Full Moon on the Lake

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Full Moon on the Lake Page 17

by D. M. Angel

  She felt the cold leather belt snake around her waist then snapped into the center of the cross. Her breathing stilled as the sudden thought of being trapped tried to overwhelm her.

  “Are you ok?” the warm breath against her neck and ear, grabbed her attention as Derrick whispered deeply in her ear.

  Breathless she answered, “Yes.” Anticipation of the next step had her body replying in interest. Daniela understood this part thinking it would be hard to endure, the need to ready her body for Jacob as the first mating under these conditions would not be pleasant if she was not prepared first. But her mind and body at this point didn’t care. She moaned softly. Not so silent growls were heard from the four men. As the women blushed and took up the positions to protect.

  A strong hand touched her body, she knew not whose and didn’t care as a sudden spark lit her from within. Then there were four hands sliding over her shoulders, down her chest and to her bare back to the clasp on her bra. She felt it loosen and fall off. Her breath hitched as what felt like iced air pinched her nipples taught.

  Jacob stood mesmerized as Caleb undoing the bra let it slide off of her. His wolf drooled as he watched as her nipples puckered into rose beads. Caleb’s hands slide around from behind and cupped her full breasts in offering. Closing the first finger and thumb he pinch her nipples and pulled slightly as she moaned again pushing her chest out in a sigh that had him as trapped as she was. Jacob no longer saw anyone else but Daniela in the room.

  Derrick standing beside her slid his hands slowly, his eyes closed wishing this was Kyla he was touching like this, slid his hands down below her breasts further to her stomach. He continued to her hips slowly moving down the outside of her legs to her feet. Jacob noticed the movement watched as Derrick placed his hands inside her silky legs and moved up slowly toward the V. Her excitement filed the air as she squirmed. Jacob felt himself go hard. His focus completely on Daniela he barely noticed his clothes being removed. The hands of the women caressed his body as Derrick hands stopped on her upper thigh.

  Slowly one hand closed over her pressing through her panties and she groaned in pleasure. He rubbed her slowly at first Daniela meeting his hand movement for movement. Watching her squirm Jacob realized he and his wolf had calmed. Except for the anticipation. Of watching Daniela’s response to Derrick and Caleb’s hands. Although it was agreed they would leave her panties on, Jacob wanted more. “Off,” he growled quietly, “Take them off.” He commanded.

  Derrick opened his eyes and looked down at her his hand wet. Without a thought he bunched the panties in his hands and froze. “Please.” Daniel pleaded. Derrick needed no more prompting. Jacob watched her face, her lips parting in a moan as he ripped them off. Dropping them with one hand he slid first one then a second finger in her waiting sheath. A warm, soft, wet glove she caressed his fingers and cried out.

  Daniela thrust onto him as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. Exquisite pain flowed through her body as one set of hands kneaded and pinched at her breasts and fingers slid in and out of her. The pain flowing to the V between her legs. The fever and pitch increased as she could feel the juices flowing onto his hands and the room filled with the scent of her need. The moans and growls of the others only work to increase her need to orgasm. “Oh Jacob, Please.” She begged.

  Derrick and Caleb continued but the women stopped as Jacob took a tentative step forward. Doc and Eric came back to the reality of the situation watched for signs of aggression while straightening their clothes. Derrick and Caleb look up at Jacob, with one nod they stopped and backed up. Daniela moaned frustrated at the loss. Jacob stood for a moment and stared at her. He could feel her frustration, inhaling he smelt the perfume of her need. He reached up and slowly took the blindfold off of her, looked straight into her pleading eyes and smile.

  With a low growl he placed two fingers inside her and growled again at the feel of her on his hands. Raising his other hand he cupped her breast then leaned forward and sucked her nipple into his mouth nipping it as she let out a moan of pleasure. As he moved his fingers to play with her clit, neither he nor Daniela heard the door close behind them.

  Jacob continued, feeling her coming closer and closer to her orgasm. This first time would be for her as he trust his fingers into her again and again, using the heel of his hand to apply pressure and rub her clit. She moaned and wiggled as he moved faster, becoming hard in his need for her to cum. He slid another finger into the already tight fit and wiggled them as he pumped into her. Suddenly she tightened around his fingers in spasms, a scream tearing from her throat. His hand filling with her fluids as he continued pumping her and bit her harder on her nipple to keep her orgasm going.

  Daniella felt the orgasm coming as the pain turn to lightening caressing to a central point in her body. The sensation becoming almost too much to bare, yet she wanted more. As if he had heard her he slide another finger into her and her body clinched of its own accord. She push herself onto him needing to reach the top, and when she did, pain and ecstasy filled her entire body as she felt herself float in the orgasm. Stars spun in magical splendor as her body soared higher and higher. Then he bit harder and she flew through the universe.

  Jacob felt her release and when she was spent pulled his hand to his mouth, his fingers to his lips to taste her. She watched dreamily satiated as he lick her fluids from his fingers and he sighed in ecstasy. He bent down and kissed her between her legs lapping at more of her fluids as he undid the chains around her feet. She moaned surprised she wanted to cum again, now! Standing Daniela noticed he was hard and long ready for her and she wanted more. As he undid her arms as he teased her nipples with his mouth and she squirmed beneath him. Her arms dropping beside her like lead balloons. She stood exhausted and sore as he undid the waist belt.

  He gathered her up into his arms and walked over to the bed laying her gently on the sheets. Smiling he crawled onto the bed and between her legs. As he lowered himself down, “You relax.” He said looking down between her legs at her glistening from her orgasm. Then growled, “It’s my turn.” He placed his mouth over her mouth as he entered her deeply, in one fluid motion and she screamed in pleasure. His hands covered her breasts and squeezed her nipples in time with his thrusts and they climbed together.

  Derrick looked back once more to assure himself Daniela would be safe. Using the excuse, he thought smiling to straighten himself out before turning around and closing the door quietly. Kyla stood there smiling with a knowing look on her face. Turn around as she said, “Maybe we should re-implement this tradition back into our pack?” Giggled girlishly as she walked away. Looking over her shoulder he notice everyone seemed to be in a hurry, Caleb had Leisa arm in arm heading out the door as Eric and Doc seemed to be intend on finding someone. Emily seem like she had a bounce in her step.

  Looking back at the door Derrick thought for a second then turned grabbed Kyla by the waist roughly and rushed her toward their rooms. “Maybe we should!” Kissing her on the neck as they rushed down the hall giggling like newlyweds. Those in witness to the strange behavior of the eight looked puzzled at each other.


  Jacob and Daniela stood in front of the pack with Derrick in front of them. The outdoor area was decorated in the autumn flowers, color of warmth and love everywhere. The smells of the cooking that had be going on for two days filled the area as a calm breeze blew rustling the colorful leaves on the ground. The sun shone bright and warm on their happy day. Even the youngest in the pack felt a difference in the air, the tension gone, joy and wonder overflowing though everyone there.

  “First this announcement.” Derrick boomed authoritively into the large group in attendance gaining their full attention. He looked at Daniela in confirmation as the group quieted down to listen. Daniela nodded and looked to Jacob in support he held in his eyes just for her. “Daniela Casey is actually Kathleen Bentley.” Astonishment sounded around them as those who did not know were surprised. “The information on the news about the in
cident at the airport and the trouble we had been having was because of Garret Bentley; her ex-husband.” Derrick continued.

  Jacob placed his arm around her waist and squeezed her in support with love in his eyes as he gazed at her. “As is tradition in a pack, and knowing all the information you need to know; is there anyone here who feels this mating should not take effect?” Kate tensed as she waited for the denials from the pack. The silence dragged on into eternity.

  Suddenly a child broke the silence, “Are we going to finish soon? I’m hungry!” he pleaded. Everyone laughed as the temporary tension melted away. The parents blushing as they shushed the child.

  “Fine.” Derrick chuckled, “I’m hungry too!” Derrick moved his feet facing the couple as everyone calmed down. “The mating of two people is never taken lightly in a pack.” He started, “A mating is not like the normal marriage between two people outside the pack. It is the joining of not just two lives but, the joining of heart, mind and soul for all eternity. A commitment of both with the understanding that there is no divorce, no separations. You are joined together literally until Death do you part.” Derrick stopped looking at Kate then to Jacob for confirmation that they understood and wanted to continue. There was no out later.

  Nodding he looked to Kate, “Kathleen Susan Bentley will you have Jacob Alexander Hunter as your mate from now until death to hold close to your heart, as your soul mate, to support each other, body to body and eventually wolf to wolf?”

  “Yes, Forever.” Kate whispered.

  Turning to Jacob, Derrick repeated the vows, “Jacob Alexander Hunter will you have Kathleen Susan Bentley as your mate from now until death to hold close to your heart, as your soul mate, to support each other, body to body and eventually wolf to wolf?”

  Jacob looked to Kate, “Yes, Forever.”

  “You have vows you wish to make to each other?” Derrick asked then stepped back look to Kyla remembering their mating. She blushed as she smiled sweetly just as she had that day when she had married him.

  Kate spoke first after handing her flowers to Serena. Her hands shook with nervousness as she began,

  “I thought 5 years ago I knew what love was, but I was wrong. It is more than just money, status and comfort. When I met you, you scared the crap out of me. Not just for what you are but, for who you were becoming to me. I did not understand what had changed in me to make me feel the way I did. When I met you it was instantaneous, yet something that grows inside you until bursting. Love is the trust I feel, the security, the respect. It is feeling of being lost in your eyes, of feeling the warmth in your arms, of being needed in your embrace. I truly did not know what love was until you.”

  The love she spoke was felt by everyone in witness as she spoke only to Jacob.

  Derrick looked to Jacob.

  Jacob looked to Kate and spoke from his heart,

  “Love is more than chemical reaction for the need to mate, more than a religious believe in the God of the universe at a holy union, it is the need formed within the heart, mind and soul to be needed, adored, trusted, protected and supported by one who feels the same way. Two halves of a whole coming together, to be a match, to be completed, to be one. An equal and yet, an opposite that compliments the other, balances each other. Call it whatever you want but, to me this is the true definition of a mate. Of love.”

  Derrick stepped forward in the quietness that surrounded the group at these vows made with such love. He looked over to Kyla and nodded know they had both renewed their vows with the heartfelt words from Kate and Jacob. He knew many here had done the same.

  “Jacob,” Derrick said into the silence, “You have the rings?” Eric reach into his pocket and handed Derrick the rings. Taking them he held one in each hand,

  “As the Alpha of this pack I give my support and my blessing onto theses rings.”

  He handed one to Jacob, “Jacob your placing this ring onto Kathleen’s finger, the direct line to her heart with a promise to never do anything to ever break your bond.”

  With that Jacob slid the ring onto Kate’s finger on her left hand.

  “As Alpha in this pack it is mine to bless this ring as a welcome to our pack, to our family.” Handing the ring to Kate he continued,

  “Kathleen your placing this ring Jacob’s finger, the direct line to his heart with a promise to never do anything to ever break your bond.”

  Kate Smiled up at Jacob and placed the ring on his left ring finger.

  “As Alpha I deem you mated, you may kiss each other. As you kiss each other you will seal the bond of this mating forever.”

  Jacob could hold back no more as he grabbed Kate and kissed her feverously on the lips. She must have felt the same as she returned the kiss just as reverently. Lost in the kiss they were both jolted apart as cheers rang out around the clearing. The pack stood laughing, cheering and howling in celebration.

  Derrick was first to congratulate the couple as Kyla joined him. Ushering them toward the waiting tables where the feast the men and women had prepared awaited them all. Congratulations were bestowed to them as they moved through the crowd. They headed to the center table at the edge of the field, Derick and Kyla sat in the middle with Jacob and Kate to their right and Eric and Serena to the left. When everyone sat the Alpha being normally served first motioned for Jacob and Kate to be served.

  The noise was joyous and happy as well as loud. Music played, people laughed and danced as small children fell asleep in their parent arms as the later it got. Older children relieve the parents taking those asleep to the tents set up for sleeping. They were the sitters to the younger, “with age came responsibility.” Derrick taught them.

  Finally, the cake cut, the drinks well poured, Kate stood to throw the flowers. Turning she smiled at Jacob his face back to the playful man she had met, flung them over her head behind her, turned in time to see Marlene catch them with a surprised look on her face. Laughing as all the women hugged her then raced to Kate hugging her in love and welcome.

  Jacob walked in toward Kate as the women parted, “You ready to go home?” he asked as he held her close.

  “Yes.” She said laying her head on his shoulders.

  Jacob looked up toward Derrick to see Caleb, Doc, Eric and a stunned Mike standing there looking toward him. They were laughing and patting Mike on the back. Over Kate’s head he mouthed “Thank You!” to them. They nodded in reply and Jacob turned toward the pack house to go to Kate’s Cabin. Where it all had started. To Their home.

  With everything back to normal again, Derrick announce the time for a long overdue pack run. He looked to Mike and nodded. As the pack members grouped and started putting their clothes on the available tables, whispers could be heard from those curious and wary as Mike undid the buttons on his shirt. Derrick’s security stood around him as the council stood near Derrick. After the problems with Jacob was over Derrick held a secret council meeting to inform them of his decision and to gather their support of his choice. They were whole heartedly supportive and Caleb mentioned this was not uncommon an issue.

  As planned and decided, Derrick changed into his wolf first as is customary. The rest of the pack followed and turned to Mike in curiosity. Mike looked to Derrick and with a slight nod from the alpha changed. Growls and whining erupted from the pack as those women and younger wolves to timid to fight, were positioned behind the stronger wolves for protection. Derrick gave a loud bark then growl to settle the pack, turned to Mike and stalked him as an Alpha.

  Mike stood his ground as Derrick approached. The pack remained silent and ready to defend their alpha, poised on the verge of attack. Derrick halted feet from the massive Lion and stared him down. If a lion could smirk Mike did as he waited for the command from Derrick. Derrick growled low and menacingly, dropping as if to pounce on a threat. Mike let out a loud roar of defiance, which shook the autumn leaves off the trees as if afraid to hang on. Derrick took another step forward and growled deep and angrily.

  The two stood nose to no
se, the pack stood quiet. The slight breeze rushed through the forest as if in an effort to get free of the impending fight. The mood tense pulsed across the scene in and ominous effect increasing gravity in the pack of the fight to come. Another roar broke the silence as a strong and terrifying growl erupted from Derrick. Whimpering sounded into the confusion from the wolves as they fought the need to submit at Derrick’s strength an order for Mike to submit.

  Mike’s front feet danced slightly as he fought with his lion to submit. The lion knew this was an act, to be accepted into the pack, at what he needed to do, but, the instincts in him to attack this wolf was strong. Mike gathered his strength, pushed the lion back with all the force he could muster and lowered himself to the ground. Derrick growled again, and he rolled to his back, his lion disgusted at this show of weakness let out a roar. Derrick and Mike looked at each other with wariness as the pack stood on the edge of a pin.

  Slowly the lion moved his head to the side as the pack watched, submitting to the will of the alpha. Derrick approached and placed his mouth on the lions neck and held very still as he waited for the lion to relax in submission or attack. It was the one unknown variable that Derrick and Mike had talked about. Just how strong his lion was, could decide the outcome. For the strength of an Alpha is not found in the muscle but the mind. Would Mike’s lion have the strength to submit to another alpha to win his right to his mate? Mike asked his lion just that question as his lion paced restlessly in his mind. The lions head raise and looked at Mike; ‘mate’ the lion understood; then lowered himself. Mike relaxed.


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