Running Northwest

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Running Northwest Page 25

by Michael Melville

  “So Dad what do you want to do?” Daniel asked.

  “Well are you hungry or do you want to walk around town for a little while and check out the shops?” Thomas answered with a question.

  “I don’t know Dad what do you think we should do, but I’m not too hungry yet” the boy said basically repeating himself.

  Thomas looked at his watch and then said, “Well Kiddo it’s close to 10:30 now, and I was thinking we could eat lunch in an hour or so. Then we can head over to the beach and walk around there for a while with the dogs. So let’s bum around town for a bit, besides your dad could use some coffee.”

  “Yeah I could use some coffee too Dad,” the boy said as he and his father walked down the sidewalk.

  “Oh yeah, when did you start drinking coffee?” Thomas asked with a little grin.

  “I don’t know, today I suppose” the boy answered with a giggle.

  “Huh well that’s new, well how about you get hot chocolate instead and you can try a sip of my coffee?” Thomas said then adding “kids aren’t supposed to drink coffee you know, it will stunt your growth.”

  “Grandpa says you drank it when you were young, and your growth didn’t stunt at all Dad,” Daniel said.

  “Oh did he really say that?” Thomas said laughing.

  “Yeah, he sure did Dad,” Daniel said smiling

  “Well you can have sip of mine and leave it at that for a few years okay,” Thomas said.

  “Fine,” the boy said mildly defeated but getting a big hug from his dad as they walked.

  After walking a little ways down the sidewalk, they came to an opening on the left side between some of the brown buildings, which housed small shops. Set towards the back down a stone path was a small coffee shop. Thomas had come here many times and it had been a few different coffee shops over the years. It was now called Santos Café and as it had been through several owners was decorated in an Old World Italian style with a twist. He was friends with the owner Paul, but he knew that Paul would not be here for another month or so. Thomas opened the door and was hit by blast of warm air, coffee scents, and baked goods. Daniel went it first, and Thomas shut the door after them.

  Daniel went and sat down on big leather couch surrounded by windows and Thomas ordered their drinks from the young girl who was working. Thomas who needed a pick me up got three shots of espresso and topped it off with coffee, and got his son large hot chocolate. As a man in the coffee business, he kept a close eye on how this girl was making their drinks. At one point in time, Thomas wasn’t afraid to point out other baristas short comings and he had gotten kicked out of a few places over the years for doing it. He toned it down now and just watched; and silently judged. He also grabbed two muffins for them to snack on and after paying and tipping the girl, he went and sat down with his son. The two of them sat and talked about where they were going to go next and as Thomas watched his son scarf down his muffin he was glad he grabbed them. And as promised Thomas let Daniel have a sip of coffee, who after drinking some thought it was gross. Thomas laughed and sipped his coffee as his son went through a magazine about whales.

  After sitting for a little bit Thomas went outside, called the coffee shop, and talked to Tracie on the phone. The conversation had been frustrating because she didn’t say anything but things about the shop. Thomas went back inside after having a cigarette and sat down with his son who was finishing his hot chocolate.

  . . .

  Back down the coast in Tillamook Stephanie drove slowly around town checking out the area. She had passed Thomas coffee shop on her way into town from the north. She had brought some of the info Karen had giving to her to help guide her around. She had also passed Derrick’s and Thomas’ bar called the “Whaleback” and had briefly thought about stopping. Eventually she pulled over into a parking lot near some small shops, got out, and walked. She went into a small souvenir shop and after spending some time looking around and talking to the older lady working she left with a bag full of souvenirs and post cards.

  The lady that was working in the store gave her some pointers on things to do in town, one of which was to see Netarts Bay. Tillamook was a cute town and very working class but small, but it did not have the same feel that Cannon Beach had. There were large chain stores and it seemed everywhere she looked she saw stores that sold fishing supplies. And it seemed everywhere she went people were talking about “the storm” that was coming; one lady even said it could be the worst storm in a decade. After going through a few more shops and trying some of the cheese that was made locally Stephanie decided it was time to go to Thomas’ shop. She had to see it and did not know what she would do if he was there, but she came all this way and she may not come back to Tillamook. She got into her car and drove back the way she had come until she reached The Sunset Café towards the north end of town.

  When she pulled into the parking lot there were only a few other cars there, she noticed an old jeep towards the back of the building and wondered if it was Thomas’. She walked up some stairs and into the front door. Her heart was beating faster than it had in a long time. But after going through the door and not seeing Thomas she relaxed a little bit and headed towards the counter. The girl that was working looked to be in her early twenties and was attractive but who also seemed to be in a mood. The music that was playing was a song by Dean Martin and it made Stephanie smile.

  “Hello, how are you doing today, what can I get for you honey?” the girl asked

  “I’m fine thanks; umm…I don’t know what’s good here. I’ve never been to Tillamook before” Stephanie said as she tried to study the place.

  “Yeah I can tell, well it depends on what you like, since it’s pretty cold and shitty outside I’m assuming a cold drink is out of the question?” the girl said.

  Stephanie laughed at the young girl and was not put off by her language at all. In her head, she was thinking, “I can see why Thomas hired you,” as she stared at the menu.

  “Don’t you know it, yeah Hun something hot definitely? I don’t really know, so why don’t you just make me something creative, I’m tired so make sure there’s lots of espresso in it and make it a big one” Stephanie said

  “All right will do, the adventurous type, huh?” the girl answered as she went to work making a drink.

  Stephanie laughed a little and said, “Well I try.” She looked down and saw a sign next to the register saying the girl who was working was named Tracie.

  “So where are you from if can ask?” Tracie asked.

  Without even thinking about it Stephanie blurted out “Michigan”.

  “Oh really? That’s cool; my boss and his best friend are from Michigan. What part are you from? I think they are from Grand somewhere or something,” Tracie said.

  “Grand Rapids?” Stephanie asked.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Is that where you’re from?” Tracie asked.

  “Oh no, I’m from a town called Traverse City” Stephanie said lying to girl, then adding “but I go down to Grand Rapids quite often.”

  “That’s cool, does it stink that bad there that you Michiganders move all the way to Oregon?” Tracie asked as she laughed.

  “Yeah for some it does, but it has its good points too, but sometimes a change of scenery is nice, you know what I mean” Stephanie said.

  “Oh I do completely, I’m thinking of doing one myself for a bit,” Tracie said as she handed Stephanie her drink and then taking her money.

  “Change is good sometimes, at least I think so. But hey, I have to ask is your boss actually here right now, because I love the music you’re playing and I just wanted to compliment him on it. I am a huge rat pack and old jazz fan” Stephanie said.

  Tracie laughed and said “No, I’m sorry Hun, he’s not, Tom actually went up to Cannon Beach for the day with his son but he may be back later. I’ll pass on the compliment if you would like,”

  Stephanie almost dropped her drink on the ground where she stood because of what this girl had just told her.
What were the odds that Thomas went to Cannon Beach on the same day she came to Tillamook? For a brief second she wondered if Thomas knew she was here.

  “Damn. Okay yeah, just tell him…tell Thomas that I said nice choice in music. Well, I guess I’ll get going and see what else I can find to do here. Hey, this is a really good by the way” Stephanie said smiling to Tracie after taking a sip of her drink. Tracie was looking down at the ten dollar tip Stephanie had left her.

  “Excuse me, can I ask you a question” Tracie said to Stephanie as she was slowly heading towards the door.

  “Sure” Stephanie said nervously

  “You look really familiar, are you sure I have never seen you in town before?” Tracie asked.

  “Positive honey I’m a virgin out this way, never been to the West Coast ever,” Stephanie said with a laugh as she looked at the three other people in the shop.

  “Okay, it so weird I could swear I’ve seen your face. I suppose that happen a lot in my job, I see lots of people every day. Well anyway have a good day, enjoy your trip. Watch out for the storm too it’s supposed to be a bad one,” Tracie said.

  “I will Sweetie and thanks for the drink” Stephanie said as she walked out the door trying not to hurry and got into her car.

  Once inside her heart felt like her heart was coming out of her chest, she was so nervous.

  “How the hell can he be in Cannon Beach?” she said out loud.

  She took a sip of her coffee and started the car. She thought about going to see Derrick at the bar, but decided to just head back up the coast. Stephanie knew it may not be a smart thing for her to go to Cannon Beach knowing Thomas may still be there, but something inside of her would not stop here. The rain was coming down lightly now, but the wind had picked up and as she drove north through town her headlights came on. She put her phones earpiece on and called Karen who was just getting to work back in Michigan and told her what had just happened.

  . . .

  After leaving Santos Café, Thomas and Daniel wandered the streets and shops of Cannon Beach, the ones that were still open at least. They stopped at a small shop that sold photographs and other artwork; most of the photos were taken in the area surrounding Cannon Beach. Thomas found a large black and white print of haystack rock that had been taken in the 1950’s; it had old cars parked on the beach and was a picture Thomas had always liked. He bought two large copies, one for his home and one for his coffee shop. After leaving there, they found another shop tucked away which sold kites among other things; it was called “Once Upon a Breeze”. The building was blue and was by far the brightest building in town, which made it unique among the others. Daniel spent nearly 20 minutes looking at all the different kites they sold, he picked out one that had a whale on it and seemed pleased with his choice. After leaving there and going through a few more shops and one art gallery they walked back to the truck to check on the dogs. Daniel was paranoid about leaving the dogs in the truck; mostly he was worried they would get lonely. Thomas and his son stood next to the truck holding the dogs on leashes and letting them stretch their legs before putting them back in the truck and getting lunch.

  “I don’t know why they can’t come with us when we get lunch Dad” Daniel said as he petted Layla's head.

  “Well buddy the dogs aren’t allowed in restaurants you know that” Thomas said as he knelt down rubbing Harleys head.

  “Well that’s dumb and I don’t like it, the dogs get to come into our coffee shop,” the boy said.

  “Well that’s because your dad owns the coffee shop guy, it’s kind of my prerogative,” Thomas said.

  The boy deadpan stared his father for second or two then said “that’s a big word, don’t know what it means. I hate it when you use big words I haven’t learned yet,”

  Thomas laughed hard not so much at what his son had said but the stare his son had given him, which was about as intense as a nearly 8-year-old boy could manage.

  “It means it’s my choice buddy, it’s my shop so I can say who’s allowed inside, including dogs” Thomas said as he helped Harley get back into the truck.

  “Oh I see, well Dad I’m hungry, let’s get food man. I really wanna go to the beach, I can hear the waves from here” Daniel said.

  “Sounds good to me, I’m starving too,” Thomas said after he put Layla into the truck and shut the door then asking “so, what are you in the mood for?”

  “Well, I don’t know Dad but pizza sounds pretty good, I wish it was nice enough so we could eat on the beach. But I’ll take the huge waves over the sun I think” Daniel said.

  “Okay well, there’s a pizza place just a little ways back down Hemlock Street. It shouldn’t be too busy today so maybe we can give that a shot. We may have eaten there before I think” Thomas said.

  “Hey that sounds good to me,” the boy said.

  The two of them walked slowly down Hemlock Street about a hundred yards to the north. The pizza place they were going to was actually right by Santos Café where they had gotten coffee earlier in the morning. When they walked in the place was not busy at all and they were seated at a table by the front window so they could watch the few people on the street pass by. Thomas decided to get a beer since he was not going to be driving soon and Daniel got root beer in a bottle. Thomas also let his son pick out the pizza and the toppings. Outside on the streets Thomas could tell the wind was picking up in a big way. The sky had begun to darken up and the rain continued to come down in light swaths. Thomas looked over at his son who was watching a lady and her dog walk by and said “I’m glad we brought your rain coat buddy, it looks like we may get wetter than we thought today.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m so excited though Dad; I bet the waves are huge. The dogs are going to love the beach today. I bet there is hardly anyone out there,” the boy said ready to bolt out the door.

  “I bet they are, when we leave here we will go grab some more coffee and hot chocolate to go from the place we went to earlier, then we will go and get the dogs and head over to the beach” Thomas said.

  The waiter brought their drinks and while they waited for their food they sat and talked about Daniel’s new kite. They discussed the idea about putting it together with Derrick when he came over later. After a little while longer their pizza and breadsticks came and Thomas talked to the server about how slow it was, both thought it was the weather. Their pizza had sausage, mushrooms and pineapple on it and Daniel grabbed for two pieces. Thomas was not thrilled about the pineapple and picked it off. They sat and ate and watched people hurry in and off the street trying to get out of the weather and joked about the people that could not handle the rain.

  . . .

  When Stephanie had gotten back into Cannon Beach, she was stressed from the drive up. The rain shot over her windshield in what looked like waves and at one point she was worried she would drive her rental car right off a cliff and into the ocean. The car’s convertible top made the rain sound even louder, but as she got closer to Cannon Beach the rain settled down slightly but the wind was still strong. She stopped at her rented cottage and changed into warmer clothes, the temperature had dropped into the mid-50’s but felt much colder with the rain and wind. Stephanie was staring at the clock on the microwave as she pecked at a bagel; it was almost 12:30 PM.

  For a portion of the drive back from Tillamook, she was on the phone with Karen who was trying to calm her down was at the same time proud of the fact her friend has been so gutsy thus far. Now as Stephanie stood in the kitchen leaning against the wooden counter she was trying to decide what to do next. When she had gotten back to the cottage there was note on the door from Ann who had invited her to have drinks with her and her husband in town later that afternoon. There were things she did need to get from town and wanted to stay close since the weather was getting worse. In her mind she was hoping to see Thomas, but was not ready to talk to him yet; she was actually more scared than anything. After grabbing her pea coat and a pair of dark sunglasses that she didn’t need but
would wear anyway she headed out the door, got in her car and drove the few blocks to downtown Cannon Beach. If it had been a nicer day, she would have walked but she did not want to walk back in a downpour. She parked in a public parking area Ann had told her about behind some bathrooms on the east edge of downtown. She headed across the street after looking at a map of where to go if a tsunami hit which made her laugh albeit a little nervously. She had not really been able to explore the town too much so far and she would like to a little bit today. Even with Thomas and his son in the town she was relying on the fact he would not recognize her right away.

  As she walked down the side walk she kept glancing into windows of the shops as she passed by them, although a few that she had wanted to stop into were closed. Somewhere in town there was a grocery store called the “Mariners Market” that she would have to stop at later on and pick up some things. However, for now she wanted to get some coffee and shop. After looking around to orient herself she decided to go to the coffee shop that she had stopped at earlier in the day called Santos Café. She went down to Hemlock Street and turned to the right, hoping that she was right and that it was down this way and that she wasn’t horribly lost. As she headed north, she saw an art gallery that Ann had recommended to her that she should stop at. The small shop was open so she went inside. What Stephanie found was a store that seemed to be dedicated to Cannon Beach and the area in the form of pictures and other artwork. As Stephanie walked over to large display of black and white nature prints she had a feeling she was about to spend a lot of money.

  After spending about half an hour in the picture shop, she spent over 200 hundred dollars; including the cost of having pictures, that she bought shipped home. One of the prints that she bought was a large black and white of a couple kissing on the beach; behind them were Haystack Rock and the ocean. The way the sunlight was bouncing off the young woman’s hair and water hit her in such a way that she had to have the print. Before she left the store and after chit chatting with the nice girl working there, she got directions to a few places in town. The first of which was the coffee shop, which was about 50 feet down the sidewalk and to the right. It had been a long day so far and she desperately needed some coffee. After drinking the coffee this morning, she understood why Thomas always said the Pacific Northwest had the best coffee in America. Stephanie had a smile on her face as she walked alone, the streets were mostly empty and the air was cool, rainy and windy and she loved every minute of it. She came to the little inlet to the right the girl had told her about and once she turned right she saw the coffee shop directly in front of her. Just the way the buildings looked here and how they fit in together made the town feel incredibly homey. She noticed a few other shops and some small offices as she walked toward the coffee shop called Santos Café. She saw a small pizza place when she turned and the smell coming from it was amazing “I may have to get some before I head back to the cottage,” she thought to herself.


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