Worlds Apart 4: Ryan's Hope

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Worlds Apart 4: Ryan's Hope Page 7

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  “Please, Ryan. Kneel down so that I can reach all of you. I need to wash you. Every inch of you.”

  “Anything your heart desires, moya. You’ve only to ask and it’s yours for the taking.”

  At the first tentative touch of her hands as they caressed his shoulders, at her heartfelt sigh of appreciation, he let out a shuddering gasp. His every nerve ending felt alive with sensation. Nothing could have prepared him for the sensitivity her touch would elicit. It felt like she had a direct link to his central nervous system and was stroking him from the inside out. His eyelids snapped open. He had to watch her face, see her expressions as she bathed him in the ritual way, as she cared for him. The symbolism wasn’t lost on him, nor on her, he imagined. His emotions were so overwhelming he wasn’t about to try and sense hers as well, not right now. The Mating Ritual would only happen once in his lifetime and he didn’t want to miss a single moment of the experience.

  As she lifted the water in her cupped hands and poured it over his skin, letting it run in rivulets down his chest, he watched her, fascinated by the enjoyment bathing him brought to her. When a wave of water splashed the head of his cock, he jerked in reaction. By the Goddess, how was he ever going to last without coming, until he could make love to her?

  Long minutes passed as she continued to bathe him, with only the sounds of lapping water and rasping moans disturbing the moment of intimacy between them. And when she leaned forward and pressed her nose against his pulse where neck and shoulder met, and swirled her tongue over the throbbing vein, they both moaned with suppressed desire. Contentment, quiet joy, and peace in the moment, all filled him as she leaned forward and tilted her head back, allowing the water to soothe his shattered nerves. Goddess, he’d never needed a person more than he needed Liana right now, not just physically because he was hard as stone and desperately wanted to come inside his mate, but he needed her emotionally too, to complete him.

  When Liana finally lifted her hands from his throbbing flesh, he thought he’d get that reprieve he desperately needed. Instead, she had him turn around, lavishing as much attention on his back as she did on his front. He was a quivering mess when she finished rinsing him off, one stroke away from coming. Thankfully, she had mercy on him and had him stand so she could finish bathing him, carefully avoiding his hot spots as she did.

  Rather than draw out his bath, Liana quickly washed his legs and feet with gentle caring. Only when the rest of him was clean did she reach out with her hands and cup his sex. Almost reverently, she stroked the length of his shaft and ran her finger gently down the crack of his ass before rolling his testicles in her hand with exquisite care, as though she found his shaft utterly fascinating. When she pressed a chaste kiss against the head of his cock, he almost erupted.

  Liana must have decided that she’d finally gotten him clean enough, or that she’d driven him insane enough, because she scooted back and rested her ass on her heels and looked up at his face. Her gaze shot to his, nervous and expectant. After one deep breath, she let it out and lowered her head in submission.

  “I offer my life and love to you, to do with as you wish. I pledge to worship your body and offer up my own to you to worship and command. I in turn accept the same from you. Only to you do I offer my heart and my soul for you to protect or deny. I give all that I am and all that I will ever be to you. Do you accept me and all that I offer, my moyo, my mate?”

  When the vow he’d been waiting for finally slid past Liana’s lips, fierce elation tore through him at hearing the words he’d never thought to hear. The compulsion to repeat the vows grabbed him by the balls and wouldn’t let go. With trembling hands, Ryan reached for the other half of his soul, he reached for Liana and pulled her to her feet with incredible ease and tenderness.

  “I accept all that you are and all that you offer me, moya. I offer my life and love to you, to do with as you wish. I pledge to worship your body and offer up my own to you to worship and command. I in turn accept the same from you. Only to you do I offer my heart and my soul for you to protect or deny. I give all that I am and all that I will ever be to you. Do you accept me and all that I offer, my moya, my mate?”

  When Liana gave him an enthusiastic nod and practically threw herself in his arms to hug him, Ryan noticed her eyes were filled with tears. He knew through the bond they were happy tears so he wasn’t worried. He had to admit that the mate bond could be a convenient thing if you had a mate that could shift moods at a drop of a hat. Not that he’d admit that aloud. He wasn’t stupid.

  After a few moments of contented silence, Liana dropped her gaze but didn’t release his hands. After clearing her throat, she lifted her head and pulled on his hands. “Follow me,” she whispered and began to lead him out of the water. He trailed behind her, one of his big hands intertwined with hers as she led him up the steps and over to one of the marble benches.

  “Sit, please.”

  * * * *

  As Liana continued to follow her instincts, she didn’t bother trying to make sense of things. Perhaps the Goddess Alana guided her hand, helping her say and do the right things so that she’d know that their mating had been blessed by the Mother Goddess herself. Then again, it could be a fanciful dream, her imagination running amuck in an attempt to explain the unexplainable.

  As her eyes once again scanned the meadow, a sense of leaving something incomplete invaded her mind. It took only a moment to realize she wasn’t yet done with the ritual part of the ceremony, and only a few seconds more before she knew exactly what she hadn’t yet done. Scanning the statuary, she spotted the golden cup clasped in the marble hands of the Mother Goddess. Liana swore she heard a voice in her head, whispering for her to approach the sculpture. When the voice beseeched her to accept the offering, as water overflowed the cup in a waterfall to the basin at the sculpture’s feet, she didn’t question that request either. She knew the Goddess of Chantrea was a benevolent Goddess and would do no harm to one of her children.

  Liana could hear the musical sound of a woman’s voice whisper through her mind much more clearly now, and knew it now to be Alana, the Chantrean Mother Goddess that had been directing her earlier actions. The tinkling of her words vibrated along Liana’s spine, like a thousand bubbles stroking the smooth glass of a champagne bottle, fizzing and popping along the crystal edge. Drink my tears and purify your hearts. Share my tears and purify your souls.

  Reaching up, she pulled the chalice from the Goddess’ hands. She backed up a step before turning her back, and carried the golden cup to Ryan, who had dropped onto the bench as though his legs had been knocked out from beneath him.

  When Liana reached her mate’s side, she tried to give him an encouraging smile before she knelt between his legs and slowly lifted the cup to his lips. Biting her bottom lip nervously, she wiped one hand on her thigh, then the other before saying the words that the Goddess had provided her. “I beseech you to drink of the Goddess’ golden chalice. Let her tears cleanse your heart and heal all your inner wounds.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Ryan didn’t hesitate to wrap his hands around hers and tilt his head back, drinking the refreshing liquid in one long draught. Sighing in relief, Liana let herself breathe and her muscles relax, glad beyond belief that he’d accepted her offering and completed the next step in the ritual.

  After drinking his share, he held the cup up against her lips. Staring straight into his eyes, she swallowed the cool, clear liquid as Ryan whispered, “I beseech you to drink of the Goddess’ golden chalice. Let her tears cleanse your heart and heal all your inner wounds.”

  Almost immediately after the water passed her lips a flood of feeling and sensations bombarded her, some hers and some obviously Ryan’s: love, lust, hunger, joy, passion, fear, worry, need, so many emotions—too many to accurately catch in so fleeting a moment. After the initial burst of information, it began to slow into a steady rhythm before thoughts—Ryan’s thoughts—began to overshadow the emotions she’d been receiving. When Ryan�
��s pupils dilated and his body began to shudder, she started to worry, until his voice drowned out all other thoughts.

  There’s so much…so much she feels. It’s overwhelming. I can feel her fear as my own. How can I set her at ease with us, with our future? Perhaps if she knew that she’ll never have to face others undefended again, that I’d never leave her side when she’s in need, she’d be more comfortable with our mating. I’d stand as her shield against any and everything that would do her harm, even her own abilities.

  Liana blinked in surprise. She needed to share her tears by sharing her fears? That must be what the Goddess meant. She couldn’t think of anything else she could have meant by that obscure statement. As though a door into her very soul opened, she knew something else. Empathy wasn’t her only gift. She’d been born with prophecy as well—it just had needed to be unlocked—and now it had.

  She needed to embrace the bond developing between her and her mate because if she didn’t, she’d lose the best thing that would ever happen to her—with her new gift, she knew that would be the outcome if she foolishly kept her feelings to herself. She’d lose her soul mate. She’d lose the only person she’d ever love, and that would be a tragedy.

  After taking a deep breath, Liana closed her eyes and collected all her fears, her worries, and even her needs and desires, her anger and her hurts, and tried to channel them through the bond. She shared everything with him, everything she felt, everything she worried about and everything that terrified her. But that was okay, she believed that now, because he was the one person she trusted completely to help her through the struggles ahead.

  When strong arms wrapped around her waist, Liana closed her eyes and sighed in blissful contentment, luxuriating in this one moment of utter perfection. With her head tucked beneath his chin and resting against his heart, she could hear it pounding against her ear, its rapid beat a perfect match to her own.

  Liana wasn’t sure how long they stood that way, Ryan’s arms wrapped around her in the Goddess’ garden, but she could sense her mate’s arousal through their new bond, feel his cock lengthen and thicken yet again as it pressed against her belly. Her heart rate jumped in response and his raced to match hers. Without any outside stimulation, her nipples pebbled into tight nubs and pressed against the hair of his chest, sending bolts of pleasure-pain straight to her clit. She groaned in response, unable to keep silent, as she felt not only her own emotions and tactile sensations, but Ryan’s as well.

  Ryan’s hands clutched at her waist, his fingers digging into her hips as he ground his hips into her belly. Seconds later, he lifted her, placing his hands beneath her ass to hold her in place. “Put your legs around my waist, baby.”

  Liana didn’t waste any time. She wanted to feel his body against hers, wanted to be held in his strong arms as though he’d never willingly let her go. Despite the Black Rose and her attempt to murder her and Ryan earlier in the day, Liana was determined to eke out every bit of enjoyment possible this eve. Tomorrow would be another day, but this one, this one was her one and only mating night, and nothing would ruin it.

  With her legs wrapped around Ryan’s waist as he’d demanded, she couldn’t keep the growling purr building in her voice silent—didn’t even want to, to tell the truth. With one of his big rough hands wrapped around the base of her neck and the other palming her ass, she felt completely secure in his hold, and just a little bit naughty as she could feel his cock pressing against the bundle of nerves at the apex of her pussy. If he just rubbed there just once, she knew she’d go off like a rocket. Yet, he didn’t move, not one centimeter. Was he testing her? Was she supposed to do or say something? Her woeful lack of experience made her extremely anxious, despite her desire to mate with her chosen one.

  * * * *

  When he awoke this morning, Ryan had no idea just where the day would lead. If someone had told him he’d meet his mate and claim her, he’d have laughed at him or her for such foolish beliefs, because who would bless Ryan with a mate after all he’d done in the name of retribution?

  Now he had his arms full of the most luscious woman he’d ever crossed, and before the day ended she’d belong to him completely, heart, body, mind, and soul—properly paired the way Chantreans were always supposed to be. When Liana’s legs tightened around his hips and her fingers dug into his hair, scratching gently at his scalp, all thought of what was and what would be disappeared from his mind. His entire being focused on the armful of golden-brown woman just begging for proper attention. Smiling inward, Ryan couldn’t wait to give her as much attention as she could possibly imagine, even more than she could possibly handle. Starting. Right. Now.

  Squeeze me tighter, baby, while I look for some place nearby to make love to you.

  Liana reached up and nibbled his right ear before whispering, “You can take me anyway you want me. Up against the statuary or along the length of the marble benches, or even on all fours on the wonderful grass. Just fuck me already!” she implored.

  Ryan chuckled. With an invitation like that, how could he possibly refuse? With his arms full of luscious woman, he quickly glanced around the meadow. He smiled when he spotted a bed, its coverlets turned down, sitting in the middle of the meadow surrounding the natural pool. Either someone onboard Vengeance had instructed the ship’s computer to place it there, or the Lady Goddess Alana herself had presented them with a mating bed.

  With purposeful steps, he headed straight for the bed, thankful as always for the many blessings and gifts bestowed upon him since his escape from the Black Rose’s nefarious clutches five years earlier. The closer he moved toward the bed, the more awe-inspiring it became. The four-poster bed had a gossamer canopy of white tulle lying artfully across the top. Flowers draped around and down each leg, some from Earth, like baby roses and freesia, and others indigenous only to Chantrea, like the purple Tupa and bright pink Aseda. Someone spread thousands of silky white and vibrant red and pink petals across the red coverlet, lending it a sensual air. And at the foot of the bed stood a chest. If the rumors he heard were true, it would be full of toys meant for tonight’s lovemaking. He couldn’t wait to find out for himself, but that was for later.

  Who had prepared their mating bed on such short notice? Ryan snorted. He couldn’t believe that someone had even gotten past him to scatter flowers there, unseen. His mind, honed by suspicion and suffering, wondered briefly if there was another way into and out of the mating chamber, one that he, and possibly the others, were unaware of. And if so, where was it, why was it secret, and who knew of it?

  But those were questions for another time. He had his beautiful mate lying sprawled out in front of him, her hair a wild mess of dark curls practically begging for his fingers to rake through. Looking her body up and down, he didn’t know where to start. He wanted to do to so much for and with her. As he reached over to run the back of his hand down the length of her chin, his hand trembled. So many emotions he’d kept locked inside him. Would she be able to handle his demons if he let them go, even unconsciously? He hoped so, he truly did or they’d both be doomed.

  Liana reached up and placed her palm against Ryan’s stubble-roughened cheek. Why such a dark face, moyo?

  I’m just thinking about the future. The Black Rose isn’t going to make it easy on us over the next few weeks to complete that cure of yours.

  I agree with you, but for tonight, we’re just going to think about the two of us, and building a lasting bond between us—something our enemy can never sever.

  Ryan ran the back of his hand down Liana’s throat, down along her collarbone until she shivered. You’re right, my love. Absolutely right. I think it’s about time we lock the Black Rose out of our thoughts and we get down to the serious business of exploring each other’s bodies. The touch of her bronzed skin against the lighter shade of his brought a lump into his throat.

  Ryan couldn’t help but stare at all her magnificence now that he had her right where he wanted her, naked and waiting for him to claim her. But
he wanted so much more that a claiming. He wanted to make love to her, to hear her sigh out her happiness, groan out her pleas for him and beg him to take her.

  Ryan had to grip his shaft in hand to keep himself from coming all over her before he ever got a chance to even touch her. That would have been an embarrassment, and not something he’s want Liana to remember about their first time together, that was for sure.

  Liana licked her lips and stretched her arms up above her, clasping the slats in the Vaasa wood headboard while spreading her legs, leaving her dripping pussy open to his view. “Are you planning on just staring at me all night or are you going to come here and show me what making love is supposed to feel like?”

  Chapter Twelve

  As Liana waited for Ryan to close the distance between them, she lifted her legs, wrapping them around his hips, desperate to hold him to her. She’d never thought she could experience lovemaking at all, and to have someone who made her feel safe and cherished on top of that, as Ryan did—it was more than she could have ever imagined for herself.

  Finally! Finally! He lowered himself to the foot of the bed and started to stalk her like prey. She dropped her legs, had no choice really when he ran his nose up along the length of one thigh before sitting back and doing the same with the other.

  Don’t tease me, moyo! She begged, desperate now for his touch, any touch at all.

  When he lowered his body against hers, she wanted to weep for the joy of it. Never had she been able to touch another this way in all her years. To have the luxury to explore his body, to discover all the dips and curves of his form was an aphrodisiac all its own. Somehow, Ryan was keeping his feelings to himself, allowing her this time to feel only her own emotions and sensations—a gift a thousand times more wonderful than anything she could have asked for.


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