Rite Men for Maya

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Rite Men for Maya Page 4

by Zenobia Renquist

  He smiled at her. “Leaving so soon, pretty one?”

  “Excuse me, please.” The wavering quality of her voice had made her angry. She wasn’t scared of these men. It wasn’t like they would do anything to her in such a big crowd, which hadn’t dissipated once the exhibit had ended.

  The crowd watched from below them. Even the participants in the previous exhibit had left their stage to watch. Maya hated that about merman society. Why was teasing a spectator sport?

  That’s what these men were doing. They’d seen how their act had affected her and now wanted to play with and embarrass her before going back to waiting for their third.

  Well, she wasn’t a pastime, and she refused to be a good sport about it and play along. However, her efforts to get past the men were laughable. Her maneuverability was sluggish compared to theirs.

  “Let me pass,” she said in a firm voice.

  The men smiled at her.

  “This isn’t funny.”

  “I think it is. I’m Tam.” The navy blue-tailed man held out his hand to her.

  She didn’t take it. “Who cares who you are? Get out of my way.” She hit him with the same glare that had withered Laev in his tracks. Tam didn’t even blink.

  “We are not truly in your way, lovely. If you had your tail, you could have left us behind long ago,” said the rainbow-tailed man. He smiled, then caressed his open palm over her bottom.

  She gasped and jerked away. “Stop it!”

  “I’m Kessen.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Are you incapable of forming a tail? I’ve heard some half-breeds cannot.”

  Tam swam behind her. “We assume you’re a half. You have no gills.”

  “Or a breathing amulet,” Kessen said, rubbing his face along her legs.

  Maya said, “Yes, I am. I didn’t feel like wearing my tail today.”

  “Your mistake,” the men said in unison.

  She gnashed her teeth.

  Tam drew the tips of his fingers up her spine.

  The heat that had drawn her to Kessen and Tam earlier resurfaced. The intensity of it made her moan with pleasure. She slapped her hands over her mouth but knew they had heard her.

  Kessen swam close to her and whispered, “Only one thing will make that feeling go away.”

  “Not happening,” Maya snapped. “Let me pass.”

  Tam said, “So adamant. You haven’t even given us a chance.”

  “And I don’t plan to.”

  That was what she said, but if she didn’t get out of there, their teasing would wear her down. Two hot hard-bodies wanted to make a sandwich out of her. Of course she wanted the same, but not during the rite.

  The men swam around and around her. One of them drew his hand over her breasts. She crossed her arms over her chest and backed away, except that put her in the path of the other, whose caudal fin stroked her neck.

  “You haven’t told us your name,” Kessen said, skimming the front of his body before her face. He undulated just enough so her lips and nose brushed his genital slit.

  She lashed out at him, trying to push him away and hit him at the same time, but he’d already left the spot she’d aimed for. Her attack left her chest unprotected. Tam swam past her, reaching beneath her top and caressing the underside of her bare breasts.

  The heat originating from her spine was going to burn her alive. She was surprised the water wasn’t boiling. She needed to escape from them before she did something she regretted. “Get away from me,” Maya said with plenty of warning in her tone. She hoped it was plenty. If they heard her desperation, they’d never let her leave.

  “You haven’t told us your name.” Kessen swam past her legs.

  She thought he’d pass her without touching but that hope was dashed when his caudal fin slid between her legs. With a surprised squeak, she twisted away. That didn’t stop the longing ache that caress created.

  Something moved against her back. It didn’t feel like a part of either Tam or Kessen’s anatomy. She turned to see what had touched her, but there was nothing. A tug at her neck preceded her top being ripped away.

  She immediately crossed her arms over her chest, hugging her arms. “Give that back.”

  Tam dangled the top before her face. “Your name for the top.”


  “Ah.” He released her top and it floated toward her.

  It was almost within her reach when Kessen snatched it away. He dangled it just out of her reach, grinning the whole while. “A kiss for your top.”

  “I already told you my name. Give it to me.”

  “That was his bargain. This is mine.”

  With an annoyed sound, she kicked her legs. Tam wasn’t blocking her path, so she swam away as best she could while still covering her chest. She needed to get out of there. Every part of her except the rational part was lobbying for her to go along with them. Thankfully, the rational part was still in charge.

  Kessen swam alongside her, keeping pace effortlessly. “The shore is miles away. You’ll tire yourself out needlessly swimming that way.”

  “Then give me back my top and I can swim like normal.” She stopped and waited.

  “Gladly, as soon as I get my kiss.”

  It was a stupid kiss -- a tiny peck. Sure, every other contact had an adverse reaction on her good sense, but she had held strong. A simple kiss wouldn’t change anything. She wouldn’t let it. She would just do it and be done.

  Kessen watched her. He trailed the top beside him, waving it like a flag.

  She sighed. “Fine.”

  The word had barely left her lips when Tam came up behind her and took one of her elbows in each hand. He tugged, pulling her arms away from her chest.

  She fought against his hold, but his grip on her was solid. “What are you doing? Let go of me!”

  Kessen swam forward. He pressed his chest against hers with his face so close to hers their noses touched. “You said yes to a kiss.”

  “A kiss. This isn’t a kiss.” It was also something her control wouldn’t be able to handle.

  “You didn’t specify the type of kiss.”

  “Why, you --” Her words choked in her throat as Kessen lowered his mouth to one of her exposed nipples.

  He slid his tongue over and around her nipple slowly, then latched on with his lips. Warmth spread over her whole body from that simple contact. Kessen suckled at her, flicking the tip of his tongue against the hardened bud.

  Maya’s breathing turned shallow. All of the feelings of moments before as she watched Tam and Kessen together returned full force. She squeezed her thighs closed in hopes of warding off the wanting tingle that was making her whole body shiver in response.

  Tam shifted behind her, rubbing against her bottom. He did no more than that, but it was enough to make her press back against him.

  Kessen ended his kiss but didn’t move away. With his chin resting between her breasts, he stared up at her. “It doesn’t seem fair,” he whispered in a low voice, “to kiss one and not the other.” He rubbed his cheek against her breasts. “Don’t you agree, Maya?”

  Words escaped her so she nodded. Her acceptance of another kiss was rewarded with the same sweet sensations as before. She didn’t want it to end.

  Tam’s lips brushed her ear. She shifted her head but didn’t move away from the touch. He whispered, “We can do more, Maya. Both of us.” He released her elbows and cupped her hips, shifting her so she pressed against him.

  Something hard and long nestled against the cleft of her behind.

  “Say you’ll join with us, Maya.”

  He pushed at the waistband of her leggings. The edge rode her hips, and Tam caressed the few little curls that peeked out.

  Maya wanted to feel his fingers inside of her. She wanted to feel much more than that.

  Kessen gave her nipple one last kiss, then moved up her body so they were face to face. “Join with us, Maya.”

  “This is a game. You’re just teasing
me.” Her words were partially accusatory and partially to keep herself grounded. This was all part of their fun. If she said yes, they would laugh at her for being so gullible and then leave her wanting.

  “We are inviting you.” Kessen cupped her hand and moved it between their bodies. He curled her fingers around his exposed cock. “Say yes and join with us.”

  She met his gaze. Teasing was one thing but the second sexual organs came into play it was a proposition. One she wouldn’t refuse. She tightened her hold on his flesh and leaned into him. Kessen shifted forward, and their lips met.

  “Say it,” Tam rasped with his lips pressed against her neck.

  Maya pulled back from Kessen. He nodded, urging her to say the word.


  Tam worked her leggings the rest of the way down her legs and discarded them while Kessen availed himself of her breasts once more. Questing fingers probed her pussy. She wrapped her legs around Kessen’s waist, opening herself. Two fingers slipped into her depths.

  “You are so hot inside.” Tam moved his fingers. “Kessen, you should feel how she sucks me deeper.”

  “I should.”

  Maya thought Kessen would finger her as well. Instead, Tam opened her lower lips wide so Kessen’s hard flesh invaded deep inside of her. Maya cried out, clutching at his shoulders.

  “Gods of the deep, but she feels exquisite.” Kessen shifted only a fraction, then stilled and breathed heavily. “So good.”

  “I’m almost jealous, lover. You never wear that expression for me.” Tam reached for Kessen and pulled his head close for a kiss.

  Maya almost felt like she was in the way, except Tam reached around and fondled her breasts. She arched into his hand, moving against Kessen, who pulled away from his kiss with Tam, emitting a groan of pleasure.

  “You make me feel like an untried youth who will spill himself any second, Maya.” Kessen kissed her lips. “Such an embarrassing act is not befitting of me.”

  “And you cannot come, either of you, until I’ve joined in the fun as well,” Tam said.

  Maya didn’t know what he meant until his finger pushed into her puckered opening. Her whole body jerked, but it wasn’t from pain. The sensation was unparalleled. “More,” she gasped. Her hips moved of their own volition against both men.

  “Such a demanding little thing when she was so prudish only moments before.” Tam moved his finger, adding another before long.

  “Gods! Hurry, Tam. I can’t last much longer,” Kessen said through clenched teeth. He held Maya against him as tightly as he could but that didn’t stop her from moving. Her inner muscles clenched and unclenched, making him emit satisfied sounds.

  Tam removed his fingers and then placed his tip at Maya’s rear. With slow movements, he leaned into her. It was a new feeling for her, and Tam didn’t rush it. Little by little her body accepted him until he was fully seated.

  All three of them were connected, not moving. Maya took a breath to say something that would urge the men to do more. The words stalled in her throat as the twin erections rubbed against each other inside of her. Something almost like an electric shock coursed through her body. She knew the men felt it, too, because they echoed her cry of surprised satisfaction.

  There was only a second to revel in the feeling before both men moved -- one pushed in while the other pulled out. Maya could only clutch at Kessen’s shoulders and ride it out.

  None of them spoke. The only sounds were muted grunts as the men tried to move ever deeper. Maya wanted to call their names, to shout out her feelings. Her throat only allowed little panting noises.

  The rhythm of their movements changed, and both men drove home at once. That sparked Maya’s climax. She threw back her head, releasing a soundless scream. The men’s arms enveloped her in a hug that allowed no room for breath.

  Wave upon wave of delicious pleasure exploded around her in a shower of sparks and vivid colors. She felt whole and safe.

  Then everything was stillness.

  Maya’s heartbeat slowly returned to its normal rhythm. She loosened her hold on Kessen, both her arms and her legs. As she did, the men loosened their hold as well, but didn’t release her, not fully. The proof of their shared experience was written on Kessen’s face. She glanced back at Tam and he looked the same -- awed.

  Someone clapping shattered the euphoria. More hands joined in and the whole corridor rang out with cheers.

  Somehow she’d forgotten about their audience. She looked at the crowd of people who had watched the entire encounter from beginning to end and tried to remain calm. They would think it was part of the exhibition. No harm done.

  Except… her gaze fell on the faces of her parents. They, too, were part of the crowd. They were the only ones not clapping. Neither Crystal nor Meren looked pleased. Though far away, Maya could see her father’s anger quite clearly.

  Embarrassment, suffocating and hot, overruled all other emotions. Maya struggled to get out from between Kessen and Tam but they were still connected.

  The men removed themselves, and she pushed away from them.

  “Maya, what’s wrong?” Kessen moved closer and reached for her.

  She jerked back. “Don’t touch me.” She looked back at her parents and shook her head.

  In a move that was as painful as it was stupid, she forced her tail transformation to come upon her as quickly as it could. The pain was almost crippling, but her shame hurt worse.

  Tam jerked her around to face him. “Maya, stop it. What are you doing?”

  “Stay away from me!”

  She threw him off and swam away as fast as she could. On her best day, she could never cover as much distance as she did in that moment. She heard Tam and Kessen calling out to her but she ignored them and pushed herself to swim faster.

  No matter how fast she swam, she couldn’t escape her parents’ expressions. Her tears mingled with the ocean water. What must they think of her?

  The need not to find out made her bypass their house and return to her own. She was naked, and the sun still had two hours before it set. Thankfully, the beach was deserted.

  She kept looking around as she neared the shore, allowing her legs to return. The sound of female laughter carried over the water. Down the beach, headed her way, was a woman with her date.

  Maya decided to chance it. They were far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to see her too clearly. She ran for her back porch. There was a chest with a combination lock that had beach towels and sweats for those times her father’s family would come to visit.

  She had herself wrapped securely just as the couple passed her property. They waved to her with a happy greeting. She nodded and waved back. Once they had gone, she made her way to her back door, located the hidden key, and rushed inside.

  Only when the door was securely locked and all of her curtains were drawn did she stop to think about what had happened.

  “What have I done?”

  Chapter Four

  Maya looked out of the window. Her parents’ house loomed in the distance. She hadn’t spoken with them or visited since the night before. She didn’t even know if they were home yet. She was too scared to call or go over and find out.

  It was probably best to give them some time. Tempers ran hot in her family. She didn’t want things to be said that couldn’t be taken back.

  With a weary sigh, she pushed to her feet. Her leg muscles protested being used. She took one step and winced. Shifting to her tail as quickly as she had the day before had pulled several muscles. It was Sunday, but she’d already called into work and told them she wouldn’t be in for the next week.

  Her family doctor -- a half-breed as well -- had scolded Maya for being so reckless and reminded her that forcing a swift tail shift might permanently damage the muscles of her lower body. Maya was lucky it was only sore muscles and nothing more serious. Her prescription was short walks and water rest.

  Maya limped to the pool room, climbed the small ladder, and let hersel
f fall into the water. The heat soothed her aching muscles almost immediately. She stripped off her panties and flung them over her shoulder, out of the pool, not caring where they landed.

  Next came her legs. She took a deep breath. As she exhaled, she let the shift happen at its own pace. She ignored the accompanying pain in favor of letting the process finish. Once complete, she pumped her tail a few times.

  Wearing her tail was less painful than her legs, but there was still pain. A few days in the pool with short breaks to walk around, and she would be fine. Her body would be fine. The rest… there was no way to know.

  Her plan for that moment was to get some sleep and worry about it later.

  * * *

  Maya skimmed the shoreline, just out of sight of the beach patrons. No one paid attention to the water near the rock divide, anyway. It was too dangerous. There were signs posted everywhere about riptides and swimmer caution against crabs and falling rocks.

  She broke the surface, did a little flip and then dove back into the water.

  “Beautifully done.”

  Clapping accompanied that compliment. She turned to see who had spoken. Tam and Kessen swam toward her.

  She looked at them in surprise. “This is my dream. Why are you two here?”

  “Then you know you’re dreaming?” Kessen asked.

  “Of course. I only swim along the shore in my dreams. I wouldn’t dare try it otherwise.”

  The men stopped near her. She clutched one of the jagged rocks, ready to deliver the obligatory shock of pain to wake herself, if need be.

  “You have a beautiful tail. You should have worn it to the virility-fertility rite. Any number of mermen would have clamored for your attention.” Tam reached out to stroke her tail.

  She dodged away. “Don’t touch me.”

  “That’s not what you said last time.”

  “That was a heat of the moment situation that won’t happen again. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll end this dream.”

  Kessen snatched her hand away from the rocks. “Wait. We wish to talk. You left so abruptly before, and you seemed so upset. Did we anger you?”


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