Paranormal Dating Agency: Taming his Saber (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Taming his Saber (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  Raze stared at Bethany. "Yes, I see that." He tried to keep the edge out of his voice.

  "I am so sorry. We've sent security up-"

  "That's not necessary."

  "We will get you new key cards at once and make sure this never happens again."

  "Please do." Raze hung up the phone, his gaze still on Bethany.

  Her smile wavered and the scent of fear wafted off her, stinging his nose like bleach.

  "I... I tried calling you but you didn't answer," she stammered. "You left the file on your desk and I thought you might need it." She walked forward and held out the file with a shaky hand.

  Raze took the papers from her and set them on the counter. "How did you get in here?"

  She licked her lips and produced a key. "You gave it to me the last time I was here."

  He plucked the key card from her fingers. "No. I did not."

  Her shoulders slumped. "I just wanted to see you before you left. I thought we were getting along so well." She slid up to him and ran her palms up his chest. "I thought maybe-"

  Alarm bells rang in his ears like gongs. He grabbed her wrists and stepped out of her grasp. "Bethany. We had fun. But the fun is over. I tried to let you down gently but I guess I was unclear. I apologize. It's not you, it's me. You did nothing wrong I assure you. You are a beautiful and smart woman. You're going to make some man very happy, but I am married to my business and my family obligations and could never satisfy you long term. It's better that we end it now while we both have good memories of our time together, instead of when you hate me and see me as a selfish bastard."

  The words rolled off his tongue as easily as if he was just thinking them up that moment instead of having practiced them a million times over in case something like this ever happened.

  She looked up at him pleadingly, tears rimming her eyes. Raze fought the urge to hug her and instead put an arm around her shoulder and ushered her toward the elevator.

  "I am going to give you a glowing recommendation to your temp agency to make sure you get a great position ASAP."

  He pushed the button on the elevator and the bell chimed as it arrived. He helped her inside and blew her a kiss. "You take care of yourself and thank you for the file. I really enjoyed working with you."

  The doors began to close when her eyes suddenly widened and her arm shot out stopping the doors from closing all the way.

  Raze spun around. Affina stood in the entryway looking around, still half asleep.

  "Razor?" she yawned. "Are you leaving?"


  He glanced back at Bethany whose gaze had turned to steel.

  "'It's not you, it's me.' Huh? Married to your work and family obligations?" Bethany stormed out of the elevator.

  Affina stared at Bethany and then smiled. "Hello."

  This wasn't good.

  "Who the hell is that?" Bethany shrieked. "The new temp?"

  Affina's brows knit together. "I'm Affina."

  Bethany advanced but Raze caught her around the waist.

  "You don't want to do that," he warned.

  "Who the hell do you think you are?" yelled Bethany.

  "I'm Affina."

  "You giant Amazonian bitch."

  Affina's eyes narrowed and quick as light she was in front of them. Without a pause she slapped Bethany hard, rocking her head into Raze's chest.

  "Fina!" Raze let go of Bethany and grabbed Affina instead.

  "Moc tar envey newitte'," she spat.

  "I know," he replied in their language. "But she is beneath you. She is nothing. Common. She knows no better."

  The women stared at each other.

  "Fina. Let me handle this."

  Affina looked at him again and then turned and walked back to her room.

  "It's time for you to leave," Raze said to Bethany.

  She stared at him. "That's it? That's all you have to say to me?"

  Raze pushed the button and the elevator opened. "You're lucky I'm a man of few words because there is a lot I want to say to you."

  Her mouth opened and closed several times and then she stomped into the elevator.

  "You tell that bitch if I ever see her again, she's dead."

  Raze chuckled. "Bethany, if you ever see her again, you better run because I won't stop her from killing you a second time."

  The doors closed on Bethany's paling face. "Selfish bastard."

  Raze stared at the closed doors and shook his head. "Told you."

  That was one bullet he'd barely dodged. Guilt rooted in his gut. He'd never really given thought to how the women he'd slept with felt about their breakups before. But suddenly with Affina around shame burned his skin.

  "I don't understand," Affina said. "Why would she talk to me as if she knew me? I just got here."

  Nothing Raze was willing to say would quite be the truth or satisfy her so he stayed silent as the elevator doors opened to the lobby. He ushered her to the front door and out to the car. Ario hopped from the driver's seat and opened the door for them.

  Raze helped Affina in and then slid in next to her.

  "Are all humans here that crass?"

  "Not all," he replied.

  Ario sat behind the wheel and looked in the rearview mirror. "To the office, sir?"

  "No," he said. "We need to go to Pricilla's."

  "Of course."

  "What's Pricilla's?" Affina turned toward him exposing her pert nipples through his thin tank top.

  Raze pulled out his phone and stared at it trying to concentrate on anything else. Keep it together man. You've seen nipples before.

  "A women's merchant," he choked out.

  "You buy women here? Is that why that woman was so angry?" Her voice came out appalled.

  "No... no," he stammered. "It's a store where you buy things for women... clothes, underwear... bras."

  "Bras?" Her eyebrows drew together in a way that made his gut clench. It was the same way they drew together when they used to spar and she was trying to figure out the best way to disarm him without hurting him.

  "Yeah... bras... they... uh... they are an under garment used to support and lift your breasts."

  Her eyes widened. "What?"

  Ario snickered and then coughed.

  Raze glared at him in the rear view mirror.

  "Sorry, sir. Madame." Ario pulled the car to the curb and Affina looked out the window. A large 5th Avenue shop loomed in front of them.

  "Shall I wait, sir?"

  "You'll probably need to go around the block a few times. We shouldn't be more than an hour."

  Ario nodded.

  Raze grabbed his door handle and jumped out. He crossed around the back of the car and opened Affina's door. He held his hand out to her and she took it, standing and sniffing the air. Her body pressed against his and he fought the urge to wrap a protective arm around her.

  Passersby stared and gawked. His saber growled itching to be let out to make them pay for daring to look at Affina that way.

  He took her hand in his. "Come on."

  Together they crossed the crowded sidewalk toward the glass door. He splayed his hand on her back. By the time they stepped into the store Affina clutched his arm, her breathing shallow and erratic.

  "It's okay," he whispered.

  "The scents. The bodies. The sounds."

  "I know. It's a lot. But you'll be used to it in no time." He gave her a reassuring smile.

  She stared up at him, fear rounding her eyes. "I don't think I want to get used to it."

  "Raze? How are you?" A svelte brunette saleswoman walk toward them, her hips sashaying as she fiddled with her necklace.

  "Tatia. You're looking... lovely." His stomach soured as he suddenly remembered why he hadn't bought presents from Pricilla's in almost a year. Dammit.

  She sidled up to him and ran her hand up his arm. "And you are looking amazing as ever. Did you come here just to see me?" Her large brown eyes batted her press on eyelashes like butterfly wings.

p; A growl sounded behind Raze and Affina stepped out from behind him. Tatia's eyes widened as she took in Affina.

  "Wow. Is this... your sister?" asked Tatia.

  "Certainly not," replied Affina.

  "Tatia, this is Affina, she and I have been friends, since I was a boy. She is in need of some attire." He gently touched Affina's elbow with one hand and pressed his other hand into the small of her back.

  "You look so much alike. Height wise anyway."

  "We are of the same clan," said Affina.

  Tatia laughed. "Clan?" She looked Affina up and down. "You mean like in cosplay or something?"

  "I don't play," Affina replied.

  "Affina's luggage was lost and we need to get her a few things." Raze looked around quickly and pointed. "There. That black dress. Do you have one that might fit?"

  Tatia clucked her tongue. "I doubt it. She's what? A fourteen maybe? With that height, maybe a sixteen." Tatia wrinkled her nose. "We only carry up to a size eight."

  "I am the perfect height and size for a female of my breeding." Affina looked down at herself and then at Tatia. "You are tiny."

  Tatia pressed down her skirt. "Thank you."

  Affina frowned. "That wasn't a compliment."

  Raze coughed to cover his chuckle.

  Tatia crossed her arms over her chest. "Try Target. They tend to have larger sizes." She twitched as if the mere word Target was enough to make her catch some deadly disease.

  "You know-" Raze put on his most genuine smile. "I think we will go elsewhere." Raze pulled Affina into his side. "I should have known better than to bring you here."

  Raze ushered Affina to the door, his blood so heated that they were lucky he didn't tear the entire store apart.

  "Mr. Edge?" came an older voice.

  Raze looked over his shoulder. Pricilla strode forward a broad smile on her face.

  "How lovely to see you. It's been too long." She looked Affina up and down and then looked at Tatia. "Did you not find anything you like?"

  "Tatia informed me that your store doesn't cater to women as well endowed as my closest friend, Princess Affina."

  Pricilla's face paled. "We... don't have anything here but... Mr. Edge, I assure you we can order anything-"

  "So you don't normally carry her size, is that correct?"

  Pricilla blanched. "Well, no not typically..."

  "Then I'm afraid it does us no good. We need clothes today. I could of course go to a superstore as Tatia suggested. She said they have the sizes I would need, but the princess tends to have more expensive taste. Not to worry though, this is New York. I am sure there are other designers more than happy to take on Affina as a client. Good day." He turned to leave but then turned back. "And feel free to close my account. Permanently."

  Pricilla's mouth fell open.

  Raze held the door for Affina and they stepped out. He didn't need saber hearing to catch Pricilla shrieking at Tatia that she was fired.

  They walked to the curb just as Ario rounded the corner.

  "I'm sorry about that," said Raze.

  Affina stared at him for a moment but remained silent. The wheels were turning in her head. Her scrutinizing gaze made him squirm. Ario pulled up and Raze opened the door for her.

  "She touched you in a familiar way and let off a distinct aroma of jealousy," Affina said, sliding into the car. Her words were more of interest than accusation.

  "Sir?" asked Ario.

  "To Christian DeMotaya's,"

  Ario pulled the car from the curb and Affina turned and looked out the window.

  Raze swallowed hard. Affina was smart, and though relationships weren't near as casual on Aurora, it wouldn't be long before she figured out what he'd been up to in her absence.


  Raze's entire body had sadness written all over it. Affina knew she'd only caught a glimpse of his power in the last shop. Within him it was like two beings were at war. The one that wished to be dominant- and the one that knew he was to be submissive to her status. He'd never once shown an ounce of dominance back home, but then he'd been a servant and not a lone male in a new world. She wondered what it would be like to see him as a dominant male. The thought made her saber lift her head and pay attention.

  It'd been a funny thing between Affina and her saber since coming to earth. Affina wasn't one hundred percent sure what was going on, but she had the feeling it had something to do with being around Razor.

  The vehicle pulled to the curb in front of another shop. This one showed off dolls in various sizes and shapes as opposed to the last one that looked like they only dressed premature females.

  Again Razor exited the car and held out his hand for her. She allowed his large soft palm to caress hers. The last time she'd held his hand on Aurora it had been blistered and broken from training.

  She stepped from the car her mind plagued with memories of putting the salve over his raw skin and wrapping it in strips of linen to heal. She looked up into his handsome face. He'd turned out so much bigger and stronger than she had imagined.

  His body pressed into hers. "What is it?"

  "I was just thinking how striking you have become. I figured you might grow to be as tall as me, possibly. But you're so much more."

  She watched his Adam's apple bob up and down several times as he tried to form words.

  He cleared his throat. "Thank you Highness. That is a great compliment."

  "We mustn't kid ourselves. I'm just Affina now."

  Raze stared deep into her eyes. "Just because your kingdom is lost to another doesn't make you any less than you are. You were born a queen and always will be."

  He closed the car door and led her into the store. Clothing in blacks, whites, reds, and an assortment of bright colors hung everywhere. But instead of them being half her size, most looked like they might actually fit.

  "Hello. How are you today?" A short woman with skin the beautiful shade of deep mahogany and dark hair pulled neatly up into a tight updo, in a bright pink dress crossed to them and held out her hand. "I'm Raya."

  Raze shook with the woman. "I'm Mr. Edge. We are in need of some clothing for my friend."

  Raya smiled at Affina and held out her hand. "A pleasure to meet you Miss."

  Affina took the woman's hand and held it. "Affina."

  Raya patted Affina's hand and pulled her smaller plump one away. "It's nice to meet you Affina. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?"

  "Affina is new in town and lost her luggage. She needs a bit of everything." Raze pulled out a leather book and removed a small black square card and showed it to Raya. "Whatever the lady wants, feel free to put it on my card."

  Again Raya smiled. "Of course Mr. Edge." She took Affina by the arm. "If you'd like to come with me I can help you get started."

  Affina looked to Raze and he nodded. His phone chimed. "This is Raze... Mr. Yoshimoto, thank you for calling."

  Raya pulled her away.

  "So," asked Raya. "Are you looking for formal? Casual? Intimate?"

  "I...uh... I don't know," said Affina. "Something to keep people from staring at me."

  Raya burst out laughing. "You're funny. I like that. But let's see if maybe one of these black cocktail dresses might fit you because girl, with the knock out body like yours there's reasons people should be staring at you. Jealousy!"

  Raya thumbed through the rack and stopped on a sleeveless, short and curvy dress. She held it up to Affina and cocked her head to the side.

  "This one would look amazing on you. With your buff legs and arms, you'd be a knock out."

  Affina looked down. "But I can't run in it."

  "Of course not. This would just be for a date with your man over there."

  "I don't know what you mean by date."

  Raya's mouth dropped slightly. "Date. Go out? Eat together, talk, see a show?"

  "So this is for eating in?" Affina asked.

  Raya nodded. "Yes. At a nice place, like a restaurant. Where are
you from honey?"

  Affina looked over her shoulder at Raze who was still talking. "Uh... a different planet."

  Raya laughed again. "Sometimes we all feel that way. Let's get you a dressing room."

  Raya showed her to the back of the store and opened the first in a series of small doors in a room surrounded by mirrors.

  "Okay. You try this dress on and I'll see what else I can pull for you."

  Affina stepped into the tiny room and Raya closed the door. She looked at herself in the mirror. How embarrassing. Just a year before she'd been a princess destined to rule an entire species. But now... now she stood in Razor's pajamas, in a new world that she didn't understand.

  A knock sounded on the door. "I found you a few more pieces, Miss."

  A hand flew over the door and clothes whipped her in the face. Affina stepped back and looked at them. A top and some long black pants. A skirt and another top that looked almost see through. Affina grabbed them and set them down on a chair.

  "And these I think will be your size as well," said Raya. Two small lacy pink see through items hung on the door. Affina took them and held them out in front of her.

  "What do I do with these?" she asked.

  "They're for under your clothes," Raya replied.

  "Bra," she muttered.

  Affina held the cupped lacy wire in front of her and looked at it. It didn't look comfortable.


  "That would be agreeable," said Raze. "I'll have my attorney draw up the papers. Thank you Mr. Yoshimoto."

  "Is this a jest?" Affina's voice rang out from the dressing room, sending a chill down Raze's back.

  "I have another appointment coming in. I need to go." Raze hung up just as Affina rounded the corner in nothing but the pink bra and panties that Raya had picked out for her.

  "What is the purpose of these contraptions?" Affina asked. "This one doesn't even cover my rear end." She promptly turned around showing off her peachy round cheeks and the strip of thong that all but disappeared between them.

  Without thinking Raze rushed to the nearest clothing rack, grabbed something off it and wrapped it around Affina.

  "What? Is this something else I'm supposed to wear beneath my clothing?" she asked.


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