War of Two : Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and the Duel That Stunned the Nation (9780698193901)

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War of Two : Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and the Duel That Stunned the Nation (9780698193901) Page 54

by Sedgwick, John

diseases in, 58–59, 92, 107, 124

  duels during, 95

  finances of, 168, 184, 187–89, 232

  Hamilton and, 45, 53–58, 67–72, 74–84, 86, 88, 90–99, 105, 110, 114, 117–27, 130, 135n, 142–43, 155–56, 176, 179, 183–84, 187–88, 203, 207, 224, 229, 297, 331–32, 338, 403

  Hamilton’s wife and, 106–7

  Jefferson and, 202, 253, 286

  Malcolms in, 89–92, 94, 104, 145

  mutinies in, 92, 119

  New York and, 52–54, 56, 67–72, 74–80, 85, 88–90, 96, 103–5, 111, 117–18, 121–22, 125–26, 135–38, 141, 144, 146, 182

  peace negotiations in, 125, 129, 142–43, 177, 265, 305, 356

  planning for peace after, 67, 93

  prisoners in, 81, 89–90, 93, 111–12, 114, 118–19, 122, 137, 202–3

  and retrieval of patriots’ cannons, 70–71

  Rutgers case and, 141–42

  siege of Yorktown in, 121–25, 127, 264, 331

  skirmish along Brandywine in, 86–87

  spies in, 70, 74, 103, 114–15, 122, 141

  Valley Forge encampment in, 90–93, 96

  Westchester County in, 104–5, 127, 165, 220

  and withdrawal of British troops, 135–36, 141

  Reynolds, James, 211–14, 225–29, 255–56, 320

  Reynolds, Maria:

  blackmailing of, 214–15, 227–29

  Hamilton and, 211–16, 225–30, 243, 253, 255–60, 268, 275, 278, 294, 302, 320, 324, 331, 335, 348

  Reynolds, Susan, 320

  Reynolds Pamphlet, 213, 259–60, 294, 348

  Richmond Hill, 72–73, 78, 146–47, 232, 236–37, 241, 265, 281, 298, 326, 334, 338–40, 347–48, 351, 354

  Ring, Elias, 284–85

  Rivington, 70

  Robertson, Robert, 17

  Rodgers, John, 39–40

  Rodney, Caesar, 388

  Rodney, Thomas, 383–84, 388

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 113, 127, 150, 159–60, 232

  Royal Danish American Gazette, 35

  Rush, Benjamin, 188

  Burr and, 219–20

  Burr’s wife and, 237–40

  Hamilton and, 218, 238

  Russell, Mr., 400

  Russian Empire, 148–49

  Rutgers, Elizabeth, 141–43

  Rutgers Case (Rutgers v. Waddington), 141–44, 169, 184, 234

  Rutgers v. Waddington (Rutgers Case), 141–44, 169, 184, 234

  Saba, 35

  Safford, William Harris, 367–68

  Saint Andrew’s Society, 203

  Saint Croix, xxii, 12–15, 29, 31–32, 35–36, 42, 74, 98, 116, 185, 218

  duel in, 36n

  Hamilton’s departure from, 36

  population of, 38

  trade and, 32, 38

  Saint Kitts, 12, 14–15, 17, 29, 36n

  Hamilton’s employment in, 31–35

  Saint Paul’s Chapel, 51

  Saint Simons, 357–58

  Sands, Gulielma, 281–85

  Sansay, Leonora, 319–20

  Sansay, Louis, 319–20

  Saratoga, Battle of, 90, 289

  Schuyler, Catherine, 107, 260

  Schuyler, Catherine Van Rensselaer, 106, 109, 156–57

  Schuyler, John, 108

  Schuyler, Peggy, 121, 186

  Schuyler, Philip, 144, 222, 334

  Burr and, xix, 106, 127

  Clinton and, 178

  and election of 1800, 291

  Hamilton and, xix, 69, 106–9, 117, 119–20, 156–57, 184, 203–4, 207, 213, 221

  land speculation and, 269

  physical appearance of, 69

  Revolutionary War and, 60, 69, 106, 121

  Schuylers, 106, 109, 127, 144

  Hamilton and, 110, 117, 121, 125, 128, 178, 249, 314

  scriptomania, 199–200

  Seabury, Samuel, 55

  Sedgwick, Theodore:

  and Alien and Sedition Acts, 279

  Burr and, 46–47, 51–52, 66, 205, 239–40, 262, 266, 297, 300, 305

  and election of 1800, 297, 300, 303–5

  Hamilton, xv–xvi, 51–52, 205, 293, 297, 405–8, 407

  Revolutionary War and, 66

  Senat, Madame de, 162–63

  Senate, U.S., iv, 48n, 169, 178, 181–84, 194, 251, 268, 323–25, 369, 378, 383, 390, 402

  Burr and, xxi, 204–5, 207, 216, 219–24, 235, 237, 239, 243, 265, 267, 305, 314–15, 348, 357, 359–62

  Chase’s trial and, 359–60

  Hamilton and, xix, 184, 189, 203, 207

  Washington and, 182–83

  see also Congress, U.S.

  Seton, William, 200

  Seward, William, 401

  Shakespeare, William, 28, 128, 368

  Shaw, Gabriel, 365–66

  Shays’ Rebellion, 168, 186–87

  Shelley, Mary, 102, 148

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 148

  Shippen, William, 11, 20–21

  Silliman, Gold Selleck, 78, 88

  sinking funds, 200

  “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (Edwards), 6

  slaves, slavery, 11, 140, 237, 295

  abolitionism and, 30

  Burr and, 165, 359, 381

  Butler and, 357–58

  cruel treatment of, 16–17, 33

  fugitive, 138

  Hamilton and, 29–30, 33, 192–93

  Jefferson and, 191–93, 195, 253, 322

  in Nevis, 15–18, 29–30, 33

  Revolutionary War and, 124

  slave trade and, 16–17, 33

  Washington and, 174

  smallpox, 10–11, 58, 107, 124

  Smith, Dr. Samuel, 27

  Smith, John, 369, 402

  Smith, Melancton, 173, 208, 221, 264

  Smith, Richard R., 222

  Smith, Samuel, 300–301, 318

  Smith, Thomas, 381–82

  Smith, William, 373

  Smith, William Loughton, 257

  Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, 224, 270

  Society of the Cincinnati, 288, 338

  Socrates, 238–39

  Sons of Liberty, 54, 71, 135–36, 147, 165, 221, 264

  Spain, 33, 163, 173, 379–80

  American West and, 356–57

  Burr and, 357, 369–75, 377, 380, 382–83, 388, 390, 393, 395, 397–98

  Hamilton and, 277

  Spanish Florida, 277, 369, 377

  Burr and, 356–59, 370, 372, 375

  Spring, Samuel, 60–62, 65

  Staël, Madame de, 376

  Stamp Act, 38

  State Department, U.S., 185

  Burr and, 205

  Jefferson and, 183, 191, 196, 198, 203, 207

  Sterne, Laurence, 168

  Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 107

  Stevens, James, 31

  Stevens, Ned, 31, 33–34, 45, 52, 83, 218

  Stevens, Thomas, 31–33, 82

  Stirling, William Alexander, Lord:

  Hamilton and, 43, 45

  Revolutionary War and, 43, 72, 79, 93–94

  Stockbridge, Mass., 20, 46, 407

  Burr and, 8, 19, 47, 66

  Burr’s father and, 3–5, 9

  Edwards’s death and, 11

  and wars between France and Great Britain, 6, 8–9

  Stockbridge Indians, 5, 8, 46–47, 147n

  Street, Joseph M., 376

  Stuart, Gilbert, 163

  Style Committee, 170

  sugar, 13–14, 16, 29, 32, 38

  Supreme Court, N.Y., xviii, 127–28, 178, 208, 273, 282

  Supreme Court, U.S., 25, 48n, 65, 9
7, 169, 222, 250, 359, 387–88

  Swartwout, Henry, 268, 288, 302

  Swartwout, John, 221, 268, 288, 302, 308

  duel between Clinton and, 317–18

  hiding of, 350

  Swartwout, Robert, 268, 288, 302

  Swartwout, Samuel, 268, 288, 302, 348, 376, 379–80, 383, 387–88

  Sweden, 396

  Swift, Jonathan, 156

  Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de, 236, 265

  Burr and, 398

  Hamilton and, 28, 398

  Quasi-War and, 275–76, 291

  Tammany Hall, 288

  Tappan family, 144

  taxes, 168, 199, 225

  Hamilton and, 130, 187, 198, 242, 279

  Revolutionary War and, 52–53

  Tayler, John, xvii–xix, 332–33

  Tea Act, 38

  Tennessee, 362–65, 369–70, 372

  Thayer, Captain, 63

  Tilghman, Tench, 80

  Todd, John, 217

  Tontine coffee house, 138, 324, 341

  Townsend, Peter, 303

  trade, 199, 275

  duties and, 38, 166–67, 180, 185, 225

  Hamilton and, 31–35, 38, 67, 93, 171–72, 185, 192, 225

  New York and, 45

  Revolutionary War and, 53, 55

  slave trade and, 16–17, 33

  smuggling and, 185

  sugar and, 13–14, 16, 38

  West Indies and, 13–14, 16, 32, 38

  Treasury Department, U.S., 183–91, 303, 308, 322

  Burr’s conspiracy and, 373

  Hamilton and, 45, 132–33, 146, 184–91, 196–201, 204, 207–8, 213–14, 218, 226, 228, 230–31, 242–44, 249–52, 255, 259, 275, 309–10, 327

  Reynolds and, 213–14

  Treaty of Paris, 129, 142–43, 177, 356

  Trenton, Battle of, 79, 83, 90

  Trespass Act, 142, 144–45, 167

  Trinity Church, 137, 157, 241, 250, 343

  Troup, Robert:

  Burr and, 51, 105, 299, 317

  and election of 1800, 290, 294

  Hamilton and, 51–55, 128, 136, 139, 142, 179, 201n, 202, 249, 251, 257, 277, 289, 294, 313

  legal career of, 142

  Revolutionary War and, 53–54, 56

  Reynolds affair and, 257

  Trumbull, John, 18, 109–10, 195, 338

  Truxtun, Thomas, 349, 354–55, 374, 390

  Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 93

  Valley Forge, Pa., 90–93, 96

  Van Buren, Martin, 326

  Vanderlyn, John, 298, 319, 398

  Van Gaasbeck, Peter, 146, 216–17, 221

  Van Ness, John, 317

  Van Ness, William Peter, xx, 316–17, 335–37

  and duel between Hamilton and Burr, 339–40, 341n

  murder charges against, 350

  Van Rensselaer, Philip, 127

  Van Rensselaer, Stephen, xviii–xix, 222, 269

  gubernatorial campaign of, 308, 310

  Hamilton and, xix

  Van Rensselaers, 109, 144

  Varick, Richard, 249, 272

  Venable, Abraham, 228, 256, 258–59

  Ver Plank’s house, 146

  Vidal, Gore, 333n

  Vigilant, 400

  Vindication of the Rights of Women, A (Wollstonecraft), 102, 149–50

  Virgil, 164

  Virginia, 129, 208, 228, 230, 255, 259, 300, 308n, 392

  and Alien and Sedition Acts, 279

  Burr and, 220, 325–26, 381, 388–90

  Constitutional Convention and, 169

  Constitution and, 172

  Hamilton and, 81, 166–67, 218

  Jefferson and, 130, 192, 194, 196–98, 234, 253–54, 258, 279, 292, 322

  national capital and, 196–97

  Washington and, 58, 68–69, 95, 174, 177

  Visme, Catherine de, 128

  Volney, Compte de, 265, 398

  Voltaire, 113

  Volude, Nathalie de Lage de, 162–64, 265

  Waddington, Joshua, 141–43

  Walker, Betsey, 194–95

  Walker, John, 194–95

  Walterstorff, Ernst Frederick, 36

  War Department, U.S., 293, 303

  Knox and, 183, 185, 207–8, 256

  War of 1812, 14n

  Washington, George, 43, 146, 192, 206, 265, 299, 388

  and Bank of the United States, 198–99

  Burr and, xxi–xxii, 58–59, 73, 76–78, 88, 91, 94, 104–5, 111, 205, 220–21, 236, 239, 268, 277–78, 287, 315, 323, 382

  cabinet selections of, 183–85, 191, 193

  celebrating birthday of, 315

  Constitutional Convention and, 168

  Constitution and, 176–77

  currencies and, 201

  death of, 234, 252, 280–81, 343

  and Declaration of Independence, 75

  fame and popularity of, 175–76

  farewell address of, 252–53

  farewell to officers of, 136–37

  funding Continental Army and, 129–30

  Genet and, 232–33

  Hamilton and, 74, 78–84, 86, 88, 90–91, 93–98, 106–7, 109, 114, 117–21, 123, 129–30, 132–33, 136, 156, 158n, 170, 174–76, 182–85, 189–90, 193, 196, 199, 207, 218, 228, 233, 240, 242, 249–50, 252, 254, 257, 276, 309, 331–32, 343

  illnesses of, 81–82, 175, 190, 279–80

  inauguration of, 132–33, 181–82, 184, 186, 250

  Jay Treaty and, 250, 252

  presidency of, 174–78, 183–85, 187, 189–91, 193, 208, 210, 232–34, 249–50, 252, 268, 307, 309–10, 332

  provisional army and, 276–77

  Quasi-War and, 351

  retirement of, 252

  Revolutionary War and, 58–60, 62n, 68–69, 72–88, 90–97, 104–7, 111, 114, 117–23, 174–76, 183–84, 236, 332

  semiretirement of, 174–75

  threats against, 74, 92–94, 104, 177

  and withdrawal of British troops, 135–36

  Washington, Martha, 97–98, 119, 174, 182, 219, 279

  Washington City, 181, 263, 309, 381

  Burr and, 305–6, 317–19, 353, 359, 362, 364, 382

  and election of 1800, 298, 301, 303–4

  physical appearance of, 295

  Washington Federalist, 360

  Watkins, Joseph, 284–85

  Watson, James, 221

  Webster, Daniel, 189

  Weehawken, N.J., 317, 404

  duel between Hamilton and Burr in, xvi, xxi, xxiii, 246–47, 340–41, 347, 392, 401, 403

  Weeks, Ezra, 282

  Weeks, Levi, 281–85

  Werring, Mrs., 321

  Westchester County, N.Y., 55, 104–5, 127, 165, 220

  Western Inland Lock Navigation Company, 269

  Western World, 376, 379

  West Indies, xxii, 12–18, 36, 39, 116, 274–75, 332

  slavery in, 15–18

  sugar and, 13–14, 16, 32, 38

  West Point, N.Y., 114, 151

  Wharton, Mr., 362

  Whigs, 143–44

  Whiskey Rebellion, 242

  Whitefield, George, 61

  Wickham, John, 388

  Wilkinson, James, 360–62, 376–84, 402

  arrests made by, 383

  Burr and, 344, 351–54, 357, 361–62, 365, 370–72, 376–77, 379–84, 387–89, 391

  Hamilton and, 351–52

  military command of, 351–53, 377, 379

  Ohio River tour and, 365–66

  West and, 352–53

  Willett, Marinus, 221, 264, 350

  Williamson, Charles, 249, 354
–56, 372

  Wills, Garry, 357n

  Windy Hill Manor, 383

  Winstanley, William, 175

  Wirt, William, 390

  Witherspoon, John, 23, 35–36, 44–45

  Wogdon, Robert, iv, 109, 338

  Wolcott, Oliver, Jr., 228, 275

  Wollstonecraft, Mary, 102, 113, 149–50, 237, 297, 319, 394

  Wood, John, 316–17

  Woodbury, Levi, 48n

  Wright, Francis, 320

  XYZ Affair, 276, 311

  Yale University, 5, 275

  Yard, James, 31

  Yates, Robert, 178–79, 204, 221

  yellow fever, 12, 127, 201n, 217–18, 238, 271–72

  York Gazette, The, 127

  Yorktown, Va., 155

  siege of, 121–25, 127, 264, 331

  withdrawal of British from, 135

  * The cruel duplicity finds its way into James Fenimore Cooper’s novel The Last of the Mohicans.

  * Back in 1750, when Belcher had been stricken with “the Common paralytic disorder,” or palsy, he had, at Burr’s instigation, been given shock treatments inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s electrical globe. His health, however, only worsened.

  * John Church Hamilton was Alexander Hamilton’s fifth child and the one most devoted to his memory. William Henry Harrison’s aide-de-camp in the War of 1812, he married the daughter of a wealthy New York merchant, freeing him to write a series of unreadable tomes about his father, and to place a bust of him in Central Park.

  * Davis compiled his memoirs shortly after Burr’s death—and after Burr had been charged with both murder and treason, which may have colored Davis’s judgment.

  * Another one was about a duel involving a Colonel Gardiner who, when challenged, retorted: “I have courage to fight with feeble man, but I am afraid to sin against Almighty God.” This would be Hamilton’s attitude later.

  * By one account, he had ended up on the tiny Caribbean island of Bequia, not far from the South American coast, where he had somehow acquired twenty-five acres of land that proved useless, as sugarcane could not be grown. He likely died there of starvation.

  * It’s not clear what Hamilton took with him, but he likely took this: the story of an unusual duel. Although it had taken place three years before Hamilton was born, it was a legend on the island. It involved a peppery local lawyer named John Barbot and a brusque planter from Saint Kitts, Matthew Mills. Squabbling over a piece of land, Mills called Barbot “an impertinent puppy,” a remark that brought the men to the dueling ground. There Barbot rushed his fire and shot Mills in the chest, killing him instantly. While duels were legal, it was not allowed to practice ahead of time or to shoot a man before he was ready. A jury found Barbot to have done both, and it sent him to the gallows.


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