Serenity's Dark Beauty

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Serenity's Dark Beauty Page 3

by J. R. Mitchell

  Looking around at the college she suddenly had an idea. Maybe it was time she got some answers. Stepping over the body she headed toward the main building.

  * * * *

  Oscar Wallington had spent his entire life studying vampires and other such creatures of the undead. When he was a child he could have sworn he had seen a vampire. It was his motivation to learn as much about them as he could. To prove that he had really seen it and not just imagined it. Over the years, he had discovered tons of proof but it still did not matter. No one believed him. He became a teacher when he had learned all he could.

  Now he was a mythology professor at the local college. Every one considered him a whack job when it came to his bloodsucker obsession. His only wish before he died was to once again see a real member of the undead. He would be the perfect person for Serenity to consult.

  Like everyone else, she had always assumed he was crazy. Now that she was walking proof of his sanity, he became the only person who could possibly answer her questions.

  The teacher's offices were mostly empty this late but he had a reputation for working into the night so she wasn't worried. This way she also wouldn't attract any attention since the halls were all empty. Reaching his office, she found the lights on and the door slightly ajar. Peeking through the crack, she caught sight of an older overweight man sitting at a large oak desk. His hair, what was left, and beard were white with age. He was wearing a worn linen suit and had a pair of spectacles perched on his stubby nose. The professor was leaning over a large leather bound book, reading something silently to himself. His lips moving as his eyes scanned the pages.

  The story about vampires not being able to enter unless invited was just that. A story. Slipping in without a sound, Serenity was standing in front of the large desk without the professor even realizing it.

  "Greetings Mr. Wallington.” her voice was soft but it still caused him to jump nearly out of his skin.

  "Where did you come from?” he demanded startled. She didn't answer as she moved swiftly around the desk to stand on his right. “What do you want? If it's about my work then you might as well just leave. I'm sick of you brats coming here to laugh at something you could not possibly comprehend!"

  "You needn't worry, Professor. I'm not your average brat.” her voice was like silk as she spoke, eyes glowing gold.

  "What are you?” despite his known beliefs he still seemed shocked.

  "The answer to your prayers.” she smiled showing of her newly acquired fangs.

  "Vampire!” Mr. Wallington jumped from his chair and backed up till he bumped into the far wall. He was so surprised that all he could do was stare at her.

  "Yes,” she answered finding delight in his reaction, “And I need you to answer some questions."

  * * * *

  Garret was in the kitchen eating leftovers when his mother got home. Slamming the front door, Erika stomped into the room. Her eyes were full of rage as she stopped next to him and beat her fist on the table.

  "One of your little friends told me that it was Serenity you kissed at the party and not Penny!” she yelled before he even got a chance to speak. “Why did you lie to me? And why her?"

  "She had on a good costume, whoever told you it was Serenity probably just made a mistake.” he stammered, realizing even as he said it that it was a lame excuse.

  "That won't work Garret, I already thought of it. My informant, who shall remain nameless, said that Penny was passed out on a chair when it happened and she didn't even where a costume! What were you doing with Serenity?” her face was as red as her hair by now. Her hands shook with the barely controlled rage.

  "That is none of your business!” Garret was furious as well. Erika had no reason to treat Serenity the way she did. “She hasn't done anything wrong! Why do you hate her so much?"

  "That does not matter. You know it is against the rules for you to ever see her again!"

  "You can't tell me who I can be with. I'm not a child! It's none of your business!"

  "As long as you live here it is my business and if I ever hear of you so much as smiling at her, I will throw you out on your ass with nothing!"

  "Fine!” he yelled back as he got up and stormed out of the kitchen. Marching through the house, he reached the front door then made his way to his car. Pulling out of the driveway he headed toward the college, he had some friends he could stay with for tonight.

  * * * *

  It took a while before Mr. Wallington sat back down at his desk and smiled.

  "I knew it!” his voice was excited, “I knew I hadn't imagined things when I was a boy. Vampires do exist! With all the evidence I've been gathering, how could they not."

  "Yes. We exist. So what!” she was impatient. “What I want to know is how? How did I become one?” The Professor stared at her as if she were mental.

  "Well you must have been bitten, unless, you were born one."

  "Neither.” she replied irritated. “I was human Halloween morning. Then, that night, after I put on this dress I became a vampire. The guy I bought the dress from said that it used to belong to a real vampire hundreds of years ago. He said she was born and died on Halloween at midnight. The same time I changed!” As she spoke Mr. Wallington's jaw dropped.

  "Lilith!” he gasped. “It had to be Lilith! I can't believe the dress survived this long. It has been four hundred years since her death. Then again it is said that she be-spelled it...” he was rambling.

  "Talk to me!” she yelled slapping him across the face to bring him back to reality. “What are you talking about? Who is Lilith?” He seemed to realize where he was again.

  "She is the vampire who used to own that dress. She is the one who made you.” he sounded very sure.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Lilith was a born vampire. Her parents were vampires and even they feared her."

  "Wait,” interrupted Serenity, “I thought vampires couldn't have children."

  "Normally no. But a mated pair can."

  "Mated pair?"

  "Yes. It is the vampire form of marriage but it goes much deeper. It can only be achieved by two vampires with intense feelings for each other. When they are mated, other vampires can somehow sense it and know to stay away. The mated pair is connected by a bond stronger then any other among their kind."


  "Yes. It's like love for the undead. It is a very rare thing. That is why there are so few of you left in the world."

  "What about Lilith?” she didn't have time to waste listening about some silly bond.

  "She was born as you were told on Halloween. That in itself was different even for a vampire but she proved to be even stranger. She had the power."

  "What power?"

  "Magic power. Separate from the normal abilities of her kind. Not only was she a vampire but she was also a very powerful sorceress. She learned fast. Collecting books on spells and memorizing them. But her vampire side did not react well to her magic. She became twisted. She killed her parents when she was twelve. Their blood was required for a spell that would enhance her magical and physical abilities. She gleefully bathed in the blood of her creators."

  "Being what I am has changed the way I think. What used to be horrible has now become fun. Even so I don't think I would ever do that."

  "The others of your kind agreed. They turned against her. Hundreds of them attacking her fortress home. Not a one of them survived. She had just become too powerful. She slaughtered all who opposed her. The others learned quickly to let her be. Lilith's hunger for blood and power grew. She began killing whole villages and cities. She would take victims back to her lair to torture them. She enjoyed the sound of their screams. She was sadistic."

  "Then how did she die? I mean if she was so powerful."

  "She ruled most of southern Europe for around three hundred years till a group of hunters joined with what was left of her kind. The enemies worked together with the aid of a witch and destroyed Lilith in a fury of fire."

p; "But what does that have to do with the dress?” yelled Serenity irritated again. “And what does it have to do with me?"

  "It was said that Lilith spun the dress herself from magic. She made it to fit herself perfectly. It was the only thing she ever wore. Because of the magic of its making the dress never got dirty or ripped or even wore out. When she was killed the dress was all that was left lying in a pile of ash. Her last words were a curse to bring her back. When the dress is donned by one like her, then on the night of her birth she will return."

  "But she didn't! All that happened was that I became a vampire!"

  "It did work.” his voice was low as if he feared someone might over hear them, “You fit the spell because physically you are like her. Lilith returned in you!"

  "No! I am me and no one else!” her cry was meant to be furious but only turned out pleading.

  "She could not take your mind but she is now a part of your essence. There is no way to reverse the spell. She will live forever in you.” Serenity didn't wait to see if he said anymore. Instead she grabbed the edge of his large desk and flung it across the room. She was already gone before it hit the wall.

  Outside she stopped on the steps. Dropping to her knees she cried a stream of blood.

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  Chapter 4

  Garret had searched the dorms but his friends were nowhere to be found. He was about to leave when he spotted Serenity on the steps. She was sitting with her arms around her head on her knees. He couldn't see her face but from the way her shoulders shook it seemed like she was crying.

  "Are you alright?” he crossed the walkway to stand at the bottom of the steps. Serenity's head instantly popped up when she heard his voice. He was about to apologize for startling her when he notice the blood that streaked her face. “My God, what happened?” he asked in horror. “Are you alright?” Immediately he was by her side. Taking off his jacket he used the corner of a sleeve to wipe the blood away. He searched her face for a wound and was confused when he did not find one.

  "It is nothing.” her reply was too calm. “So you finally found me.” She gave him a smile that seemed somehow malicious and sweet at the same time. Garret's heart skipped a beat. She was so beautiful even with the blood around her eyes. It took a bit before he remembered how to speak.

  "I was worried. What happened the other night? Why did you run off?"

  "I panicked. I knew what Erika would do when she found out so I ran.” She sounded confident as if she no longer had any fear of his mother. She was acting very strange. It was like the Serenity he used to know and this one were two different people. He didn't want her to run again so he decided not to ask about it.

  "She did find out. Actually that's why I'm here. I was goring to stay with some friends of mine but they're not here. I don't think it'll be safe for you to walk by the house for a while."

  "Don't worry about me. I can handle Erika.” she leaned closer to him as she spoke. “I can take care of myself now.” He was having trouble thinking with her so close.

  "I guess you can. You're like her that way.” Serenity snorted in disgust as she leaned back against the step.

  "I am nothing like her or anyone else. I am just myself."

  "What I meant is that you both can take care of yourselves. You're on your own. You have a job and a house. She owns a garage and makes good money fixing cars. You both take care of yourselves."

  "Only I'm broke and as I hear it Erika has a fortune stored away.” she seemed suddenly interested and he wanted to keep her attention.

  "She's nearly got a million dollars saved up. She won't spend any of it. Every dime she makes goes into that safe."

  "Really? Then she probably has a top security system and keeps the codes from everyone."

  "Well she trusts me and my brother. No one else. I don't think Frank even knows the combo to the safe.” He noticed the sky starting to lighten behind the trees. He hadn't realized he'd been out all night. He wasn't tired though. It was like being with Serenity gave him extra stores of energy. She obviously hadn't realized how early it was because the suddenly became nervous as she glanced at the sky.

  "What do you know? Dawn's coming. I have to get going but it was defiantly nice seeing you again. Maybe later we could continue where we left off on Halloween."

  "Yes! I'd like that.” he couldn't hold back the enthusiasm from his voice.

  "I bet you would.” she got smoothly to her feet.

  "Would you like a ride home?"

  "No thanks handsome. I fly faster alone.” then she turned and disappeared into the trees.

  Garret stared at the way she had left for a while before remembering himself. He got in his car and headed home. No woman had ever shaken his confidence or made him come unraveled before. No woman but Serenity Stoker.

  * * * *

  Serenity raced home. The sun was already starting to rise and she had no wish to find out what it would do to her. She had cut it pretty close, but it was worth it. The information she had gotten from Garret would prove to be valuable in her plan for revenge. Erika really did have a fortune stored away. Serenity intended to relieve her of that hard earned cash. It would be fair pay for all the times she had tormented Serenity. She reached the house in perfect time. Running to the basement, she locked the door behind her and found a good hiding spot under the stairs. Then the sun was up and she faded away to death. Her last thoughts were of the look on Erika's face when she discovered she had been robbed.


  Chapter 5

  Serenity rose with the sense that someone was nearby. It wasn't a human someone but another like herself. A vampire. Cautiously she made her way up the basement stairs and out the back door. The night was so beautiful to her new eyes. The moon gave the surrounding foliage a soft luminous glow. She sensed him in the trees. Yes, she was certain it was a him; his aura had a distinctive male tint to it. But what was he doing here? She had not encountered others like herself before and this ability to sense their presence was very helpful.

  Her brown eyes scanned the tree line searching for the visitor. A hint of silver gave him away; it was a glow that should not have been there. The glow was his eyes, she realized as he stepped into view directly in front of her. He was an impressive sight, this male vampire. With long blond hair brushed back from his face and ending past his waist. His eyes, which had quit glowing, were a light gray that almost faded into the whites. His features were perfect with a symmetry that drove women crazy and was only complimented by his skin that appeared so pale that it almost had no color at all. He wore a blood red robe trimmed in black and reaching to his ankles. It's loose fit accented his tall height and well muscled form. Around his waist was a thick black belt that had a leather pouch hooked to one side and a deadly looking dagger attached to the other. She could see the toes of sturdy black boots protruding form the bottom of his robe. The overall effect was very medieval and guessing from his air of confidence, Serenity decided that he was probably old enough to have lived through the 14th century.

  His eyes did not look her up and down as hers did him. He seemed to be merely waiting for her to finish her observations. Serenity hadn't even considered what it would be like to meet others of her kind. This was completely new territory in which she had no clue how to proceed.

  "I am Maverick.” he said once he assumed she had finished looking him over. His voice was clear and commanding, intelligent and confident.

  "Serenity.” was all she could come up with as a reply.

  "There is no need to fear me Serenity. I am not here to destroy you."

  "Why would I assume you were?” His answering smile was handsome and devious at the same time.

  "Vampires are predators. We each claim our hunting grounds. You happen to be trespassing on mine."

  "Well excuse me but I didn't realize this one was taken. Besides I was only recently turned, all this is new to me."

  "I know. You are Lilith's creation."

What do you know about that?” If her nerves were on edge before now they were screaming. How much did he know? And what did he make of it?

  "Enough. I was there when she put the curse on that dress. The others never thought it would come to anything, but I was not so naïve. I've been following the dress. Waiting for it's curse to be complete. I wanted to see her child."

  "You were one of the vampires who joined with the hunters to kill her!” his nod was slight and his face betrayed no emotion. “Then why don't you kill me? I'm supposed to be her reincarnation. Why not destroy me now before I become like her?"

  "She can alter you physically but not mentally. You are still your own person. Besides I have other interests in you."

  "Like what?"

  "Our race is dying, you know.” he took an easy step forward, “More vampires being killed than born. The turned ones are not cautious enough with their power. They keep wanting to show off."

  "The turned ones? You mean like what the Professor said, some vampires are born."

  "Yes. I am such. But for this to happen both parents must be vampires.” he took another step closer, “And they must be mated."


  "I guess you can describe it as the vampire from of marriage. But it is so much more than just a spoken vow. It is a vow of the soul. When vampires mate they are more in connection with each other than with anyone or anything else. And they will remain so for the rest of their immortal existence."


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