All Worked Up

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All Worked Up Page 2

by Eve Vaughn

  Chapter Two

  “What you need, my friend, is to get laid.”

  Landon lifted his head from the mountain of paperwork he’d been working on. “Come again?”

  Rippling laugher tore from Pete’s throat. “That’s exactly what you need to do. Over and over again.”

  With an exasperated sigh Landon pushed the membership forms aside, knowing he wouldn’t get much done unless he got rid of his annoying best friend and business partner. “Must you be so vulgar?”

  Pete lifted a dark red brow. “And must you be such a stick in the mud? You’re wound so goddamn tight these days, you’ve completely lost your sense of humor. Tell me, does it hurt?”

  “Does what hurt?”

  “The stick up your ass.”

  Landon grimaced, folding his arms across his chest. “Cute. And how long did it take you to come up with that one?”

  “I’m just saying, man, I’m worried about you. Business can’t be better. This is the hottest place to work out in town and our other gyms are doing just as well, yet you’re determined to run yourself into the ground with all this overtime. Don’t you think it’s time to start enjoying the fruits of your labor?”

  “You enjoy them enough for the both of us. How you stay out so late at night and make it here on time the next morning is beyond me.”

  Pete shrugged. “I know how to balance my schedule. Besides, all work and no play, makes Landon a dull boy. I can’t fault your business sense, but you can’t make this your life. It’s time for you to let go of the past. You no longer have anything to prove.”

  Landon’s nostrils flared. Pete had crossed the line by bringing up the forbidden subject. “I have a lot of work to do, as you can see. Plus, one of the trainers called out sick and I’ll be meeting with her client in the next twenty minutes. So if you don’t mind, Dr. Phil, please spare me the psychoanalysis. I can do without it, thank you very much.”

  Pete held up his hand in a defensive gesture. “Whoa! You know, I meant no offense. The only reason I’m bringing the subject up in the first place is because I care. No one is more proud of your accomplishments than I am, but what’s the point of having the trappings of wealth if you don’t enjoy them? Hell, you don’t even date.”

  Gritting his teeth, Landon’s gaze slid away from Pete’s direct brown stare. “I date.”

  “Hardly. Whatever happened to that hot piece of ass, Sharon? The redhead with the big cock sucking lips? Hasn’t it been months? How you let her go is beyond me.”

  “Perhaps I let her go because I’d rather talk about something other than shopping and how her beauty is such a burden. She couldn’t walk past a mirror without having a ten minute study. I’d rather be with someone a little less narcissistic.”

  Pete rolled his eyes. “So, she was a little vain. She had every right to be. That woman was smokin’ and word is, she’s easy.”

  Landon massaged his temples, trying to stave off the coming headache. Lately, he had become dissatisfied with the dating scene. None of the women he met measured up to his ideal. Maybe he was being too picky. He’d learned long ago that while outer beauty was nice, the kind that came from within was much more valuable.

  “I’m twenty-nine years old, well past the age of looking for an easy conquest. If and when I do date again, it will be with a woman who has a little more substance. Look, I appreciate your concern, but I’d rather not have this discussion right now. I have to meet with my client shortly and I’d like to take care of these forms first.”

  Pete shook his head with apparent disapproval. “You do know that we can afford more trainers so you don’t have to do any of the training yourself anymore.”

  “I still train a few clients for the same reason you do. I love that part of the job.”

  “But, we can get an administrator to handle the paperwork like we do for the other three gyms.”

  “You know me. I like to keep busy.”

  Pete sighed. “Fine, but if you keep it up you’ll work yourself into an early grave.”

  “That’s for me to worry about, don’t you think?”

  “You’re a stubborn fool.” Obviously realizing he wouldn’t get anywhere, Pete switched topics. “Which trainer called out?”

  “Kristen. She’s out more than she’s here. I’ve already given her more warnings than is fair to the other trainers. Besides, she spends more time flirting with her clients than getting them into shape. I’m going to have to let her go.”

  “Aww, have a heart. She’s paying her way through college.”

  “That’s exactly why I’ve given her more chances than she deserves. We built Fit Co. from nothing and I’ll be damned if I allow the reputation of this gym to be tarnished by anyone. Quality service is guaranteed and I intend to see it provided.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” Pete gave him a mock salute and clicked his heels together.

  Landon was not amused. He exhaled when he was alone once again. Deep down he realized Pete, his best friend since college, meant well by telling him to let go of the past. But it was the past that drove him to become the success he was today. The product of a broken home, he’d been raised by an alcoholic mother who’d told Landon he’d never amount to anything.

  Scrawny and malnourished, he’d been the target of bullies. Even though he’d confided to Pete about his childhood, Landon was sure no one could fully appreciate what he’d gone through—what it was like being told what a loser they were. He’d been the invisible kid until one person taught him the meaning of self-worth. Landon, often, wondered what had become of her.

  Glancing at his sports watch, he realized it was time to meet his client—Kristen’s client. When he walked down the stairs, he halted, catching sight of the woman standing by the trainer’s station. She looked familiar.


  It couldn’t be. Get a hold of yourself. You’re imagining things. But the closer he got, the more she reminded him of someone he knew. She was older of course, a little heavier, but he’d recognize that profile anywhere. God knows he’d stared at it for countless hours when she’d tutored him.

  She turned in his direction and his heart stopped. It was Gloria Redmond, the cute student teacher he’d had a crush on from the moment they’d met. Her smooth brown skin glowed like rich mahogany. She had large dark eyes one could get lost in and a set of lush unpainted lips he used to dream of kissing. She wore a red bandana on her head, with her hair pulled back into a big puff. Landon allowed his gaze to slide over the rest of Gloria.

  Her body was encased in a black sweat suit which did nothing to hide her voluptuous curves. She was just as gorgeous as he remembered. Landon’s pulse quickened and his cock stirred. Settle down, boy. The last he’d heard from her, she was married with a child, and even if her status had changed, who was to say she was attracted to white men?

  “Gloria Redmond?”

  She smiled hesitantly. “Sanders, actually. I must have put my maiden name on the application in error. Are you my trainer?”

  He could sense her disappointment. It was obvious she didn’t recognize him. “Will that be a problem?”

  “Well, I don’t mean to be rude, but I did request a woman. I would feel more comfortable…” There was so much uncertainty in her voice. Her vulnerability was evident and he wanted to take her in his arms and reassure her everything would be all right.

  Landon gave her a wide smile to show her there were no hard feelings. “No offense taken. I sincerely apologize. Your request can’t be accommodated at this time. Unfortunately, the original trainer we’d put you with called out sick. If you’d like to reschedule with another female trainer, I’d be happy to set up an appointment for you right now. However, I’d be more than happy to start you on your workout regimen.”

  She suddenly seemed distressed, her eyes darting from left to right as if she were looking for someone to rescue her. Her mouth moved, but no words came out. What was it about him that made her so nervous?

  He took a step closer, b
ut when she took one back, Landon halted. “Are you okay?”

  Gloria moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, forcing his gaze to follow the movement. She obviously didn’t realize what that innocent little motion had done to his equilibrium. It was strange how his attraction for her hadn’t changed after all this time, yet she still seemed as uninterested in him as a man as she had when she’d tutored him.

  “I’m not sure if that will be a good idea. Uh, do you work here all the time?”

  He frowned, wondering why she asked. “Yes, I’m here every day. Actually, I’m co-owner of Fit Co.”

  Her eyes widened. “You own this place? Then why are you training?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Sometimes I fill in when needed, but I still have clients of my own. This may be my gym, but it hasn’t prevented me from doing my favorite part of the job. I hope you change your mind and let me help you,” he said softly, hoping to gain her trust. It was funny, because he didn’t remember her being so nervous.

  Landon desperately wanted her to say yes. The thought of spending time with Gloria again was too impossible to resist. She shook her head, taking another step back. “I don’t think so. I’m sure you know your job well, but…” Her eyelids dropped, concealing her expressive eyes.

  Acting on impulse, Landon took her hands in his. “Gloria, you’ve helped me so much. Please, let me return the favor.”

  She tried to pull her hands away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’ve never met.”

  He raised a brow and kept her hands in a tight grip. “Are you sure about that?”

  Gloria finally met his gaze fully and gasped.

  Mesmerized. That’s what Gloria was as she gazed into a pair of intense green eyes. She definitely would have remembered meeting him, let alone helping him. He had to be one of the sexiest men she’d ever seen. Standing at least five inches over her own five-foot-nine inch frame, he possessed a lean, loose-limbed muscular body most men spent years in the gym trying to attain.

  His t-shirt did nothing to disguise his toned torso and showed off his sculpted biceps to perfection. When he’d walked down the stairs, Gloria couldn’t help but notice how it had pressed against his body, hinting at rock-hard abs.

  Her mouth went dry. Men like him intimidated the hell out of her because they only served to underline the inadequacies she felt about herself as a woman. The instant attraction she felt toward this prime hunk of man could only lead to her embarrassment, which was why she needed to get out of this gym and fast.

  Gloria had requested a female trainer because she was self-conscious about working out seriously for the first time in over thirteen years. She didn’t feel comfortable about the prospect of working with a man. At least with a woman, she wouldn’t be too terribly embarrassed when her body jiggled during her workout.

  Though she’d been pleasantly plump before her marriage, Gloria had stayed active. Devoting her life to a man who didn’t give a damn about her took its toll on her mind and body, however. Now at a size twenty, she weighed more than she cared to. She didn’t mind her ass that much because big bottoms were in but it was the rest of her she wanted to firm up and tone. Gloria was also tired of being told what a pretty face she had. She wished she had the confidence of the many beautiful plus sized models who celebrated their curves and were just as gorgeous as their skinnier counterparts. But after years of being told she was disgusting and unattractive, her self-esteem had taken a hit.

  People often told her she carried her weight well because of her height, but in her mind, it didn’t make a bit of difference. Now standing before this Adonis’ scrutiny, she felt like an absolute blob. It didn’t help matters that he was way too young for her.

  “Gloria?” the hunk spoke again, his voice, smooth as velvet, snapping her out of her silent musings.

  When she attempted to yank her hands out of his, he held on to them tightly. What, was he this desperate for business? “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about. How have I helped you? We’ve never met.”

  His smile widened. Even his teeth were perfect.

  “I think I should be upset with you for not recognizing me.”

  She gave him a long hard stare. If they had met, she would have remembered him. But then, she paused. There was something familiar about the twinkle in his dazzling eyes.

  No. It couldn’t be. “Landon? Landon Barnes?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. Fancy meeting you here. You look great.” Before she could dispute the fact, he pulled her into his arms. His scent was raw and masculine. She grew dizzy from his nearness. Gloria pressed her hands against his chest with the intention of pushing him away, but the moment her palms touched his hard contoured muscles she couldn’t move to save her life.

  Their eyes locked, sending a shiver of blatant awareness through her body. If she didn’t know any better, Gloria would think he was interested by the way his green gaze swept over her features as though committing them to memory. Realizing her hands still rested on him, she pulled away, skittish laughter tearing from her throat.

  “Wow, you look fabulous and you’ve had growth spurt. I’m impressed you’re the owner of this gym! I knew you’d be a success one day.”

  “It was because of you, I began to believe in myself. When everyone else had given up on me, you pushed, nagged and cheered me on. I’ll never forget that.” The sincerity in his voice touched her to the core.

  “Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that.” Gloria remembered when she was a student teacher in her senior year of college. It had been her desire to work with remedial students because they were the ones in need of the most help. That was how she’d met Landon. Her heart had gone out to the lanky, underweight fifteen year old who’d acted out instead of paying attention in class.

  At first when she’d approached him with an offer to help, he’d been resistant, but her stubbornness would not allow her to give up. Eventually, she’d worn him down and he’d agreed to meet with her for tutoring sessions. The lessons were frustrating at first because Landon had been told he was stupid for so long he believed it. It wasn’t long before Gloria discovered just how bright he was. Through a series of tests, she realized he was dyslexic; the reason why he had trouble keeping up in class.

  Once that mystery had been solved, the rest was easy. Landon soon became a model student. He let go of his defeatist attitude and made the honor roll. After the school year ended, Gloria received her Bachelor’s of Education. After that, her then-fiancé, Cordell, got promoted to a job in Seattle. Gloria and Landon had kept in contact through letters and email, but eventually, with her busy life and a child to take care of, they lost touch.

  Gloria smiled. “I’m glad to see you’ve done so well for yourself. It’s my understanding there are a few more Fit Cos in town. This one just happens to be within walking distance of my house.”

  “What brings you back to the Philly area?”

  She tried to keep the grimace off her face, but couldn’t help it. “Divorce. My son and I moved back here to be closer to my family.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Gloria didn’t know why, but to her he didn’t sound the least bit sorry. It had to be her imagination. “It’s okay. My ex and I were actually separated for a couple years. It was only a matter of time before we made things final.” How natural that sounded. Not long ago, she would have fallen to pieces at the very mention of it, but now the pain wasn’t as unbearable as it had been. When Cordell left her for a younger, thinner woman, Gloria’s already low self-esteem had been shattered. She’d tried to please him for the duration of their marriage, but it never seemed to be enough.

  Had it not been for her son, CJ, she’d still be in a state of depression. In retrospect, she knew she was better off without Cordell in her life, but the scars were deep. He may not have ever laid a hand on her, but the verbal abuse had been far worse.

  “But still, I can imagine it couldn’t have been easy for you.”r />
  She blew out a deep breath. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

  He nodded enthusiastically. “That’s a great attitude to have. You’re just as I remembered you.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Hardly. I wouldn’t be here if I looked the same as I did fourteen years ago. You’re very kind to say so, but you don’t have to flatter me.”

  Landon opened his mouth and closed it, as if he were about to say something but decided against it. He was probably going to agree with her. But why did that bother her so much? It only firmed her resolve to reschedule her appointment. Gloria already knew whichever trainer she worked with would need to weigh her and determine her body fat percentage. The thought of Landon obtaining those details was unsettling.

  Sure, there was a time when they’d forged a friendship, but that was when he was a student and she a teacher. In that role, she was confident and sure of herself. Here in Landon’s territory, she felt vulnerable. Besides, Landon hadn’t looked like this when he was fifteen. He was way too sexy for her peace of mind.


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