Animal Heat (Vampyre Falls: Wolf Pack Book 1)

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Animal Heat (Vampyre Falls: Wolf Pack Book 1) Page 3

by Adrianna Dane

  “Yes, you could say that. It’s one of the reasons I was in Silver Creek. I’d heard he might be close by.”

  She tried to look out the window to see where they were headed, but couldn’t quite make things out. Except they were going up the mountain. Shouldn’t they be traveling in the other direction to find a hospital?

  “Where are you taking me? This isn’t the way to the hospital.”

  “I’m taking you home with me. There’s a healer there who I trust to help you. I have more faith in her than any city doctor. Do you trust me, Rainna? I know you probably have a lot of questions, and I’ll try to answer them. But right now, you need to rest. The car won’t be able to take us all the way up. He hurt you and it’s my fault.”

  “He’s the one who did this, not you. If you’d been there when he came, you might already be dead.”

  “Give me a little credit, please. I know his kind. I’ve dealt with them for most of my life.”

  “Who was he?”

  “He’s a wolfkiller. Trained by the government as a were…as an assassin.”

  “But I thought wolves were protected by the government?”

  “Not this branch. Not these…wolves. Have you ever heard of the PIA?”

  She shook her head and then was sorry she had moved at all. The pain in her head increased and she lifted her hands to press them against her temples. “God, it hurts, Trey.”

  “Lie down, Rainna. Dammit, this old rattletrap of yours doesn’t have any more kick than an old, lazy mule.”

  The glare of the sun on the horizon hurt the one eye she was able to see out of and finally she lay back down on the seat, pulling the blanket up to block out the bright rays, unable to bear it any longer.

  She was going to have to trust Trey. She certainly wasn’t much help to herself right now. But she definitely wanted to know more.

  What kind of branch of the government would train a psycho like that? She couldn’t even imagine such a thing. She knew instinctively he was a sadistic killer; he’d wanted to taunt and make his victim suffer. She knew it was wrong, but she was glad he was dead.

  The car swerved quickly to the right and then jerk over uneven ground. Branches screeched against the sides of the car. Another turn and the car dipped down and then back up again, making her stomach somersault. And then finally it came to a halt and Trey turned off the engine.

  Her poor old car wasn’t up to terrain like this. She’d managed to purchase something that fit into her budget, but which didn’t amount to a whole lot more than a set of wheels. It needed a good paint job and showed some spots of rust, but the engine ran and it got her to work and back.

  Trey got out of the car. She heard him rustling around and then the sound of a zipper being pulled up. He still hadn’t explained why he was naked, but then he opened the back door. She peeked up at him from beneath the blanket and saw the look of worry on his face. He now wore a pair of jeans at least.

  “Damn, Rainna. I wish I could gut him all over again.”

  She cringed at the vision that brought up. She tried to sit up, winced, and fell back against the seat. “I hope we don’t have to go far,” she gasped. The pain swamped through her like a rising storm, sweeping through her without surcease.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said as he whirled away from her. She had no idea what he was planning to do, but when her head started spinning, she quickly lay back down on the seat, trying to concentrate on breathing in and out. Actually, on just plain breathing. She would survive this.

  She heard the crunch of footsteps as twigs broke and dry leaves were crushed. She tried to look up, but found it too much of an effort.

  “My…brothers are coming down to help get you up to the village. Morganna is coming with them.”

  “Who’s Morganna?” she managed to mumble. She felt like she was starting to float away and was certain that couldn’t be a good thing.

  “She’s the healer I told you about. She’ll bring something to help with the pain.”

  He sat on the floor next to her. Rainna wanted to tell him not to worry, that she would be okay. She wanted to offer him sympathy, but right now it just would take more strength than she could muster.

  “God, Rainna, I’m afraid to touch you. I don’t want to cause you any more pain. You don’t know how much I want to take you in my arms, to make it all better. I’m feeling pretty damn impotent right now.”

  She tried to smile, but that was a worthless cause. “Impotent, you’re not, Treynor Black. That I can certainly attest to. But you might want to put on a few more clothes—I’m really in no mood for sex right now.” She tried to make light of the situation, but then the pain shot through her once again, and she moaned. She reached out to grip his thigh. “I’ll be okay, just don’t leave me. Okay?”

  “Not on your life, love. I’m going to make certain you’re in a place where they can’t get to you. Where you’ll be safe.”

  Was there such a place? It had been a long time since she’d been anywhere that she felt safe. “Later you can tell me why you were bare-assed,” she mumbled, “but right now—”

  She tried to stay awake, but it was getting harder and harder.

  “Rainna,” she heard the urgency in Trey’s voice. She tried to answer him, but her mouth felt like it was full of cotton wool. And suddenly it was just too hard to try to stay alert.


  Chapter Five

  Rainna woke up slowly, afraid to move too quickly. When she opened her eyes she found she could see out of both of them. She reached up to touch the side of her face. To her surprise, it didn’t seem as bad as the last time she’d touched it.

  Her mind felt clear. When was the last time she’d been awake? And where was she now? She took her time in sitting up, afraid of a return of the pain. Looking down, she realized she was wearing a man-sized, black, flannel shirt and little else. She lifted the shirttail and inhaled. It smelled like Trey. But where was he? Tilting her head, she listened, but heard nothing. Not a hint of movement.

  Moving slowly, she slid out of the big bed and looked around the room. She was surprised that she felt absolutely no pain after the beating she had taken. This obviously wasn’t her cabin, so where was she? What was it that Trey had said? He was taking her to his home? Was this his house?

  Too many questions and no one around to give her any answers. It looked like the sun was just beginning to set. She padded over to the window and surveyed the area. She was apparently in the bedroom on the second floor. The house seemed to be situated in a populated area of the town, but there wasn’t anyone on the street below.

  The narrow street bordered a huge lake. As she craned her head to look farther off to the left, she saw what looked like a massive waterfall. That must account for the underlying steady thunder she hadn’t really been conscious of hearing until now. In some respects it was a soothing sound, sort of lulling.

  Turning her head, she looked in the other direction. From where she stood, it looked like the hub of the town was in the opposite direction from the falls at the other end of the lake.

  As she turned away from the window her stomach started to rumble and she realized she was quite hungry. How long had it been since she’d last eaten?

  Did she dare venture outside this room to hunt up some food? She wore nothing beneath the shirt and wondered if there was anything here that she could wear to give her a little more protective covering. She walked over to the scarred oak dresser on the other side of the room and opened first one drawer and then another, rummaging for something that would suit. She finally found a pair of jogging pants and slipped into them. They were too big for her, but she was able to tie off the waist so they at least wouldn’t fall around her ankles at an embarrassing moment.

  Looking in the mirror, she was shocked to see no marks left from the attack. How could that be? She was a nurse; she knew how long it took for wounds like hers to heal. Had she been here for weeks rather than days? It really was time to get some
answers. She guessed she should investigate beyond the bedroom since she obviously was feeling no pain and was apparently up to the task.

  Opening the bedroom door, Rainna stepped out into the silent hallway. The room she was in appeared to be at the very end of the hallway. She counted three other doors as she walked along the hallway, circled the banister and headed down the stairs.

  It was almost too quiet. She stepped off the last step and wondered in which direction she’d find the kitchen. Veering to the right, she peeked her head in and found what appeared to be a cozy living room. Walking to the other side of the staircase and opening another door, she found herself in the kitchen.

  It was a good sized, square room with modern appliances and a butcher-block table at the center. She searched the cupboards for something she could put together quickly. Maybe a sandwich or some soup.

  “Well, look who’s finally up and around.”

  She whirled around at the deep voice coming from the doorway behind her. Flashbacks to the man who had broken into her cabin assaulted her. She backed up against the counter when she realized it wasn’t Trey standing there, but a stranger. Tall, with a clean shaven angular face, dark, wavy hair that brushed at his broad shoulders. Where Trey’s eyes were a pale blue that were almost transparent, this man’s eyes were the deep fire of sapphire jewels.

  “Who are you?” she asked. “Where’s Trey?”

  He took a step into the room and closed the door behind him. Something about the way he did it made Rainna feel like she was being cornered. She slid to the side, trying to move farther away from him. She frantically searched the room and saw there was another door leading to the outside quite near where she stood. Was it locked? At least she had another way out, unlike back at the cabin.

  When he gave her a wolfish smile, his white teeth gleamed in the dying light filtering in through the kitchen window.

  “There’s no need to be afraid of me, Rainna. I’m Trey’s pack brother.”

  “His brother?”

  His stare burned straight through her, and she found herself getting lightheaded and unable to move. Her body was responding in an altogether unexpected, sensual way that wasn’t right. This was Trey’s brother, not Trey.

  He stepped closer to her. His scent was very similar to Trey’s, and obviously she was having some sort of reaction to it. This was definitely not right, yet she felt herself drawn to him and helpless to deny the earthy attraction. It had to be because of her weakened condition after the attack.

  “Yes, you might say that.” He was now close enough to touch her and he did just that, stroking her hair. It was a gentle touch as he petted her and then cupped her cheek. She found herself wanting to lean into that touch, to kiss the palm of his hand, to run her tongue along the callused flesh and to suck his finger into her mouth. Her heartbeats grew more rapid. His heady scent wafted over her and her pussy began to leak her juices, almost the same way it did when Trey was nearby. Rainna clenched her thighs together, hoping to stem the reaction of her body to this man. Where was Trey?

  He wound his hand in her hair and gently pulled her toward him. She couldn’t seem to resist him. Dropping his head, he inhaled loudly and then let out a satisfied breath.

  “Ahhh, it’s been a long time. You wear his smell well.”

  “Wh-what do you mean?”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve been this close to a human female. Our female was killed you know. Well, actually she was Carson’s mate, but we all cared for her. She belonged to all of us.”

  Rainna didn’t understand his words, wanted to ask questions, but the heat was already beginning to rise. He reached out and unbuttoned the top button on her shirt. And then another one. She held her breath, her body tightening, readying itself. She felt the familiar animal heat shoot through her, claiming every inch, demanding attention, and release, just as it did whenever she was with Trey, needing him to fuck her.

  She fought against its control. She wanted Trey, not this man. She knew it in her heart. In her mind.

  But her body didn’t seem to care what the rest of her wanted. It was responding to the touch of him. The familiar scent so much like Trey’s. And the smell of his lust.

  She swayed toward him as the last button came undone and the shirt was suddenly puddled at her feet. He reached out to tweak her hardened nipple and she gasped at the intense sensation of pleasure-pain that erupted inside her. She felt herself opening, yielding, even against her better judgment.

  It was the deep, familiar, rumbling growl coming from the doorway that awakened her from the heated trance-like state. Her gaze broke from his and arrowed toward the doorway. She screamed and backed away, almost stumbling over her shirt that was tangled around her bare feet. The man reached out to steady her and looked around to see what had upset her.

  She was shocked when she heard him laugh when he saw the big black wolf with bared teeth standing in the doorway, its pale blue eyes trained on the man holding her.

  “Dammit, Trey, you’re scaring her. Don’t be an idiot. I’m not hurting her.”

  And then, to her amazed disbelief, the predatory animal standing there began to change shape. Her jaw dropped and she felt Trey’s brother’s hand tighten on her arm, imprisoning her so she couldn’t run out of the room screaming. If she’d been the fainting sort, this would have definitely been the time to do it. Thankfully, she wasn’t.

  “It’s all right,” he tried to soothe her. “He should have told you what he was.”

  She blinked, and then blinked again.

  A werewolf? Her lover was a werewolf?

  This was not possible. He was crouched near the floor and then straightened to stand upright. He was naked and beautiful. So this was why he’d been naked in the car and hadn’t given her an answer when she asked?

  And by the look in his eyes, he was ready to tear his brother apart.

  Chapter Six

  “Trey,” she gasped. What had gotten into her? She was standing here in a kitchen shirtless, in front of two men. How had this happened? And her hormones seemed to be raging out of control.

  Treynor didn’t alter his attention from his brother to her.

  “You’re overstepping, Donovan. She’s mine. And you haven’t been invited.”

  As though Donovan wasn’t the least bit concerned, he turned back to Rainna and dipped his head again, inhaling her scent. “She smells beautiful, Trey. Her scent is unique. So human. So female.”

  “Donovan, I’m warning you. Get the fuck away from her.”

  “Fuck. That’s just the word I was thinking.” His mesmerizing gaze locked with hers. “I should defer to my brother, Rainna. After all, he’s the one who mated you first. And he’s the alpha. But you are so tempting.” He dropped her arm, stepped back, and shrugged. “And he’s older. Since he is the one who found you and brought you here, I guess I better defer to him.”

  “Excuse me?” she squeaked. She crossed her arms over her breasts, trembling in reaction to the lust that seemed to be driving her every action.

  “I’ll wait until you’re willing.” He turned back to Trey without waiting for her to respond. “She’s ready, Trey, but I can see you’re not.” He walked a short distance away from them.

  Trey stalked over to her and yanked her against him. She knew the look in his eyes, understood the demand of her own body. It was the same as it always was. He would be inside her within seconds. Fast and hard, the way it always was when they first came together.

  He shoved her pants down and lifted her clear, crushing her breasts against his chest.

  “Trey,” she whimpered as she rubbed her body against his.

  “I know, love,” he answered, stroking her hair, soothing her.

  Cradling her against his chest, he stalked over to the table and settled her on the sturdy surface.

  “Can I at least watch?” Donovan whined.

  Trey looked at Rainna. She saw the question in his eyes. She felt the rising heat, the odd exhilaration at
the thought of Donovan watching them fuck. She shuddered with arousal.

  “You have to say it, Rainna. If you want the bastard to leave, tell him to get lost. If you want him to stay, you have to say it. I’m not going to answer for you.”

  She’d never been in a situation like this before. “Do you want him to stay?”

  “Whatever you want. If you want to fuck him, it’s your call.”

  “No, I want you inside me.” She hesitated and then looked over at Donovan. His jeans were unzipped and his steel-hard cock was fisted in his hands as he stroked back and forth. She found herself wondering what he would be like. How he would be different from Trey? “He can stay.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She leaned back with her elbows on the table and her thighs spread wide apart. Looking down she saw the sheen on her thighs. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “I got her ready for you, brother. It’s the least you could do. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a human woman as pretty as her. It’s not like you not to share.”

  “Damn you, Donovan. You never give up. Stay then.” Without another word he splintered Rainna, slamming deep into her slick channel. She grunted, arched, and lifted off the table as his hands fastened onto her hips. Driving in again and again until she shattered in a mind blowing orgasm.

  He pulled out and thrust home, retreated and pressed deep once again. She turned her head after the second orgasm and saw Donovan masturbating as he watched them fuck. His glittering blue gaze focused on her cunt, watching Trey’s glistening prick glide in and out between her engorged lips. His cock was thicker than Trey’s, yet seemed a bit shorter, the widely-flared head bloomed, oozing with pre-cum. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she sank into the pleasure, allowing it to wrap around her.

  “He wants to touch you,” Trey gritted out. “He needs you to touch him.”

  His hands gripped the edges of the wooden table. She thought about touching Donovan as Trey fucked her. God, yes, she wanted it. She wanted both of these men. She loved Trey, but she needed them both.


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