Claiming His Virgin In the Ring

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Claiming His Virgin In the Ring Page 32

by Cassandra Dee

  Holy fuck.

  I should be embarrassed. I should be dragging that dude off her, punching him in the gut.

  But the thing is, I don’t care. She’s not really my woman, so the blonde’s free to do as she likes.

  Alone at my table, I sipped my scotch and watched some more. The other guys all evaporated, probably doing the nasty in some dirty corner. Again, boredom struck me like a hammer to the head. This place was full of skanks. No way would I touch these girls with a ten foot pole.

  Especially not since meeting Lacey.

  The scotch burned going down my throat.

  How fucked up was this. At my own bachelor party, I was dreaming about my fiancée’s daughter. That’s right, in a club filled with woman flesh, all I could think about was the brunette’s innocence. Those big caramel eyes. The way she smiled and laughed, even when my jokes weren’t funny.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I’ve done fucked up things in the past, but this really took the cake.

  My future stepdaughter? Arrest me, now. Lock me up, because I deserve it.

  And it’s only getting worse because Lacey’s on my mind all the time. Not just when I’m alone, but also in the most unlikely of places. At a business meeting. During conference calls with investors. Sometimes, I’d blink, and Lacey was there, big brown eyes shining, both shy and knowing in the way I loved. Just one look from her made my dick hard. And another look made me want to put my arms around her and protect the female.

  Oh shit.

  I’m so fucked.

  But the crazy part is that she’s here too. I’ve been aware of her presence since minute one, as soon as I stepped into his hellhole. It’s like that with us now. We can sense each other at all times, the electricity a live wire running between our bodies.

  So discreetly, I turned to look over my shoulder at a booth in the back. And sure enough, there was my girl, seated with her aunt and a couple other older ladies.

  Don’t look, my conscience woke up enough to growl at me. Turn away now.

  But I couldn’t. In this cesspool, Lacey was a much needed breath of fresh air, sweet and innocent, filling my lungs with goodness.

  Because she looked uncomfortable. The brunette stared at her hands before shooting a glance at her mom and then quickly averting her eyes again. Hey, I don’t blame her. Amanda practically had her dress off now, bucking wildly against another oily male stripper. If she were my mom, I too would be humiliated.

  Damn, I was starting to hate my own fiancée.

  Why was she doing this to her daughter?

  Hell, I can take it, you can’t embarrass me. But Lacey’s young and innocent. Why would you do this in front of your child?

  Another quick glance Amanda’s way showed me that my wife-to-be was grinding on yet another stripper with her dress scrunched around her waist. None of her friends looked worried that she was doing anything wrong. Shit, obviously she didn’t think she was doing anything wrong.

  Acting like a shameless whore a few days before your wedding while your fiancé sat only a few feet away? Normal for Amanda. This was wedding number four, after all.

  Hell, maybe I’m the one who was old-fashioned.

  My stepdaughter wasn’t old-fashioned though. Just classy. The dress she wore wasn’t especially sexy, but she filled it out just right. The material had a high neckline and went all the way down to her knees, but the way it draped over her big boobs and lush ass made my mouth water. Oh yeah, the right girl in the right dress can do it.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw her throw back her drink and then grimace. Poor thing. Trying to get drunk to block out the pain that was her mom. I looked again to see if Amanda was getting bored with her temporary boyfriends yet.


  Not by a long shot.

  On the little stage, the blonde had made herself the center of a man sandwich, grinding her ass back into the package of the guy behind her while grabbing the crotch of the dude in front of her. The music was Top Forty and getting louder by the second. If Amanda wasn’t my future wife, maybe I’d even admire what she was doing because hey, public sex was hot. After all, I’d done Lacey in the middle of a crowded club and that’d been fuckin’ amazing.

  But this was some trashy shit, not the same at all. These guys were paid to grope her and act like they enjoyed it. Couldn’t she tell?

  Suddenly, a soft voice sounded over my shoulder. Even with raucous cries of the crowd, Lacey’s voice was like a bell in my ear, soft and sweet.


  I turned, eating up that curvy form. Shit, she was beautiful, enticingly shy, and completely out of place. Hell, she was even shaking a little, this joint got under her skin. And yet I found it sexy. I’ve known lots of women, younger and older. But something about that sweetness, about the female’s giving nature, made me come to attention.

  But this wasn’t the time to let it show.

  "Hey," I drawled lazily. “What’s up?”

  Lacey cleared her throat, all nerves, uncomfortable as multi-colored lights painted that curvy form in rainbows.

  "How are you?” she asked, looking down then up again.

  I almost laughed. We were in the middle of a crowded club, half-naked strippers gyrating all around. And yet the female as so innocent, asking “how are you?” like this was just another party.

  So I went with it.

  “Good,” I drawled. “Could be better, but good, considering.”

  She blushed.

  “I know, this is a little weird right?” she asked, gesturing to the naked figures on stage. One guy literally popped his dick out then, and the brunette jerked her eyes away, fixing them on mine, lips trembling.

  I almost laughed.

  “Real weird, sweetheart,” I agreed over the din. “Real weird. Not too many co-ed bachelor parties these days, but what do I know?” I shrugged. “This is my first time getting married.”

  Lacey blushed again wildly. Because yeah, I’m an engaged man. To her mom, for what it’s worth.

  But she bit her lip, trying to move forwards.

  “Jake, I wanted to ask you,” she said, taking a deep breath. "What’s going on between us?”

  The words rushed out of her in a whoof, like they’d been bottled for ages. "We can’t keep doing this," came her soft voice.

  Holy shit, were we going to have this conversation now? Right here, with a disco ball flashing and blaring music? With guests all around?

  But the thing is, no one could hear, and frankly, no one cared. People were too busy doing their own thing, ogling naked bodies, getting freaky and enjoying themselves.

  So I looked the brunette straight in the eye.

  "No shit," was my deep growl. “We can’t keep going on like this.”

  Because it was true. What were we doing? Who falls for their future stepdaughter? This is shit that only happens in movies.

  And Lacey agreed. Taking a deep breath, she looked me in the eye again.

  "So what’s next?" came her soft voice.

  She edged closer then, that sweet perfume wafting into my nostrils. Shit, the woman smelled good, all purity and innocence compared to the trash around us. “Because I’m going crazy, Jake. I really am. Something has to give.”

  But I didn’t have any answers. Because what the fuck was I gonna do? On the one hand, I needed Amanda’s rolodex, and the fastest way to get access was by marrying her. As depraved as it sounds, I run a multi-billion dollar business, and I’m not above doing shit like this to make the dollars roll.

  But now there was Lacey. I never expected to meet this sweetness, everything about the woman blowing me out of the water.

  So I shrugged nonchalantly.

  "We’ll see," was my low rumble. "We’ll see."

  I didn't even know what the fuck I was talking about. I was way over my head with this girl. Yeah, this all started on a whim, but now we were swimming in the deep end, waves as high as a two-story building, threatening to crush us in one fel
l swoop.

  But Lacey wasn’t satisfied.

  “So you don’t have a plan?” came her low words.

  I shrugged my shoulders, relaxed to the max. But every inch tingled, sizzling with awareness of the female.

  “Naw, no plan,” I drawled carelessly. “Sometimes you just have to roll with it, baby girl. Can’t plan for everything.”

  And she pulled back then, like I was poison.

  “You can’t say that,” were her low words. “You can’t do that.”

  I shrugged again.

  “I’m forty-five honey. Been doin’ what I like for a long while,” came my lazy drawl. “Old dogs don’t got new tricks.”

  And that was it. The girl whipped around so fast that those curls flew in the air, skirt swirling.

  “Then goodbye Jake,” were her low words. “Goodbye.”

  I sat there, stricken for a moment. Goodbye? Just like that? A rush of thoughts crowded my mind. Because no way was I ready for goodbye. I figured we’d talk a little, maybe fight, and then make-up with a down and dirty session. Goodbye? Now? Holy shit, I wasn’t ready.

  So I reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling that curvy form to a halt. Fuck, she smelled so good, and I inhaled deeply, chest expanding. I could smell her all day, especially in a cesspool like this.

  “Lacey,” came my low growl, persuasive yet rough. “Come on.”

  But she shook her head furiously, refusing to look me in the eye.

  “No,” the girl ground out under her breath. “This isn’t right. We have to have a plan. We have to do something, Jake,” she turned to me once more, eyes wide and pleading. “Don’t do this.”

  No matter that her words didn’t make sense. I got what she was saying. This thing, whatever it was between us, was off-limits and taboo. More than taboo, it was triple-X forbidden.

  But I couldn’t be controlled. I haven’t met a girl like this in ages, if ever, come to think about it. So my fingers gripped tightly into her arm, pressing so that it hurt.

  “Ouch!” she squealed, looking down, still trying to pull away. “Stop!”

  We were starting to make a scene, even in the crowded club. So I gripped harder and pulled the girl close.

  "Lacey," I ground out in a warning. “We have to talk. But goodbye isn’t now.”

  She shook her head desperately.

  “No Jake, this isn’t right. Now let go ---“

  Her words were cut off because I kissed her then. Yep, right there, in public, with members of the wedding party swirling around, I put my lips on that sweet pout and took what was mine.

  Dangerous? Hell yeah.

  Taboo? You bet.

  But a hundred percent right? On the money, every time.

  And the girl knew it too. She struggled at first, pushing at my massive chest, but it was no use. I’m double her weight and more than a foot taller than the brunette. My arms were like steel bands around that curvy form, pulling her to my hardness.

  "Ummm--!" she protested at first, struggling against my mass. But the squirming stopped after a few seconds, and soon the sweet brunette was melting into my arms. “Mmmm,” was her next moan, that warm, hot breath mixing with mine.

  But still, sanity prevailed. Because abruptly, the girl pushed against my chest again.

  "Stop, stop!" came her desperate pant, eyes wide and begging. "We're in public. Anybody can see."

  Frantically, Lacey pulled away, body twisting as she looked around. But no one noticed. It was dark, and Amanda and her buddies were still going at it, grinding and bumping on a male stripper. Poor guy. He was in hell, a bunch of forty year-old chicks rubbing themselves all over him. Dudes like that deserve hazard pay, I tell you.

  So I ran with it. Grabbing Lacey’s hand, I pulled her close once more.

  “No baby girl,” came my harsh whisper in her ear. “It ends when I say it ends, and not a moment sooner.”

  And with that, she gave in. Those eyes closed, lashes fluttering shut as our lips met once more. It was crazy, completely insane. The two of us in a liplock, sparks flying so high and bright that anyone could see. We were asking for it, for sure.

  And yet strangely, the contact was more meaningful than anything that’s ever happened in my life. This brunette pulled my emotions like no one ever before, making my stomach churn and gut roil unsteadily, everything else around us fading to black.

  And the monster awakened, ravenous as fuck.

  So I grabbed her chin in my hand, looking deep into those caramel depths.

  "You and me, Lacey,” was my rough growl. “You and me.”

  And the way she responded this time made my knees buckle, heart on a rollercoaster. Because the female gazed into my eyes, trusting and willing, putting her soul into her words.

  “Yes, Jake,” came that breathy whisper against my mouth. “Yes, it’s just us.”

  And aw shit, but it was over then. Because I was putty in her hands. Me, Jake Mason, the dude who’s dirty enough to marry a woman for her connections, who’s willing to roll in the gutter to get what he wants, lost it all. Somehow, this teen girl penetrated my defenses, and I was desperate to make her mine once again, to put my stamp on that sweet form.

  So springing into action, I dragged her to the men’s bathroom. Gentlemanly? Fuck no. Nice? Hell no. But like I caveman, I had to have her, putting my imprint on that sweet body.

  And Lacey needed it too. Once we were inside, she headed straight for the handicap restroom, trembling as I slammed the metal door shut behind us.

  And then it was just the two of us once more. The sweet female and me in a small space, the air between us electric. There were no sounds, just our heavy breathing as we stared at one another.


  I’m so screwed.

  I’m a forty-five year old guy, and yet all I can think about is this sweet female.

  But there was no time to think because it was ON. The beauty needed me as much as I needed her, and those little fingers scrabbled at my shirt, pulling the material open. Her lips sucked on a male nipple and I groaned, throwing my head back and seeing stars.

  Shit, if this made me weak, what else was in store?

  But Lacey was on a mission. Because after licking my chest, she popped off a male nipple and immediately turned around, hiking her skirt up, big butt bare while bending over.

  Aw shit, she knows exactly what I want.

  That white shelf beckoned, vibrating with lust, the dark brown crack between her cheeks mysterious, pure and dirty at once.

  Because yeah, I need that ass.

  I’m an old guy who doesn’t want kids.

  If I had children now, they’d break my body and mind. So with a fertile teen like Lacey, it’s best to take precautions. No pussy sex, only anal.

  And she wiggled in front of me, casting me a glance over one sweet shoulder.

  “Now big boy. Now,” were her whispered words.

  But it wasn’t enough. Sure, I was happy to plow her from behind, grabbing those fleshy hips and driving in. But I wanted something deeper this time. I wanted her to ride my dick while looking into her eyes, our contact electric. I wanted her to scream my name into my mouth, kissing everything she had to give even as I drilled her down below.

  So slowly, I touched her asshole lightly, the pleats contracting at my finger.

  “Shh, baby girl,” came my soothing words. “Shhh.”

  But the female mewled again, still bent over.

  “Now big guy,” she begged, two hands creeping around to grab a butt cheek in each fist. “Now.”

  And oh god, but the girl’s dirty. Because she pulled her butt apart, showing me everything. Those sweet, swollen pussy lips, dripping with lust. And oh god, but that brownie appeared, winking and hungry, beckoning to my cock.

  I almost lost it for sure. It took herculean restraint not to dive right in and pound that rusty star. But again, I wanted to look into her eyes as it happened, to catch her screams in my mouth. So I bent, pressing my mouth to her anus, flic
king my tongue over that darkness before sitting down on the toilet seat. Gross, yeah, but this way was gonna be even better.

  “Naw, pretty girl,” I grunted, patting my lap. “Get on Daddy this way. You’ll like it, I promise.”

  She whirled around, eyes wide.

  “Are you sure?” she stammered. “I mean … you’re so …”

  I knew what she was talking about. Because my fuckstick is giant, and even now, incredibly intimidating. It stuck up towards the ceiling, ten inches total, shiny with pre-cum.

  And I fisted it, making sure the semen spread all around, glossy and dripping.

  “It’s gonna be fine,” I growled persuasively, our eye contact electric. “Daddy wants you to work yourself down my cockpole. It’ll be tight at first,” I acknowledged, “but you’ll love it, my little cumslut.”

  And with a mewl, Lacey gave in. Slowly, she climbed into my lap, spreading her knees so that they hooked over mine. Aw shit. I could smell her wet cunt, that tangy scent rising like perfume between us. Plus, the view was fantastic. Those plush lips spread as she readied herself, biting her lip, still unsure.

  “Climb on, princess,” I rumbled approvingly. “Don’t be scared. Daddy wants you bad.”

  She licked her mouth and bit down on her bottom lip, a look of confusion and lust on her face as she looked down at my growing dick. We’d never fucked face to face before. But the smell of her drenched cunt rose again, heavy and musky in the air.

  “That’s right,” I ground out again, never taking my eyes from her face. She was a filly that needed to be coaxed, a sweet thing doing the unimaginable. “Work that little butt down on my cock. Come on, baby, once you get started it won’t be so bad.”

  And she gave in then. Slowly, those hips lifted so that her boobs were were eye level. I bit her nip slightly, eliciting a soft squeal.

  “That’s right,” I ground out again. “Work yourself down. Come on pretty baby, you can do it.”

  And soon, that ass was poised right above my dicktip.

  “Like this?” came her whisper. “Like this?”

  Oh god, I was gonna spurt without her even touching me. I could sense the heat of her asshole, blasting like a furnace on my fuckpole.


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