Finding the Dragon

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Finding the Dragon Page 2

by Jessie Donovan

  Jane had never seen more than a glimpse of the dragonwoman during her previous visits. At some point, she’d like to meet the woman who had caused so much pain to Kai, more out of curiosity than anything else.

  Well, and to let the woman know she’d had her chance and she had better not try to ruin Kai’s life again.

  As Bram motioned for them to sit down, Jane pushed all thoughts of Maggie out of her mind to focus on her clan leader’s words. “I’ll be blunt, Kai. Delia’s missing.”

  Kai frowned. “Missing? For how long?”

  “A few days, although your mother received a voice mail message last night from Delia, saying she was safe. And before you demand why you haven’t been told, I didn’t know myself until right before I called you. Snowridge’s leader, Rhydian, had wanted to try locating her on his own. Your mother had been forbidden to ask for outside help.”

  Kai growled. “I’m not just any outsider. She’s my little sister, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Believe me, I know. But let’s focus on the facts, aye? Delia originally left a brief note for her parents saying she had a story she wanted to investigate.”

  Jane stilled. Delia had interrogated her at every opportunity about being a journalist. She had never imagined the teenager would go off on her own.

  As if reading her thoughts, Kai squeezed her hand in reassurance. He didn’t blame her.

  Kai probed. “About what?”

  Bram shook his head. “That’s unclear. The notes that were forwarded to me are somewhat vague and unhelpful. Her message yesterday merely said that she was okay and not to worry.”

  “Did they trace the call?” Kai asked.

  “Aye, it was from a pay phone in a remote part of Wales. Snowridge’s Protectors have been searching, but your sister hasn’t been spotted anywhere. You didn’t teach her how to hide in plain sight, did you?”

  “Of course not. Although I might be able to find her, even if the others can’t,” Kai replied.

  Bram bobbed his head. “I know, which is why I’ve managed to negotiate a deal with Snowridge’s leader. He’s going to allow you to go to Snowridge and help search for Delia.”

  Jane jumped in. “You said negotiate. In exchange for what?”

  “That’s my concern, lass. Right now, the end goal is to find Delia,” Bram stated.

  “When can I go?” Kai asked.

  “As soon as you have everything set up for your absence. With Aaron recently mated to Teagan O’Shea, it leaves a bit of a gap in the chain of command.”

  Aaron Caruso had been Kai’s second-in-command of the Stonefire Protectors. However, Aaron had gone to strengthen alliances with a clan in Ireland and had ended up mating their female leader, Teagan O’Shea.

  Kai nodded. “That may be, but I think Nikki can handle the clan whilst I’m gone.”

  Amusement danced in Bram’s eyes. “Make sure her mate is on board with that.”

  Nikki Gray’s mate was Jane’s older brother, Rafe. Ever since Nikki had become pregnant, he’d become even more overprotective.

  Jane was just glad she wasn’t on the receiving end of it.

  She waved a hand. “Leave Rafe to me. I’ll convince him right quick and then we can leave.”

  Kai looked at her. “We?”

  “If you think I’m going to stay behind, you’re out of your mind. I can help, Kai. Putting together clues and finding people is a big part of my life.”

  Bram stepped in. “She’s right. Besides, Rhydian cleared the pair of you since you’ve both been to Snowridge several times already. I’d say he almost trusts you, which is a rare thing with that bastard.” He stood. “Go see Nikki and Rafe and be on your way. Make sure to keep me updated on Delia’s status, as well as your own.”

  Kai stood and tugged Jane up with him. Her dragonman grunted before guiding her out of Bram’s house.

  Her mate remained silent until they were far enough away from Bram’s cottage so as to not be overheard. She wondered if he had it down to the inch as he finally said, “If you’re coming with me, then you need to promise me you won’t go off anywhere without telling me. I usually don’t try to curb your freedom too much, but Snowridge is unfamiliar territory, complete with humans who don’t trust the dragons as much as those near Stonefire. I can’t risk losing you, Janey. I won’t survive it.”

  Any retort she had died at his last sentence. “I’m not a wilting flower, but I’ll be careful. However, if something comes up that requires immediate action or we might lose your sister, I will seize the opportunity. I have no wish to die, but I’m not about to let your sister come to harm, either.”

  He threaded his fingers of one hand through her hair. “You’re noble for a human.”

  She raised her brows. “I’m not noble, just stubborn. I won’t allow any more pain in your life if I can help it. Your sister is important to you, which means she’s important to me.”


  Jane Hartley was the best bloody female he could’ve ever hoped for. Not for the first time, he mentally gave the finger to fate for thinking anyone else would’ve suited him.

  His beast hummed. Jane is our perfect fit. I agree.

  As Kai took in his mate’s straightened shoulders and raised chin, pride surged through his body. “You are worthy of being a head Protector’s mate.”

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. “Even though I like to give dragon cuddles?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, despite that.” Moving his hand from her hair to her cheek, he added, “Just be careful, Janey. You are strong, confident, and clever, but you’re human. It’s not a bad thing, I rather love you for it, but you don’t heal as fast as a dragon-shifter, nor do you have the option to shift to better protect yourself.”

  She nodded. “I know, but I like to think I’ve come a long way from going undercover in that pub in Newcastle.”

  Jane had worn a tight dress, too much makeup, and a wig. She’d gone into a pub to try to win the trust of some dragon hunters. The incident had ended with Kai being shot and both of them being flown back to Stonefire gripped in Nikki’s talons.

  Never again did he want to see a worthless piece-of-shit hunter putting a hand on his female.

  His dragon spoke up. Let them try. They’ll learn their lesson soon enough.

  Ignoring his beast, Kai pulled Jane up against his body. “You’re maybe a tad bit better.” He kissed her ear. “But don’t ever completely change who you are for anyone, Jane, not even me.”

  She gave him a quick kiss. “Good, because I’m going to need all of this backbone and stubbornness to deal with my brother.”

  “Your bloody brother,” Kai muttered.

  “Oh, you like him well enough when you two team up against me.”

  Kai grunted. “Sometimes. Let’s go tell Nikki the news. I’ll draw her into another room once I announce, then you can deal with Rafe. Nikki doesn’t need the stress of another row.”

  Jane rolled her eyes. “I’m going to resist commenting on that.”

  His dragon spoke up. Coward.

  I’m not a coward. It’s a matter of efficiency to divide up the tasks.

  Tell yourself that. At least we know Delia should still be safe since she left a message yesterday.

  Let’s hope so. If something had been wrong, Mum would’ve heard it in Delia’s voice.

  His beast stood tall inside his mind. Don’t worry, we’re better than the Welsh Protectors. They probably overlooked something. We’ll find her.

  He took comfort from his beast’s words. I won’t stop until we do.

  His dragon fell silent, and Kai took comfort from Jane’s presence. He patted his mate’s arse. “Good. Then let’s go. The sooner we talk to Nikki, the sooner we can leave.”

  Despite the hurry, Kai kept his arm around Jane’s waist as they walked briskly to Nikki and Rafe’s cottage. Since his rather tall human was only two inches shorter than him, she didn’t struggle to keep up.

  As they made their way, he remembered something. With e
verything Bram had told him, Kai had temporarily forgotten about Jane’s big launch. “I’m sorry we had to ruin your big day, Janey. I hope any new viewers will understand you missing the scheduled Q&A session this evening.”

  She smiled up at him. “It’s okay. Gina will post an announcement.”

  Gina MacDonald-MacKenzie was mated to a Scottish dragon-shifter and had been helping Jane with marketing and publicity. “So you had a backup plan in place?”

  “Of course. Given how much Stonefire is a target these days, I had to be prepared.”

  “My clever mate.”

  She shrugged. “A certain male dragon-shifter likes to say how much preparation is key to success.”

  He couldn’t help but murmur, “So you were listening.”

  Jane snorted and lightly slapped his side. “That is a conversation we can have later.” Her face sobered. “As much as I look forward to this new chapter in my life, the strangers can wait. Delia is family. Besides, while I’d never wish for your sister to be in harm’s way, this mission will at least keep me distracted.”

  “Mission, huh?”

  “Of course. We should think of a secret code name.”

  “Dragons don’t usually give code names.”

  “Well, seeing as I’m human, that means I can.” She tapped her chin, and he couldn’t help but smile at the action. Jane finally added, “How about Operation Teenage Rebellion?”

  “More like Operation Bloody Idiot.”

  Jane laughed. “See, I knew I could get you on board.”

  He smiled at Jane’s laugh and realized his mate had been trying to calm him down and distract him from his sister’s disappearance. “Thanks, Janey. Maybe now I won’t kill your brother.”

  “Not killing Rafe is one of the unbreakable rules of our relationship.” She lowered her voice. “Although if he’s too much of a bastard, feel free to punch him. That’s allowed on rare occasions.”

  Kai shook his head as they arrived at Nikki and Rafe’s cottage. He knocked and Nikki opened the door. “Kai, I didn’t expect to see you today.”

  Rafe’s voice drifted from inside the cottage. “What the bloody hell does he want now? We’re busy.”

  Nikki grinned. “Don’t mind him. If he had it his way, we’d always be ‘busy.’”

  Kai took in Nikki’s mussed hair and rumpled shirt. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t notice that. This is important, Nikki. Let us in.”

  At Kai’s serious tone, Nikki stepped aside and they walked into the cottage. Once she closed the door, she looked between him and Jane. “What happened?”

  Rafe appeared at Nikki’s side as Kai explained his sister’s situation and added, “Which means I need you to be in charge in my absence.”

  Nikki blinked. “Me? Are you sure?”

  “You have the most experience when it comes to the hunters and even the Dragon Knights. Not only that, you’ve proven yourself over and over again.” Rafe opened his mouth, but Kai spoke first. “And before you bring up her pregnancy for the hundredth time this week, Nikki will be fine. She’s months away from giving birth and I trust her to delegate as needed.”

  Rafe grunted. “I still don’t like it. Nikki doesn’t need the stress. Dr. Sid said she needed to take it easy.”

  Jane chimed in. “Easy doesn’t mean putting her in a bed and wrapping her in blankets to prevent the slightest bump. Am I right, Nikki?”

  Nikki looked to her mate. “I’ll be fine, Rafe.” She met Kai’s gaze. “Although I want Rafe to be my right-hand man. He’s still waiting for the specifics of his army liaison post and needs a purpose.”

  “I have a purpose,” Rafe replied. “It’s protecting you and our child.”

  Kai squeezed Jane’s side, signaling for her to take Rafe in hand. Once Jane nodded, Kai said, “Nikki, come with me and we’ll discuss everything, including your mate’s temporary role.”

  Rafe stepped in front of Nikki. “We still need to hash out the details of her post, and I want to be present for that.”

  Jane poked her brother’s arm. “Just stop, Rafe. Nikki can handle herself. Because I guarantee if you keep tiptoeing around her and treating her as if she’ll shatter, she’s going to hate you.”

  Rafe blinked. “She wouldn’t.”

  Nikki smiled. “I may. So, go chat with Jane. I’ve important stuff to do.”

  Before Rafe could say anything else, Nikki waltzed out of the room, and Kai followed.

  Once they were inside the kitchen, Kai muttered, “I’m not sure how you put up with him.”

  Nikki rolled her eyes. “I’d say the same of Jane with you. But enough about mates. Tell me what needs doing in your absence and I’ll make sure it’s done.”

  As Kai went through the current status of clan affairs and secret operations, he tried his best to ignore the shouting from the other room. After all, if anyone could handle Rafe Hartley outside of Nikki, it was Jane.


  Jane glared at her brother. “Why do you insist on making everyone’s life so bloody difficult?”

  Rafe shrugged a shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to protect Nikki and our baby.”

  “What, so you’re going to make me a villain for telling you to grow the fuck up?”

  “If you were pregnant, you’d understand what I’m feeling, Janey.”

  “So now I need to be growing a child to understand wanting to protect someone?” She moved closer to Rafe and whispered, “Every time I go to Snowridge, I wonder if that woman will show up and cause Kai pain. Believe me, I know the feeling. But keeping him here just in case, to never risk the chance, would eventually tear me and him apart.” She moved back to meet her brother’s eyes. “Nikki is patient, and she loves you, but keep it up, and you might do something irreversible.”

  She expected Rafe to give her the double finger salute and tell her to mind her own fucking business. However, he merely sighed. “I know. But you of all people know how taking a step back is hard for me.”

  Jane resisted blinking at her brother’s honesty. Maybe Nikki was having more of an influence on Rafe than Jane had given her credit for. “Then use this as an opportunity, Rafe. Help her, but don’t smother her. Nikki may end up being the next second-in-command of the Protectors, which is a big deal. I don’t think Stonefire’s ever had a female in that position before.”

  “I don’t think so either.” He paused before adding, “I’ll try and sorry for shouting. Your mate has a way of winding me up.”

  Jane snorted. “As I keep telling you, you and Kai act like brothers. Just embrace it and you’ll have fewer headaches.”

  He raised his brows. “Have you told Kai the same?”

  She shrugged. “That’s for me to know and for you to wonder about.”

  “Janey,” Rafe growled.

  She ignored his warning tone. “On a more serious note, keep your mobile close. I may need help from your army contacts in locating Delia.”

  Rafe sobered. “I will. Regardless of what I think of Kai at times, I hope you find his sister.”

  “Me, too, Rafe. Me, too.” She opened her arms. “Now, give your sister a hug.”

  He eyed her open arms. “British soldiers don’t give hugs.”

  “Half-Australian brothers do.” She engulfed him before he could move away.

  After a few seconds, she released him. “Now, was that so bad?”

  “It was fucking awful.”

  Patting his arm, she half-turned toward the hall to the kitchen. “Good. Now, let’s see if they’re nearly done with their meeting. I’m anxious to go.”

  Chapter Three

  Several hours later, Kai flapped his wings as he maneuvered through the mountains on the outskirts of Snowridge’s lands in Wales.

  He glanced down at Jane, huddled in her blankets, and determined she was well enough. While his mate would occasionally stand up in the basket he gripped with his rear talons, she still wasn’t fond of flying and spent most of the trip with her eyes closed.

p; His beast spoke up. Look how far she’s come in less than a year. Give it time. Maybe one day we can even rig a harness on our back and she can truly feel the wind and experience the freedom of the skies.

  So now we’re to be ridden like a horse?

  His dragon huffed. Why do you like to ruin my beautiful dreams? Allowing anyone to ride on a dragon’s back is an honor and the highest sign of trust. Unless you’re saying you don’t trust Jane?

  Don’t be stupid, of course I trust her. But she’s not fond of unstable heights. Have some compassion. Riding on our back will give her a fucking heart attack.

  When his beast didn’t reply, Kai knew he’d won the point.

  Slowing his wings, Kai mostly glided the remaining distance to Snowridge’s main landing area. Unlike Stonefire, which was spread out on mostly flat land, the majority of Clan Snowridge lived inside the mountains near Snowdonia National Park in Northern Wales. The main landing area was one of the few flat, outdoor spaces that had been carved out many years ago.

  Since he’d brought Jane to Snowridge many times in the past, he easily guided both him and the basket to the landing area without hitting any of the jutting, sharp edges. Once he gently placed the basket on the ground, he moved a few feet away and landed.

  Kai imagined his wings shrinking into his back, his talons turning into fingers, and his snout returning to a human nose.

  Once he was in his human form, Jane rushed at him and handed him his clothes. Kai quickly dressed.

  Just as he tugged on his jumper, his mother’s form appeared. Even though Lily Owens had the same blonde hair mixed with gray and a smile on her face as always, he could also see the strain of worry at the corner of her eyes and in her slightly hunched posture.

  Jane rushed up to his mother and hugged her. “We’ll find her, Lily. I promise.”

  His mother hugged back and released her. “I know.” She looked to Kai. “Rhydian is waiting to see you, Kai. Unless you need a quick rest beforehand?”

  Under normal circumstances, Kai would tell his mother that he wasn’t a child. But until he found Delia, he would make an effort to be nicer. “I’m fine, Mum.”


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