Fur and Phobia

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Fur and Phobia Page 4

by Julia Talbot

  He didn’t kick Lee in the teeth, though. The secretary would stop smiling at him.

  Of course, then Lee bit his ankle. Damn. That stung.

  “Aaron. Darling.” Deb came sauntering back, eyes dancing. “You did come. How sweet.”

  “I told you I would when you called to cuss me out.” He grinned and stood, kissing her powdery cheek. “Is it as bad as all that?”

  “No, of course not, you charming little shit. She’s in there, doing breathing exercises.”

  “Oh. Bless her heart. I could go in and see her if you’ll hold Baby, here.” He handed over Lee’s leash, knowing he’d give Deb hell.

  “Baby. How adorable. Is he housetrained?” Oh, god.

  “Yeah. You have to watch the marking behavior, though. He’s the jealous type.” Time to escape. Aaron handed her the leash and headed in to see Abby.

  She was sitting cross-legged in a chair, eyes closed, breathing deep and slow.

  Aaron picked another chair and sat, waiting for her to notice him. He didn’t want to interrupt her meditation.

  Her eyes opened and she just stared over. “Hey. How’s it going?”

  “I’m good. How are you?” He smiled. staring into her pretty eyes.

  “Okay. Had a rough week, but it’s getting better.”

  “I’m sorry if I made it worse.” He really was. Aaron hated that he’d run out on her like that.

  “It’s okay. I’m over it.” She fluttered one hand a little, tried to smile.

  “Well, you’re doing better than I am, then.” He squatted on his heels in front of her, taking her hands in his. “I want to apologize. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s cool. I...” Her lips twisted. “I just...” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I thought it was good.

  “It was, honey. I told you I’ve been trying to call.” Bringing her hands up, he kissed them, letting his lips linger.

  She made the sweetest little noise, just humming for him. “Your lips are warm...”

  “Your hands are cold, honey.” Man, something besides him had to have happened.

  “Yeah. It’s been a bad week. She pushed up her shirt, a series of pokes and scratches there. “I had a run-in with a big dog. She didn’t hurt me, but the aloe did.”

  “Oh.” Aaron bent to kiss each mark. “We need to get back with the program.”

  “I tried. It was so big and barking.”

  “I know. I bet.” He leaned a little closer, letting his warmth seep into her. “I brought a beautiful animal with me today, if you want to try again.”

  “Is it scary?” She leaned right back, cuddling a little. That’s right, honey, come here.

  “Well, I don’t think so. He’s a lover. Very gentle. He’s big, though. Can you trust me?” She had no reason to, really, but he hoped she would.

  “I’ll try.” She met his eyes, trying to be so brave.

  “You’re a stud, honey.” Standing, he drew her to her feet, knowing Lee would charm her socks off, even all furry.

  She shuffled to the door with him, fingers twined with his. “I feel like a weinie.”

  “You’re not. You’re a very brave lady, and you absolutely don’t have to worry about Baby.” He held her hand, thumb stroking her skin.

  She hummed a little, the sound soft, scared, and sexy, all at once.

  Aaron could smell her fear, though, so he took it slow. Easy. He put his body in front of hers. Of course, when he came out, Deb was on the little sofa in the waiting room with Lee half in her lap, tongue lolling as she scratched his ears.

  Lee barked once, tail wagging and Abby peeped, stepping back.

  “Oh. Oh, he’s big.”

  “He’s a sweetheart.” He held out his free hand and Lee came right up, slow and sure, rubbing against his palm.

  Lee chuffed happily, tongue lolling. Those bright eyes shone up at Abby, just pretty as all get out.

  “He’s a handsome one,” She said, clinging to his hand like there was no tomorrow.

  “He is. And very well trained.” Pushing his luck, for sure, but Lee would never do anything to scare Abby. He knew that.

  Lee licked his fingers, then sat back on his haunches, smiling at them.

  “There. See? All he needs is for you to pet him.” Grinning, he urged her to reach out with the hand holding his.

  Her hand shook violently, but she managed, fingers dragging over Lee’s fur.

  Lee made a happy noise, leaning gently into her touch. Oh, he knew it. Knew Lee would like her scent, her look, just as much as he did.

  Lee nosed her palm and she squeaked again, almost pulling away.

  “No, no. He’s just saying hi, honey. See?” Stroking Lee’s ears with his other hand, he hummed, sub-vocalizing a little.

  Panting, pushing close, that tail just wagged and wagged. Deb stood up, nodded happily.

  “Very good. Very, very good, Abby.”

  Lee gave them a doggie smile, tongue pushing out to lick Abby’s hand again. So sweet.

  “He... he won’t bite me, right? I don’t want him to bite me.” He couldn’t tell if she was crying or laughing. Maybe both, a little.

  “No. No, he’s not a biter.” Not unless you asked him to, and hell, she wouldn’t. At least not yet.

  Lee leaned back, one paw lifted up to shake with her, dear and sweet as can be.

  “Oh, look at that.” Deb clapped her hands, laughing delightedly.

  Abby, bless her heart, bent a little, shook Lee’s hand.

  Nuzzling her politely, Lee stepped back, giving her room.

  “See, honey? No harm, no foul.” Score one for the fuzzy team.

  “He’s pretty. What’s his name?”

  “I call him Baby.” It wasn’t a lie. Not one bit.

  “Oh. Cool. N...nice Baby. God, I feel stupid.”

  Lee chuffed, eyes just dancing. Little shit.

  “He likes to be petted. A lot. Maybe you could give him a treat. Just to see that he won’t hurt you.” Aaron pulled a little bag of spicy Cheetos out of his pocket.

  “I don’t... I don’t know if I can.” She leaned hard against the door frame and he tossed Lee a Cheeto, the quick fucker catching it easily.

  “Watch.” He handed Deb a snack. “Gentle, Baby.”

  Lee sidled over, slinky anything, wanting it. She tossed the treat and Lee grabbed it, chomping away.

  “See? He’s a gentle giant. Why don’t you try?”

  Ally’s eyes were filled with tears, but she took the Cheetos, breaking the first one, dropping the second and then actually tossing the third.

  Patiently, Lee worked a little closer to her until he was sitting almost on top of her feet. He actually got to lick her fingers.

  She didn’t cry; she didn’t freak out. Hell, once she actually laughed. This might be a fucking win.

  Aaron sure as hell hoped so. How was she going to handle it when he and Lee changed otherwise? Lord, what a mess.

  Abby leaned against him a little bit, almost relaxed. “He’s so good. Not mean at all.”

  “Most animals aren’t mean, honey. They’re just exuberant, or scared of you, or curious.”

  “Yeah. I guess. I just... They surprise me and poof. Passed out.”

  “Well, we’ll have to work on not being blindsided by them. Maybe you should come out to my place this week. Thursday will be a slow day. I don’t have a lot of kennel booked then, and no appointments for training.”

  That way he could get her on his territory, get her to meet Lee as a man.

  “I could. Yeah. Yeah. I. I will.” Look at that stubborn chin.

  “Good. Good. Thank you, honey.” They could leave her with Deb now that she trusted him again, now that she would see them again.

  “You’re welcome. I... I’m going to sit down for a little bit.”

  “Okay, hon. I have to go, okay? Let you have some time with the Doc, and take Baby on home. Will you answer when I call?” He kissed her cheek.

  “I’ll seriously consider it, yeah.”

  “I hope you will.” Aaron gave her a look just for her, intimate, he hoped hot. He needed to see her again. Needed to let Lee charm her as a man.

  Her cheeks went hot and, damn. Damn, he could smell her; Lee had to be going nuts.

  Time to get out and get Lee home before things started poking out and making with the embarrassment.

  Deb patted his arm. “You did very well, darling.”

  “Thanks, Lady. Does this put me back in your Rolodex?” he murmured, moving Lee toward the door.

  “You know it. Good boy. Very good boy.”

  “Thanks.” He stroked Lee’s ears. “Come on, Baby. Let’s go home.”

  Lee leaned in hard, rubbing against him, tail thumping against his legs.

  They headed out, Lee pretending to heel like a very good boy, at least until they got outside. Then it was jerk Aaron all over the place to sniff at stranger’s crotches.

  Ah, the punishment phase had started. Lee tugged and danced, spinning him around and chuffing at him.

  Sighing, he let Lee play for awhile, knowing if he didn’t he’d hear no end of it at home. Then he pulled Lee to the Jeep. “Baby, I want to take you home and do bad things to you. Will you behave?”

  Lee sat.

  Stared up.


  “Come on.” Grinning, he opened the door, letting Lee hop up, scrubbing at those long ears before starting up and heading home.

  Lee muttered and barked, just talking to him, telling him how much he liked Abby, how hungry he was. Dork.

  “I told you. I knew you’d like her. And yeah, she’s soft. Really curvy.” That had made Lee drool. He just knew it. Lee nosed right under his jaw, tongue flicking at his skin. “Mmm. Stop it, baby. You really want me to get pulled over for crimes of a furry kind?”

  That soft chuff of laughter tickled his neck, then Lee sat back.

  The drive home took forever, and it took him even longer to get the door unlocked and get all of the mutts squared away. Finally, Aaron turned to find a naked Lee, human and waiting and ready. Hallelujah.

  “Hey.” Lee stepped up, lips sliding on his jaw. “You owe me a reward.”

  “You think?” Aaron turned his head the tiniest bit, letting his lips meet Lee’s, happy as fuck to have him back in the human flesh. So hot and smooth. Naked, where he still had his scratchy clothes on.

  The laughter that pushed into his mouth had him grinning, had Lee rubbing and hard against his thigh.

  “I guess next time I have to be the guide dog, huh?” He wrapped his arms around Lee’s waist, hands on that fine, muscled ass.

  “Yep. You can wag and sit pretty. You’re so fucking good at it.”

  “I do try.” He wagged a little, rubbing against Lee, his cock rising in his jeans.

  “Mmmhmm. I’m a fan of trying...” Lee caught his bottom lip, tugged a little. “You bringing the pretty lady to play?”

  “I’m gonna try. I think she’ll like you even better like this, huh?” He sure did. Kissing his way along Lee’s jaw, Aaron hummed, savoring salt and musk.”

  She’d better. I’m way less toothy.” The words were punctuated with a bite.

  “Still bitey, though.” Uhn. God, he loved it when Lee got a little growly.

  “You can take the fur out of the human...” He got another bite, and another.

  “Uh-huh. But you can’t take the fuzzy out of the man.” Aaron let one hand drag around to the front of Lee’s body, fingers trailing along the strip of fuzz that lead down to the base of that sweet cock.

  Lee bucked up, face raised to him, lips open. “Uh-huh. More. Now, Aaron.”

  “Hungry baby. I love it when you’re wanting.” His touched the underside of Lee’s prick, the soft sacs beneath.

  Lee spread for him, eyes wide and shining for him.

  “So damned hot, baby.” Those heavy balls pressed against his palm, and Aaron rolled them, played with them a little, just jonesing on it. Hard, strong hands landed on his shoulders, Lee rocking, rolling with it, teeth bared.

  “One of has too many clothes on.” His free hand grabbed Lee’s wrist, pulling up to put Lee’s clever fingers on his shirt buttons.

  “You think?” Pop. Pop. Pop. Damn, Lee was good at that, if fucking hard on the threads. His shirt came down off his shoulders, Lee reaching for his belt.

  “I think. Wait. I’m not sure I can think with you doing that.” He grabbed that sweet cock and jacked, pulling gently at first, then harder.

  “Who gives a fuck about thinking?” Lee’s fingers went all clumsy and rough, focus shattering as he did his touching.

  “That’s it, baby. Just like that.” He loved it when Lee was wild for him. Loved the snarl in that deep voice.

  The room spun a little as Lee pounced him, tearing at the rest of his clothes, teeth marking him, over and over.

  “Baby.” His hands felt like claws, both of them on Lee’s back, his ass, nails digging in.

  “Uh-huh.” Those teeth scored his chest, the heat zinging up his body.

  Humping up against Lee, feeling their naked skin rub together, Aaron bit at Lee’s neck, growling. Worrying the spot until there was a bruise rising up.

  Their cocks lined up, just perfect, Lee sliding from base to tip, over and over.

  That made him want to howl. The only reason he held it in was because it would set off every dog in the place. Instead, he just pushed right back, growling a little.

  “Yeah. More.” Those fuzzy balls nudged against him, bumping him hard.

  “Love.” They rolled, and he pushed down against Lee, needing more friction. Harder. Faster.

  “Uh-huh.” Their mouths crashed together, the kiss hard enough to draw blood.

  Goddamn. Soon. He was gonna just explode. Boom.

  Claws dragged down his side, hard enough to sting.

  Crying out, his whole body arching hard, Aaron came, his cock jerking alongside Lee’s. Jesus, that was... It was just what he needed.

  Lee wasn’t far behind, humping and laughing, just fucking joyous as he came too.

  Aaron took a kiss, humming, stroking all of the hot skin he could reach. “Better, baby?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” Lee chuckled, rubbing their noses together. “Let’s order pizza and beer.”

  “You got it, baby.” He was feeling damned good about the day, about mending things with Abby. Hell, he was feeling well fucked, too. Time to get to the rest of Lee’s reward.

  “Mmm.” Lee petted his belly, grinned at him like a fool. “All meat.”

  “Yep. We’ll get the Noah’s Ark.”

  Then they’d work on getting Abby to come and play.


  Abby lifted her hand, knocked on the heavy, heavy door, the rap of her knuckles barely making a sound. Inside, though, what sounded like ten thousand dogs started howling and barking and she took a few steps back, off the porch.


  Maybe this was a bad idea.

  Maybe she could just leave the bottle of wine and the box of brownies and go.

  Of course, just as she was about to turn and run, the door opened, and most of the dogs quieted down. It wasn’t Aaron, though.

  “Uh. Hi. I. Uh. Yeah.” Jesus. Duh. She was just stupid.

  “Hey, there. You must be Abby. I’m Lee.” A big, square hand reached out to her, a smile lighting up pretty, light brown eyes.

  “Oh. Hi. Yeah. I’m here for supper and to meet your crew.”

  Oh, Lee was just as fine as could be...

  “Well, come on in, honey. Aaron was just taking the rest of the mutts out to the kennel so you wouldn’t have them all ju
mping on you.”

  “Oh. Oh, that’s good.” She’d been okay with the dog, Baby, but jumping on her?


  “Can I take anything for you?” His hand still wrapped around hers, warm and firm, comforting. Just like Aaron’s.

  “I brought wine and brownies. I hope that’s okay.”

  The house was nice - homey and big, not fancy at all.

  “Oh, better than. Aaron!” He stepped back to let her in, and Aaron came in from the back, smiling at her.

  “Hey, Abby.”

  “Hey. How’s it going?” She could hear the dogs, the sounds easing up.

  “Good. Good. Are those brownies?” Aaron looked so pleased, just smiling and coming to give her a hug.

  “They are.” Oh, he smelled good - male and strong and sort of soapy. “How’re you?”

  “You just asked that.” Aaron kissed her cheek, making her shiver.

  “Oh, god. Sorry. I’m just...” She leaned in close, whispered in his ear. “I’m a little wigged out and you smell ready good and... You make me a little goofy.”

  Maybe a lot goofy.


  “Yeah? Oh, honey...” For a moment she thought he might kiss her, right there in front of his friend.

  “Uh-huh.” Damn, she was all blinky and starry-eyed and shit.

  He did kiss her cheek before sliding a hand under her elbow and leading her to the couch. “Sorry about the dog hair. We tried to clean up, but we got a double golden retriever drop off this morning.”

  “Oh? You let them in the house even when you don’t know them?”

  Aaron and his friend exchanged glances. “We know these two, hon. They’re working with us on obedience.”

  “Yeah? Like sit and stay and stuff? I’ve always wondered, do they understand words, really?”

  “They understand well enough. Some better than others.” Another sideways smile passed between the two men.

  “Cats don’t.” She looked around - there were dozens and dozens of pictures of different dogs, big ones, small ones. There was one - a huge silver wolf with the prettiest eyes. She reached out, touched the frame.

  “Beautiful, isn’t he?” Lee said, smiling at her, reaching out, his fingers sliding over hers.

  “Yes. Yes, he’s... stunning.” It was the truth. “The second one I’ve found beautiful in my whole life.”


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