Punishing Their Mate: A Dark Alien Romance Novella: Tharan Warrior Menage Book 3

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Punishing Their Mate: A Dark Alien Romance Novella: Tharan Warrior Menage Book 3 Page 6

by Kallista Dane

  Rhynn let go of her cheeks and gave her bottom a firm smack with his open palm. “If you move again, Rhom will take it out, coat it with more oil, and start all over again.”

  Cass forced herself to remain still. She remembered this oil. They’d used it on her the first time they spanked her, after they found her in the swamp. The more they used, the hotter it would burn.

  She didn’t know which was worse - the stinging burn or the embarrassment at having an audience witnessing such intimate punishment. At the same time, their mastery was wickedly exciting. Being in this submissive position, having one powerful male spreading her bottom cheeks while the other invaded her rear passage, sent a bolt of raw lust rocketing through her.

  Rhom took his time, twisting the phallus back and forth, spreading the heat deep into her core. Shame and embarrassment gave way to dark hunger. She wanted to buck her hips back and beg him to fuck her with it, but she curled her hands into fists and forced herself to stay still.

  Finally he had it placed to his satisfaction. When Rhynn started spanking her, the pain came as a welcome distraction. He spanked slowly, methodically, pausing after each stern whack as though daring her to squirm away. She willed her body to take his punishment without flinching, panting as she struggled to stay in control. His pheromones grew more potent as he went on. With every breath, she drew them in. Every lash of his open palm ground them into her bare bottom. His gyron sizzled on her skin, melded with the heat inside her until pain and pleasure became indistinguishable.

  She’d always been a strong woman. In control. A commander in the Interstellar Federation, for God’s sake. In the past, she’d have fought them, no matter what the consequences might be. But over these past months with the twins, Cass found there was something compelling about choosing to submit to their dominance. It awoke wild and savage needs inside her she’d never felt before.

  Her rational mind shut off. Sight and sound faded, leaving only the raging heat, flaring hotter with every whack he delivered.

  “Get up. It’s Rhom’s turn. Make sure that rod stays in your ass.”

  The spanking had stopped. She lay there for a moment, dazed, until Rhynn’s words penetrated the fog of lust clouding her brain. Then she struggled to slide off Rhynn’s lap while keeping the smooth implement lodged inside her. She had to clench her muscles around it, which drove the heated oil deeper into the walls of her rear passage, igniting the burn all over again.

  Cass bit back a cry.

  Rhom stood up. “Bend over the seat of this chair and hold tight to the bottom rungs with your ass high in the air.”

  Mindless and frantic, Cass forgot all about shame and embarrassment. Leaning forward, she wrapped her fingers around the wooden rungs. Rhom gripped the end of the phallus, slid it out part way, then back in again. She groaned as the vicious heat built even higher.

  Rhom started spanking her hard and fast until she was on her toes, with her bottom wiggling so hard the phallus kept slipping out. Each time he stopped and worked it back in, making sure to twist it in slowly until she was almost crying from a mixture of raw lust and the fierce heat in her bottom.

  When he stopped she slumped over the chair, her body trembling. Rhom eased the phallus out. She was so close to climaxing she almost begged him to ram it back in.

  He lifted her up and gathered her into his arms, whispering in her ear. “I know how much you need to come after all of this. We do too. Seeing you bent over the chair, it took every bit of my willpower to keep from shoving my cock in your hot tight little ass while I watched you suck Rhynn until he exploded in your mouth.”

  He handed her off to his twin. Rhynn held her close, stroking her back until she stopped shaking. “It’s over now, my love,” he said, so softly only she could hear. “We’re so proud of you. You were very brave. Now you need to get dressed and apologize to Soraya. The chancellor has more events planned for the men and Rhom and I have to make an appearance.”

  He chuckled softly. “I’d hate to have Raya decide we deserve to be punished by her for being rude to her mate. I have a feeling the lady could wield a strap better than most warriors.” He kissed her forehead. “We’ll come back for you soon.” His voice deepened, taking on the low timbre that sent delicious shivers down her spine. “I promise we’ll make this the best night of your life.”

  They both kissed her, then bowed to Soraya. Cass heard the door softly close, then silence. She bent and picked up her gown and pulled it over her head, wishing she could stay hidden in the folds of fabric forever.

  “Come here, my dear.”

  Soraya’s gentle voice reminded her she still had one task to perform. She squared her shoulders, went to the woman, and knelt in front of her.

  “I apologize, my lady. I meant no disrespect. I just…I never…” The tears she’d tried so hard to suppress during her punishment spilled out and she couldn’t go on.

  Soraya rose and wrapped her arms around Cass in a warm hug. “It’s all right, my dear. Sit here beside me. Astra, will you get her a big mug of tharonberry mead? In fact, I think we could all use one.”

  Soraya led her to a chair, then headed across the room to a table holding several decanters and a row of crystal goblets. She filled one with rich red liquid and handed it to a waiting female, who brought it to Cass. Soraya made the rounds of the room, offering her other guests a choice of tharonberry or a golden mead made from wildflower honey.

  “Let us all drink a toast.” Soraya raised a glass. “To our beloved mates – and to the mead we sometimes need to make living with them bearable.”

  The room erupted in laughter. Cass took a tiny sip. The tharonberry mead tasted like fruit liqueur. It went down easy, spreading a gentle warmth all the way to her stomach. She took another drink, and her eyes opened wide. The liqueur started out soft and sweet, but it packed a punch.

  Soraya saw her reaction and smiled. “It won’t get you drunk, like some of the beverages you’d find in a tavern. Tharonberry mead comes on strong at first, but it’s sweet and gentle. The way those mates of yours are deep inside. The way all our mates are.”

  “I know what you just went through was embarrassing, but all of us here have been spanked by our mates. I was very defiant at first. As an only child, my fathers spoiled me. They never disciplined me physically. Not once.”

  She stopped to take another drink. “Kal and Khaz had their hands full with me. I got spanked so many times! The first was shortly after we Mated. I refused to perform some minor task Khaz ordered while we were shopping at an outdoor market in Arcolis. They bent me over one of the stone benches right there in the town square, bared my bottom in front of everyone, and spanked me until I promised to obey.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “My first punishment didn’t have quite the chastising effect they hoped for. Both of them were aroused by it – and so was I. They took me home and fucked me so long and so hard that I did something naughty a week later, just so they’d spank me again.”

  “I went on misbehaving regularly until the time I was disrespectful to them in front of our rulers, who had come for a visit. My mates were so ashamed of my behavior they took me downstairs, strapped me to the wooden bench we all have in our punishment chambers, and asked the chancellors to spank me. The rulers had dealt with their share of defiant females over the years, so the spanking I got from them was much longer and harder than any my mates had ever delivered. When it was over, they told Kal and Khaz their own mate used to disobey on purpose just so she could get spanked, because the sex was so good afterwards. They wanted my mates to be sure I learned my lesson and warned them not to reward bad behavior.”

  Cass nodded. So far, getting spanked had the same effect on her. Once she felt the effect of her mates’ gyron, the line between pain and pleasure blurred. By the time they finished a spanking, her pussy was dripping wet. Even today, as embarrassing as it had been, left her shamefully aroused.

  She was so caught up in Soraya’s narrative, she forgot all about being self-c
onscious. “What did your mates do then?” she blurted out.

  “They followed the advice of the chancellors. Kal fetched the phallus I presented them with at our Mating ceremony, attached it to a leather harness, and inserted it into my bottom. Then, with the chancellors watching, he and Khaz lashed me with a vela until I swore I’d never be disrespectful again. They all went upstairs and left me strapped to the bench with the phallus still in my rear passage, hot and horny and desperate for release.”

  Cass heard gasps from several of the women around the room but she saw others nodding as though they could relate.

  “After the rulers left, my mates came downstairs and removed the phallus. But they kept me strapped to the bench until I satisfied them with my mouth. It was the first time they hadn’t put my pleasure before theirs.”

  Everyone listened intently as she went on.

  “They told me my punishment wasn’t over. I had to earn the orgasm I was so desperate for, show them I’d learned my lesson by treating them with respect from then on. In the meantime, I had to suck their cocks whenever they commanded me to. If I didn’t do it good enough, I got spanked again. I wasn’t allowed to pleasure myself during my punishment either. They said if they caught me touching myself, they’d attach the phallus to the leather harness again, insert it in my bottom, and make me wear it around the house while I did my chores. To top it all off, they took away my clothes. When a group of their fellow warriors stopped over unexpectedly, I had to serve them honey mead stark naked.”

  “I learned to bite my tongue when I was tempted to make a rude remark or argue when they asked me to do something. It took a week before they said I had been punished enough.”

  Her eyes half closed and a tiny smile played at the corners of her mouth. “I’d just made their favorite dinner and served it to them. Naked. Kal told me to put down the serving dish and carried me to bed. He and Khaz kept me there for three days.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “I still sass Kal a little now and then, even after all these years, just to keep things interesting. I’ve found I like it when my fierce warrior comes out. But I’m careful now to do it only when we’re alone.”

  Her confession broke the ice. One by one the other women told their stories as the honey mead flowed. Some only described a memorable spanking, others blushed as they shared naughty details of what went on afterwards. Gasps and giggles accompanied each story. Cass discovered she and the Tharan females had more in common than she’d ever dreamed. By the time Rhom and Rhynn knocked at the drawing room door, Cass found herself hugging every one of her new friends goodbye and promising to get together with them again soon.

  Darkness had fallen by the time the twins took her back to their cottage.

  “I know we were hard on you today,” Rhom said. “But I hope you understand why.”

  She nodded. “Yes, my lord.”

  “So you’ll follow our rules and obey us without question or argument from now on?” Rhynn asked.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Good. Take off your gown and get on the bed,” he ordered. “Put your hands over your head, grab the rungs of the headboard, and don’t let go.”

  Rhynn sat down next to her and ran a hand between her legs. Exploring. Teasing.

  Rhom climbed onto the foot of the bed. “We’ve waited a long time for this moment. You’re officially our mate now. By Tharan law.”

  He grabbed her ankles, and spread her feet wide apart. “You belong to us tonight,” he growled. “And we’re going to do whatever we want to you. Lick you, suck you, fuck you in every hole until you scream with ecstasy. You aren’t allowed to move. If you do, we’ll tie you to this bed face-down and spank your ass again. Do you understand?”

  Cass shivered as the intoxicating rush of their gyron poured through her. Her pussy spasmed, then flooded. These were her mates, the men she loved with all her heart. She belonged to them. Now and forever.

  “Oh yes, my lords. I understand perfectly,” she answered solemnly. “You’re both going to do all kinds of dirty things to me tonight. Suck my clit, lick me all over, fuck my mouth.” She saw her mates’ eyes darken with lust as she went on. “You’ll slide your cocks into my wet pussy and hot ass. And I have to keep my hands over my head and my legs spread wide apart the whole time. I’m not allowed to move.”

  A naughty little smile played at the corners of her mouth as she went on. “If I disobey, you’ll make me roll over. Then you’ll tie me to this bed - and spank me.”

  Ready for more hot alien warriors? Here’s a sneak peek at Mastering Their Mate Book 4

  Mastering Their Mate

  Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 4

  by Kallista Dane

  Chapter One

  Saige stared at the wall of male flesh in front of her and fought back a wave of panic.

  Lady Zey had outdone herself. Saige feared her usual tricks wouldn’t work this time. She could almost smell the heat emanating from the huge alien warriors standing in the doorway. She desperately wanted to scoot into the farthest corner of the enormous bed and curl up into a ball. It took all her courage to stay where she was, draped enticingly across the bed.

  “Keir and Khaun are first-time visitors to the Rapture Dome. I assured them you would fulfill their every desire.” Lady Zey’s voice was low and seductive but her eyes were cold as she stared down at Saige. “If they aren’t happy with your services, I’ve given them permission to punish you any way they choose.”

  “There’ll be no need for punishment, I assure you.” Saige pasted a smile on her face. “I’m a lucky girl! I have the pleasure of spending time with two powerful handsome males tonight.” She bowed her head to the Dome Mistress. “Thank you, Lady Zey.”

  Fuck you, Lady Zey. She wanted to scream the words out loud. Zey was hoping she’d freak out. But Saige vowed she wouldn’t give the bitch the satisfaction of seeing how rattled she was.

  She tried to calm herself with a few deep breaths and her eyebrows rose. It hadn’t been her imagination. There was a distinctive aroma emanating from them. Not the unpleasant stench of her usual patrons - unwashed aliens who rushed to the Dome straight from a long day at the mine, their pockets brimming with markers to spend. This was a different scent. One her conscious mind had no name for, though her body seemed to recognize it. The tantalizing aroma wafted around them, like an invisible cloud. The moment she’d drawn the first breath of it into her lungs, her pussy had clenched. And that never happened. Never.

  Lady Zey headed for the door, then turned back. “You can take your time seeing to their pleasure. They’ve purchased you for an entire rotation cycle.” Saige swore the malicious smile on the Dome mistress’s face lingered in the room, like that of Alice’s Cheshire cat, even after the ominous thud of the door closing behind her died away.

  She banished the memory of a cherished childhood tale, gave herself a mental kick in the pants, and got to work.

  “My lords,” she murmured, sliding off the bed. Gathering the skirt of her deep crimson gown in both hands, she bowed her head and gave them a curtsey. Long and low, to assure they had a good look at the swell of her breasts spilling over the low-cut bodice.

  “Welcome to the Rapture Dome. I am Saige, your consort for the evening. It is my honor to serve you. May I offer you a drink? The Dome offers a wide assortment of beverages. Perhaps a mug of Dornian ale? Or a goblet of honey mead from Namidia. The bees there feed on moonflower nectar. It’s said to be an aphrodisiac.”

  A huge hand appeared in front of her, palm up. Waiting for her to put hers in it, like a Renaissance nobleman escorting her to the dance floor. “Please rise, Saige. My brother and I appreciate your warm welcome.” The voice was low and husky, sending a little shiver through her. “We would enjoy a drink, as long as you’ll join us. The honey mead sounds appealing. We Tharans love moonflowers. We find even the scent of them highly erotic – though with a consort as beautiful as you are, we will have no need for an aphrodisiac tonight.”

  The outst
retched hand still hovered before her. Such courtesy was rare in the Rapture Dome. Saige took it, and long fingers clasped around hers. She gasped as a bolt of heat shot straight to her core.

  She rose to her feet unsteadily and stared down at the hand. There was nothing remarkable about it. Unlike the hands of some of the scaly, reptilian-based life forms she’d been forced to spend time with, it had five fingers covered in smooth warm skin. The alien’s hand looked and felt just like hers, except for the faint purple tint to the skin marking its owner as hailing from the planet of Tharon.

  She’d spent quite a bit of time with females from their world recently, but she’d never met a Tharan male before. She struggled to examine her body’s reaction to him with clinical detachment. How very strange. She could feel his heart beating under the warm skin. Every rhythmic pulse sent a tiny spark of arousal pouring through her. Straight to her clit, now pulsing in tandem.

  Saige shook her head. Something was wrong. She’d never had any physical response to an alien customer other than revulsion. She didn’t even respond sexually to human males.

  “Please, my lords, take a seat. I’ll fetch us all a drink and you can tell me all about yourselves - and your world.” She drew her hand away casually, waving at an L-shaped seating arrangement covered with cushions on the wall across from the bed, then headed for a built-in cabinet in the corner of the room holding an assortment of beverages.

  She’d been careful not to look her new customers in the face. She found it was easier that way. She called all of them “my lord” and kept her eyes downcast. Acting like a proper slave. They thought she was being deferential, when in truth she couldn’t bear the sight of any of them.

  But there was something different about these two. Something that drew her in even though it made her apprehensive. The shiny metal interior of the cabinet reflected the room behind her and Saige took her time preparing their drinks, using the opportunity to study the males she’d been sold to for the night.


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