Certified Disaster (Beautiful Mess Book 2)

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Certified Disaster (Beautiful Mess Book 2) Page 5

by Preston, Jennifer

  The cabin doors opened, and it took everything in her not to rush out of the plane, trampling everyone in her path. Cole’s fingers twined through hers, and he gave her a sympathetic smile as they waited patiently, and finally made their way off the plane. As Bri entered the terminal she began scanning the crowd. Her eyes instantly zeroed in on the tall, dark haired girl rushing towards them.

  “Bri!” Layla squealed. Bri dropped her bag and ran to her. They met in the middle of the hall, colliding into a hugging mass of laughter and tears.

  “Oh, I’ve missed you.” Bri knew they were making a spectacle of themselves, but she didn’t care.

  “I’ve missed you more, girl.” Layla finally pulled back, wiping tears off her cheeks, to look at Bri. “You don’t look too different. Glad to see you haven’t done anything drastic without me.”

  “Thanks, Lay. You look fabulous, as always.” And she did. Leave it to Layla to come to the airport decked out like she was on her way to some exclusive party.

  “Hey, what about me? What am I, chopped liver?” Devon smiled as he stepped up beside Layla and opened his arms to Bri. Laughing, she hugged him.

  “You’re looking good, too, Dev. But I think you’ve put on a few pounds since I saw you last.” She teasingly patted his flat, hard stomach. “Seriously, though, you’ve been working out.” She noticed how much more toned and cut he was.

  Layla lifted Devon’s shirt and ran her hand over his six pack. “I know, right?” She smiled. “It’s hard to keep my hands off.”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Devon removed Layla’s hand and pulled his shirt back down. He was trying to be cool, but his face was bright red.

  “There is another perfect specimen of a man over here for you two to drool over, you know.” Cole’s wry voice drew their attention. “I mean, why should Devon get all the attention, when I’m right here?” he flashed them a cocky smirk before Layla pulled him in for a hug.

  “Oh, Cole, you know you’re still as sexy as ever,” she consoled him. “Ooh, and you’ve been working out, too.” She rubbed her hand over his stomach appreciatively.

  “Easy, girl,” Devon pulled Layla back to him. Devon turned to Cole, and they did the whole cool guy, bro hug thing. “Hey man, good to see you.”

  “Well, you guys are probably starving after your long flight. Let’s go grab some food before we have to board,” Layla offered. They had about forty-five minutes before their flight. Bri snuggled into Cole’s side, completely happy and content as they followed Layla and Devon through the terminal.

  They talked and laughed while they ate, getting caught up on each other’s lives, and sharing stories. When it was announced that their flight was boarding, Layla stopped them outside the gate.

  “What seats are you guys in?” she asked Cole.

  Cole pulled out his and Bri’s tickets to look, and Layla snatched them out of his hand.

  “Sorry,” she smiled at him, not looking sorry at all. She handed him her and Devon’s tickets. “I am stealing Bri, and since you guys have better seats, we’re taking yours.” She linked her arm through Bri’s in solidarity.

  “Wait, what?” Cole was about to object, but Layla cut him off.

  “You get her all to yourself every day. I only have her for a few days, and I am going to maximize my time to the fullest. So, that means that Bri and I are going to sit together, and you and Devon are just going to have to deal with that. Right?” she turned to Bri.

  “Right,” Bri smiled back. Layla raised an eyebrow at the boys, daring them to disagree. But they all knew better than to argue with her.

  “Alright,” Cole relented, leaning into Bri. “But you’re going to have to make this up to me later.” He gave her a wicked smile before kissing her. Then he and Devon trudged off to the back of the plane, looking dejected.

  “Wow, you’d think they’d be able to survive without us for a couple of hours,” Layla shook her head. “Boys. Come on, I meant what I said about maximizing my Bri time.” Bri laughed as Layla pulled her onto the plane.

  As soon as they were in the air, Layla pounced. “Okay, so what is up with you and Cole?”

  “What do you mean,” Bri turned to her.

  “I mean why on earth haven’t you two…” she trailed off, glancing at the guy sitting on the other side of Bri. She lowered her voice. “You know, done it?”

  “Really, Lay?” She tried to give her friend a stern glare, but figured it was less than effective when she knew her cheeks were bright red. “You want to talk about this here?”

  “Yes. Who knows when I’ll get another chance to talk to you alone. And I really don’t think you want to have this discussion in front of Cole. Or your dad.” Layla arched her brow at her.

  “Alright, fine,” she relented, hoping that the guy next to her wouldn’t be able to hear her over the drone of the engine. She was immensely grateful when he put on some headphones. At least she had the illusion of privacy. Taking a breath, and feeling her face redden even more, she looked at Layla. “It’s not like we haven’t tried.”

  “What?” Layla quickly checked her voice. “When did this happen. I thought you were still in the “waiting” phase. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It was a few weeks ago. And it was so humiliating, I didn’t want to tell anyone.”

  “Oh no, this sounds bad. Start from the beginning, and don’t leave anything out. I want every last detail here,” Layla demanded. She made herself more comfortable and leaned in excitedly.

  So Bri told her the whole sordid story, including the part where Matt had barged in and interrupted them.

  “It’s not funny!” Bri exclaimed as Layla rolled with laughter.

  “I know, I’m sorry. You’re right. That is awful.” Layla got ahold of herself and gave Bri a sympathetic smile.

  “It was worse than awful. I seriously wished I could die, right there. I still can’t look at Matt without turning beet red. It was definitely not how I envisioned our first time. It was a disaster.”

  “Oh, honey,” Layla pulled Bri in for a hug. “It doesn't sound that bad.” Bri pulled back and glared at her. “No, seriously. It just sounds like bad timing to me. You two just need to find some guaranteed alone time.”

  “Yeah, that’s easier said than done. Between classes, practices, study groups, art clinics, homework, and four roommates, we hardly have any time together. Alone time is a rare and precious commodity, trust me.”

  “Yeah, I see your point. Devon and I have a lot of those same problems. We are rarely alone, too. In fact, it’s making it easier for us to wait.”

  “You two are still waiting?” Bri was impressed. She’d thought for sure Layla would’ve caved to her hormones, dream wedding on the line or not.

  “Yep. Devon says he’s okay with it, but sometimes I think he’s lying. Heck, sometimes I’m lying about being okay with it. But this is something that’s really important to me. I have always wanted to wait until I’m married. I guess I’m old fashioned like that. But Devon understands, and he’s supportive. His family is pretty religious, so it’s something that’s important to him, too. We’re on the same page at least, but it’s still not easy.”

  “I think it’s great,” Bri smiled at her friend. “And you’re not old fashioned, just unique. There’s nothing wrong with having morals and sticking to them.”

  “See, this is why you are my bestie. Everyone else thinks I’m totally nuts. But you get me and support me, no matter what.” Layla smiled warmly.

  “You’re my girl,” Bri grinned back. “I told you before, I’m here for you. I’ll stand behind you, whatever you choose.”

  “Aw, thanks babe,” Layla hugged her. Both girls pulled back, a little misty eyed.

  “Plus, I already know that you’re totally nuts. I just don’t care.”

  “Hey!” Layla smacked her arm, and they both laughed. “I miss this, being together. Talking on the phone just isn’t the same.”

  “I know,” Bri leaned in and rested her head
on Layla’s shoulder.

  “You haven’t replaced me out there in North Carolina, have you. Because if you have, I’ll fly out there tomorrow and bust this girl’s knee caps.”

  “Not a chance. No one could ever replace you. I couldn’t handle another Layla on my hands,” she teased. “You’d better not replace me, either. I don’t have your violent streak, but that doesn’t mean you’d get away with getting a new best friend.”

  “Never,” Layla wrapped her arm around Bri. “No one else would put up with me.”

  The girls enjoyed the rest of their flight, and as the plane touched down, Bri got that antsy, excited feeling again and her leg started bouncing. Her family was picking her up at the baggage claim, and she couldn’t wait to see them. Especially her brothers. She had missed them terribly.

  The four of them walked down to the baggage claim together, where they would part ways for a few days.

  “I don’t care how busy your family, or Cole, has you, I’m claiming one afternoon for me,” Layla looked at her sternly. “I’m serious. And if you ever find you have some free time, you are required to call me first. Got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Don’t worry Lay,” Bri pulled her in for a hug. “You’ll see so much of me, you’ll be begging me to go back to Duke.”

  “Alright, then. I see my mom and dad over there, so I guess this is goodbye for now. Love you, girl.” Layla squeezed her tight. “You’d better call me.”

  “Definitely,” Bri squeezed back. “Love you, too, Lay.” She waved at Devon as he led Layla over to her waiting family.

  “Ah, that’s better,” Cole slid his arm around her. “I’ve missed you. I don’t think I like sharing you, not even with your best friend.”

  Bri went up on her tip toes and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I missed you, too.”


  Bri turned and saw two little boys barreling her way. She dropped her bag and rushed to meet them.

  “Monkeys!” She laughed as they almost tackled her in the middle of the terminal. “Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” She couldn’t stop the happy tears that trailed down her cheeks as she hugged her brothers as tight as she could. They’d grown since the summer, she noticed, and when she kneeled down, they were almost as tall as she was. But their little blond heads still fit right under her chin.

  “Cole!” Liam and Logan yelled and then attacked Cole as well.

  “Hey, Sweet Pea.” Bri looked up to see her dad and Summer standing over them. Smiling, she jumped up and threw her arms around her dad. “Oh, it’s so good to see you,” he said before finally releasing her.

  “Thanks, Dad, I’ve missed you, too. Hi, Summer.” She and Summer exchanged a quick, and slightly awkward hug. Things between them had been slowly improving since Bri had left for college. If Bri’s dad wasn’t home when she called, she and Summer would actually talk for a minute, instead of rushing off the phone like they used to. They were making slow progress, but at least it was progress.

  “Hi, Cole,” Connor leaned in and shook Cole’s hand as soon as he’d been released by the twins.

  “Hello, Mr. Donnelly,” Cole smiled. Shouldering Bri's bag, he slid his hand into hers. Feeling embarrassed, and a little guilty at abandoning him like that, Bri gave him an apologetic smile.

  “Hi, Summer,” he smiled at Bri’s stepmom.

  “Summer?” Connor turned a questioning glance at his wife.

  “What?” Summer shrugged. “Mrs. Donnelly sounds so old. I told him to call me Summer a long time ago.”

  “Oh. Well Cole, I told Jimmy we’d pick you up and bring you home, if that’s okay?”

  “Yeah, sure, that’d be great. Thanks.” Cole smiled.

  “Well, this way then.” Connor led the family out to the parking garage, while Liam and Logan told Bri and Cole all about their new bikes, their new preschool, and the puppy they wanted for Christmas.

  Thanksgiving morning dawned bright and warm, oh how she’d missed the California weather, and Bri woke up excited. In order to maximize their time, Cole and his dad, and Bri and her family were all going over to the Hamilton’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. The Hamiltons were like Cole’s second family. Bri had met Scott, Sharon, and their kids, Sebastian and Claire, last Christmas when she spent a few days with them on their boat in Catalina. Bri and Claire had become instant friends, and they had kept in touch after Bri left for college. Bri hadn’t seen Claire in months, and was excited to get to spend some time with her.

  Claire had insisted that Bri and her family come over early, so Bri quickly got ready, and helped usher her family out to the car. As they pulled up to the Hamilton’s house, Logan and Liam gawked at the size of it. Bri’s attention was immediately drawn to a familiar motorcycle already parked in the driveway. She knew how much Cole had missed his bike, and she would bet he’d spent the entire day yesterday riding it around town. She missed that bike, too, despite her initial fear of it, and figured it shouldn’t be too hard to convince Cole to take her out for a ride later.

  They rang the bell, and Bri could hear Claire’s excited shriek, even through the thick door. Sure enough, pounding footsteps sounded from inside and the door was thrown open. Claire was out the door and hugging Bri, before Bri, or anyone else, could say anything.

  Warmly returning Claire’s hug, she smiled. “I’ve missed you too, Claire.”

  “Oh my gosh,” Claire pulled back, “it’s been so boring without you, you have no idea. Now come in, and tell me everything about college life. Have any cute professors?”

  “Hi, Bri,” Sharon smiled as she arrived at the door. She introduced herself to Bri’s dad and stepmom. “We’re so happy you could make it. Please, come in and make yourself at home.”

  Bri and her family followed Sharon into the living room, where everyone else was watching football. Cole jumped up, and pulled Bri in for a kiss, not seeming to care that they had an audience.

  “Seriously? I thought you two would be past the whole making out in public phase by now,” a wry voice interrupted them.

  Bri pulled back from Cole and turned to see Sebastian smirking at them.

  “You know you’re just jealous, Seb,” Cole quipped back. “You haven’t even gotten to the making out in private phase. It would help if you could actually get a girlfriend.”

  Instead of replying, Seb punched Cole in the arm, and they bro-hugged it out. Turning to Bri, he smiled. “Hi, Bri.” He stood for a moment, looking like he wasn’t sure what the proper protocol was. After a long, uncomfortable moment, he finally pulled her in for a hug.

  “So how much have you missed me?” she teased, trying to dispel the awkward tension.

  “About as much as you’ve missed me,” he pulled back with a smug smile, but his cheeks were flushed.

  “Hey there, Barracuda,” Jimmy smiled.

  “Hi, Jimmy. It’s so good to see you.” Bri gave him a tight hug.

  “Hi, Bri,” Scott rose from his chair and walked over. “Why don’t you introduce me to your family?”

  She made introductions all around, and then everyone settled in the living room. Summer went to help Sharon in the kitchen, and Liam and Logan went outside to play on the Hamilton’s backyard play set. Cole pulled Bri down onto his lap, and they all talked while they watched the game.

  “Any chance you’d want to take me out on your bike today?” she asked Cole quietly.

  “Let’s go right now,” he smiled down at her.

  “No way,” protested Claire, who was sitting next to them. “You get to see her all the time, Cole. I don’t, so today Bri stays with me. Anywhere she goes, I go. Right, Bri?” She turned pleading, puppy dog eyes on Bri.

  “How can I say no to that?” Bri laughed.

  “Good,” Claire beamed triumphantly, while Cole groaned. “Now that we’ve got that covered, Bri, how about we go out to the patio where we can talk. Football is boring.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. She leaned into Cole’s ear and whispered, “Give me ten minutes, and t
hen come rescue me.” Knowing how intense and focused Claire could be, Bri figured she’d better have an escape plan.

  She followed Claire out to the patio, where she told her all about Duke and college life. Claire told her all about her new boyfriend, and getting her driver’s license.

  “Dad still won’t let me drive by myself, though,” she pouted. “He says I need more practice before he lets me out on my own.”

  “And he’s right,” Cole interjected, taking a seat next to Bri. “I’ve seen you drive. The thought of you out there on the road is truly terrifying.”

  “Ha ha,” Claire reached over and smacked him. “Like you were the best driver when you were my age. I remember the stories Jimmy would tell us. Didn’t you run over your trash can a couple times?”

  They sat outside, enjoying the warm California sunshine, until it was time to eat. Sharon made a fabulous meal, and everyone shared stories and jokes while they ate. After devouring the pies Summer brought, it was time to go. Cole offered to take Bri home, and she eagerly accepted. After saying goodbye to everyone, she hopped on the back of Cole’s Ducati, and they sped away.

  In no hurry to get home, Cole took the scenic route, driving past their old high school. It was funny, they hadn’t graduated from Santa Monica High that long ago, but it already seemed like a different lifetime. She let all her high school memories flood her, the good and the bad, as she thought about all that had happened to bring her and Cole to this point.

  She smiled as Cole parked in front of the beach by her house, where they had often used to walk.

  “Feeling nostalgic, too?” she asked as she followed him down to the sand. She removed her shoes, and let the cold waves lap around her feet. Man, she missed this. She hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed the ocean. It was like it was a part of her now, and she wasn’t whole without it. Cole held her hand as they turned to walk along the shore.

  “Maybe a little,” he smiled at her. “Do you know how long it’s been since I was able to properly kiss you?” He stopped, and pulled her into his arms. She gazed up at him, getting lost in his beautiful gray eyes.


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