Passion in Portland 2016 Anthology

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Passion in Portland 2016 Anthology Page 72

by Anthology

  “We just need to make sure we limit ourselves since we have the concert tonight. We don’t want to pass out early. The guys would be pissed,” says Cindy with a nervous laugh.

  Chapter 5

  Our first stop is Timberline Lodge at the Ram’s Head Bar. They have a great view overlooking the mountain. It’s absolutely beautiful and a great place to have a drink.

  Everyone leaves the shuttle and makes their way into the lodge. The bar is up on the third floor. It’s on a balcony surrounding a massive stone chimney which sits in the middle of the lodge. How can you not enjoy the scenery while having a beverage?

  We each take a seat at a table and look at a menu. The best thing to do is order tasters, so everyone can try different beers. Once the waitress comes, we each pick a couple different ones. This way we have eight different beers we can taste.

  None of us are big cider or sour fans, which allows us to taste more of the mild to hoppy beers. Passing each of them around, we are able to try each one. We get about thirty minutes to enjoy our drinks and the scenery before we head out to the next place.

  Most of them are pretty smooth and don’t leave much of a bitter after taste. We each enjoyed the different beers here and look forward to coming back next time we’re in town.

  Our second stop is at Mt. Hood Brewing Company. This place is a little more laid back and family-friendly. We find a table to discuss options of what we want to try this time. We get an option of nine different tasters. I’ve been told this brewery is known for their IPAs and Stouts. Looking at the menu, there is an Oatmeal Stout that sounds delicious. Who doesn’t like, coffee, chocolate and caramel?

  This time around, we decide to try some of the darker beers such as the ale’s, porters and stouts. They have growler fills here, so if we find something we really like, we can take some to go. The beer here is actually pretty inexpensive. This is the best way to find what you like best.

  We are spending an hour here, so we decide to grab some appetizers as well. Need to have food in you to soak up this alcohol. It’s not fun getting drunk on the second stop when you have more beers to try. The darker the beer, the quicker you’re going to feel it.

  Nothing like French fries and ranch to get us through this. Fully-loaded potato skins don’t hurt either.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come back with us tonight, Lori?” Michele asks concerned.

  “No, I’m good. I really wanna get another run in tomorrow. Not sure how long the snow will last and when I’ll get back up here.”

  “Will you be okay up here on your own? I don’t feel comfortable leaving you,” says Cindy.

  “Girls, I’ll be fine. There’s no need to worry. I’ll text and let you know I’m okay.”

  I’m sure it’s the beer talking right now. I don’t mind doing things on my own. I actually like the alone time. Sometimes. But I don’t want to tell them about this guy. I’ve decided to go back to the bar tonight and see what happens.

  If he shows up.

  We continue our conversation about planning our next trip. Next time we need to go somewhere warm. I love the cold, but only if I get to ski. Otherwise, I really hate the cold. The cold and I have a love-hate relationship.

  We are about done with our food and drinks when the shuttle driver gives us a ten minute warning before we head out to our last and final stop. One last taster needs to be finished, so I grab it and down it. I think I need it more than them. The Meadow Blond sails down my throat effortlessly.

  Damn, that’s good.

  The last stop is at The Ratskeller, a casual bar and restaurant. It sits in the middle of the loop within Government Camp. It’s a great place to go when you have a big group. Like Charlie’s, this place gets pretty busy at night and they have live music.

  The more I think about it, I should come here tonight. Check out the scenery and see what happens.

  This time the whole group we’re with sits in the back near the bar. Since this is the last stop and we’re here for an hour, we decide to grab full beers. Enjoying a nice cold beer sounds good about now.

  We’re all sitting at a huge round table. One of the girls in the group thought it would be a good idea to switch things up and sit by someone we don’t know.

  Each person says something they haven’t done before. They could be telling the truth or lying. Everyone else has to drink if they’ve actually done it. You can make it as crazy and as interesting as you want. I’ve played this many times with my friends when we’re hanging out drinking. It can also get embarrassing, depending on the statement.

  It can’t be too bad playing with strangers. Who cares what they think about me?

  The first round of statements was pretty tame, but as we get further along, they are getting a little risqué. So far I haven’t had to drink much, but my poor friends haven’t had the same luck. With having boyfriends, I guess they have more opportunities to take chances and do things they normally wouldn’t do. I’m actually learning they aren’t as modest as I am.

  Your best bet is to drink light beer because you can easily get wasted if you end up being the adventurous one. The others quickly learned they needed to switch what they were drinking.

  As time passes, everyone is laughing and having a good time. It’s been fun and this gave us an opportunity to hang out before the girls head home, and we potentially made some new friends at the same time.

  Wrapping up, we finish our drinks and head back out to the shuttle. Each group is dropped off at their cabin and we all say goodbye, hoping to see each other again.

  The girls and I make it back to the cabin, and the guys have all their things ready to go when we get inside. They’re in a hurry to get back, so they have time to get ready for their concert.

  “Well, it’s been fun everyone! Have a safe trip back home and have fun tonight.”

  I take a minute to give everyone a hug and wish them safe travels back home. It’s only a couple hours away, but the roads can be dangerous at times.

  Michele gives me a hug last. She’s one of my best friends and I know she worries about me.

  “Be careful, Lori. Don’t do anything stupid and go off on your own. Love you, girl,” she says with sadness in her voice.

  She has no idea.

  Chapter 5

  Damn, I look good. Usually I have wardrobe issues, but I clean up pretty well.

  I’m wearing my jeggings that look like washed-out jeans. My top is long and black with a low neckline and a low back, showing off the tattoo running down the length of my spine. Black sandals with a small heel match perfectly, giving me a dressy but casual appearance.

  Now to dress it up with a long silver necklace. Knowing the perfect one to wear, I go rifle through my jewelry and find the one with butterflies dangling from it, from large to small, silver to gold.


  My long blond hair is pushed up into a messy bun. I’ve been told the messy look is sexy, so why not try it out. I take a few wispy strands of my hair and frame them around my face.

  A little extra eye liner frames my eyes to make them pop out more. Lip gloss for the final touches and I’m ready to go.

  Grabbing my purse, I lock up and head out. The air is frigid tonight, so I’m glad I grabbed my jacket. The Ratskellar is just down the hill ten minutes away.

  Glancing down the hill as I walk I can see the restaurant lit up with beautiful bright lights. This town is even more beautiful when there’s snow on the ground.

  Thinking about snow and being cold makes me think about the possibility of running into that guy again. It literally gives me the chills, and it’s not just the cold weather. I’m kind of excited to see where this might go.

  If he’s even here tonight.

  I open the door to the bar and get inside. The lights are down and music is softly playing. The place is starting to fill up, so I’m glad I got here when I did. There’re still a few places to sit near the band. I love music, and live bands give off a certain vibe and make me feel l
ike I’m part of it. The emotions for me are even bigger and more euphoric.

  Viewing the bar area, it’s decorated with different flags from all over the country. Even though they appreciate diversity, our Oregon sports teams are displayed throughout the whole place.

  While making my way over to a small round booth on the other side of the room, I feel someone grab my wrist stopping me from going any further. I stumble a little because that’s just who I am. I automatically turn around and attempt to pull myself out of the person’s grasp, but all I can see are those familiar eyes.

  It’s him.

  The guy from last night. He’s holding my wrist, so I stand there staring up at him with a stunned look on my face.

  He realizes he’s still holding onto my wrist, so he slowly releases me and lightly grabs my hand.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. You didn’t tell me your name last night. Are you here with someone?”

  “That’s okay. You’re lucky I didn’t deck you!”

  He laughs at my comment, but doesn’t say anything.


  He’s now looking at me with confusion.

  “No, what?” he asks.

  “You asked if I was here with someone. No,” I say with a smile.

  “Oh shit, sorry. I guess I’m a little distracted. You’re captivating. I wasn’t sure if I was going to see you again.”

  There’s definitely an electric charge passing through us as we stare at one another. It’s like everything around us is moving in slow motion.

  My eyes decide to move of their own accord and check him out from head to toe.

  “I wasn’t sure either, but I’m here. And so are you.”

  I guess I didn’t play that off well, since he’s got a huge smile on this face.

  “Yes, I am. I’m glad we ran into each other again. Do you want to sit with me?” he says as he looks over in the direction I was headed.

  Smiling, I nod my head yes. Glancing down, I notice he’s still holding my hand. He lets go to put his hand against my lower back, so he can guide me toward the table.

  We sit down in the half circular booth which allows us to sit close together. We leave enough comfortable space between us not wanting to crowd each other.

  Trying my hardest not to look at him, I can’t seem to help myself. There’s a strong gravitational pull guiding me in his direction. What I find is him staring back at me.

  “You look really beautiful.” Damn, he isn’t going to make this easy.

  “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” I can’t exactly tell him he looks sexy as fuck because he totally does. I’m in so much trouble. And I was right about his voice. It’s deep and sexy. There’s something about it, though, that I just can’t place.

  “So, I know this probably sounds like a line, but do you come here often?” he asks.

  Not being able to control myself, I start laughing. Usually cheesy pick-up lines don’t work on me, but the way he’s looking at me I can tell he’s being serious.

  “Actually, I do come here often. Usually, during the winter months, though.”

  “Now that we’re finally having this moment, I should probably know your name.”

  “My name’s Lori. I love fast downhill skiing and dancing. What about you?” I reply.

  The look on his face is concerning. I can’t tell if he thought my comment was ridiculous or not. Then he starts laughing. Did he just get I was trying to lighten up the mood?

  “No shit? I’m…Matt. Are you really my Lori?”

  What the hell? His Lori? What does that even mean? Oh my God! Wait – He’s Matt? That means he’s my Matt.

  “No way! You’re the guy I’ve already been talking to?”

  “Yes. I can’t believe we’re here at the same place. I’m actually really happy that it’s you and not someone else.”

  I feel like the room is spinning right now. I can’t believe this is happening. The two of us ended up coming to the same place for the weekend. Could it be fate?

  The world works in mysterious ways. I am so glad I came tonight.

  We order a couple of drinks and talk while the band is getting ready. I find out his friends ended up meeting up with some family friends. He took a chance to come here tonight to see if I would show up.

  We were meant to meet. I believe things happen for a reason.

  I feel so freaking giddy right now. My nerves are starting to subside, but I’m still a little nervous since we’re meeting for the first time. He is so hot. My mind keeps racing back to hearing him say I was beautiful. I was kind of worried he was out of my league, but he seems honestly happy.

  The music is great, and being able to dance with Matt is amazing. We definitely have a connection that goes beyond just friendship.

  It’s starting to get late, but I’m not sure how the night’s going to end. Where do we go from here?

  All I know is that I want to spend more time with him and possibly see where things go. My brain is in overdrive right now, so I don’t know what’s going to happen next.

  What I do know is I wouldn’t mind finding out what our sexual chemistry is like. I’m sure it’ll be hot!

  “This may sound reckless, but I want to make the most out of tonight. Do you want to spend the night with me? No expectations. We can just see where things go,” Matt says with trepidation.

  “I would love to. My place or yours?”

  Chapter 6

  Matt walked me back to the Big Bear cabin and, since I’m here alone, I invited him to stay here tonight. No interruptions; just the two of us finding out where we want this to go.

  I feel heat rising up on the back of my neck. I know he’s watching me. What I want to do and should do are two completely different things. I’m eager to run my fingers through his hair.

  Closing my eyes, I imagine his lips are smooth as silk as they touch mine. Movement from across the room distracts my image.

  Standing in the middle of the room with my back to Matt, I can feel him slowly walk toward me. I’m scared to turn around and see the look in his eyes.

  Before I know it, he reaches me and places his hands gently on my shoulders. He slowly moves them down my arms, sending chills up my spine.

  He places his lips at the top of my spine where my tattoo starts, working his way down the entire length until my back is no longer bare. My top stops him from going any further.

  Standing still, not moving an inch he asks me if this is too much. The only thing coming out of my mouth is a low moan. I really hope he doesn’t take that as a no.

  My wish is granted because I feel his lips touch the side of my neck. His tongue reaches out and licks up my neck until he gently sucks on my earlobe and releases it. Oh my God, that feels good.

  Trying to figure out what to do with my hands, I don’t have time to react because he’s spinning me around, and lightly caressing my face.

  “You can touch me. I won’t disappear.”

  I decide to trust him and place my hands on his chest. Feeling him over his shirt I can tell he is muscular. The hardness beneath my fingers is a dead giveaway for someone who works out. The more I roam his chest and shoulders, the more I want to feel what’s underneath.

  My eyes rise to meet his.

  The hunger I see is overwhelming. The fear in me is no longer holding me back. I can’t help but lean in and take what I want.

  Our lips touch and a fire ignites within me. His tongue nudges my lips apart and I open for him. My tongue reaches out to his and our kiss deepens. Desire is burning deep inside me. I didn’t know a kiss could have this much passion.

  He reaches up and pulls my hair out of the messy bun. His fingers tangle in my hair tugging my head back.

  Our lips are no longer touching, but I can feel his breath tantalizing close to my face. Lustful eyes meet mine as I try to gain some control. I can’t hear anything except the blood pumping through my veins.

  Holding onto my shoulders, he moves me back toward the cou
ch. My legs hit the couch. I thought I was losing control earlier. Well, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t fall back and tumble onto the brown leather sectional.

  Matt tries to grab for me, but totally misses and falls right on top of me. Laughing uncontrollably, trying to adjust ourselves, I can’t help but feel him rub against my center. His hardness gives everything away. Silence falls upon us as our eyes swiftly meet.

  The energy begins to sizzle around us.

  He tries to move again, but he’s unable to hide his excitement. I hear him say fuck it and his mouth crashes to mine.

  His hand brushes over my breast slightly rubbing my nipple. I can’t help but push up into his hand and ask for more. I love the way he makes me feel. He’s tender, but rough at the same time, making me feel multiple sensations.

  I take this chance to let my hands roam his body. Reaching under his shirt, my hands slither up his bare back. Both of my hands reach up and hang onto his shoulders, allowing me to get even closer.

  We continue to rub against each other and make out like teenagers. I don’t remember the last time making out with someone was this intense.

  Not taking things too far, Matt slows down and rests his forehead against mine. With his eyes closed, he takes a couple deep breaths and doesn’t move. While his eyes are closed, I take this chance to really look at him up close and study what I could see of his face.

  He’s absolutely perfect.

  Opening his eyes, he kisses my forehead and slides in beside me, turning me away from him, so he can wrap his arms around me.

  “You’re amazing, Lori.”

  Those are the last words I hear from him before we both fall asleep in each other’s arms.


  We end up sleeping on the couch all night. The next morning, we go out for breakfast. It isn’t as awkward as I thought it was going to be. We are both so comfortable with each other. Even when I fall over or mix up my words, he doesn’t judge me. He looks at me with affection no matter what comes out of my mouth. We just click.


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