Tank (The Bad Disciples MC Book 3)

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Tank (The Bad Disciples MC Book 3) Page 22

by Savannah Rylan

  But he didn’t really have that kind of time. And thinking about Teegan would have distracted him on the course anyway.

  He decided to head to the gym and lift. He hadn’t had time to really get a good grueling workout in the past few days and he could feel it. He had less energy and he was starting to not want to work out. So off to the gym he went.

  He called up his personal trainer Danny and the man put him through his paces until he was so tired he could barely stand under the weight of the barbell. Afterwards he cooled down with a good stretching program and then heated back up with a relaxing dip in the Jacuzzi.

  By the time Teegan arrived he would be feeling better than ever. That was the key. He wanted her to see the real him, the guy she’d met the other night. Not the man who’d been pining over her for days and fighting for the crown that should have been his with no delay.

  Before he knew it the time had come.

  His secretary knocked on the door of his home gymnasium which had been equipped with several luxury designed yoga mats. Soft music wafted down from the speakers in each corner of the room. And the sweet smell of honey glazed potpourri mingled in the air. He’d made sure that everything was perfect.

  It was crucial to set the right ambience. It needed to be romantic, but still conducive to a productive yoga session. It was important that she see he was serious about learning a new skill that might take his physical, spiritual, and his mental health to even greater heights.

  “Yes?” He answered.

  She walked into the room with an almost annoyed expression on her face. Cort wasn’t sure exactly what her issue was, but he figured it had something to do with the news of his possible pending nuptials, although he’d mentioned nothing of it personally to any member of his staff. He knew that his secretary had always had a thing for him. She was sexy and just the type of woman he usually went for, but he was not about to break his rule and date someone he worked with. It was a bad idea all around.

  “The Yoga instructor is here to see you. Teegan Norton,” she said.

  Cort smiled. He felt a wave of giddiness wash through him that he found difficult to ignore. His lungs filled with a slow deep breath and he kept his composure light yet professional.

  “Great,” he replied as he went into a slight stretch. “Send her in.”

  He couldn’t believe this time had really come.



  Teegan’s legs felt like jelly. She could hardly place one foot in front of the other as she scrambled along behind the secretary. The only thing that helped at all was how distracted she was by the secretary. She was supermodel gorgeous. Had Cort and she ever did anything? Oh, she was dying to know, but she didn’t dare ask. It wasn’t really any of her business any way was it? Still how could a man with Cort’s obvious amorous appetite (she’d read all about the rumors; He was something of a playboy according to all the articles she’d been able to find) possibly be that close to a woman constantly and not sleep with her? She tried to push the thought out of her mind, but she knew that it would gnaw at her until it drove her crazy. She made it a point to ask Cort sometime.

  Teegan was led down a long hallway that looked something like an elongated trophy room. It almost reminded her of a boarding school. On one side of the room were trophy cases with different awards and several types of photo collages. She wanted to stop and look but the secretary was walking too quickly and Teegan did not want to fall behind. It was important she maintained the businesslike façade and stayed focused. She could not pretend to be star struck. This woman had probably seen it all before and Teegan did not really trust that she was being taken to Cort until he was actually in her presence. Self-doubt filled her mind. She was so nervous. Was she actually about to see him again? This man who’d driven her crazy since the moment she met him.

  She followed through a large double door and into a large gymnasium. It was equipped with basketball hoops, a soccer net folded up in one corner, some bleachers on one side, and large mirrors hung on the other wall. Teegan instantly felt even more self-conscious than she did a moment ago. She was starting to sweat profusely, her hands were shaking, her heart was pounding in her chest, and her feet kept trying to trip over each other. A small wave of nausea started to settle in as well.

  This was a horrible idea. What had she been thinking? When had she ever listened to Ellie? This was ludicrous. Cort was going to see right through her. He was going to think she contacted him only because of the news that was everywhere. He was never going to believe that she “accidentally” deleted his number and his voicemails. The man was a prince; he was not stupid.

  “The Prince will be right with you,” the secretary said. She looked at Teegan up and down quickly and gave a barely audible snort before walking away. It looked more like a sneer. Teegan had a sudden impulse to yank the skank’s hair out.

  Teegan stood in the gymnasium for a few minutes. She was frozen stiff. Her legs felt like they weighed a ton. She shouldn’t have come here. She wanted to just run away right then. Cort would never have to see her and he would never have to give her that judging look that she knew was coming, the one she’d seen in her mind over and over again since she’d decided to follow through with this insipid plan. What was wrong with her?

  She just needed to breathe. It was all going to be ok. There was no reason for her to be so crazy paranoid. It would all work itself out somehow. She just had to breathe easy. That’s all.

  A door in opened just then in the corner of the gymnasium. It was partially obscured by the bleachers creating a darkened shadow and the low levels of light in the gym. The window shades were drawn and the lights hanging from the ceiling appeared to be on low.

  It was then that she noticed the soft music playing in the background. It had suddenly become a bit louder. It was soothing, sexy, and pulsating. She found her hips wanting to sway to it slightly and her feet tapping gently to the beat.

  And there he was.

  Cort was walking towards her now, slow, nonchalant, steady, and even sexier than she had remembered him being. Of course she was one hundred percent sober now and she was nervous as hell. All of her senses were acute, standing up on high alert.

  He was wearing a slight smile on his face, his hair perfectly combed back revealing every single detail of his handsome features. He was dressed in pair of tight shorts and an even tighter T shirt that clung to his hard body almost detailing every single ripple of his washboard stomach. Oh, his body was so tight, so perfect.

  Teegan bit her lip trying to calm her raging hormones down. She needed to remain cool and confident, like she was when she met him. That was the girl he liked. He did not want this sputtering mess of nerves standing in front of him.

  She was slightly worried now about her own outfit. She should have worn something not so sexy. The tight, black, spandex tank top and form fitting yoga pants did not leave much to the imagination. It seemed like a good idea at the time. All that hid her sexy outfit currently was the zip up hoodie that she’d worn over top. She didn’t even remember when she’d unzipped it, but now there she was with her large cleavage hanging out to give him an eyeful as she pretended it was a total accident.

  “Well, we meet again,” Cort said with a smile.

  He was standing in front of her now. The strong, musky fragrance of his cologne was enticing to her senses. She just wanted to glide her tongue along every inch of his delicious body. How had such a perfect specimen of a man been created?

  “So, we do,” Teegan smiled. She was starting to feel much better. Somehow now that she was there and they were actually engaging in real conversation all of the nerves that had been almost paralyzing a moment ago were now just drifting away. She almost felt normal for the time being.

  “I was frankly a bit surprised that you didn’t call,” Cort said. “And even more surprised when you arranged this little get together.”

  Teegan smiled wider. “Well, I thought this would be more fun. I’m not reall
y much for phone chatting.”

  “I agree,” Cort replied. “So, are we ready to get started?”

  “Oh, yes,” Teegan said.

  She realized that Cort was stepping into her personal space now, slowly with purpose and a steel gaze in his eyes that was borderline hypnotic.

  “How did you know I wanted to learn yoga?” Cort asked, his voice now barely above a whisper. He was standing over her now, looking down.

  Teegan’s breath began to come and go in short little spasms. It was almost difficult to speak.

  “I just had a feeling,” she said.

  Cort’s mouth was on hers then, almost before she could even get the words out. His heavy, thick, sweet lips were pressing firmly against her own as she tried to keep up with his rugged passion.

  His hands were behind her now, resting on her lower back, and pulling her close to him. His tongue jutted in and out of her mouth drawing her own out, flesh probing succulent flesh wiggling together in a sweet dance of lust. He was suckling on hers now, dominating her mouth, sucking on her allowing her to taste his sweet breath as he tried to swallow her own.

  She was getting so wet. Her panties were clinging to her body as her juices began to flow, getting her body ready to be taken by him any way he chose. She wanted to give it all to him. He owned her right then. There was no hesitation, no doubt, no fear or anxiety anymore. She belonged to this man and she knew without question that she would follow him to the end of the earth and she never wanted to be away from his side.

  Cort lifted her body up right then and firmly but with great care placed her on the matted floor beneath them. He began to kiss her all over moving from her mouth to her chin, then the neck finding the jugular and following her racing heart beat down towards her shoulders. His massive hands quickly ripped the hoodie from her body giving him access to her flesh.

  He kissed her chest, gliding his tongue over her. He moaned as he tasted her skin, savoring every single inch of her as he now moved down to the area between her breasts.

  Cort quickly in one short movement grabbed the front of her tank top and yanked it to shreds, ripping it from her body. Her chest was now free and smothered by his lips, his tongue, his large hands squeezing and massaging them.

  Teegan had never had it like this. This passion was perfect. It was savage and unbridled, like a rabid animal that had been caged up for too long. She felt the same way. She wanted to assist and move him even harder, faster, and more frenzied, but she just laid back and let this man make love to her. She knew that he would take her to newer heights of total bliss than she’d ever dreamt of before.

  And that was exactly what he did.

  Cort flipped her body over quickly and yanked her pants and underpants down. No sooner did she feel the cool air on her naked backside then she was reintroduced to his throbbing member penetrating her wetness.

  She was so wet that he just slid right in filling her to the brim with thickness. Teegan lay there trying not to scream with the ecstasy that was fulfilling her every wild dream. Cort was ramming her deeply and with an intensity that was almost frightening, but she had never felt safer in her life. She’d never felt more desired, more protected, or more loved.

  It was the most beautiful experience she ever imagined she would have.

  And when they came together almost in perfect sync she knew that this was the beginning of the perfect life she’d been searching for.



  Cort was only vaguely aware that the door to the gymnasium was not locked. His Secretary or anyone for that matter who might have walked in right then usually knocked first, but what if they decided not to? That would have been quite the sight to see he and the beautiful new Yoga instructor lying naked together after the most amazing sexual experience he’d ever had.

  It felt good to lie there nude with the cool air conditioning blowing down on him, his sweaty body beginning to cool down, and the gentle brush of air against his now sore groin. His heart was just beginning to settle back to its normal rhythm. He thought for a moment he was going to have an actual heart attack and he didn’t care. He just had to be with Teegan. He’d been dreaming of this for days and when he finally saw her standing there looking even more ravishing than he remembered all of the feelings that he’d had to keep bottled up inside of him came barreling out all at once and they merged together into a savage lust that knew no bounds.

  “Well, I have to say I think I’m going to like Yoga,” Cort joked.

  Teegan smiled and snuggled closer to him, her head resting on his chest. She fit perfectly against him. And he hoped she would never be far from where she was then. He felt like he’d lost her once and he was damned sure to never let that happen again.

  “I think you are a fast learner,” Teegan said. “I take it I do have the job, right?”

  “Well, I am interviewing some other applicants, but I think you are definitely at the top of the people I am considering,” Cort said.

  Teegan slapped his chest playfully. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her deeply on the mouth.

  “So, why didn’t you return my calls?” Cort asked. He hoped he wasn’t sounding whiney but he had to know what happened. Was she that good at playing hard to get?

  “I was at a yoga retreat out away from civilization for three days and they took our phones,” Teegan said.

  “Ah, I guess that explains it. You had me a bit worried,” Cort said. “I thought I blew my chance with you.”

  “What? Why would you think that, Mr. Prince?” Teegan said with a giggle.

  Cort rolled his eyes. Busted.

  “I was wondering when you were going to bring that up,” he said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Being Prince has its advantages and I love what I do, but it does have its drawbacks. My personal life happens to be one of them. Do you know what it’s like to be with someone and to not know if they actually like you or the fact that you are The Prince? I just wanted to go out and be an anonymous guy for once. I do that periodically. It usually doesn’t last long until someone recognizes me, but when I saw you and you are American, I knew that you were clueless about who I was.”

  “I can understand that,” Teegan said. “But what else did you lie to me about?”

  “I do surf. I love music. I am a songwriter, but I don’t play for anyone. If I ever did play for people it would be like some kind of a sideshow.”

  “Why? If you have a passion or a talent then you should follow it.”

  “It’s different when you are Prince. You are expected to adhere to a certain way of behaving and being in the spotlight. And playing guitar and singing is not it.”

  “I guess that makes sense, but I still would love to hear you sometime.”

  Cort smiled. “Ok. I might play for you one day.”

  “That would be nice,” Teegan said. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “Deal,” Cort replied. “So, when did you find out who I was?”

  “I saw you on television. The whole marriage thing. I think that’s a pretty sucky way to do things. You deserve to be King. It’s your birthright. You shouldn’t have to be married to assume the throne.”

  “Thanks, but that is the way it’s going to be. I’ve spoken with my advisors and with the Parliament. The Council has made up their minds and the rule still stands.”

  Teegan kissed him softly and snuggled up closer to his chest. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  He could tell that she really meant it.

  And something about the way she said it told him that she really cared for him every bit as much as he cared for her.



  As Teegan lay there with her head on Cort’s chest listening to him tell her about how difficult his life was right now she felt so sorry for him. The internal pain and struggle that he was going through was something she could hardly begin to fathom, but she wanted to. She wanted to know what made him tick, who he really wa

  But there was so much of himself that he kept guarded away. She supposed that was the way he’d been forced to live his life being The Prince. He had to be two people almost all the time. There was the public face of being part of the royal family and then there was the private him. She felt like she was getting a small glimpse beneath the surface but she wondered if she would ever know the real him.

  And she wasn’t sure if he would ever really let her.

  “So, if you don’t get married by your birthday then the crown goes to your uncle?” Teegan asked. She’d done some research and this was about all she’d been able to find out in the news.

  “Yeah. The man is a total moron and I know he will set out nation back several years if he becomes King.”

  “That’s horrible,” Teegan said. “And the Parliament can’t see what a bad idea this is?”

  “They do. They are smart men who realize exactly what a bad idea it is, but they are also shrewd. With a King like my father, and a king like I would be the Parliament knows that I will change things for the better. Our nation will continue to progress, but they want things to remain the old way.”

  “Why? Why are they so against change?”

  “They are against it because they want to remain in control. Even though my father is King he has to constantly fight with the Parliament to get things done. They cross him at every point. He is a champion of the people and this goes against what the Parliament is all about.”

  “What are you going to do?” Teegan asked.

  She held her breath waiting for the answer. That was a dumb question to ask. She knew the options were limited, but a part of her wanted to know where she stood. But she was also terrified of the answer. What if he actually asked her to marry him? Would she say yes?

  “I don’t know,” Cort replied. His voice sounded full of strain and worry. It was the first time she’d ever really heard him sound scared.


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