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Countdown Page 13

by Julie Cannon

“All right. Give me ten minutes to finish up and we’ll leave.”

  Exactly ten minutes later they were walking down the hall toward the security doors. Kenner finally opened her soda, the hissing sound of the pressure being released drawing Andrea’s attention.

  “What?” Kenner asked, taking a swallow of her Coke.

  “Is that a snack or dinner?” Andrea asked, pushing open the double doors in front of them.

  “Yep,” Kenner answered, just before taking a bite of the Pop Tart. She didn’t say anything else. She wasn’t in the mood for a fight or a dressing down about her dietary habits from the Miss-Perfect Andrea Finley. She was an hour from freedom, and it tasted much better than the snack she held. She didn’t want her mood spoiled so she just kept her mouth shut except to keep eating. She knew Andrea was expecting her to say something else, but she could wait. She could wait all she wanted.

  It wasn’t until they got into the car that Andrea asked, “Are you going to give me the silent treatment for the rest of the time you’re here?”

  So much for her good mood and not saying anything. “What is with you, Andrea? I mean, really. You’re less than an hour away from getting rid of me, and you still have to snip and snipe at me? But unlike you, I don’t want another confrontation. I want to check into my hotel, take a shower, change my clothes, find something decent to eat, and watch the baseball game.”

  Andrea chuckled and shook her head. Against Kenner’s better judgment she asked, “What is it now?”

  “That’s all you’re going to do? I would have thought Susie would have been on your doorstep.”

  “Well, you’re mistaken again, Andrea. Wait a minute,” Kenner said, turning to look at her. She was in profile, and Kenner tried not to notice that she had a perfect nose. “Is that what pisses you off so much about me? The fact that you’re wrong so many times?” Andrea glanced over at her. “Keep your eyes on the road,” Kenner demanded. “For God’s sake, it’s bumper-to-bumper traffic.” Andrea looked back at the cars in front of her and had to swerve to miss the one that had stopped in front of her due to the traffic.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do I mean?” Kenner was dumbfounded. “I mean everything you thought you knew about me about me was wrong. Everything you’ve assumed about me is just the opposite. You’re probably never wrong, or at least no one has had the guts to tell you when you are. You probably think things through to the nth degree, so you’re certain about everything.”

  “That’s not true.” Andrea sounded like a petulant child.

  “Yes, Andrea, it is. You don’t approve of anything I do. You don’t think I’m dressed appropriately, you don’t like the way I sit, you don’t like the way I work. You don’t like the way I relax. You don’t like anything about me. Everything about me is like nails on a chalkboard to you. And you can’t handle it.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Andrea said defensively.

  Kenner held up her hand. “I’m not going to have this argument with you. Just get me to my hotel and we’ll be done with each other.”

  “What about your suitcase?”

  “No way am I spending a minute more with you in this car than I have to. Just bring it in tomorrow.” The more Kenner thought about this entire conversation the angrier she got.

  They sat in silence for the rest of the drive, Andrea looking out the windshield and Kenner the passenger window. Maybe it was because of the close quarters they were in, but the tension between them was as thick as fog on a San Francisco morning.

  Kenner had never been a situation like this. She’d been in difficult, contentious situations, but never in a business setting. Especially when the lives of seven people were at stake, as Andrea kept reminding her. Like she could forget.

  It’s funny, she thought. Andrea’s image and what she prided herself on was her utmost professionalism, but when it came to dealing with her hired expert, it appeared to fall apart. If Andrea didn’t get it together pretty soon and lay off her, Kenner didn’t know if she could be responsible for her actions. That was one thing she definitely didn’t want to think about tonight.

  Andrea pulled into the circle drive of hotel, and before the valet could reach her door handle, Kenner had leapt out of the car and slammed the door behind her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  T-minus 05:27:49:02

  Andrea was exhausted by the time she got home. The stress of the past few weeks, particularly the last few days with Kenner, had taken more out of her than she expected. She changed out of her work clothes and into a pair of comfortable jeans and soft T-shirt. She knew she should eat something, but she wasn’t really hungry. Instead she tossed a couple of cubes of ice in a tumbler and poured two fingers of whiskey. She added another splash for good measure and walked out onto her back patio.

  She loved being outside, but the bugs and mosquitos in Clear Lake made it next to impossible to enjoy. So like many of her neighbors she’d constructed a large screened-in room that covered her entire patio, her pool, and almost all of her backyard. It was the only way she could enjoy a swim in the evenings after work to unwind. She thought about stripping and diving into the clear water, but her mind was jumbled and her drink tasted far too good. That and she would probably hit her head when making a turn in the water and drown.

  Andrea glanced at her watch. It was close to eleven. She had a briefcase full of work and needed to pack Kenner’s things to take to the office in the morning. She couldn’t help but think about Kenner. For God’s sake, she hadn’t been able to do anything but think about Kenner since the day she’d stepped into that conference room—what was it, only three days ago. Holy crap. She’d never had anyone cause such turmoil in her life in such a short time.

  Whenever Kenner was around, Andrea couldn’t think straight, her emotions getting the better of her. She’d never felt like this toward anyone. She was always on edge around her and never knew what to expect. Her calm, sedate, predictable life was anything but, and she wasn’t certain how to fix it. Kenner was going to be here until they solved this problem, whether she liked it or not. But Andrea knew that once she put her mind to it, she’d gain control of her life again. The tension between them, a hum, a charge she’d never experienced, of course made things more complicated and confusing. It had been unnerving her.

  Finally feeling a little more relaxed than when she got home, Andrea debated whether to have another drink or just head off to bed. She was leaning toward bed when she remembered that she had to pack Kenner’s things. She could either do it now or in the morning. Deciding she needed to rid herself of Kenner in her house, she went to the guest room, stopping first in the kitchen to refill her glass with another hefty splash of liquor.

  Andrea cautiously entered the room where Kenner had spent the last two nights. The bed was perfectly made, the throw pillows in the exact spot she would have placed them. The top of the dresser was empty, and the room actually looked like no one was staying there. She opened the closet door and saw Kenner’s red duffle bag lying neatly in the corner. No clothes were on the hangers so she pulled the duffle out and laid it on the bed. She moved to the dresser, opening each drawer and, like the closet, finding each one empty. Obviously Kenner hadn’t unpacked, probably anticipating she’d be here only one night so why bother. The bathroom was exactly the same as the closet and dresser, with the exception of the midnight-blue towel hanging slightly askew over the towel bar. That was the only indication that anyone had used this room, and Andrea admitted she was completely surprised. She’d expected clothes to be strewn everywhere, toiletries all over the counter, and the towel in a damp, musty heap on the floor. Why wouldn’t she expect this, given Kenner’s lackadaisical attitude?

  She slid open the shower door, intending to throw away the bar of soap Kenner had used, when an image of Kenner standing inside with water sliding over her naked body stopped her. A rush of heat started in the pit of her stomach and quickly traveled through every vein and artery in
her body. She staggered under the effect, stepping back to lean against the counter. Her eyes stayed frozen on the glass of the shower door and the image behind it. Her brain told her Kenner wasn’t there, but her body was telling her otherwise.

  She saw Kenner’s soapy hand travel up and down her arms, across her shoulders and down her chest to cup her breasts. Andrea’s mouth went dry. When Kenner’s hands slid across her stomach and disappeared between her legs, Andrea couldn’t stop the moan she released. The sound broke through her fantasy and made her abruptly face the reality that not only was the shower empty, but it was also absolutely spotless.

  Andrea’s hands were shaking as she grabbed the towel and washcloth. She crossed through the bathroom and tossed the towels onto the bed. She’d deal with them tomorrow. Her legs were shaking as she picked up Kenner’s duffle. She decided to leave it outside in the hallway so she wouldn’t’ forget it in the morning. “Like I could forget anything about Kenner,” she said to the empty room. Changing her mind, she dropped the duffle on the floor, tossed the pillows and comforter onto the chair beside the bed, and started to strip the bed. Might as well put all this in the wash tonight and get it over with, she thought.

  She tugged at the sheets, pulling the edges toward the center. And when she reached for the pillow, the unmistakable scent of Kenner drifted off the cotton, and heat like a bolt of lightning shot through her all the way to her toes. Oh my God, this smells like Kenner. Andrea had never noticed Kenner wearing any perfume or cologne, but this was definitely her. Without thinking, she brought the pillow closer to her face and closed her eyes. As the soft fabric brushed against her cheek, she inhaled deeply.

  Images of Kenner flashed through her mind. The first time she saw her in the conference room, the wide-eyed wonder when she took her on a tour of the station, the look of complete relaxation as she sat at her workstation, and her graceful athleticism as she’d moved on the basketball court yesterday.

  Her knees suddenly went weak, and Andrea turned and sat down on the bed as more images danced behind her eyelids. The sound of her laughter at a joke one of her coworkers told. The way her face lit up when she talked about anything. The sincerity of her smile. The twinkle in her eyes, the heat in her look, the desire behind those big green eyes that she didn’t even bother to mask.

  “Oh, my God,” Andrea said, falling back to lie on the bed. “What in the hell is going on?” she asked herself after taking the pillow away from her face. Her mind was in chaos, which wasn’t at all like her. She hadn’t thought clearly in days. She closed her eyes again and put her forearm on her forehead, trying desperately to regain her equilibrium. But instead of settling down, she envisioned Kenner hovering above her. The passion and desire on her face took Andrea’s breath away. When Kenner lowered her head to kiss her, Andrea started to reach up to push her away. Instead, though, she gave up and lost herself in the fantasy.

  Kenner’s kisses were alternately sweet, then demanding. They were soft like a butterfly’s wings caressing her lips, then hard, her tongue plunging inside in domination. She kissed Andrea’s eyelids, her cheeks, and the tip of her nose. She nipped her bottom lip, then lightly sucked until the sting subsided. She nibbled at her earlobe and slid her tongue down the side of her neck, returning eagerly to her mouth.

  Her touch was equally varied. One minute it was so light it almost tickled and the next firm as if memorizing the texture of every inch of her. Andrea arched into Kenner’s touch, seeking more contact to obtain release. Her pulse raced through her veins, roared in her ears, and heated her skin. Andrea slid her hands into Kenner’s hair and pulled her mouth where she wanted it. Unfortunately her clothes were in the way, and she let go long enough to pull her shirt over her head before directing Kenner to her breasts. She moaned when Kenner lightly bit down on one nipple. The sensation of Kenner’s teeth through her lace bra sent a bolt of pleasure directly between her legs, and Andrea pulled her even closer.

  When Kenner transferred her attention to Andrea’s other breast, she wrapped her leg around the back of Kenner’s thigh, effectively trapping her tight against her throbbing clit.

  “God, yes,” Andrea said unabashed at her inability to contain her pleasure. Just the feel of Kenner’s mouth on her breasts had her teetering toward orgasm. Her breath was coming fast and her entire body was on fire. She felt Kenner’s fingers working the zipper on her jeans, and she lifted her hips when Kenner slid them down her hips. When Kenner’s hands come back to her skin, Andrea shimmied out of her jeans and kicked them off.

  Kenner’s shirt was bunched in her hands, and Andrea dragged it and her undershirt over Kenner’s head and tossed them to the floor also. Kenner’s skin was hot under her fingers, and Andrea ran her hands liberally up and down her smooth back. She felt Kenner’s muscles tense as she touched her. There was still one barrier between them.

  “I need to feel you against me,” she said, her breath coming in gasps.

  Kenner lifted her head and quickly popped the front clasp, dispensing her bra in the general direction of all their other clothes. When Kenner didn’t immediately move Andrea opened her eyes. Kenner was looking directly at her, her dark eyes smoldering with desire. Kenner held their gaze as she slowly lowered her body back onto hers. Andrea gasped when their nipples touched under Kenner’s perfect descent.

  Andrea tried to pull Kenner completely against her, but Kenner resisted.

  “Wait,” Kenner whispered, her voice husky.

  Andrea’s breath caught in her throat as Kenner shifted her hips and increased the pressure on her clit. Back and forth she moved, slowly and deliberately, their nipples flicking against each other with each downward move. Andrea dug what few fingernails she had into Kenner’s back as she slowly climbed to orgasm.

  She was in agony, ecstasy, and everything in between as Kenner moved against her. One arm was braced above her head for leverage, her other hand gripping her hip. Kenner’s eyes still had not let her go, and Andrea felt herself falling. She started to close her eyes but Kenner said, “Open your eyes, Andrea.”

  Andrea heard her name called somewhere in the haze of pleasure and did as she was told. Kenner’s eyes were burning, deep pools of desire she could easily drown in.

  “I want to see your eyes the first time I make you come.”

  Andrea lost her breath at the power of those few words. No one had ever said them to her, and she wasn’t sure she could grant Kenner’s wish. She’d had sex with numerous women who had come back for more, but she was still a bit shy about the actual act. She could be naked in front of them, have their mouths on her in those perfect places, but she could never look them in the eye. That was almost too personal, too intimate. Like there could be anything more intimate than sharing your body with another.

  But there was something absolutely overpowering about Kenner, and Andrea could not deny her. It took both a physical and emotional effort to lift her eyelids, and the instant their eyes locked she came.

  Her orgasm started at the tip of her toes and blew out the top of her head. She arched against Kenner, lifting her legs for more firm contact. Kenner pushed her pubic bone into her, and Andrea locked her legs around her hips. Shudder after agonizing shudder racked her body, each more unbearable in pleasure than the one before. She felt like she was shattering like a crystal glass under the tone of a perfect soprano, and she didn’t know if she would survive. She wasn’t sure she wanted to, because nothing and no other woman making love to her could ever equal this.

  Slowly the world began to regain focus and Andrea could no longer keep her eyes open. She was spent. Completely, entirely spent. Kenner taking her to orgasm had consumed her and her body, though still tingling, felt like it didn’t belong to her. The messages from her brain telling her legs to unclench weren’t going through. The normal rhythm of her breathing had not yet returned an she wasn’t sure she could even remember her name.

  Her world turned upside down when Kenner rolled them both and Andrea found herself on top of
Kenner. Using her arms she pushed up into a sitting position opening her legs, to straddle Kenner’s stomach. She still had her panties on but the wetness between her legs and soaked through the thin material. Kenner’s eyes shot to that area and a new wave of heat slipped from her body.

  “You’re beautiful,” Kenner said, her voice full of desire. Her hands followed her eyes as they traveled slowly up and down Andrea’s torso, reigniting the flame between her legs. “You are so beautiful,” Kenner said as she slipped her fingers under the edge of her dark-blue panties.

  Andrea inhaled in response to the instant sensation of pleasure. She shifted to try to escape the pull of another orgasm, but Kenner held her firm. With incredible patience, Kenner moved past the thin lace edge and lightly touched her lips. Andrea’s body knew what she wanted and surged into the exploring fingers, urging them closer.

  “Please,” Andrea said, without realizing the word came out of her mouth. Her eyes went to Kenner’s and her mouth went dry and her breath hitched. Kenner’s eyes were blazing, and Andrea had never seen anything so mesmerizing.

  “Please what?” Kenner asked, her finger skidding over her clit.

  Andrea was only capable of a moan. She arched back, her hands on the top of Kenner’s thighs for support.

  “Tell me what you want, Andrea.”

  Kenner’s voice was thick with desire, and the sound of her name almost took Andrea over the edge.

  “Tell me. Say it.” Kenner’s voice was more demanding now, causing Andrea to open her eyes and look at her. “Tell me, Andrea. Tell me what you want.”

  Andrea couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth. Words that had never crossed her lips. Words she had never uttered to anyone, even under the anonymity of the black night.

  “Touch me.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  T-minus 05:16:41:38


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