Running Northwest

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Running Northwest Page 32

by Michael Melville

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll pay you for the day, so don’t worry about the money. I will call you later and let you know about tomorrow, okay?” he asked.

  “All right, well I’ll call you later and check on you Tommy. I may stop out and see Daniel later tonight if that’s okay,” she said.

  “That’s fine, I’m sure he would love to see you. Be careful out there we are supposed to get more rain I guess,” Thomas said.

  Tracie smiled, a moment later she had grabbed her purse and coat and went out the front door, locking it as she left. Thomas would go out the back entrance that he normally would use. After she left Thomas turned the lights off for the front of the shop, sat in back in his chair and lit a cigarette; a lot of thoughts were going thru his mind. A lot just happened in the last hour and he would need some time to sort out things.

  . . .

  Up in Cannon Beach Stephanie held the door for Ann as the old lady who may have been a little intoxicated made her way out of the restaurant laughing. The rain was coming down a little harder than earlier so the two women stood underneath the overhang. Their conversation over lunch lasted over an hour and the two women talked about all the possibilities Stephanie could do. Ann looked over at Stephanie and smiled and said “damn I’m glad I met you, you’re a hell of a girl. I wish you lived out here”

  Stephanie who was also a little loopy from the booze laughed and said, “I would love to live out here Ann, this town, this place and you and your friends are awesome people. I am going to miss you more than you know”

  Ann smiled and reached around and hugged Stephanie and asked “so what are you going to do, Since I know everything now or at least I think I do; what are your plans?”

  Stephanie was silent then said, “I don’t know, part of me wants to drive down to Tillamook to his coffee shop and see him and try to say something to him”

  “But…” Ann said.

  “But I still don’t know what I would say, and I don’t know if it’s the right time yet.”

  Ann looked up at the sky and said, “The rain is letting up some, we should walk this booze off a bit before I drive. I’m sure Ben is wondering where the hell I am but I told him I was gunna have some girl time with you”

  “Well I’m glad you did, so Ann what do you think I should do?” Stephanie asked as she glanced over at the old woman.

  Ann was silent for change and Stephanie thought that her friend was working things over in her mind so she just kept walking. Finally, Ann said, “well the romantic in me would love to say drive your ass down there and talk to him. However, the realist in me says you might want to wait a while to talk to him. You should talk to your friend Derrick though; I think he might be able to help you if you can sweet talk him a bit”.

  Stephanie’s face went slack, Derrick made her nervous. Not because she was afraid of her old friend but she knew how protective he was over Thomas. By talking to him, it could go very well or very bad, it was an option that worried her.

  “I have known Thomas along time Stephanie; since he got out here to the coast. Now had I known what I know now sooner maybe we could have done something faster to push this along. Nevertheless, He is a smart and honorable man with a big heart; he and Ben talk often as does Ben and Derrick. Your lover boy and his best friend are sort of the hot shots around these parts. There are many people that know them both, and only a few have bad things to say, but you hear rumors about things about all people. However, with Thomas and you, I am willing to bet that whatever was there for him when it came to you all those years back is still there in some way. It is just locked away in a part of his heart, and he had to do that to move on with life. But that sort of thing never really goes away…ever” Ann said smiling.

  What she did not tell Stephanie though was exactly how close she and Ben were to Thomas James. And that a few months after the young man moved back out to the Oregon Coast from Michigan she and Thomas had a conversation on his deck very similar to the one she and Stephanie had been having.

  “There is a lot I have to think about tonight before I leave tomorrow, I wish this was easier somehow,” Stephanie said quietly as they approached Ann’s car.

  “Anyone in love always wishes it would be easier Sweetie, but that’s not how love works. If love was easy we all would get it right with the first try and that is rare,” Ann said then saying as she got into her car, “hop in and I’ll give you a ride back to the cottage.”

  Stephanie got in and they drove south through town and headed back to the cottage near the small more residential part of Cannon Beach. Once there Ben greeted them both with big hugs. He invited Stephanie in for coffee but she declined. Instead, choosing to go into her rented cottage, take a nap, and be alone for a while. Ann and Stephanie hugged each other goodbye and then Stephanie headed for her cottage and went inside leaving Ann and her husband outside alone.

  “So how did it go my nosey little angel?” Ben asked with a big smile.

  Ann looked to make sure Stephanie was inside and said “Oh well babe let’s just say there is a lot you and me should talk about.” Ann said then adding “why don’t we get some of that coffee you made and I’ll tell you about it I’m chilled to the bone, it feels like fall out here” As she headed toward her own home.

  “Sounds interesting, can I have a hint?” Ben asked raising his eyebrows with curiosity.

  “Well Darlin, it seems that our new friend Stephanie is Thomas James’s long lost love” She said with a devious smile.

  “What…you mean our Thomas, Daniel’s dad, the one we sold the Cottage down the way to a few years back?”

  “Mmm hmm the one and the same dear,” She replied opening their door.

  Ben’s eyes got wide and he said, “Well that is interesting, by the way have you been drinking?”

  “Just a little, baby. Now let’s get that coffee and chat” she said as the old couple walked inside and escaping the rain.

  Ben smiled as he followed her inside, and in his head thinking she’s about to get involved.

  . . .

  About three hours later Thomas was sitting in Derrick’s office at The Whaleback. Their day had been busier than they expected with the storm cleanup and the stores were swamped with people which made getting supplies and things for repairs a pain. Erin and Daniel had just left after dropping off lunch for the two men. They were on their way to the bookstore that Daniel was happy to find out was open for the day. Thomas knew his son had a lot going on his mind lately and reading and exploring new things in books helped the boy take off the edge. After Erin and the boy, left Thomas and Derrick dug into their lunches of greasy sausage pizza.

  Thomas had earlier already told Derrick about what happened with Tracie as far as the break up and the conversation they had. Thomas reiterated what she had told him and her reason for being distant and wanting to end things. Derrick was surprised at how well Thomas took it but knew his friend was able to see things for the way they were. He envied Thomas’ ability to totally remove something from his mind when necessary and not think about it anymore. He agreed with Thomas that things were going to be weird regardless of what Tracie believed and chalked that thinking up to her age and being naïve about these sorts of things. Thomas and Derrick both thought eventually farther along things would be fine however.

  As Thomas took a bite of pizza, he began talking again, “So something else weird happened today?”

  “Oh yeah what’s that?” Derrick asked as he reached for another piece of pizza.

  “Tracie thought she saw Stephanie in the coffee shop the other day. She didn’t know her name though and wasn’t sure if was her or someone who looked like her,” Thomas answered.

  Derrick’s eyes got wide and nearly froze in place. “How does Tracie know what Stephanie looks like?” he asked.

  “Like I said she didn’t know her name, but she saw the picture of me and Steph from down in Florida in my room a few weeks back” Thomas said.

  “You still have that thing there
man, isn’t that weird for you. You know having that picture next to the one of Sarah?” Derrick asked.

  Thomas sort of laughed and said, “Yeah I do, I just can’t seem to get rid of it for some reason, I don’t know why.”

  Derrick grunted in a sort of annoyed reply to Thomas since he wasn’t sure how to answer him in any other way.

  “It’s just weird I guess. Between Tracie thinking she saw Stephanie here in Oregon and the woman from up in Cannon Beach that had her perfume on and then the one that watched us on the beach…it makes you wonder”.

  “Wonder what” Derrick asked thinking carefully about how he worded what he was saying.

  “Makes you wonder if she is here in Oregon and why. We haven’t spoken in years…and well who knows how things would go if we did” Thomas said with far off thought of the woman he once loved…maybe still did in some way and always would most likely.

  “I don’t know man, what if she was here. Would you even want to see her, I mean considering everything and how long it’s been since you did see her” Derrick asked cautiously.

  Thomas was quiet and thought to himself for a moment. Derrick already had a feeling about the answer Thomas would give to his question.

  “I don’t know, maybe I guess. It would be nice to talk to her and catch up I suppose. Maybe have coffee and see how she is doing and what’s been going on in her life over the last five years,” Thomas answered.

  Derrick gave his best friend a look that said many things and Thomas understood what it meant.

  “It would be just coffee Derrick don’t get ahead of yourself with what you’re thinking. It has been a long time since I saw her. I stopped being angry with her and got over the hurt a long time ago. However, she was and always will be a big portion of my life, and you know that” Thomas said.

  “Yeah I know, I just worry it would be like opening Pandora’s Box or something like that for you” he said forcing a smile.

  Thomas laughed and said “well yeah without a doubt”. He knew his friend had made up his mind when it came to Stephanie a long time ago. It is not that Derrick hated Stephanie but they were close friends and after watching what she did to Thomas, Derrick lost a lot of respect for her. Thomas believed that people change over time even without realizing it or wanting it, that the older you got the different you became as a person. Derrick was not as hopeful though with certain people and was always suspicious about people that had burned him or his friends in the past. Thomas knew however that Derrick would still occasionally keep in contact with Stephanie, he wondered when the last time it was that they had spoken or he had heard from her.

  As they finished their lunch they talked about business and sports and of course the storm but Derrick could not let go of some of what Thomas had told him when it came to Stephanie. He felt bad keeping some of his thoughts to himself when it came to Stephanie. He himself still was not even sure she was out on the coast; however, he had not taken the time to really find out either. He wondered if he should just for sake of knowing.

  Twenty Eight

  Hours had passed since Thomas and Derrick had lunch at the bar. He had since picked up Daniel at Erin and Derricks home on the other side of town. Daniel as usual had come with a bag full of books. As soon as he and his father had gotten in the truck with the dogs to leave Daniel began rattling off all the books he had gotten, the ones he didn’t but wanted to get next time and what they all were about. Thomas loved to read also but Daniel had gotten his love for books and learning from his mother Sarah, it was something that was special too him. Thomas knew that for Daniel the times his mother would read to him and tell him stories were some of the most important memories his son had of her. Therefore, he encouraged him to read and learn as much as he wanted; Sarah would have wanted that for her son.

  One of the books was about ghosts and ghost stories and was a little different from his normal books about nature and science. Moreover, since he tended to get scared easily, it was a surprise for Thomas. He knew Erin would not let him get anything over his head and inappropriate, apparently though, the book was ghost stories for kids, which made Thomas interested in reading it. Daniel could read grown up books already and was far beyond the reading level of kids his own age in his class. According to Erin, the boy got the book specifically for his father to read to him since he thought his dad might like it also. After Daniel and his father talked about it, Thomas agreed that he would begin reading to him tonight before bed. Even at 8 years old, Thomas’ son still liked being read to sometimes and Thomas himself enjoyed it.

  When they got back to the cottage Daniel went inside and put the books away while his dad began making supper. The two were planning to stay at home the rest of the evening and just hang out and watch a movie or go for a walk down the beach with the dogs. Since the weather was clearing up it might work out. Thomas still had a lot of cleanup to do around the house from the storm and would work on that at some point in the night. Dinner was simple grilled cheese and tomato soup; it was chilly outside, near 60 and windy so Daniel thought that sounded good for dinner. Daniel came out of his room, sat at the table, and began eating.

  “Hey buddy while you’re eating I’m gunna go outside and start picking stuff up from the storm okay” Thomas said.

  “Okay Dad” the boy said as he took a bite of his grilled cheese then adding with a mouth full of food “hey you need help Dad?”

  “Well do you want to help?” Thomas asked.

  “Sure thing, you’re old I should help you. Kids help their parents when they are old,” Daniel said.

  “What…I’m not old…wait who told you that kids help their parents when they get old” Thomas asked with curiosity since it was the second time that day he had been referred to as being old.

  “Oh Grandpa Ed told me,” the boy said smiling.

  “Well did he, huh that’s interesting I guess” Thomas said with a big laugh then adding “okay buddy If you want to help when you’re done put your dishes in the sink, get your coat on and come on out. Bring the dogs with you when you come out and a black garbage bag okay”

  “Sure thing Dad, see you in a few,” the boy said concentrating now on his food. Thomas knew in Daniel time he would be outside in about half an hour. He turned and walked out the door and around to the side of the house facing the ocean, lit a cigarette, and looked around for what too start with…there was a lot to do.

  “Man this is a mess there is crap all over,” he said to himself reaching down to pick up a broken board.

  . . .

  Stephanie stood facing the couch in the living room and glanced out the picture window in front of her. The ocean waves were rolling in now in a calmer manner, the wind blew easier and the rain was lighter. She brushed the hair from her face and smiled as she looked at the scene outside. In front of her on the couch was her suitcase and around it, folded clothes waiting to be put inside. After getting back from town, she took a nap for two hours then went for a walk down the beach with Ann and Ben’s old cocker spaniel as company. It was now getting near 6 pm and by this time tomorrow, she would be on a plane heading back home to Michigan. Outside of seeing her dog Shadow who she dearly missed going back to that state seemed a sort of let down for her. She did not want to leave Oregon for many reasons that she did not fully understand but it was in her gut and that was what it was telling her. She did not know how to handle that feeling and what to do with it. She sighed deeply and looked over at the picture of her and Thomas that she had brought, which was sitting on the table. She went back to packing when there was a knock on the door.

  . . .

  With the help of his son Thomas had gotten most of the garbage and debris picked up from around the house. There was still a few remaining things to do as far as repairs but that would require Derrick helping him and not a 7-year-old boy. The garbage bag was filled with garbage and sat next to the house waiting to be thrown away.

  With the dogs walking beside them, Thomas and Derrick wandered north up
the beach. They walked past the neighbor’s house and inspected it a little more closely. Earlier Thomas had seen a car parked in the driveway and a man walking around the house taking pictures. He assumed it was the owners son who lived somewhere near Astoria. As they walked past Thomas saw the north side of the house was damaged far more than what he had realized. A large tree, which had once been next to the house, was now pushed through the wall and into the upper living room area. He felt bad for his neighbors that their house had been damaged so much more than his own had. However, their son should have come by the house to prepare and Thomas had not seen him there at all in the days before the storm hit.

  The beach was littered with shells and junk from the ocean. Birds were already hard at work disposing of the dead animals that had washed up. It was the chain of life on the coast. In the sand Daniel had seen footprints of other animals that had ventured down from the woods to feed on the bounty the sea had proved. At one point they found what Thomas thought looked like a bear track, which the dogs destroyed in their effort to smell it. Harley smelled the track and lifted her head up looking towards the woods that lined the beach searching for the smell she recognized.

  “Easy girl, that bear is long gone by now” he said laughing as he bent down to pet his old dogs head. “Besides, I think you’re too old to take on a bear now at your age” he added with a smile.

  As they walked, Thomas passed the rock where he and Tracie had kissed the first time. He had been wondering when to tell his son about the break up, waiting for the right time to do so. He figured now is the best time for that. “So Danny I got something I need to talk to you about” he began saying.

  The boy was focused on searching the beach for something interesting that had washed up. Occasionally they found old fishing gear that washed up that the boy felt the need to keep and Thomas eventually threw away without his son knowing it. A few things though had ended up in the coffee shop or the bar as decorations since they were unique.


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