kept thinking of Ella. So he broke it off with Cassandra and now made sure that he went out with lots of different women. He would not then have to worry about the lack of sex questions. He was hoping that his feelings for Ella, as quick as they had appeared, would fizzle out just as fast.


  In the middle of his lunch, Eric looked at the mobile on the table. The vibrating had brought his attention to a new message. “Ah, it’s Stalker X again.”

  Ella looked up from her meal. It was the first she had heard of a stalker. As Eric had a smile on his face, it obviously wasn’t a serious one. She looked at Daniel with a questioning frown.

  Daniel put his napkin down. “Don’t worry. She isn’t too much of a psycho. She just wants my body!” Daniel grinned at Ella and then directed his question at Eric. “So what does she say this time?”

  “Looks like you are playing the field a little at the moment…” read Eric.

  Ella smiled, head bowed down to the table. She wasn’t the only one to notice all the different women in the magazines then, even his stalker did!

  “Enjoy yourself for a while. You will only want me soon.” Eric finished reading the message out.

  “I don’t even know who she is to want her!” Daniel laughed, obviously not bothered by the messages.

  “Come on. We have to make a move. You have an appointment with your agent and then that film audition later on.” Eric reminded them.

  Daniel got his wallet out of his pocket and threw down the money for the meal. “Put your money away. I’ve got this.”

  Ella stalled while pulling her purse out of her bag. “That’s alright. I can put it on my expenses.”

  A frown formed on Daniel’s forehead. “I said I would like to get it. I would like to buy you a meal. There is no problem with that is there?”

  She replaced her notes. “No, thank you.” Why did Daniel buying her lunch unsettle her so much?

  “Right, I’m going to put some petrol in the car when you meet with Alice. I’ll meet you later after your audition, if that’s okay with you?”

  Daniel nodded at him. “Do you want to go with Eric or me?” He directed the question at Ella, hoping that she wanted to spend time with him. He caught himself and silently cursed, of course she would come with him, it was her job not a choice after all.

  “I would like to meet your agent if that is possible? The more I know about the people around you, the better.”


  Ella looked around the office as she entered. Photographs hung on the walls, some of famous stars, which presumably Mz Alice Hall was the agent for.

  The secretary, wearing a fitted navy suite, looked up as they came through the door. Was that a blush Ella saw rising on the secretary’s face? She smiled to herself, Daniel certainly had an effect on women.

  “Hi Lindsey. You’re looking good this morning.” Daniel was genuinely surprised. There was something different about her. She had on a lovely, figure hugging suit and had she cut her hair? She was still blushing though.

  “Yes, thank you. This is the suit that you sent me. Thank you so much. I’ve never been given anything like this before.” After running a hand over the jacket, she walked over to get the customary coffee, without the usual scurrying.

  “You’re more than welcome.” Daniel made a mental note to thank Cassandra for her good choice. Lindsey definitely had gained some confidence in the new clothes. “By the way, this is Miss Ella Hender. She is the reporter that is following me for a couple of months.” He turned and gave Ella a knee shaking smile.

  “Yes, I know all about her.” Lindsey stared straight at Ella, unwavering.

  Ella gave a shudder. The words didn’t mean anything, it was the look that the secretary gave Ella that had her feeling uncomfortable. Maybe it was woman’s intuition, but there was definitely something going on between Lindsey and Daniel. Perhaps she was an ex-lover, he had given her an expensive suit after all. That might explain the uneasy feeling Ella had. Perhaps the secretary didn’t like her spending time with him, albeit for work.

  Alice’s voice broke the frosty stare. “Lindsey, send Daniel in please.”

  Chapter 10

  Daniel put his phone back into his pocket.

  “Eric is running late. The traffic is awful. We will have to get the subway to the audition. Is that alright with you?”

  “Of course it is. I’m a reporter. I’m used to slumming it, unlike you, I don’t have someone to chauffeur me around.” She teased him.

  Daniel loved it when she smiled. Dimples appeared in her cheeks and her grey eyes glinted. He grabbed her hand and led her to the station.

  “Wow. Does that always happen? I didn’t think we were going to make the train!” Ella tried to catch her breath. She hadn’t run that fast in a long time.

  They squeezed into the full compartment and she grabbed the bar to steady herself. She couldn’t believe how many people asked for Daniel’s autograph when they entered the tube station. If they didn’t have paper, they didn’t mind what he signed! How did he smile sweetly at each and every one of them? He must have been thinking about missing his train, in the back of his mind, but you would never tell, he gave them all time.

  That is why they ended up running for the tube. He had suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her along after him. She was laughing so much and running, she was surprised her lungs hadn’t burst.

  “Hence the reason why I don’t take public transport too much!” Daniel replied, while smiling at some more fans who were staring at him. He was holding on tightly to the overhead handles as the train started. He bent down to whisper into her ear. “Luckily the train is so full, most people are too afraid about losing their seat to ask me for an autograph.”

  Daniel straightened back up and caught in the corner of his eye, various men looking straight at Ella’s bottom. He knew it was beautifully encased in a tight fitting pair of trousers. He himself, had had a look earlier, when she had stood up after zipping up her knee high black leather boots. A surge of jealously tore through him, he didn’t want anyone else looking at her peachy bottom.

  The doors opened and another crowd of commuters piled into the already overcrowded compartment. Daniel was forced to move much closer to Ella, their bodies now touching as he towered above her. He noticed that even in heels, she barely reached his chin. Normally, he went out with tall models who could look him in the eye. Looking down on to her, nearly surrounding her with his body, his protective instincts all went into overdrive. He liked the feeling, he liked it a lot. He caught her unsteady inward breath as he moved nearer.

  Gosh, Ella was hot. It wasn’t just the pure amount of bodies in the compartment, it was the proximity of Daniel. His nearness was doing major things to her heartbeat, she was sure she could feel her nerves jangling. She felt his breath tickling the top of her hair, smell his musky scent with a hint of aftershave and feel his strong thighs on hers. Oh gosh, this wasn’t good for her blood pressure!

  Ella looked up to try and start a conversation, which in retrospect was not a good idea. Daniel was staring at her, with a strange look in his eyes. She noticed him quickly scan her face, before his gaze was brought back sharply to her lips, which sent a jolt through her. A little smile was playing on his lips. If they were not in a crowded subway compartment, she would swear he was just about to kiss her. Everyone around seemed to blur away, the noise of the train and conversations merged into one noise. Oh gosh, he was bending closer. Here comes the kiss…

  “Ours is the next stop.” Daniel straightened back up. When he looked at her, all amusement from his eyes had fled. Christ, he was just about to kiss her, but luckily he got bumped back into reality by another commuter. Desire, that was all it was, desire, which would go as quick as it erupted.

  He looked around at the sea of faces. Outwardly, his strong, handsome features were passive, inside a storm was raging. He silently
cursed, he was on the subway with lots of people with cameras on their mobiles. It would not do either of them any good to get photographed kissing. With desire stabbing at him, he sure wasn’t planning on a little kiss either! He liked Ella, no, he liked her a lot. Kissing her on a public subway, then her boyfriend seeing the photographs, was the quickest way to hurt her. Daniel did not want that.

  He settled on placing his hand on the small of her back, to guide her out of the train.

  Chapter 11

  Ella hid in the shadows watching him deliver his lines. Gosh, he was convincing. She leaned against the steel rebar, it would have to do as she didn’t want to sit in the seats that were within Daniel’s eye line. She was sure her heart was still skittering around after the incident on the tube.

  “Are you Daniel’s new plaything?” The voice whispering in her ear made her jump. She had been concentrating on Daniel, so she had not heard anyone approach.

  “What me? No, I’m a reporter. I’m following Mr Spittle around for a couple of months.” She turned to look at who was talking to her. The stunning red headed woman smiled back showing off a row of perfect white teeth. Typical! I am surrounded by the beautiful! Ella thought and quickly put on her professional mask to hide the sudden surge of inadequacy that she felt. She held out her hand, “Hi, I’m Ella Hender.”

  “Hi, I’m Scarlett. He’s good isn’t he?” She nodded in the direction of Daniel.

  “Yes, he is,” agreed Ella. “I really didn’t know what I expected today.” She said, more to herself than Scarlett, looking towards Daniel once again. He looked so calm and in control delivering his lines.

  “I worked with him on a low budget film a couple of years ago. Obviously, before we both made it.” She flashed her perfect smile. “He was amazing on and off the screen. If you know what I mean?” She gave a husky laugh deep in her throat.


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