Three for the Road

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Three for the Road Page 1

by Brown, Berengaria

  Published by Evernight Publishing at Smashwords

  Copyright© 2011 Berengaria Brown

  ISBN: 978-1-926950-14-3

  Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

  Editor: Kimberly Bowman


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To Amarinda Jones who suggested this road trip. It's been a wild ride. Let's do it again!

  Three for the Road

  Berengaria Brown

  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  “You’re shitting me, right?” Jennifer Adams stood with her hands on her hips staring in horror at the huge truck with a shipping container on the back, parked in front of her tiny, third-floor, walk-up apartment.

  “You two expect me, ME, to live in that thing for two weeks?” Jenni could hear her voice rising to a shriek, but made no attempt to control it. There was no way—absolutely no fucking way—she was getting inside a metal box. Not even a humongous metal box.

  “But, sweetie, we put curtains at the window and everything. Just for you.” Christopher turned huge pleading brown eyes toward her, looking like a kicked puppy.

  Jenni took a big breath and reined in her temper. She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings but jeez Louise, what kind of morons were they to expect her to— Wait a minute. “Window? What window?”

  Chris’ face broke into a happy grin. “Come over here.” He grabbed her arm and hurried her around the back of the long vehicle.

  The container looked different on the other side. Its long metal wall had a decent-sized window cut in it, with curtains as promised, and a person-sized door.

  With the air of a conjuror about to do his best magic trick, Robert unclipped a thingy from behind the truck cab that looked rather like a TV remote control and pressed a button. There was a whirring noise and a metal shelf slid out from beneath the door and started to descend.

  Jenni looked at the men. Chris was beaming at her, but Robert looked a little worried. She couldn’t resist smiling back at them. “That’s kinda cool. But what about inside?”

  “Just wait and see. You’ll love it,” Chris said enthusiastically, almost bouncing up and down, once again reminding her of an overgrown puppy.

  “It’s really comfortable in there. I think you’ll like it.” Robert was still a little worried.

  “She can’t help but love it. It’s one hundred percent excellent,” added Chris confidently.

  Jenni wasn’t sure, but there was a door, and a window, and curtains. Plus a cool way to get up to it. So maybe…

  The three rode up to the door on the platform. Chris bowed and handed her a door key. She slid it into the lock, then turned the handle.

  Opposite the door was a little kitchen/living area with a table bolted to the far wall, a bench seat on either side of it, a sink with cupboards under it, and a microwave oven on a shelf above it. There was also a small upright gas oven with a cook top.

  The end of the shipping container was a living area with some shelves and a sofa. A TV was on a swiveling arm bolted to the wall so it could be turned to face the sofa or the table.

  “This is a nice set-up,” she said. “It reminds me of a recreation vehicle.”

  “That’s where the guy got the idea,” said Robert. “But this cost a fraction of what one of those costs and it’s plenty big enough for three for a few weeks.”

  “Come and see the bedroom,” urged Chris, pulling on her arm.

  Jenni allowed herself to be led through the living area to the truck-cab end of the container.

  The bed was huge and filled most of the width of the container with some cupboards built into the wall opposite it. Beyond it was a functional shower and toilet cubicle and more storage space.

  “This is awesome. I’m sorry I was rude.” Jenny hugged both men. “I can see the stove runs on gas, and I guess you plug into an electrical outlet in a camp ground, but how do you make things work the rest of the time?”

  “There are batteries that charge as the truck drives along. That gives it enough power to cook and run the lights for a couple of hours each evening,” explained Robert.

  “Whose is it? However did you find it?”

  “The father of one of the guys at work is a real handyman and he built it as a retirement project. Took him a couple of years. He was just finishing the last few details and planning his first trip in it when he went to bed one night and never woke up,” said Robert.

  “Yeah, shocked the socks off Will, his dad passing like that. He and his sister haven’t decided whether to keep it or sell it yet. They were happy for us to borrow it for these two weeks. We bought the curtains, the bed linen, the TV, and if there are other things you need, we’ll get them too,” added Chris.

  “We want this to be a special vacation. Our first one, the three of us together,” Robert said, pulling Jenni into his arms. Chris pressed up behind her, wrapping his arms around the other two, melding them into a unit.

  Jenni shivered, her panties suddenly damp. God these guys were hot. And sweet and thoughtful, if a tad irritating at times. Chris with his open, loving ways, and Robert the more serious one, the thinker.

  Chris had sandy brown hair and big brown eyes. His skin was deeply tanned and he was ripped with muscles. At six foot he was very solid, but not fat. Robert was almost exactly the same height, but leaner, although not thin. His hair was black, but his skin was quite fair, and his eyes a sparkling blue. Black Irish, she’d heard people call his coloring.

  She was very attracted to both of them. They complemented each other with their darker and lighter personalities. She’d slept with them both several times, her first ever experience of two men together. And they had given her the best orgasms of her life. But she wasn’t ready to agree to a relationship with them. After all, ménages were for hot sex, not for happily-ever-after. Hot sex suited her just fine. Happily-ever-after might not be achievable. Right now, orgasms sounded good to her and two weeks on vacation with these two yummy men promised to be awesome fun. Besides, despite what Robert had just said, she wasn’t convinced that an ongoing relationship was what they both really wanted. After two weeks they might all be glad to part.

  “So, when do we leave?” she asked.

  Chris opened a drawer with a flourish. “We brought a notepad and a pen. We thought we’d make a list of what you need us to buy and Robert and I’ll go shopping this afternoon.”

  “Then pack our suitcases tonight and leave tomorrow. Why waste the weekend. May as well head out now,” added Robert.

  Jenni thought for a moment. “Yeah, that’d work. There’s nothing I need to do at the apartment, other than pack. It’s not like I have a garden or pets that need to be cared for.” She jumped up and looked in the little refrigerator, then in the cupboards, calling out things they’d need for Chris to write on his list. The kitchen had been well stocked. There were enough plates, bowls, cups, pans, cutlery, mugs and cooking implements for what they’d need for their two weeks. And the cupboards had a supply of canned and packet foods.

  “Will’s dad put a lot of effort into this. We could live on this stuff for a month, I reckon. But whatever we use, we’ll replace. We just need to buy some fresh vegetables, milk, juice, meat,” she said.

  Excitement filled her.
Up until now the plan to go on vacation with Chris and Robert hadn’t really sunk in. But now it was real and imminent and fun. She was going away with two utterly delicious men for two weeks of sun, sand, and surf, in this crazy home-made recreation vehicle. Awesome. Absolutely awesome.


  Jenni was watching out her apartment window at eight the next morning, ready and waiting for the RV to appear. Her two suitcases had been packed for hours, and she’d put a couple dozen of her favorite eBooks onto her laptop to read if the travel got boring. She’d even remembered to pack her camera download cable so she could send photos of her vacation to her friends.

  The huge truck pulled up neatly at the curb and Robert jumped down from the driver’s seat to open the RV as Chris came running up the stairs to help her with her luggage. Chris kissed her on the cheek, then easily lifted both her cases, leaving her to carry her laptop and purse.

  As she rounded the back of the RV, she stopped. “What’s that?” She pointed to a huge, tarpaulin-wrapped bulge on the back of the shipping container.

  “How did you think we were going to get around when we park the truck each night?” Chris teased.

  She stared at him. “Walk? Bus? Taxi?”



  “Motorbike. With a sidecar. Doesn’t that sound far more fun than walking?”

  “Oh yeah. What a brilliant idea.”

  They stowed her suitcases in a storage rack under the big bed, and she placed her laptop and purse in the cupboard. By the time they rode the platform down to the ground, Robert had unwrapped the tarpaulin to display a gleaming bike and shiny red sidecar.

  “Wow! Just wow!”

  “I hear sex on a bike is pretty good,” Robert whispered in her ear.

  “In your dreams, buddy,” she replied, but she couldn’t stop her panties from dampening a bit at the thought. In fact, they dampened every time she looked at the men. Chris’ smiling face, Robert’s intelligent eyes, and all those delicious muscles flexing as they replaced the tarpaulin over the motorbike and sidecar.

  Fuck yeah. This was going to be one hell of a sex odyssey, there was no doubt about that.


  After half an hour of city traffic, they were finally heading south on the Interstate, driving toward warmer weather, wonderful sunshine, and two whole weeks of freedom. And sex. Especially the sex. Jenni couldn’t help thinking about the huge bed. She’d bounced up and down on the mattress and it seemed to be just the right firmness for some bedtime games.

  Even though she, Christopher, and Robert had technically been dating for several months, to her mind it was more a casual fuck buddy type relationship. No one had said anything about exclusivity and although she hadn’t gone out with anyone else, they hadn’t asked that of her, nor she of them. Also, despite having explored every inch of their totally delicious bodies, she didn’t really know them as people. Sure, she knew Chris preferred beer to wine, and Robert hated Asian food; but, she had no idea whether or not they had brothers and sisters, whether they liked animals, or what their jobs involved. Or how they’d met, or even how long they’d been together and interested in a woman joining them for some sexy games.

  In fact, now that she thought about it, it was almost as if their relationship was just starting now, today. A new relationship, anyway. A fresh start, maybe.

  Jennifer threw herself into the fun of the trip. Chris and Robert were entertaining travel companions; they sang along to the radio at the top of their voices, rearranging the words to advertising jingles as the mood took them. They played games of I Spy and made up stories about the people in other vehicles, many of them slanderous. Jenni laughed until her sides were aching.

  The truck had been designed for long-distance travel, so it had very comfortable seats, excellent suspension, an extra large fuel tank, and despite appearances, the shipping container, even fully furnished, was lighter than a usual load, so they had no need to stop unless they wanted to. So, with their own food supply and bathroom facilities on board, and two drivers and three navigators, they decided to keep going until they got tired, traveling as many miles as possible in a day.

  Every few hours they stopped to stretch their legs, unkink their muscles and use the facilities. The first few times they threw a ball around to each other. The next time they stopped, Jenni noticed that some child had sketched a hopscotch court on the concrete.

  “Oh look,” called Jenni. “Let’s play hopscotch. I haven’t played since I was in elementary school.”

  “Oh yes. Me either,” was Chris’ enthusiastic, but muddled, response.

  They soon found suitable stones to be their markers and started hopping.

  Jenni hadn’t lost her skill and confidently hopped up and down the court, bending to pick up her marker in the first square, before jumping over the square and out.

  She turned to throw her marker in the second square but Chris objected. “That’s cheating. You’re supposed to kick it out.”


  “Your marker. You’re supposed to kick it out, not pick it up.”

  “Huh? We always jumped over the square with our marker in it on the way down, and picked it up on the way back. Just kicking it out would be much easier than having to bend and straighten.”

  “No it’s not. You need to be able to kick straight, and just hard enough but not too hard, to keep it between the lines.”

  “How about you play your way and I’ll play my way.” Jenni turned again and threw her marker into the second square.

  The game was an enjoyable one, and, half an hour later, laughing and slightly sweaty, they climbed into the truck cab for the next leg of their journey.

  The miles rolled past as they chatted about other schoolyard games they’d enjoyed, other memories of school, their childhoods, and pranks they’d gotten up to. By late afternoon they’d shared a surprising amount of personal history, and Jenni felt she knew these men, that she’d learned more about them in a day than in all their previous outings added together.

  She hadn’t laughed so much in years. Chris was always entertaining, but Robert had shown a clever, snarky wit, that was a totally new aspect of him, and she truly enjoyed it.

  Robert, whose turn it was to navigate while Chris drove, said, “There’s a town about half an hour away. Do you want to stop in town, buy a meal, and find a trailer park to stay in overnight; or do you want to keep going and make our own meal and stay in the RV. Or a mixture. Eat in town and drive on a bit maybe?”

  “I vote for driving on until we’re hungry, then cooking our own meal and just staying in a truck stop. We’ve got plenty of stuff and may as well be self-sufficient. What do you think Chris?”

  “Likely a truck stop will have a barbecue. I wouldn’t mind grilling some steaks if someone makes a salad, then driving a bit more until we’re ready to call it a night and go to bed. I’m looking forward to our bedtime, but I’d also like to make as many miles today as we can. After a few days, we’ll be more tired and bored, so it makes good sense to keep driving while we’re all happy.”

  Around seven o’clock, Chris decided he was hungry so they pulled in at the next truck stop. Fortunately, a proper brick barbecue was provided, and while the men grilled steaks, Jenni made a salad then brought it and flatware out to a picnic table.

  It was relaxing, sitting there as the sun gradually set, eating a delicious meal and listening to the sounds of the night interspersed with traffic noises. Birds were congregating in a nearby tree, setting up a loud chattering.

  “What on earth are they talking about?” she wondered.

  “Oh that’s easy.” Chris put his hands up and made a talking mouth out of each one. “I found the biggest, juiciest worm today,” he mimed with his right hand.

  “Oh really. Where did you find it?” his left hand asked.

  Robert joined in with his hands. “Farmer Brown just planted a lot of new seeds. The earth is all turned and so many delicious bugs are there. An
absolute smorgasbord of a feast.”

  “I’m more interested in Mrs. Brown. She was sun-baking topless in their backyard.”

  The men’s suggestions became more and more outrageous, and once again Jenni was laughing so hard her sides hurt and tears were rolling down her cheeks. “Stop, stop. If I keep laughing this hard I’ll wet my pants.”

  “Oooh, a golden shower. We’ve never done that, but I’m game if you want to try it,” suggested Chris.

  “Hell, yes. You can pee on me anytime. Well not in the bed, but I’ll go get a rug if you want to do it out here.”

  “No, I don’t think so. People might come past and see us. This is a public truck stop. Maybe it’s time to take this party into the bedroom. And no golden showers either. I’ll use the bathroom first.”

  “Party pooper,’ moaned Chris, gathering together their dirty dishes.

  “Yeah.” Robert grabbed the rest of their things and they returned to the RV.

  Chapter Two

  Soon they were naked and snuggled under the heavy quilt on the big bed. Both Chris and Robert were large men, but the bed was more than wide enough for all of them.

  They’d left the curtains in the living area open, so that moonlight lit the RV. It was dim enough to be romantic, but light enough for them to see each other. The bright sunburst colors on the quilt were muted shades of gray, but the sparkling lights in Robert’s and Chris’s eyes were easy to see.

  “So what happens now,” she whispered, pressing her butt back against Robert’s cock and rubbing her hands down Chris’ muscular chest.


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