Honeymoon With a Prince (Royal Scandals)

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Honeymoon With a Prince (Royal Scandals) Page 28

by Burnham, Nicole

  Then again, yelling at this man would accomplish nothing. It would only embarrass her and embarrass Massimo.

  “The money has all been returned. I called the bank president personally to reestablish the account, this time solely in your name.” He ran his hand up her arm, then let it rest on her shoulder. Slowly, he allowed his gaze to follow the movement, settling on the jewels at her throat. His touch made her skin crawl, but she didn’t want to slap his hand away and make a scene.

  “I closed it with the intent of returning the money to you right away, of course, but when I stopped by your apartment to give you a certified check, you were gone. Your friends told me you’d decided to travel to Sarcaccia alone.” He shrugged. “I thought I was doing you a favor by wrapping up the loose ends of our relationship.”

  “I see.” Liar, liar, pants on fire. “So when I check the account later tonight, the funds will be there?”

  “Yes. Your old ATM cards and passwords should all work. If I caused you any inconvenience, again, I must apologize. Though” —once again, his blue eyes lit on her throat, as if assessing the authenticity of the jewels encircling it— “you don’t seem to have been inconvenienced. That is quite a necklace. It suits you.”

  “Thank you.” She wasn’t about to explain.

  “So,” he said with a tilt of his head toward the dance floor. “Shall we? For old times’ sake?”

  * * *

  Edward Robards.

  Massimo watched as the wealthy CEO approached Kelly, all polite smiles and wandering hands. The man had the audacity to look her up and down as if she were his possession.

  Despite the temptation to step in and rescue her, Massimo held back, feigning interest in a conversation between the two French businessmen who’d been seated beside him and who were now waiting for their wives to return from the restroom so they could escort the women to the dance floor.

  He wanted to see how Kelly handled the man.

  He wanted to see how Robards handled Kelly.

  One of the Frenchmen clapped Massimo on the shoulder and laughed. Massimo joined in, though he’d missed the joke. And he still didn’t like having his shoulder touched.

  He couldn’t reconcile everything Kelly had told him about her former fiancé with what he knew of Edward Robards. The man was a self-made legend in his industry. Young, astute, generous…they were all words associated with his name. Yet they were the opposite of the way Kelly’d described her ex, Ted.

  He’d always thought of Ted as a nickname for Theodore, not Edward. Still, he should have made the connection before now. How many men named Robards from Texas were scheduled to be in Sarcaccia this week? Even if he hadn’t figured it out initially, when she’d told him she’d selected Sarcaccia for her honeymoon because Ted had been invited to tonight’s event, he should’ve connected the dots.

  One of the Frenchmen straightened, his gaze lighting on his wife, who followed her friend through the mass of people moving toward the dance floor as they zigzagged their way to the table.

  “Ah, here comes my beloved,” the other Frenchman said. “If you’ll excuse me, Your Highness, I’ve promised my wife that I’ll pay attention to her tonight.”

  “So she’ll pay attention to you later?” the other teased.

  “Precisely.” The two men shared knowing looks, and Massimo sent them both on their way. For his part, enough time had elapsed to give him a good view of the relationship between Kelly and Robards. The blond man still held a torch for Kelly—though why he behaved so abominably, Massimo couldn’t fathom—but Kelly’s body language revealed the opposite. Though she appeared to be carrying on a polite conversation, it was blatantly obvious to him that she did not want the man’s hand on her arm. Or moving up her shoulder, as it was now.

  Slowly, Massimo moved around the table. He approached from behind Kelly just as Robards asked her to dance.

  “Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but I believe Kelly’s first dance is mine.”

  Recognition and a hint of respect lit Robards’ expression. He graciously extended his hand. “Your Highness. Edward Robards. It’s a pleasure to meet you and to be invited into your home. Your family is very generous to offer it for this event.”

  “We’re happy to do so.” Despite Massimo’s predisposition to disliking the man, he returned the Texan’s handshake and smile. “I’d love to chat with you further—I’ve wanted to make your acquaintance for some time—but I should escort Kelly to the dance floor before the song is over.”

  Robards looked from Massimo to Kelly, then back to Massimo. “Of course. I hope to see you later this evening.”

  “That was easy enough,” Massimo said to Kelly once Robards turned away and was out of earshot.

  “It’s over, and that’s what matters,” she replied.

  He located an open spot amongst the swirling couples and wound an arm around her waist to guide her there. The contact with Robards had shaken her, he could tell, but she seemed resolved to have a good time.

  “Then I’m glad I encouraged you to stay. Besides,” —he spread his fingers across her back and captured her hand in his free one, pulling her into his embrace— “I don’t care to dance with anyone else tonight.”

  No matter what she might’ve had with Robards, or with any other man, having her in his arms felt right.

  “That might cause a scandal,” she noted, though the soft pressure of her hand against his shoulder made it clear she didn’t care, that she wanted this moment as much as he did. Very quietly, she added, “Remember, when you hired me, it was to throw reporters off the idea that we might’ve spent the night together in the villa.”

  “Funny you should mention that. I spoke with my brother Vittorio about it. Turns out that those paparazzi weren’t at the jail because of me. They were pursuing leads on a different scandal.”

  Her head jerked back in surprise. “Really?”

  “Apparently they bought the story that I lost my dog and bailed you out as a way of thanking you. There was a short mention of it in the Cateri paper, but that’s it. End of story.”

  She considered his words. “So…you’re saying that I did all that work for you for nothing?”

  “Nothing?” He feigned shock. “I seem to recall paying you quite generously.”

  “That you did.” Her fingertip grazed his bare neck, just above the top of his collar. “And I had the best time designing it. April couldn’t have been more fun to work with, and Robert was incredibly patient. I think it nearly killed him waiting to see all those clothes put in their proper place.”

  “He likes you,” Massimo said. “In fact, I believe I heard you make him snort.”

  Lines of confusion formed between her eyes. “Wait…you were there?”

  “I walked in just in time to hear it. And I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard it myself.” On a serious note, he added, “Everyone enjoyed working with you. They’ve loved having you here.”

  I’ve loved having you here. Her warm spirit seemed to brighten everyone with whom she came in contact, making his dark apartment feel lively. A place he wanted to be.

  But only with her in it.

  Suddenly, the idea of a life without Kelly horrified him more than the deepest, darkest hole.

  “Kelly, I—”

  Applause cut him off as the orchestra finished their song. Kelly released his hand and faced the orchestra, politely clapping with the rest of the dancers. Nearby, his parents surprised him by sharing a second kiss. Whatever had gotten into them tonight, they’d engaged in more public displays of affection than he could remember in years.

  “They seem very happy,” Kelly said, following his gaze.

  “They do.” Whatever strife they might’ve had in the marriage appeared resolved. For both their sakes, he was glad.

  As if knowing they were being discussed, King Carlo and Queen Fabrizia moved toward their son. His mother’s expression was one of surprise at seeing him on the dance floor with Kelly. His father, on the ot
her hand, paled as his attention went from Kelly’s face to her necklace.

  “You looked as if you were having a good time,” Massimo said to his parents as he moved to the edge of the floor to allow other dancers to take their place now that the orchestra began a new song.

  “It’s nice not to be responsible for the planning,” his mother said. “And when Alberto does it, I know the night will be perfect. I can relax.” She turned to Kelly. “I take it you’re Kelly Chase. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for helping my son get back on his feet now that he’s home.”

  Massimo’s father wasn’t so mannerly. His tone blunt, he said, “Your necklace is stunning. May I ask where you acquired it?”

  “I offered it to her for the night,” Massimo replied, saving Kelly the explanation.

  Queen Fabrizia put a hand on her husband’s arm. Her voice was soft, comforting, and so low Massimo knew she didn’t want it to be heard beyond their small circle. “Ms. Chase found the necklace in a hidden compartment in the mahogany bureau in Massimo’s apartment. The large one that used to be in your study.”

  “Why didn’t you inform me?” This he directed to Massimo.

  “He informed me. I told him to keep it for the time being,” his wife said. A kind, almost motherly smile lit her face, which she aimed at Kelly. “I hadn’t thought he’d give it to you to wear, but it looks absolutely perfect with your gown. I’m delighted it occurred to him. I can’t imagine a better pairing.”

  Without missing a beat, she looked up at her husband. Her fingers flexed slightly on his forearm. “I can only guess what might’ve happened if someone less honest found the necklace. It was so good of her to notify Massimo of its discovery. Such a piece should be worn, rather than stuffed to the back of a drawer as if it doesn’t exist, don’t you think? And by the woman who was meant to find it?”

  A cryptic look passed between his parents. After the barest of nods to his wife, King Carlo bestowed a brilliant, genuine smile on Kelly. “My wife is quite correct. A necklace like that should be worn. I’m pleased it found such a beautiful neck upon which to rest.”

  After the pair returned to their table, Kelly said, “I still get the impression your father wasn’t so happy to see me wearing this.”

  “I think he was just surprised. My mother clearly liked seeing you wear it. And so do I.” He eased her a few steps further from the dance floor so they could speak privately. “If I haven’t told you yet tonight, you look absolutely phenomenal. You’re what makes that necklace look good. Although” —he touched a dark spot just below her eye with his index finger— “you must’ve overexerted yourself dancing, because your mascara seems to have drifted.”

  Her hand flew to her face.

  “It’s not obvious,” he said on a laugh, then moved his finger against her skin. “I think I can wipe it away.”

  “Thank you, but it’s supposedly waterproof. It’s not supposed to wipe away. Or end up under my eyes, for that matter. I was about to run to the restroom anyway, so I’ll clean it myself.”

  “Dance with me when you return?”

  “If you’re not already dancing.”

  “I won’t be,” he promised.

  She snaked her way through the crowd, finally disappearing behind a knot of his brother Alessandro’s friends.

  Massimo turned the opposite direction, threading his way back to the dinner table so Kelly would be able to find him. He’d nearly reached his seat when a man stepped in front of him.

  “Prince Massimo,” Edward Robards said. “Do you have a moment?”

  “Of course.”

  “In private. I need to speak with you about Kelly Chase.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  If there was one thing Massimo didn’t like, it was following another man. Particularly a man who hadn’t earned his respect. While the Edward Robards he knew by reputation deserved respect, the Edward Robards who’d treated Kelly so poorly didn’t. So when Robards spun on his heel and strode through the crowd toward the reception hall, Massimo fell in behind him only for as long as it took to grab the man’s elbow and stop him.

  If a heart-to-heart with the ex would help Kelly close the book on the guy, fine. But Massimo would do it on his own terms.

  “We can speak through here,” Massimo said, indicating a door just behind the dining tables.

  Robards expression made no secret of his desire to leave the room entirely, but was left with no choice but to follow Massimo. Once he’d pushed through the door, Robards paused at the top of the stairs.

  “It’s the passage to the kitchens,” Massimo explained. “We’ll have privacy here on the landing. The waitstaff don’t need to bring up dessert for another ten minutes.” There. He’d put a ticking clock on the conversation. “Now, what is it you wish to tell me?”

  The American hesitated. When he spoke, his voice was cautious, as if imparting a secret. “I’m afraid I find myself in an awkward situation, Your Highness.”

  Facing a woman from whom you stole, Massimo thought with an inner snarl, and referring to it as “awkward” seemed a bit of an understatement. “How so?”

  “I was recently engaged to Ms. Chase. We had planned to attend this event together.”

  “So she told me.”

  Robards didn’t bother to hide his surprise at the statement. “Well, then perhaps you already know what else I plan to say. When I sent back my RSVP last week, I did not include Ms. Chase. I didn’t know she planned to attend despite our falling out. I hope it doesn’t cause an inconvenience for Alberto. I know he runs these affairs with the precision of a Swiss timepiece.”

  The man was smooth. Massimo would give him that. “It’s entirely all right, Edward. I brought Kelly as my guest.”

  “I see.” The Texan leaned against the wall. If anyone opened the door, it’d smack him in the face. “I know this isn’t the most opportune time or place, Your Highness, but…may I speak freely?”

  This would be interesting. Massimo crossed his arms over his chest. “Be my guest.”

  “I realize that you don’t know me personally, but I hope you know something about me. I’ve worked very hard to build my business and my reputation. I like to think I’ve surrounded myself with people of integrity. It’s absolutely crucial to the success of my business, and I demand honesty in my personal dealings, as well.”

  “Go on,” Massimo urged, wondering how the man planned to disparage Kelly. Despite the CEO’s reputation for fairness and generosity, Massimo suspected that was Robards’ ultimate goal.

  “I must warn you about Ms. Chase. You can take what I say with a grain of salt—after all, she is my ex—but I have no reason to badmouth her. It would only reflect on me and my choices.” Robards sucked in a deep breath, as if daring himself to utter his next sentence. “She cannot be trusted.”

  “How so?”

  “Did she tell you that she’s a successful closet designer?” At Massimo’s curt nod, Robards said, “That much is true. She’s excellent, in fact. So excellent that a friend of mine offered to buy her business for a decent amount of money. I actually counseled him against it—as great as Kelly is at designing, she’s terrible at accounting, and her business was well in the red—but my friend insisted. He thought he could turn around the finances and make it a success.”


  “She accepted the offer. Best financial decision she’s ever made. But a few weeks later, she had seller’s remorse. She had told me she planned to spend our marriage working for the philanthropical arm of my business—and I think it would have suited her—but she changed her mind. Of course, by then the ink was dry on all the documents.”

  On a roll now, Robards continued, “When I told her it was too late, she became irrational. Started telling our friends that I’d manipulated her into selling, when the opposite was true. It was hurtful, to say the least, both personally and to my business reputation.”

  Massimo shifted as the clatter of dishes rose from below them. He doubted they�
��d have privacy for long. “You could’ve supported her in starting a new business.”

  “I tried, but she was fixated on her closet design business. I explained to her that when she sold, she’d signed a noncompete agreement—my friend needed to know she wouldn’t set up a competing operation if he wanted to make her old business thrive—and she was quite upset. Apparently, she hadn’t read the paperwork even though I hired a lawyer for her. I wanted her to be clear about what she was doing.”

  Much as Massimo wanted to doubt the man, he knew Robards’ tale was all too common. Newspapers were filled stories of smart businessmen who’d made colossal, career-ending mistakes by signing papers they hadn’t thoroughly vetted. If Kelly thought a friend was offering her a good deal, she might’ve been careless.

  “What does this have to do with me?”

  “You told me you brought Kelly here tonight. Is it a date?”

  “That’s not your concern.”

  Robards ran a hand over his jaw and nodded. He was a man’s man. Massimo would give him that. “Understood. But let me give you some food for thought. I’m fortunate in that I’ve been successful. However, success means I can be a target for unscrupulous people. I’m sure you’ve dealt with a few of those yourself.”

  When Massimo didn’t respond, Robards continued, “When Kelly ended our relationship, I thought it was over our disagreement regarding the sale of her business. But what I’ve come to suspect since then is that, while discussing the finances of her business, she realized that she’ll never have access to the bulk of my cash. It’s tied up in my companies and in my charitable works. I’ve come to believe my money was her goal in the first place. She targeted me. I thought we’d met by chance, but now I’m not so sure.”

  Robards glanced through the crack in the door, ensuring no one was coming, then turned back to Massimo.

  “One afternoon I met a friend at a Dallas restaurant for lunch. Kelly was at the next table, going over designs with a client. The weather was terrible that day. It’d been raining all morning. I inadvertently left my umbrella on the bench…or so I thought. When I went back for it, Kelly was holding it. She’d picked it up, she claims by accident. We got to talking, and that was the beginning. But now…I just don’t know that it was random. If she’d truly picked it up by mistake, she could’ve turned it in to the hostess. But she waited for me to return. She wanted to meet me. I’m positive now she knew who I am and what I’m worth. In your case, I know she knows. You can’t hide your wealth or your family’s influence.”


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