Someday Soon (the Not Yet series Book 3)

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Someday Soon (the Not Yet series Book 3) Page 15

by Laura Ward

  I was too amped up. Patience was never my forte, and right now, it was nonexistent.

  I rubbed his hardness, right over his boxer briefs, until he pulled away from my breasts with a curse.

  His jaw clenched, and he still looked… pissed.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, breathless. “Am I doing something to upset you?”

  Jon took my hand away from him and linked our fingers together. He laid me down on my bed and climbed over me, bracing his weight on his forearms.

  “I’m not mad at you.” He kissed each corner of my mouth. “I’m pissed at myself. I’m not going to be able to be slow enough. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with anyone and I’ve pictured being with you in every conceivable way for so long. I don’t have a lot of control right now, and you deserve control. Especially your first time.”

  A slow grin spread across my face. “You’ve thought about this too? With me?”

  His eyebrows furrowed as he scowled at me. “Are you kidding me?”

  I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t want you to be gentle. Let go. Show me how much you want this. I can take it. I’m not a little waif that you have to be careful with.”

  “Thank God,” Jon muttered, his fingers grasping my thin panties. “I love a woman who can handle me.” He pulled, ripping the fabric right off me.

  My jaw dropped, causing him to chuckle this time. “I’m a bit of a beast in bed, Sunshine. I’ll try to behave this time, though.”

  One thing he said played on repeat in my mind. “Jon?”

  He pressed kisses all over my belly but paused when he heard his name.

  “You said something about it being a long time for you.” He turned his face to look at mine, and if I wasn’t mistaken, a light pink color stained his cheeks. “How long is long?”

  He buried his face in my belly, talking into it.

  This tickled, so I laughed as I asked, “What was that?”

  With a sigh, he crawled back up my body to face me. “Since back at IU. Being back at home meant I got to see you. And no one compares to you, Daisy. No one.”

  I froze. “Jon,” his whispered name sounded like a plea. He’d been home for seven months. And he waited for…me. Jon, the one my brothers warned me about ignored all other girls, just on the idea, the hope, that we could be together. And he trusted me enough to tell me. Jon changed more than I knew in our time together.

  But seven months? Oh, dear God. My gentle beast might not be so gentle tonight.

  I tilted my chin up, my lips found his and I kissed him back just as aggressively as he had kissed me. At the same time, I pulled his briefs down his legs, until I felt him kick them off.

  And then there was nothing between us. The weight of Jon’s body pressing against mine was a sensation I would remember for the rest of my life. Nothing felt better.

  But then he moved. He rocked against me and instinctively my hips rose, nestling him between my legs and I rocked back. His tongue found mine just as his fingers moved between us, circling between my legs and I cried out.

  “Are you wet?” he rasped. Instead of waiting for my answer, his fingers parted me, and he felt for himself.

  “Fuck.” His hooded eyes found mine. “You’re drenched.”

  “I’m ready.” I looked into his heavy-lidded eyes and spoke the truth. “For you.”

  His nostrils flared as he glanced down at my lips, then up to my eyes, his fingers still touching me. “You have no idea what you do to me. What you make me feel. But I’m going to try and show you.”

  The tender kiss he gave me soothed away the loss I felt as his fingers moved away from me.

  Jon rolled off the bed and bent for his jeans on the floor, returning with a condom in seconds. “If you change your mind, even for a split second, stop me.” He looked so serious, his face was almost reverent.

  As he adjusted back into place, I nodded and pressed my lips against his again. He slid the condom on, and I felt the tip of him at my opening. He entered me, moving in and out slowly. The room was silent save for our heavy breaths, and a bead of sweat traveled down his face from his exertion.

  I gasped as he broke through my barrier, fully seated inside me.

  “Fuck. You okay?” Jon bit out the words, seeming not so okay himself.

  “Yes,” I whispered. “It only hurt for a minute. I just feel full. Full of you.” I smiled at him. “It’s pretty amazing. Are you okay?”

  Jon squeezed his eyes shut. “I’ve never been with a girl for her first time. I don’t want to hurt you, but I’ve never felt anything like this. You’re squeezing me like a fist. It’s fucking unreal.”

  “Move, babe. Please. I want to feel more.” I begged, pulling his mouth back to mine.

  “You’re sure?” He spoke his words against my lips.

  My answer was to lift my hips to him, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him deeply.

  Then he lost control.

  We were all tongues thrashing, hair pulling, and hips slamming until I felt the beginning of that same feeling the last time Jon touched me start to build.

  Jon began to shake, and if I had to guess, he felt the same thing building in him. He brought his thumb to my center and circled right where I throbbed until I exploded into millions of pieces of heaven.

  Jon groaned loud and long and then fell next to me, gasping for air. We lay like that, without words, for long minutes until both of our breathing was normal.

  Jon leaned over, moving long, sweaty strands of hair out of my face. “How are you?”

  I smiled, a shy, secret smile because I had never been better. “I couldn’t be happier. How are you?”

  He nuzzled his nose against mine and brought his lips close to my ear. “Being that I just had the best sex of my life with my best friend… I’d say I’m fucking incredible.”


  An hour later, we lay curled up in bed after reluctantly dressing, eating huge ice cream sundaes as we watched the ball dropping in New York City.


  I wanted to tell him this was the best day of my life.


  I wanted to tell him I was falling in love with him.


  I moved our empty bowls onto the floor and wrapped my arms around his waist. But telling him those things wasn’t our plan. Our plan was to enjoy the time we had left before we went our separate ways and made our dreams for a future into reality.


  And I decided that for once, I would live in the moment and enjoy it for exactly what it was.

  I looked up into twinkling brown eyes. “Happy New Year, Jon.”

  He grinned, a smile of such contentment that it took my breath away. “Happy New Year, my Sunshine.”

  There was nothing surrounding us but joy. So, I leaned up and kissed him, long and deep.

  And he kissed me right back.

  I had a good feeling about this New Year.

  Chapter Nineteen


  ONCE I HAD a taste, I couldn’t get enough. Nothing was sweeter than Daisy.

  And I took risks that should never be taken.

  “Here’s your pizza pie and pitcher of beer. Diet Coke for you, sweetheart.” Our waitress placed the pepperoni and black olive pizza on the table with one hand. She poured two fresh mugs of beer for Ricky and me and then handed Daisy her drink.

  “Thank you,” Daisy said with a smile.

  “Be back, gonna use el bano.” Ricky moved out of the booth opposite us and headed to the restroom.

  As soon as our waitress left, Daisy’s lips were on my neck.

  “You smell so good.” Her mouth pressed warm kisses up a path to my jaw.

  “Daisy,” I growled, taking her mouth in a quick, hard kiss. “He won’t be gone long.”

  She stuck her lower lip out in a pout, and I caught it in my teeth, pulling it into my mouth. She protested and scooted away, sucking on her soda straw as Ricky rejoin
ed us.

  Ricky grabbed a piece of the pie, folded it in half and took a large bite. I put a piece on Daisy’s plate first, before adding one to mine.

  Ricky looked back and forth between us. “So, Pequena Margarita, when do you hear about cooking school?”

  For as long as I could remember, Ricky avoided using Daisy’s English name, preferring to call her the Spanish equivalent of ‘little daisy.’ I always thought this was cute, but now it kind of irked me. My friends shouldn’t have nicknames for my girl.

  Daisy wiped her mouth with a napkin. “My application was sent in on Christmas Eve. I should hear something in February.” She rolled the paper straw wrapper next to her drink into a ball, circling it in between her thumb and pointer finger.

  “I mean, I already got into Indiana’s Art Institute Culinary School. So as far as Mom and Dad are concerned, the decision’s been made.”

  Ricky ate, watching Daisy with narrowed eyes. “But the decision’s yours, not your parents.”

  Daisy nodded, a quick smile forming on her face. “At least you two are on my side.” Picking up her pizza she took another bite.

  Under the privacy of the table, I placed my hand on her knee, my finger stroking in slow circles. Daisy in a skirt and knee-high boots was not only enticing but in our current situation, fortuitous. My hand moved higher, onto her upper thigh, curving into her skin, my thumb rubbing along the hem of her skirt.

  Daisy fidgeted in her seat, her smile faltering as she inhaled a shaky breath.

  “You okay?” Ricky asked, his attention focused on Daisy.

  “Mmm hmm,” her voice was high-pitched and a bit squeaky. I coughed to cover my laugh.

  Ricky reached over to grab another slice. “Pass the pepper flakes, man.” He motioned to the rack of seasonings on the other side of Daisy with his chin.

  Reluctantly, I withdrew my hand from her leg and passed him the shaker.

  Daisy didn’t miss her chance at revenge, and as soon as my back hit the seat cushion behind me, she leaned across me, helping herself to pizza, but also placing her hand over my dick and massaging.

  “Holy shit,” I yelped, gathering my composure as the words exited my mouth. “This pizza is awesome.”

  Daisy giggled, and I looked at her in mock annoyance. “What?” she asked, holding back more laughter.

  “What, what?” I asked back, eyes round and eyebrows raised, daring her to explain.

  Looking over at Ricky, I was beyond relieved that he was texting on his phone and ignoring the both of us. His distraction with his new girl was a godsend at this moment.

  “All right.” Ricky stood, throwing some cash on the table and grabbing his leather coat. “I don’t know what the hell is going on with the two of you, but it’s weird. I’ll say that much. I gotta go. Somewhere I need to be.”

  The idea that Ricky was suspicious of Daisy and me didn’t bother me. He always had my back, and he’d keep his mouth shut around Dean. Ricky wasn’t a shit-stirrer like Dean was, and I was glad about that right now.

  He left with a wave, and I turned in my seat to face my torturer.

  “You started it!” She held both hands in front of her.

  Leaning forward, I kissed her cheek, speaking into her ear. “And I’ll be the one to finish it.” I sat back, picking up my half-eaten pizza and took a bite. I slipped my other hand under her skirt, not allowing my fingers to delve under her panties, but keeping them on top.

  I rubbed in circles slowly at first and then picked up speed. I could feel the material dampen under my fingers and my cock throbbed in my jeans.

  Daisy’s breathing picked up, a light sheen of sweat coating her face and neck.

  I changed direction, my thumb pressing down while my other fingers moved in a come-hither motion, still above the thin cloth, but with enough force to get her off. Her hips lifted and her head fell back, eyes closed.

  “Open your eyes. You gotta sit up straight, or someone will guess what’s going on.”

  My words shocked her, snapped her out of whatever fog was surrounding her. She sat bolt upright, eyes fixed on her pizza. Her body was strung tight, and she leaned forward and then back, holding her breath before a shudder wracked her body.

  I slipped my hand out from under the table and picked up my beer drinking long gulps and using the top edges of the glass to mask my shit-eating grin.

  “Oh, my God,” she breathed, sipping her soda. “That was unreal.”

  I winked. “Paybacks, Sunshine.”

  She laughed, placing her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her intertwined hands. “That’s no incentive for me to behave. What you just did is more motivation for me to be bad. Can I be bad to you in the restroom now?”

  My mouth dropped open, and I snapped it closed as our waitress dropped off the check. Before I could figure out if she was serious or not, her name rang out across the restaurant.

  “Daisy!” Mrs. Goldsmith walked up, a stack of takeout boxes of pizza in her arms. “What are you two doing here? I was bringing pizza home for Friday night dinner.” She grinned, not looking the least bit put out, but nonetheless, my stomach flipped.

  “Sorry, Mom. I grabbed a bite with Jon and Ricky. We’ll be home soon.” Daisy smiled up at her mom.

  I snagged the check and scanned it, slipping in money to cover both of our food and handing the bill holder to the passing waitress before she could protest.

  “Where’s Ricky?” Mrs. G looked back and forth, and then down at his empty plate and mug.

  “He just left, ma’am. I’ll drive Daisy home in a few if that’s okay with you.” I moved out of the booth, standing and holding my hand out for Daisy.

  She scooted out, hugging her mom before Mrs. G left for her car. We waited in the lobby of the pizzeria until we were sure her mom’s car was gone, and then I held her hand tightly in mine as we walked to my truck.

  January in Indiana was brutal. The evening turned dark, and the wind whipped viciously around us. I pulled Daisy under my arm, attempting to protect her from the biting cold.

  Inside my beat up pickup, we blew on our hands to warm them while we waited for the old heater to spring to life. When I could feel my fingers again, I pulled out onto the road.

  “Ready to head home?” I held her hand in mine, my thumb drawing circles on her soft skin.

  Daisy didn’t answer. Instead, she leaned over and sucked on my earlobe while her hand moved to my belt buckle, loosening it.

  “What’re you doing?” My body stiffened, both nerves and excitement pulsing through my blood.

  Daisy pulled down the zipper on my jeans. “Pull over. Some place private.” Her voice was husky and low. Just the sound made my heart feel like it might burst from my chest.

  I turned right, heading for the only place I knew would be deserted on a frigid, starless night—the lake.

  Daisy’s hand slid into my boxer briefs, releasing me. I growled as she began to stroke up and down, up and down, a little harder each time.

  The tires crunched against the gravel of the lake parking area as I rolled to a stop. As soon as the truck was in park, I leaned my seat as far back as it could go and her warm, wet tongue swiped the tip of me. My head slammed back against the seat.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this to you. But it’s my first time. Tell me if I mess up, okay?” She looked up at me, her big blue eyes searching mine, a look so vulnerable that it almost ripped me apart.

  My fingers ran through the long strands of her hair. “There’s nothing you could ever do wrong.”

  She smiled and then dropped her head, running her tongue from my root to tip in long, slow strokes.

  “Oh, fuck.” My desperate tone must have spurred her on because she took all of me into her mouth, bobbing up and down.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes from her. She was looking at me, and the sight of my Daisy, taking me into her mouth, watching my reaction to gauge my pleasure, was the most erotic thing I had ever seen.

  “Enough.” I p
ulled her up and away. “Not comin’ in your mouth.”

  She grinned, lifting her skirt to straddle me and my fingers gripped her hips to hold her back.

  “You sure?” Messing around in my truck was one thing, but fucking was quite another.

  Daisy reached under me as I tilted a bit to give her access. She pulled my wallet from my back pocket and fished out a condom. Not answering my question, she ripped it open and looked up to me.

  “Never done this before either.” Her voice quivered just a bit.

  My sweet, brave girl wanted to take charge, but she was new to all of this. I was so proud of her for gathering the courage to try. That, in and of itself, showed me how much she trusted me… and herself.

  I held onto her fingers, helping her roll the condom down the length of me. All the while, I watched her face, taking in the nervousness, then the wonder, and finally the excitement. Daisy moved her panties to the side and lowered her body.

  Holy. Fuckin’. Shit.

  “Oh, God, Jon.” Her hands gripped my shoulders as she continued to lower herself until her ass hit the top of my thighs. “You’re so deep. I feel, I feel…” Her body trembled above me.

  “Hold on. Wait for me.” I lifted my hips to thrust into her, moving her hips back and forth. She got the picture of what I wanted and took over, riding me hard as I matched her with my own moves. My hands grasped those ass cheeks I loved so much, squeezing and kneading as she moved up and down on me.

  “Oh shit. Yes. Yesyesyesyesyesyes,” she chanted, exploding before my eyes.

  As her body squeezed and clenched me, I followed right after with a shout.

  We clung to each other, holding on in a tight hug until rational thought resumed.

  “We never even took off one article of clothing, and that was the hottest sex ever,” I told her with a kiss to her forehead.

  Daisy’s eyes glistened, and her fingers played with the hair on the top of my head. “There are no words for what you do to my body. Only that I want more.” She sighed and moved off my lap, adjusting her clothes and smoothing her hair.

  My hand found the back of her neck, and I leaned toward her. The top and bottom of our lips touched, mouths open, tongues meeting each other before our lips even closed. The kiss was hot as fuck, and I was ready for round two.


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