Taz (Tarnished Souls MC Book 2)

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Taz (Tarnished Souls MC Book 2) Page 1

by Dusty Lassetter

  (Tarnished Souls MC)

  book 2

  By: Dusty Lassetter


  a Tarnished Souls MC novel

  Copyright ©2017 by Dusty Lassetter

  All rights reserve. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means. Without prior permission from the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the internet or via other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are wither products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity.

  About the Author

  Dusty Lassetter was born and raised in Texas, and is currently residing in Van, Texas. She is twenty-eight years old and married with four children, that people mistake for twins often. This is her second series to write, and self-publish. She enjoyed reading so much, she decided to take a chance at creating her own story.


  Do you believe in love at first sight? It’s a question many people think about. Some have faith that it’s true, others doubt it. You can’t really blame the nonbelievers, can you? True love at first sight doesn’t happen often enough to be proven. When I say true love, I mean the emotion that overrides any other sensation in your soul. It consumes you, makes your body, heart, and entire being crave the one person you need, and want more than anyone else. Every time that person is near, their essence sends your body into overdrive. All you can concentrate on is the sound of their voice, the touch of their warm skin, the smell that can only be associated with them.

  In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I not only believe in love at first sight, I’ve experienced it. The moment I laid eyes on Taz my heart literally skipped a beat. I know it sounds cheesy, something only read in books, but it’s my reality. My heart not only beats for me anymore. It pulses for every one of his glances, the way he sometimes looks at me like I’m the only woman in the room, and the countless smiles he’s sent my way. For all the times, I’ve caught him with other women, the many occasions he’s told me I was nothing more than a spoiled biker princess, and the countless times Taz has held me in his arms when I’ve had a bad day.

  That’s why as I sit here, contemplating my current situation, there is no part of me screaming to save myself. To stop playing this sick game with Slasher, the Blacktop Sinner’s President. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for this man. The one presently with his head in my lap, beaten body splayed on the dirty floor, clinging onto a life most people find unworthy. He is the VP of the Tarnished Souls MC. He has done unimaginable things, but they don’t define him. Growing up in the biker world, my dad, Buck, the President of Tarnished Souls, taught me something. Not all criminals are monsters. That is the belief I hold onto while I’m sitting with my back against the wall, waiting for the boogie man to show back up and demand something else from me. You see, Slasher isn’t just a criminal. He’s not only evil, with a heart as black as night. The President of the Blacktop Sinners doesn’t have a soul. I know this because I’ve stared into his eyes, and all I’ve seen is an emptiness that would scare the devil himself.

  “Up,” I hear someone order, meaning I must have dozed off. My eyes shoot open, taking in my now familiar, surroundings. The tiny basement is damp, dark, and dingy. The foul smell surrounding the room not only comes from us, but also from the mold growing up the side of the walls. Slasher is standing directly under the only light on the ceiling. No matter how much I hate to admit this, he is attractive. With wide shoulders, long legs, and hands the size of a catcher’s mitt. He stands well over six-foot tall, short black hair, with golden eyes the color of honey that shine with specks of green mesmerizing his prey. Taz is still sleeping. Most likely from all the blood loss. I take a deep breath. It’s time to switch my brain off and find my happy place. Slasher looks nothing like the monster he is on the inside.

  “What’s the matter, Princess?” I hear his voice echo off the walls around me. His baritone is low; the way fake concern easily shows in his voice is just another example of how deranged he really is. This is about control and power. It’s not good enough to manipulate me by using Taz. He acts as if he wants me to want him. I never speak to him. Choosing to keep my words and thoughts to myself. The only thing he’s getting is my body, that’s another fact that keeps me sane. It gives me the strength to gently place Taz’s head on the ground, before crawling my way toward Slasher. The first time I got to my feet after he called for me, he had three men teach me a lesson by using Taz as a punching bag. Lesson learned. I should stay on my knees.

  “You really are beautiful,” he states, as I sit back on my heels. I keep my head tilted down, hiding behind my hair, waiting for whatever he asks of me. I’ve been lucky, so far. He hasn’t let anyone else play with his new toy, or forced me to give him something that is not his to take. “You would look even better at my side, as the Queen of Blacktop Sinners. What a shame that’s already been promised to someone else.”

  I let my gaze run over a crack in the floor, trying hard to concentrate on anything other than the man standing over me. He surprises me by staying silent, only reaching forward to place his hand on my head. I stay completely still, scared of what he will do. Not only to me. I remain unmoving for Taz, and the knowledge he won’t survive another beating.

  When we were abducted out of the clubhouse, we both put up a good fight until the bastards shot some type of drug into our necks. Waking up in this basement, disoriented and sick, I could hear the low grunts escaping Taz as five men stood over him, kicking and punching. With what little strength I had, I staggered to his side, taking a few shots myself, refusing to stand by and watch as they killed him. That was the first time I met Slasher. It’s one greeting I’ll never forget. Stopping his goons from doing any more damage to Taz, with a smile on his face. I became his puppet. The moment I showed, Slasher, I was willing to die for my dad’s VP, he knew he owned me. I can’t tell you how long we’ve been down here, locked away, but I know one thing. I will make sure we both survive this, at any cost, because I want to see if he feels fear. My dad will find me. When he does, Slasher will have to answer for everything he’s done.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he declares. The door at the top of the stairs opens, the sound of scraping boots following. My throat constricts, making it hard to force air into my lungs. This is it. The day I’ve dreaded. The nightmare that’s woken me up several times is about to become my new reality. Slasher has grown bored of foreplay. He’s going to take what he wants, and then give me to all the others.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Princess,” he whispers. “But they are only here to bring me my supplies. You’re still new to me, I’m not quite ready to share you,” he says, adding, “yet,” at the end, his voice leaving no room for confusion. It’s not only a warning for things to come, it’s a promise.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t trade her, Boss,” an unfamiliar voice says, “she’s way hotter than the red head.” For the first time, since I’ve been here Slasher finally slips. The cool always-in-control persona vanishes. The venom in his voice when he speaks to the stranger makes one thing clear, he’s obsessed with whomever it is this man was talking about.

  “You’ll watch your fucking tongue, or I’ll cut it out,” he threatens, “you don’t have permission to even think about her is that clear? She’s mine. MINE!”

  “Yes, Boss,” he mumbles, obviously aware of his mistake. Another man’s voice can be heard trying to pacify Slasher before two pairs of footsteps disappear up the stairs.

  “Now that w
e are alone,” Slasher says, then catches himself, “well almost.” I can tell he is talking about Taz from the disgust lining his words. With my head still bowed, I can’t see what he is doing. The only thing I have to go on is the noises around me, but all the fear coursing through my veins makes it hard to picture anything other than my death. Would he drag it out? Force me to give myself to him just to kill me moments after.

  “I can practically smell the fear coming off you, Princess,” he says in a soothing voice, scraping something across the floor, moving closer toward, Taz. “I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, there is nothing to fear except fear itself.” Finally, the scraping sound ceases, but soon after a grunt from Taz can be heard. My head automatically rises, eyes scanning the floor where he was. Slasher is slapping him awake while forcing him into a chair.

  “I’m going to give you something to enjoy, asshole,” he murmurs, “let’s see how mad daddy gets when his little princess is rubbing her pussy all over his VP.”

  “Fuck you.” Taz, forces through his clenched teeth. With more force than necessary, Slasher, draws back his fist before landing it on the side of Taz’s face. A wound on his eyebrow that had barely managed to scab over, opens back up. With fresh blood running down the side of his face, Taz only laughs.

  “Maybe I should just send a video of me fucking her instead. Bent over this chair, hollering my name,” Slasher states. When Taz is no longer laughing, the room once again grows quiet. Slasher, happy to have the control back, starts walking my direction. I don’t bother tucking my chin into my chest. I’m too curious to see what he wants from me. He stops several feet back, then bends down low enough for us to be eye level. “I wanna see how well you can dance, Princess,” he says, patronizing me with his kind voice. Like I stated before, Slasher is a very handsome guy. Strong jaw line, plump lips that most women would do anything to sink their teeth into, with no scars on his face despite the profession he chose. “You will make me proud, or your boyfriend over there will pay the price. Show me how well you can move your body, understand?”

  With a slight nod of my head, I answer his question, watching as he rises to his full height. When he extends his hand for me to take, I want to deny him this one thing, but I don’t. Because he would only take it out on Taz. With a recorder in his left hand, he gestures for me to begin. A quick jerk of his head toward Taz, has me moving forward. I decide the only way to get through this is to do it quickly. When I’m close enough, my eyes finally connect with Taz’s, and the horror I see on his face is enough to make me freeze.

  “Did I say stop?” Slasher shouts out, obviously growing impatient. Taking one step at a time, deep breath in, deep breath out, I manage to make it all the way to my target. My jean clad knees, hit his, then out of nowhere, music starts playing in the background. Slasher is walking around, filming from different angles, making sure to capture my every movement on film. The idea of my father watching this threatens to send me into panic mode, so I close my eyes, and do what I’ve done several times in my bedroom. With the beat of the music, I start to move my hips, swaying them from side to side in an erotic gesture. After several seconds my body loosens, my hips now rolling with the heavy bass. I have yet to touch Taz. Which I can only guess angers Slasher, because he’s behind me. Pulling my hair, forcing my head all the way back. Taz’s legs stiffen against mine. “Okay, okay,” I state, knowing exactly what he wants without him having to say it.

  “Show me you can give a lap dance or I’ll have my men come down here to teach you how.” He threatens, releasing my hair. Keeping my eyes closed, I turn around, spreading Taz’s knees wide, before sitting down on his lap. Circling my hips, and arching my ass out at the same time, I mimic the style of dance I’ve seen in movies. I have no way of knowing whether I’m doing it right, and as sick as this may make me, I desperately want to be doing it right. My mind may be aware of the circumstances surrounding this little strip tease, but my body says it doesn’t give a shit. This is Taz. That’s all it cares about.

  “Unbutton your shirt,” Slasher commands. Once again, I feel him stiffen, causing me to pause with my movement. The growl coming from the other side of the room is enough of a warning to get my hands moving again. With shaky fingers, I start to unbutton my long-sleeved shirt, allowing it to drape over my shoulders.

  “Turn around,” he orders next. Changing positions, I’m now straddling Taz. Opening my eyes, I come face to face with his gorgeous green ones, the color of sage, filled with regret and sympathy. His sandy brown hair hasn’t been cut in months, hiding his forehead, and the stubble on his chin makes him look much older. His chiseled features match the rest of his ruggedness. This is the man I feel in love with the moment I stepped into the club house at the age of fifteen. He also happens to be the man that is slowly breaking my spirit with the emotion showing on his face. I can tell he is repulsed by this, by me. Once again closing my eyes, this time to keep him from seeing my tears, I go to my safe place. The one that allows me to believe this will end soon. That someday soon, someone will find us.


  I’m fucked up, and I’m not referring to my beaten body. I’m completely fucked up in the head. I’m a sick, depraved monster. Serenity, my club president’s innocent daughter, is straddling my thighs, grinding her jean clad pussy on my lap, and all I can think about is how good it would feel to be deep inside her. That’s not what makes me a monster, although that is pretty shitty. Nope, the most disturbing part of this scenario is the sick bastard holding a camera, recording her every movement.

  Slasher is using me against Serenity despite my many attempts to have him end my life. Why she continues to do the things they ask is lost on me. I’m nothing more than a school crush that has lasted because Buck has separation issues. Had he allowed her to experience somewhat of a normal life she, wouldn’t be so inclined to save mine. I realize I sound like an ungrateful bastard, and you probably hate me. I really only have one thing to say to that. Get in line. No one hates me as much as I do myself right now, and saying this brings me back to my present situation.

  My body aches, I probably look like dog shit, and smell like it as well, but none of this matter. Not as long as she is on my lap, her tiny body fitting against mine in a way I’ve never experienced. Serenity is perfect. That’s why no matter how hard I try, the blood, that should be pouring out of my open wounds, is rerouting itself to the one place it shouldn’t. I’ve kept my arms at my sides, despite the many times they’ve wanted to reach out and caress her skin. Her blonde hair is hanging loose, and falling down her bare breast, now that she’s taken off her shirt. I’ve always been an ass man, but my eyes can’t help staying glued to the sides of her tits, slightly swaying from her movement. Every once in a while, giving me a small glimpse of pink nipples. My depraved brain begs me to take one into my mouth.

  “Stand up,” Slasher commands, once again bringing me back to reality, and the reality is that she’s being forced to do this. I should keep my eyes closed, like she has done, but like I previously stated-I’m a fucked up vile, son of a bitch, that’s already punched his ticket into hell.

  “Remove the rest of your clothes.”

  The growl that leaves my chest can’t be helped. I’ve let this go on long enough. Only over my dead body will he get her to remove the rest of her clothes. As long as there is still breath in my lungs, blood in my veins, Serenity will not be coerced to do anything else. Without my being here, she will be better off. Slasher will no longer have any leverage, making his games pointless. I’ve listened carefully to the things Slasher and his men have said. I’m no idiot. They are trying to trade her for another girl with red hair, and I’d bet my left nut that the girl he wants is Scarlett. Without this game to keep him occupied he will grow more impatient, demanding a trade sooner than later. Buck may have a soft spot for Mia and her sisters, we all do really, but the choice between Serenity and Scarlett would be a no-brainer.

  Standing up, using the last of my strength to do so, I sh
ove Serenity behind me. She lets out a scream of surprise, before openly begging me to sit back down. I can understand why she is scared. Had I not seen, or experienced, worse in my lifetime, I might be frightened too.

  “Let’s go Mother Fucker, just you and me,” I say to him, surprised by the lack of shock or fear on his face. It’s not every day I come across someone that isn’t intimidated by my size. I’m the tallest member in our club, and tower over most people I meet.

  “I was wondering how long it would take for your knight to protect you, Princess,” he states, talking to Serenity. “It took longer than I thought. I guess he isn’t as possessive as most bikers.” I don’t bother responding. Moving forward, I bring my knee up into his stomach, and wait for him to lean over in pain before landing a clean shot right to the side of his temple. He proves to be one tough bastard when he doesn’t go down. Most men would have been knocked out with that hit, not him.

  “You’re going to regret that,” he breathes, shaking his head loose from any cob webs that may have formed. I charge forward, barreling into him hard enough to send us both falling to the ground. I land hard on my shoulder. I hear the popping of bones, before I manage to maneuver myself on top of him. Pulling my arm back, the throbbing in my shoulder stops me from hitting as hard as I can, yet I still manage to land a decent shot.

  “Taz!” I hear Serenity cry out, just before two men appear at my side, fists already flying. The hit to my left rib cage nearly has me blacking out. I’m certain they’ve cracked a rib, but I force the fog back, unwilling to give into the pain this time.

  “GO… SERENTIY...RUN...!” I shout out, hoping she listens. I’m not sure how much longer I can fight off three men. If there was ever a time for her to get away it would be now. Several hits land on the side of my head, knocking me off Slasher, giving them the upper hand. There is really nothing else for me to do other than kick blindly and hope my death is quick.


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