Conquering Lyssa

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Conquering Lyssa Page 7

by Jaden Sinclair

  Lyssa wasn’t sure what he was talking about. And then he started to move. A slow withdrawal, a hard thrust in, and then his rhythm started, one that had her grabbing onto the bed frame overhead and holding on, just like he had told her to do.

  Hard and fast was how Daxis took her right then. Nothing gentle about it. Hell, it felt as if he was trying to conquer her—dominate her completely. That thought alone scared the hell out of her.

  Low growls came from him as he licked, and sucked on the mark. And not once did he miss a beat. He surged into her fast, hard, and she knew the animal inside him was coming forth a bit.

  Letting go of the headboard, she grabbed his arms and dug her nails into his flesh. Then her second climax hit her. She screamed, arched back as he took her hard and fast. Lyssa managed to hang on as wave after wave of untamed passion hit her.

  Darian had told her once, when Lyssa worked hard to get some information out of her, that there would be times when she would experience powerful orgasms. She warned her it would leave her weak, unable to fight or have any kind of control over herself. It was pleasure for the animal inside the males and only true mates could give them that sensation. Of course, Lyssa didn’t believe her, until now.

  Daxis bit down on her shoulder, thrust hard once more and then she felt him swell inside her. He half-moaned, then growled against her shoulder with his release.

  Minutes felt like hours before Daxis lowered her legs, released her shoulder and rolled off her body to lay beside her. Lyssa couldn’t move. She stayed where he left her, staring up at the ceiling, working to catch her breath. With her heart pounding in her chest, her whole body seemed to hum.

  “I still hate you,” she finally said.

  “Get over it.”

  An hour after the incident, and after a long soak in the tub, Lyssa headed down to the dining room for breakfast. She was starving, and thanks to Daxis attacking her again, still sore in places she wanted to forget about.

  Inwardly she groaned when she walked into the room and he was already sitting down. A paper was in one hand and a fork in the other. His father was there, too.

  “Morning, my dear,” Lorenzo greeted her, standing up and going to the middle chair.

  “Morning,” she greeted him back, sitting down and placing the napkin on her lap.

  “Hungry?” Lorenzo asked.

  “Starving,” she answered.

  Daxis gave a grunt. She looked over at him and he sported a grin on his face that he tried to hide with the paper. Instead of giving into the taunt, she turned her attention back to Lorenzo. He handed her a bowl of scrambled eggs, then some bacon, mixed fruit and toast. Orange juice had been poured into her glass and she didn’t hesitate digging in.

  “Well, I’m happy to see some of your appetite has come back,” Lorenzo stated. “I was starting to worry.” She was able to eat in silence for a bit, until Lorenzo began talking once more. “So what plans do you have now that you are out of school? College, perhaps?”

  Lyssa wiped her mouth and reached for her glass of juice. “Well, I’ve not given it much thought.”

  “And now?” Lorenzo asked again, also reaching for his cup of coffee.

  “Think I’m just going to take things one day at a time.”

  Lorenzo nodded. “Understood.”

  Daxis snapped the paper closed and tossed it to the table. Instantly she stiffened, waiting for some kind of an attack from him. “I think you should go to college.”

  “And study what?” She turned to him, narrowing her eyes. “How to be the perfect trophy mate?”

  He narrowed his eyes right back at her. “Now why didn’t I think of that?”

  “Excuse me.” One of the servants came in. “You have a call,” she said to Lorenzo.

  “Thank you,” Lorenzo said, “Excuse me you two, and please don’t tear anything up while I’m gone.” He pushed away from the table, stood and walked out.

  “I swear you can suck life from a room,” she snapped as she pushed away from the table. She started to leave only to have him grab her wrist when she went by, stopping her.

  “Where are you going?”

  She jerked free. “I need some air.”

  As quickly as she could she left the room and headed for the front door. Once the cool morning air hit her face, Lyssa jogged away from the house towards the woods. Only when she was surrounded completely by trees did she stop to catch her breath and try to get herself together. But staying alone for long didn’t look as if it was going to happen. When she heard a crunch behind her, she quickly turned around.

  Daxis stood right in front of her.

  “Are you following me?”

  “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t thinking of running. You did leave the house quickly.”

  “I am running—away from you.”

  He made a tsking sound and shook his head. “Think, Lyssa. That might not be the best of ideas.”

  She sighed, squeezed the space between her nose. “What do you want?”

  “Could think up a lot of things.”

  “Daxis!” She exhaled his name in pure irritation.

  “I’m not going to bullshit you about last night.” He moved to the right and paced around her. “That would be just lying to myself and to you.”

  “Last night was a mistake.”

  “Says who?”

  “Me!” she snapped, turning so she could keep her eyes on him. “It shouldn’t have happened.”

  “Would you have preferred it to happen during your cycle?”

  “That isn’t going to happen either.”

  This time he sounded irritated when he let out a deep breath. “You really don’t have any idea what’s going to happen that night, do you?” She said nothing, only raised her chin at him. “All right, then why don’t you call your sister again and get the inside information. I’m sure she can fill you in on a few things.”

  “And how the hell do you know anything anyway?” she charged. “Have you ever been with another female during her cycle?” Why she wanted to know this bit of information she didn’t know, but the strange thought that he might have had her gut dropping a bit.

  “One of my good friends mated last year. He wanted to prepare me for when I finished our claim as to what you were going to be like that night. There will be no control for you, just like I won’t have any control when my time comes.” He stopped moving around her. “I want you to be prepared.”

  “I don’t have anything to be prepared for. Nothing is going to happen.”

  “Go call your sister.” He walked past her then, back towards the house, leaving Lyssa to only stare after him.

  He was wrong. There was no way in hell she was going to be needing him during her cycle. Nope. Not going to happen. So then why was she following him back to the house? Because she needed answers.

  * * * *

  “Be careful, son,” Lorenzo said. He walked into the library and closed the door behind him. “This thing you’re doing could back fire on you.”

  Daxis stood in front of a table that was positioned next to one of the windows, several bottles of liquor on it. He poured himself a glass of brandy, downed it all and then poured another before turning to face his father.

  “What am I doing wrong this time? Please tell me.”

  “I know you’re pushing her. Push too hard and it goes right out the door.”

  “What would you have me do then?’

  Lorenzo walked up to Daxis and took the glass right from his hand as he was taking another drink. “One thing, don’t drink this hard shit so close to your heat.”

  With a low growl, Daxis moved around his father and went to one of the chairs positioned in front of the fireplace. He sat down with a heavy sigh. “She’s still in denial over what will happen when her cycle comes. How am I supposed to convince her of it?”

  “If she doesn’t want to listen to your advice, it is her choice. You’ve tried.”

  “I won’t stay away from her.” Lorenzo j
oined Daxis, sitting down and crossing one leg over the other. “So don’t ask me to.”

  “Daxis, the only thing I’m asking of you is to not push so much. If you two end up splitting because of it—well, let’s just say it’s not an easy road to come back from.”

  “So what would you do if you were in my shoes then?”

  Lorenzo scratched his chin and looked down at the floor for a few minutes before looking back up at Daxis. “All right, you want to be there, to experience it all, and she won’t believe you. Then I say, when it starts go to her room and just sit there.”

  “You mean do nothing?”

  Lorenzo shook his head, “No, not nothing. Wait. Let it build up in her. Let her own animal wake and seek you out. When it gets bad enough she’ll take care of it. You just stay put and let her come to you.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that. Her cycle and your heat are all about the needing. We seek out our females to help ease our need. It’s the same for the females. Only difference is that with the shot she’s always been given, she’s never felt that need the way we have. As cruel as it sounds, it’s a lesson she might have to learn the hard way, in order for the point to be made. You,” he pointed his finger at Daxis. “Just sit there and let her come to you. Let her make the move and the rest should fall in place.”

  * * * *

  “Darian!” Lyssa called out once the line was picked up.

  “Lyssa, what’s wrong?”

  “I need to get out of here...bad.” Lyssa sank to the floor with the phone. “You’ve got to come get me.”

  “What’s going on? Have you called Mom?”

  “Yes, but she won’t come get me.”

  “And you think I will? I can’t come and take you away from him.”

  Tears filled up in Lyssa’s eyes then. “What really happens during the cycle?” she whispered. “Tell me, please.”

  Darian went quiet for a moment and then spoke low. “Well, um, first the skin becomes very sensitive and the sensitivity continues to build.”

  “I know that part. I feel that every month, but then I have the shot. What does the shot take away?”

  “The needing.” Tears fell down Lyssa’s cheeks at her statement. “As the flesh heats up so do your insides in a way. Every nerve ending between the legs comes alive and, I don’t know, guess you can say wakes up for your mate, or any male, if you’re not mated. It’s why we take the shots. Without them, we could breed with anyone.”

  “What do you feel?” Lyssa’s voice dropped lower and she started to shake.

  “I don’t understand what you want me to say, Lyssa.”

  “What do you feel like doing?”

  “Oh, um, well it’s different for everyone, I think. But then, Mom said what I went through was normal for all females.”

  “And what exactly are you talking about?”

  “God, Lyssa, do you know how embarrassing this is to talk about to my little sister?”

  “Please, Darian, I need to know. I’m going crazy here and Daxis just keeps telling me that I’m going to need him.”

  “You will need him.”

  “Just for sex?”

  “It’s not just about sex, Lyssa.” Darian took a loud breath. “Okay, here it goes. Sex takes care of the inner need. The outer need is different.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s touching and tasting. Rubbing skin against skin.”

  “Oh God,” Lyssa groaned and covered her eyes with a hand as more tears fell free.

  “You’re going to want to feel him against you. You will want to touch him all over, bite him, taste him and maybe even go down on him.” Lyssa thought she was going to be sick. “And once you’ve started that stage and his animal side wakes up and with your scent he will want to tend to your inner needs.”

  “Sex,” Lyssa barely got out.

  “Yes. But he will also ease the burning of your flesh. He’ll touch you where you want and need as well and kiss you. Like his heat, your time will last for hours.”

  “And there’s no way I can get out of this?”

  “Not if he’s taken the shot away, no.”

  “God,” she groaned again, hanging her head down and trying to catch her breath. “I can’t do this.”

  “Look, I know what you’re going through. I didn’t think I could do it either my first time with Nick, but trust me. You can do this. Just go on instinct and everything will be fine.”

  “You don’t understand, Darian.”

  “What don’t I understand?” Lyssa said nothing. “Look, Lyssa, you have to get over this anger you have towards him. What’s done is done. None of us can change this, but you do need to make the best of it. It’s not the end of the world to enjoy each other and to start to like him. You wouldn’t have been picked if you weren’t perfect for him.”

  “It’s coming, I can feel it.”

  “I know,” Darian breathed out. “The full moon is just a day away. Tonight is for both of us now. Once we mate, and the mark reestablished, our bodies link up with the moon. I know you’re scared. I was also during my first cycle with Nick. It’ll be all right. Are you going into this still a virgin?” Lyssa kept her mouth shut. “Lyssa? Are you still there?”

  “I’m here.”

  “Are you?”

  The door opened and she looked up. Daxis stood in the doorway not moving. He didn’t even walk in, just looked at her.

  “No,” she answered. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Please take my advice. Please. It will go so much easier if you do.”

  Lyssa hung up the phone but didn’t move from the floor.

  “Get your answers?” he asked her.

  “Nothing has changed.” Slowly she stood up and faced him. “I’m not doing this with you. End of story.”

  “That choice isn’t yours to make.”

  “And it isn’t yours either!” she yelled. “This is my body, my decision.”

  “Fine, you want to do it all your way, then by all means, let’s do it your way and see how far you get.” He took a step away from the door and then motioned to the side with his hand out towards the door. “Go. Run back to your room. I’m not going to stop you. But I will be close to watch the show.”

  She stopped right next to him, raised her chin and narrowed her gaze on him. “There won’t be a damn show, so stay the hell away from me. You’ve done enough already.” Brushing past him, she rushed up the stairs and back into the room she had slept in the first night in the house.

  Slamming the door behind her, Lyssa leaned back against it and worked to get her breathing under control. Her anger rose fast at what her sister had told her. How little control over her own needs she would have once her heat hit.

  Her hands started to shake and that familiar feeling of tiny fingers running up and down her spine struck. Closing her eyes, she tried to breathe through it and told herself that she could do this alone. Without the shot, she was still going to be just fine. All she had to do was make it without going to him and then she was in the clear. The need was just in her head. That’s all. Her own animal be damned, but she was not going to have sex with Daxis again. End of story.

  Pushing from the door, she started to undress as she walked to the bathroom. Pieces of clothing dropped to the floor, leaving a trail in her wake. Naked in the bathroom she went to the tub, turned the water on, deciding to take a long soak to relax. And if her damn body needed any kind of release then she would handle it herself. To hell with him! She could take care of herself just fine.

  “God, but this was going to be a long night,” she groaned, stepping into the hot water. “Real fucking long.”

  Chapter Six

  Everyone in the house went their separate ways and meals were not eaten at the table but in their rooms. When the sun started to set, Lorenzo found Daxis coming out of the bathroom, wet, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “You taking off?” Daxis asked him while rubbing another towel i
n his wet hair.

  “Yes. And after the full moon, I’m heading to my brother’s place. I need to deal with him and his stealing head on. And I think it might be wise if I’m out of the house for her first moon with you.”

  Daxis nodded. “You might be right about that.”

  “Have you still not spoken to her?”

  “I’ve left her alone. Figured I’d just let it build some before going to her. And I’m going to take your advice and just sit there. I’m going to be close, but I’m not going to force anything.”

  “Good, might be the best thing. If she has need of you, then you’re there for her, but if she wants to deal with this on her own, let her.”

  “And when my time comes?”

  “One thing at a time, son.”

  Daxis nodded. “I don’t have a good feeling about this. I think giving her space is wrong.”

  “Forcing her is wrong. She has to come to terms with everything in her own way. If you keep forcing your will on her then you will only push her further away from you.” Lorenzo glanced down at his watch. “I need to go. Already I can smell her and even though I have no desire to remate, I don’t need to take a chance here with my own animal.”

  “You got your shot?”

  Lorenzo nodded. “Take what I’ve said to heart. Don’t push too hard. Don’t want this to all backfire on you both.”

  Daxis said nothing more. He stayed put, watching his father leave his room. When the door shut, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Lyssa’s cycle had started and he could already pick up the sweet scent of her.

  The entire staff had left, leaving him alone in the house with her. Staying in nothing but the towel, Daxis left his room and headed down to hers.

  Slowly he turned the knob and entered, peeking in first. The room was empty, but a light came from the bathroom. The sweet scent of her was stronger and building. It hit him like a fist in the gut, stealing his breath and making him instantly hard as steel.

  He stood in the middle of the room, eyes closed, inhaling that scent and working to get himself under control. He needed to keep his head together and not do anything that he would regret in the morning.

  Thinking he had control again, he walked to the bed and positioned himself right in the middle of it, legs crossed, arms up over his head. He didn’t even hide the fact that he had a nice hard-on. Maybe five minutes went by and then Lyssa came out of the bathroom, or more like staggered out.


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