THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 2

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THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 2 Page 11

by Charlie Cochet

  “Dude, you can at least pretend to be pissed off. That’s sad. You’re so whipped, man.” These two. It was so sweet it made his teeth hurt. At least until they got to the bedroom.

  Austen popped another Cheesy Doodle into his mouth, settling down against the armchair as Dex and Sloane shed clothes on the way to the bedroom. Sometimes they couldn’t make it that far and just did it against the counter. Or on the kitchen floor. Or the stairs.

  “Hey, looks like you’re actually going to make it to the bedroom. Good for you.”

  “Damn, look at that ass.” Austen had to admit, Daley had a booty on him. It was plump and round. “I gotta say, Broodie Bear, I can understand you wanting to be all up in that all the time.”

  It certainly gave Austen the urge to smack it, just to see how firm it was. Yeah, so he was a perv. Not like he was trying to hide it.

  Now for the good stuff. Mm, Sloane was naked. Austen had never seen such a fine looking Felid. His Human side was as muscular and sleek as his Therian side. He was graceful, his movements perfectly controlled, and damn, he was strong. He hoisted Dex up in his arms, his fingers digging into Dex’s asscheeks. The two kissed like they were trying to inhale each other.

  “Oh, we’re getting creative today.” Austen sat forward as Sloane pushed Dex up against the wall. “Skimping on the lube? Your boy’s gonna be sore tomorrow.”

  Dex held on to Sloane as his partner fucked him against the wall. This was way better than any online porn. Austen couldn’t hear them, but he knew the two well by now. Sloane was getting all growly, which meant he was cursing and talking dirty, especially with the way Dex’s face was flushed. Not just “being pounded against the plaster flushed” but flushed because his partner was getting all Alpha on him. When Dex was in control, the sex was usually hot and playful. When it was Sloane, there was enough heat in that room to set the place on fire. It was usually rough and followed up by round two in the middle of the night. Sloane seemed insatiable where Dex was concerned. Like the more he tasted, the more he needed. What would it be like to be desired that much?

  Austen couldn’t hear Dex cry out, but that’s clearly what was happening. Sloane soon followed. After a few more thrusts, Sloane let his head rest against Dex’s shoulder, and Dex delivered a soft kiss to the base of Sloane’s neck. This was usually where Austen switched off. He could watch these two have sex all day long, but the moment they got all cuddly and sweet, Austen felt like he was encroaching on their privacy. It was weird. Why should he care? He told himself he didn’t, but he did. Sloane carried Dex to their bed and laid him down before climbing in next to him. He pulled Dex close, and they kissed. Something tugged at Austen’s heart, and he frowned.

  Sloane was gentle. He smiled down at Dex, saying something that made Dex laugh, and Dex brushed Sloane’s hair away from his brow. How could they look into each other’s eyes like that? How were they not afraid of what they’d find? There may have been some fear and hesitation in Sloane a few months ago, but not anymore. Now when he looked at Dex, there was this brightness in his amber eyes. Like whatever he saw reflected back in Dex’s eyes was the most amazing thing.

  Austen switched off his binoculars and sat there for a moment. “Don’t do it, man.”

  Of course when did he ever listen to himself? He pulled out his tablet and in a matter of seconds was logged into Themis. He slipped into THIRDS HQ’s feed and tapped away at the screen until he found what—or rather who he was looking for. Why did he do this to himself?

  “Look at you. You big dope.”

  Austen shook his head. He did his best not to smile. It was another field trip day at Unit Beta. Bear Therians were good with kids. Zach was sitting on the floor of his office surrounded by little Therian kids. They asked him questions about being a THIRDS agent, and Zach patiently answered. He never got frustrated or annoyed. His smile was friendly. Those kids should have been scared shitless. The guy was a freakin’ bear. He was huge, even in his Human form, with massive hands and tree trunk arms. But the kids didn’t bat an eye. They laughed and played. One bold lion Therian boy jumped on Zach’s back. Zach laughed. It probably felt like a fly landing on him. He took hold of the boy’s arms and carefully pulled him up and sat him on his shoulders.

  “How can you be so damn good?” He couldn’t. There had to be something sinister lurking under the surface. No one was that perfect. Even Sloane had his demons. Maybe Austen had to dig deeper. “Or, you can just forget about the guy. So he did you a solid. Big deal. He was just doing his job.” Austen’s finger hovered over the Power button. His phone buzzed, and he quickly answered.


  “It’s time for you to come in.”

  A chill went up Austen’s spine. Shit. “It’s time?”


  “I’m on my way.” He hung up and put his stuff away, leaving his tablet for last. Quickly he put everything back exactly where he’d found it except for the Cheesy Doodles. Those he stuffed into his backpack. He tossed the beer bottle in the recycling bin and locked up behind him, his tablet in his free hand. Outside, he took one last look at Zach’s smiling face. “Be safe.”

  He switched off his tablet and stuck it in his backpack. Who the hell knew where he was being sent off to next? He needed to stop doing whatever this was with Zach. If his boss found out…. Austen’s grip tightened on his bag. They wouldn’t find out. There was nothing to find out anyway. So he’d hacked into a few feeds. He could bullshit the rest. Zach was fine. As long as Austen kept his distance, Zach would be safe.

  Prompt #39: I would love to see a follow-up from the scene in book 5 when Dex had to tranquilize Sloane because he was losing control. Maybe from Sloane’s point of view? How he felt about it and how they dealt with it.


  Sloane rubbed his eyes before blinking through the haze. When his vision cleared, he scanned the bedroom. Why was his head so fuzzy? And why did his mouth taste like it was full of cotton? Stretching was a big mistake, and he groaned at the ache in his muscles. It was like he’d gone ten rounds with Ash. What the hell?


  Sloane carefully sat up, the blanket slipping down to his waist. He was in Dex’s bed, and naked. Why was it morning outside?

  “What… what happened? Shit, don’t tell me I fell asleep during sex.” He turned his head, smiling sheepishly at Dex when he saw the worry in his partner’s bright blue eyes. Sloane’s smile fell away. “Dex?”

  “How are you feeling?” Dex looked tired. Like he hadn’t slept all night. Yet he was still gorgeous. His hair was charmingly tousled, and he sat cross-legged, dressed in his favorite Back to the Future T-shirt and blue boxer briefs.

  Sloane frowned. “I feel weird.”

  “What’s the last thing you remember?”

  “I remember helping you take off your clothes, us fooling around in bed, and then… nothing.” Why couldn’t he remember? It suddenly dawned on him. He swallowed hard. “It happened again, didn’t it? I lost control.”

  Dex didn’t reply, but he bit down on his bottom lip. It was all the confirmation Sloane needed. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. Something was wrong—aside from the obvious. Dex looked… withdrawn, and he seemed to be having trouble meeting Sloane’s gaze. It wasn’t like Dex to be so quiet or reserved.

  Slowly, so as not to startle his boyfriend, Sloane moved closer. He gently cupped Dex’s face. “Babe, please talk to me. I’m trying really hard not to freak out here. Did I hurt you?” Sloane wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he hurt Dex.

  “No,” Dex replied quietly.

  “Are you sure? What’s wrong? Why are you—” The nightstand drawer was slightly open. With a small smile, Sloane brought their heads together. “You tranqed me. That’s what’s wrong.”

  Dex let out a heart-wrenching sigh. “Yeah.”

  When Sloane had presented Dex with the tranq gun after the first time he’d lost control, Dex refused to even touch it. He’d been ada
mant they wouldn’t need it, but Sloane wasn’t about to take any chances. Not after he’d attacked Dex and Ash. It had been terrifying, waking up with no memory of what his feral half had done. He couldn’t risk hurting Dex. In the end, for Sloane’s peace of mind, Dex accepted, storing it in his nightstand. Dex’s safety had been Sloane’s priority, and he had to admit he hadn’t thought about what might happen afterward if Dex was forced to use it.

  “Oh, babe, come here.” Sloane drew Dex onto his lap, held him close against him and planted a kiss on his head. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think about how it might make you feel having to do that.”

  “It’s not like on the job,” Dex said, nuzzling his face in Sloane’s hair, his arm wrapping around Sloane’s neck. “You were in so much pain already. I didn’t think I could, but you shouted at me to do it. The terrified look on your face…. My hand shook. It was like I was shooting you. It sounds stupid, and I knew you’d eventually wake up, but it was like I was putting a gun to your neck and shooting you, as if you were some rabid animal. I cried after.”

  Sloane squeezed Dex and closed his eyes. He ran a hand soothingly down Dex’s arm. He could picture Dex sitting there, trying his hardest not to give in to his emotions but being too exhausted to do anything else. Meanwhile, Sloane had been out for the count. He’d brought Dex heartache and hadn’t been able to do a damn thing about it. “I’m so sorry. If there had been any other way, I promise you I would have taken it.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Dex shuddered in his arms before pulling back. “I called Ash.”

  “Ash was here?”

  Dex nodded. He ran his fingers through Sloane’s hair and smiled softly. It was so good to see that beautiful smile. “Yeah. I didn’t know what would happen. It was the first time we’d used that damned thing, so I called him. The guy must have sprouted wings or something, because he was here in no time.”

  Sloane chuckled. “You know Ash. His roar is worse than his bite. He’ll always have our backs.” He’d have to thank his best friend. He felt marginally better about the whole thing knowing Dex hadn’t been completely alone.


  Mischief filled his boyfriend’s eyes, and Sloane held back a smile. How he loved that look. Of course he wouldn’t tell Dex that. No sense in giving his partner an excuse to embark on any shenanigans. As if Dex needed an excuse. Dex wriggled his eyebrows.

  “Ash hugged me.”

  Sloane’s eyebrows shot up. “He hugged you?”

  “Yep. And I was naked under my blanket.”

  “And you made sure to remind him of that,” Sloane said with a laugh. He could just imagine his best friend’s face.

  Dex beamed proudly. “He was thoroughly horrified and threatened me.”

  “Naturally. Balance in the universe and all that,” Sloane teased.

  Dex chuckled and kissed Sloane. It was brief but warmed Sloane all over.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “And you? Are you okay?” Sloane asked, running his thumb over Dex’s bottom lip.

  “I will be.” He met Sloane’s gaze, his amazing blue eyes filled with adoration. “If it helps you, you know I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  Sloane’s heart swelled in his chest. With Dex, it was nothing but the truth. Dex would do anything for him. It still astounded Sloane how much Dex loved him. His words were never spoken to placate Sloane. He meant it. Down to his soul.

  “I love you.” Sloane kissed Dex, fierce emotions swirling inside him for the amazing man in his arms. He had no idea if he’d lose control again, but he felt better knowing Dex was with him.

  Dex caressed Sloane’s cheek before pulling back. He smiled warmly at Sloane. “I love you, Sloane. I’ll take care of you,” Dex promised.

  The always wasn’t said, but it was implied. Sloane could see it in Dex’s handsome face.

  Sloane smiled and placed Dex’s hand on his chest over his heart. “I never doubted you would. Thank you for being so good to me.”

  “Meds must be making you sappy,” Dex replied with a chuckle, but the blush in his cheeks gave him away.

  Dex thrived on taking care of those he loved. Despite his antics, he was a nurturer. Sloane had never realized until now how much he’d needed that in his life. He could count on Dex as his partner at the THIRDS and at home in his arms.

  “Maybe.” Sloane shrugged. He motioned toward the door. “How about we go downstairs and I make you your favorite Death Star shaped pancakes. Then we can come back up for a shower and maybe finish what we started last night.”

  Dex’s smile reached his sparkling blue eyes. He let out a sigh. “You had me at Death Star.”

  Sloane gave Dex’s lips a kiss.

  You had me from day one.

  Prompt #40: Can we have some Cash romantic/sexy times?

  MAN, WHAT a week. Cael was exhausted. Training, callouts, more training. He couldn’t wait to get home and start his day off. The only one not running on empty was Dex, which wasn’t surprising. Cael envied his brother’s ability to suck energy from the ether, like the Energizer Bunny after a triple shot of espresso. Meanwhile Cael was ready to crawl to his car. Maybe a nice hot shower would help him wake up. He grabbed his toiletry bag from his locker when Dex threw an arm around his shoulders.

  “Hey, little brother. You and Ash joining us for date night this Friday?”

  “Um.” Cael worried his bottom lip with his teeth. He’d been hoping Dex wouldn’t bring it up. His brother had asked days ago, saying it would be fun. He even promised to behave himself and not torment Ash. Cael was pretty sure Dex had been crossing his fingers behind his back during that part.

  Dex sighed, his expression sympathetic. “You haven’t asked him yet.”

  “I will,” Cael promised. “Tonight. We’re hanging out at his place. I’ll tell him.” Cael looked away. His brother was worried. As much as Dex accepted that Ash was now Cael’s boyfriend, there was still a part of him that was afraid Ash would end up hurting Cael. “It’s only been a few weeks since we’ve been officially a couple,” Cael replied quietly. “We’re taking things slow. At least out in the open.” Indoors was a whole other matter. Ash was anything but shy under the covers. Damn it! Why was he thinking about that now? Oh God, his face was burning up.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re thinking about sexy times with Ash because I might just lose my lunch.”

  “Hey, sweetheart.”

  Ash sauntered over with a smile on his face and nothing but a towel wrapped low on his hips. Oh, this was not good. It was good. So good, but oh, not good. His brother was standing right next to him.

  Dex stared at Ash before doubling over and gagging. “Oh God. I can see it.” He covered his eyes with his hands. “Tell him to put some clothes on! This is a locker room, not a porn set!”

  “Well, stop picturing it!” Cael scolded him.

  “You’re the one who started it!” Dex spun on his heels and marched off, calling out behind him, “Get back to me on the thing. I need to detox my brain.”

  Once Dex was gone, Cael gave Ash an apologetic smile. His boyfriend arched an eyebrow, though his gaze was still on the doors Dex had left through.

  “Seriously. You should have him checked out. I think whatever marbles were rolling around in there fell through the cracks ages ago.”

  Cael chuckled and closed his locker. “How long have you known him?”

  “Way too long,” Ash grumbled, though Cael could see the amusement in his amber eyes. A little smile came onto Ash’s face, and he glanced around before poking Cael in the side, making him laugh. “You’re staying over tonight, right?”

  Cael’s heart swelled every time Ash asked him. As if Cael would say no. “My overnight bag’s in the car.”

  “Great.” Ash gave him a wink and nudged his cheek playfully. “Go shower. I’ll wait for you.”

  “Okay.” Cael headed off to the showers, both excited and troubled. They’d been spending a lot of time together off the clock, which Ca
el loved, but a good deal of it was usually indoors, like their apartments or Dekatria. Not that Cael was complaining. As long as he got to spend time with Ash, he didn’t care where they were, and there were times he still couldn’t believe it.

  Cael climbed into the shower with a silly smile on his face. Sure, they’d hung out all the time before, watched movies, played video games, and slept over, but now the sleeping over was way different. As Cael lathered up he tried his best not to think about all the nights they spent in each other’s arms in bed, or on the couch, or on the fluffy rug in front of the TV. This was definitely not the place to get a boner.

  Finishing up quickly, Cael rinsed himself off and wrapped a towel around his waist. A few days ago Dex invited Cael and Ash to go on a double date. Dinner and a movie, then maybe hit a bar, do a little dancing. Cael had been so excited he’d forgotten it was different now. Ash was still nervous about being a couple out in the open, though Cael knew he was trying really hard.

  “You okay?”

  Cael blinked. He was standing in front of his locker just staring at it. Crap. He glanced over at Ash, who looked bemused. “Sorry, I think I zoned out there for a minute.”

  Ash chuckled and nodded. “I can see that.” He sat on the bench in black boots, dark jeans, and a charcoal gray, long-sleeve T-shirt. The shirt’s fabric was deliciously snug around his thick biceps. His beard was on the scruffy side, but Cael loved it when Ash went a day or two without shaving. This was the longest he could have it at work before having to go clean again. Cael snapped himself out of it and quickly dressed. He needed to get a hold of himself.

  On the drive to Ash’s apartment, Cael was quiet. He was trying to think of a way to ask Ash about date night. It was silly. It’s not like it was a big deal. He let out a sigh and tapped his finger against the window. What if it was a big deal to Ash? Before he knew it, they’d arrived at Ash’s apartment. He’d been so lost in thought, he couldn’t even remember when he’d hung up his coat and sat down.


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