The Fireseed Wars k-5

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The Fireseed Wars k-5 Page 59

by John F. Carr

  "In essence, Your Highness, I agree that Styphon's House needs to be reined in. For too long, they have considered themselves to be a power above the kingdoms' princes, and even great kings. However, while I grant that a great king has the power to make treaties and alliances with outside powers, I do not believe that any great king or temple has the power to order its princes to abolish the worship of another god, or pronounce any one temple as superior to all others."

  Selestros looked troubled. "I promised the Allfather that I would abolish the worship of the False God Styphon within the borders of Hos-Harphax."

  "Your Highness, I do not argue that you cannot put forth such a proposition; however, it is up to each individual Prince of Hos-Harphax as to whether or not he abides by your decision. I will not. However, the other princes, if suitably rewarded with a share of Styphon's House Temple loot, may strongly support your decision. Of all your princes, only Prince Thukyblos of Dazour has remained a member of the Union of Styphon's Friends."

  The Chancellor sensing a deal-breaker, cut in with, "Your Highness, Prince Phidestros makes a strong case. You cannot force all of your subjects to renounce Styphon's House without throwing the Kingdom into open rebellion or war. Is this not the very tactic that Styphon's House has taken with Great King Demistophon?

  "Furthermore, with your uncle Lysandros soon to return, truly we cannot afford any such divisions now. Haven't we been through enough wars with the war against the False Kingdom of Hos-Hostigos, the war in Phaxos, the wars in Thaphigos and now one with your uncle, the regicide? To start a new war against the false god Styphon will only tax your strength and that of your subjects unnecessarily. Wait until the Fireseed Wars are over. Then you can decree whatever you wish."

  Phidestros noted with that last statement that the Chancellor's eyes did not meet his own. In their minds, I've already been thrown to the wolves! Won't they be surprised when they see just how big my teeth are.

  "There is wisdom in your words, Your Highness," Selestros conceded.

  "Right, Your Highness," Chancellor Kyphannes added. "I'm sure that the Allfather will understand that you cannot ban Styphon's House from the Kingdom in a single moon. Besides, with its Investigation, Styphon's House has a rat gnawing inside its stomach that will one day devour the entire body."

  "In return," Selestros looked right into Phidestros' eyes, "I expect full support from you in my war against the Regicide."

  Just by meeting with you, I've already sent Lysandros a declaration of war, Phidestros thought. This youth has a lot to learn about kingship. If he survives, I suspect the next two winters will teach him much.

  "You have my support, Your Highness." For now, Phidestros decided. And don't expect me to provide any of those ten thousand soldiers you promised Great King Sopharar.


  Duke Mnestros was seated at the table in the Great Hall and drinking from a flagon of ale. Seated to one side were his father, Prince Thykarses, and several other Princes; on the other side were Captain-General Hestophes, Duke Kyblannos, Baron Ranthos and Primate Xentos of the High Temple of Dralm.

  Prince Thykarses turned to Hestophes, asking, "What are we going to do about Soton and his army?"

  "Nothing," Hestophes said, who noted to himself that the Prince appeared to have aged five winters since their defeat at Agrys City. "Even if we wanted to fight him, we do not have enough men under arms to stop Soton. If we did fight him, even if he lost, he'd still have enough troops at Agrys City to hit us again next spring. After another loss like the one we suffered at the Battle of Agrys City, the League would be hard-pressed to field a dozen companies."

  "The Captain-General is right, father," Duke Mnestros pronounced. "In fact, Soton's arrogant march across Hos-Agrys with his army has angered both the people and the princes. Our muster lists have swelled since his army left Agrys City. Unfortunately, most of our new troops are untrained or untested. Another loss would cripple us for any spring campaign, as the Captain-General said."

  Thykarses' put his face in order. "Already Styphon's House treats all of Hos-Agrys as their conquest. Next they will begin their infernal Investigation."

  "What we need is a proper commander for the Army, someone who has successfully fought the Styphoni before," Duke Mnestros observed. "The next League Council is set for the first quarter of the Moon of the Tall Grass. It is up to us to ensure that this time Captain-General Hestophes is chosen to lead the League's Army."

  "They will either support him, or I will cut off the Temple's support for the League," Xentos stated flatly. "If the League of Dralm truly represents the Allfather's will, they will support His candidate."

  "The Temple's support will help our cause greatly, Primate," Thykarses said. "However, at the moment, it appears that Grand Master Soton is doing even more to ensure the Princes' cooperation. He has violated the territories of at least four Princes. In Hos-Agrys we do not take our sovereignty lightly. Does anyone know where the Grand Master is headed, or why?"

  The Big Switch, as they were now calling the operation to insert Aspasthar onto the Throne of Light, was known only to a few, all of them Hostigi except for Duke Mnestros, Baron Ranthos and Duke Kyblannos. Primate Xentos, whom Rylla no longer trusted, knew nothing. Even Mnestros' father, Prince Thykarses was in the dark. The fewer who knew about the operation, the fewer the leaks. Hestophes shook his head. "My guess is that Soton wants to demonstrate Styphons House's power to go wherever they please, whenever they please."

  Thykarses threw out his hands. "It makes absolutely no sense to me that Soton would withdraw half the army besieging Agrys City at a time when the city is about to fall."

  "Maybe it is Soton's way of showing that no one in Hos-Agrys is out of Styphon's House's reach," Hestophes said. "I'm sure we will find out what he wants shortly. Until then, all we can do is drill the new recruits and work out the logistics for the attacks that will come next spring."

  "There is no question in your mind that the City will fall?" the Prince asked.

  "None at all. Agrys City is doomed." His last thought, Hestophes kept to himself. Unless a miracle occurs, all of Hos-Agrys is doomed!

  "Let us say a prayer to Allfather Dralm asking for his assistance and help,"Xentos intoned. "Without his help, the false idolaters and blasphemers of Styphon's House will prevail."


  Verkan Vail was running over the new muster lists for the Greffan Royal Army when he heard a commotion at the chamber doors. He quickly pulled out his hideaway pistol with his right hand and grabbed his dagger with his left. His hideaway flintlock pistol was a First Level replica, which actually held several hundred needier cartridges. With its firepower, he could take out a Temple Band of the Red Hand. Assuming, of course, they stood still like paper targets.

  A moment later the door careened open and Dalla came crashing into the room, dragging two of his guards behind her.

  The Captain of the Guard rushed in behind. "I'm sorry, sir, but this woman claims to be your wife…?"

  "You're excused. You've just met Queen Dalla. Captain, don't penalize the men; my wife's a force of nature not to be thwarted by mere mortals." He quickly put away his weapons.

  The Guard Captain, his face beet-red, turned smartly and exited the chamber.

  Verkan rose from his chair, attempting to hug Dalla.

  She pushed him away. "The nerve of you, leaving me all alone in Dhergabar to deal with all those politicos! How dare you!"

  "It was your idea! You told me you could handle the job. I was giving you some breathing space. The newsies were after my hide and I didn't trust myself around them, especially Yandar Yadd! I figured you needed some time alone to learn the ropes-"

  "So you threw me to the wolves!"

  "Darling, you've got it all wrong. I didn't want you to have any distractions, and I had a political circus trailing my heels."

  "I still can't believe you quit the Chief's job." She shook her head. "I thought you'd leave for a ten-day or two and come to your se
nses. I didn't really expect you not to return."

  "Dalla, it was either stay away or I was going to kill someone. I don't have the patience to be a political bull's-eye. So, like I told you, I thought I'd take a vacation on Kalvan's Time-Line."

  "Some vacation, Vail. I arrived at the Fifth Level Police Terminal, Greffa Equivalent, only to learn that you've made yourself King of Greffa! What's that all about?"

  "It wasn't my idea… believe me. After we invested the City, Kalvan decided I was the best man for the Iron Throne. What could I do, Dalla? Turn him down? 'No. Great King Kalvan, I can't take the job; I'm a former Paratime Police Chief!' I don't think so. I didn't ask for the job, nor did I expect it."

  "Well," Dalla said, shaking her head, "that much I believe. You do know this isn't going to help our situation once word reaches Home Time Line. Opposition called for a Vote of Confidence right after you left, and it came within several votes of passing. You know what that would have meant?"

  Verkan nodded. "It's a mess, but I'm thinking about staying here in Greffa for the next fifty years so I don't have to worry about it."

  'And what about me?"

  "Darling, I've got a great idea. Why don't you resign, too? Then we can both stay here and run Greffa."

  Dalla shook her head, hair flying. "Someone's got to take care of the mess you left behind, Vail. I know a lot of it isn't your fault, but much of it is. And there are problems you don't even know about. Deputy Bureau Chief Altarn Vor just finished briefing me on his investigation into the missing paratemporal conveyers; it's a lot worse than anyone suspected. It's not just Paratime Police conveyers; a lot of commercial units have vanished, too. To the order of several thousand. A lot of people are involved, possibly some of the Wizard Traders; it's too early too tell yet. But it's trouble, big trouble."

  Verkan shrugged. "Dalla, really there's not much I can do from here. Sorry."

  "So you refuse to help!"

  "That sounds terrible when you put it like that, but no, I'm not going back. Our civilization has flourished for ten thousand years without my help; I suspect it can flourish for another ten thousand if I stay here."

  "I'm asking for your help, Verkan, as your wife, not Chief Tharn."

  "And I'm telling you I resigned once and I will not work for that outfit again, at least, not during this incarnation."

  Dalla sputtered angrily. "If I walk out that door, I'm not coming back!"

  "You know me, Dalla. I don't give in to blackmail-emotional or otherwise."

  She spun around and slapped him on the cheek, hard enough that it knocked him off balance. "What the Styphon!"

  Before he finished speaking, she'd torn out of the room. "Dalla, come back here!"

  "Damn her," he cursed, following that with a few more choice words in Second Level Khiftan. If he followed her to First Level, he'd never have a moment's peace. No, this time, he was going to wait her out. And, if she didn't come back, the Styphon with her!


  Grand Master Soton gave the order to halt the column and turned to Knight-Lieutenant Sarmoth.

  Sarmoth had been Soton's aide-de-camp for almost three winters; by now, he could almost read the Grand Master's thoughts.

  "Lieutenant Sarmoth, I want you to take two Blades of Knights and find this village of Salis, locate the Duchess and her son and bring them to me."

  "Yes, sir. Where will I meet up with you?"

  "I do not want the Agrysi to know that the heir has been the object of our expedition so I'm going to make an attack on Glarth Town. According to our intelligencers, now that the Grand Host has abandoned the Siege of Thagnor, the Glarthi merchants have started supplying Kalvan and his people with victuals and other supplies. This attack will show how we deal with those who help our enemies. So join us at Glarth Town. I intend to make a statement that the Agrysi will never forget!"

  "Yes, sir. But weren't their merchants helping us, too?"

  "As part of your training, I will explain my reasoning. Now that Ulthor Port is in ruins, Glarth Town is the only large Great Kingdom's port remaining in the Sea of Aesklos. Since the Grand Host has been recalled to Tarr-Ceros, we no longer have a need for re-supply."

  "Yes, Grand Master."

  "However, Kalvan does. He needs all the victuals and armaments he can import. He has a lot of gold and is not miserly in its use. The amount of gold that he removed from Greffa City is almost equal to that of the Great Treasury of Balph."

  Sarmoth's jaw dropped.

  "Most of the towns along the southern border of the Sea of Aesklos have been destroyed by the war. Only Glarth remains a major shipping center. We intend to deprive Kalvan of this asset. You know the Agrysi, don't you? It is said they would trade with Ormaz himself for a bent phenig."

  He nodded, thinking to himself that in that sense the Agrysi were much like merchants everywhere.

  "Lieutenant, Styphon's House allowed the Agrysi at Glarth Town their freedom as long as they were of value to the Temple. This is no longer true. Do you see this?"

  "Yes, sir. However, we may need their ships and docks when we return to take Thagnor City."

  Soton patted him on the shoulder. "You are starting to think strategically. However, our plan is much larger than that. After Glarth Town has been punished and the countryside subdued, we plan to erect a new city in its place. We will leave the wharves and warehouses, but the town itself is expendable. In this new city, we will build our own fleet and destroy the Usurper's navy and harass his shipping. The Inner Circle may not have realized it yet, but the time is coming when we may need to expand into the Middle Kingdoms. Glarth Town will be our stepping-off point."

  The operation to snatch the heir went off flawlessly, Sarmoth noted. It was almost too easy. The villagers were cooperative, but then what else could they do when faced with an armed party that outnumbered the entire village? They'd found former Duke Thalros' manor house almost undefended. The widow had died recently and the estate was being managed by one of the former ladies-in-waiting, a very capable looking woman who'd been the only one to put up any sort of fight after their arrival. He'd had to have her restrained when they took possession of the lad, Dementros. The boy had refused to leave his friends and Sarmoth had decided it was easier to bring them and Lady Tymolara along, ensuring Dementros' cooperation, rather than argue over it.

  The boy hadn't appeared to be awed by the sight of two hundred Knights, Brethren and Oath Brothers. Sarmoth liked him for that show of spunk. He didn't envy Archpriest Grythos the job of making the boy his mouthpiece.

  He would have to warn the boy, that if he showed too much defiance to the Archpriest, he might find himself a long-term denizen of Tarr-Agrys' dungeon, only to be brought out to show, like a trained panther, when ambassadors or other dignitaries arrived at the Palace.

  The next morning they left Salis to rejoin the Grand Master. By evening Sarmoth could see a great blossom of smoke rising from where he estimated Glarth Town resided. Already parties of fleeing refugees were passing them on the Glarth Road. Some of them ran right into the bushes and trees when they saw their white flag with Styphon's black Sun Wheel.

  It took another day before they reached the town. The road was clogged with fleeing townsfolk, some of them smoke-blackened or bleeding, and escaping animals. They ran one flock of turkeys into the ground, setting up a snowstorm of feathers. Soon it was hard to hear the cries of the wounded for the roaring of the fires. The sky overhead was gray and broiling black, while the air was filled with ash, making it difficult to breathe.

  Sarmoth suspected the Upper Realm of Regwarn looked much like this.

  It took them another candle to locate the Grand Master, who was still seated on his horse giving orders. The entire town was enflamed or in smoldering ruins.

  Soton looked at him and asked, "Is it done?"

  "Yes, sir. The boy and his party have been secured."


  "Yes, sir. Young Dementros demanded we bring his woman servant and several bo
ys along. I thought it best to give him his lead, at least, for now."

  Soton nodded. "You did well. You succeeded where Archpriest Grythos, with more experience, failed."

  "I see you have been busy, Grand Master." Sarmoth made a half-circle with his arm over the burning city.

  "I want all to know the price for cooperating with the Usurper Kalvan and his subjects. I've had my men go through and pick out the best of the women and young men for the slave markets in Balph. We'll probably bring ten thousand of them back with us, more than enough to pay for this expedition."

  "How long will we stay, sir?"

  "We will leave when the last building crumbles and the last man alive is in chains."


  Kalvan watched as the walls of Thagnor rose out of the early morning mist like distant earthen hills. No wonder the Grand Host had found it impossible to besiege this great city. He was already starting to fall in love with the land and its hardy people. The question was: Would Rylla ever be able to switch her allegiance? To give her credit, she'd been raised in Hostigos and only left its borders once on a doomed expedition with her father to beseech aid from Great King Kaiphranos for the war against Styphon's House.

  While in the US Army Kalvan had been stationed in Korea and Germany; stateside he'd visited California and Oregon before settling back in Pennsylvania. With the Pennsylvania State Police, he'd stayed in several barracks throughout central Pennsylvania. He was used to hanging his hat anywhere and calling it home. Certainly, the retreat from Hos-Hostigos had been hardest on Rylla, especially having to leave her father behind to certain death at the hand of Styphon's House.


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