Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4)

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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4) Page 7

by Dana Arden

  My dad spins, grabs Razz’s wrist and strides towards me with purpose. The vein in the middle of his forehead looks like it’s getting ready to blow.

  I hear my sister mumbling beside me, but I’m still deciding on whether I should run or stand my ground.

  Greer pushes me and I come out of my contemplation. “Your ass better run. He’s pissed.”

  I glance around for an opening and I’m surrounded by my brothers.

  My dad bellows. “Ryker grab his ass. Motherfucker letting Razz put shit on my jeans. What the fuck, Trigger!” Yep, I’m in deep shit.

  Ryker and Spook corner me and each takes an arm as they keep me in place. My dad gets in my face spitting mad.

  “Is this how you treat your President?” He roars.

  “N…no sir.” I stutter.

  “That shit is disrespectful and I’ll not tol….”

  Before he can finish, a spray of cold water drenches my face. Shaking the water from my eyes, I see the culprit of my outside shower.


  Razz with a bright smile.

  Razz with glistening blue eyes.

  Mine .

  My brothers let me go and I take off after her as she drops the hose and takes off running towards the Clubhouse with a muttered ‘oh shit’ coming from her lips.

  A few more strides and I wrap my arms around her middle and lift her off her feet, turning her to face me and slamming her against the outside of the Clubhouse. I don’t even think about my actions before I crush her lips with mine. She tenses, but within seconds her body relaxes and she melts into me. She moans giving me the opening I need to deepen the kiss.

  Hoots and cheers behind us bring us out of our lust-filled kiss. Bringing my forehead to hers, catching my breath and watching the light pink creep up her cheeks, I can’t help but inform her. “This isn’t over. This is just the beginning Razzle Dazzle.”

  She searches my face for the answers that can be easily seen through my eyes; desire, hunger and the love I’ve felt for her since we were kids that had been hampered by my faults.

  She nods as she reaches her hand to my cheek and brushes her thumb against my bottom lip. “As long as I’m not a standby, we’ll be just fine.” She whispers.

  It’s in that moment that I realize she’s absofuckinglutely right. If I’m not over my shit with Sadie, then I need to take a step back. Even thinking of letting Razz go causes an immense pain in my chest and that is when I know that she’s it for me regardless of the years I spent ignoring her and pursuing Sadie.

  “You and me.” I whisper against her lips as I place a soft kiss to her lips.

  Chapter 16


  Falling into Razz’s front door with her wrapped around me is all I can focus on until I stumble and we fall to the floor. Pausing to take in Razz’s heavy breathing and swollen lips, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with the longing I have for her.

  She puts her hands on the sides of my neck and pulls my head closer to hers. “Stop thinking and act, Trigger. I’m not going anywhere.”

  With a renewed sense of obligation to please Razz, I tuck my head in her neck and begin to kiss and lick down her neck. Slipping my hands underneath her shirt and slowly raising it, she gets the hint and sits up slightly and takes it off throwing it to the side.

  I sit back on my heels unbuttoning her jeans and letting her help me get the tight fuckers off. Appreciating the bright blue matching lace thong and bra, I get a little sidetrack with my hands roaming her stomach to under her tits where I lift the bra enough so her nipples emerge and I can suck one into my mouth as I pay gratitude to the other with my index finger and thumb rolling and tugging enough to get a low moan from her.

  My lips travel downward to her bellybutton to the edge of her panties. Gripping the sides with my hands, I tug. They don’t stand a chance against my strength. Razz lifts her hips. The tiny material is taken from under her and is thrown to accompany her shirt and jeans.

  Placing my shoulders against her thighs and spreading her wide, I flatten my tongue against her pussy lips and move upward to her clit, sucking it into my mouth and enjoying the fuck at the awakening of my taste buds to her sweet honey. I bite lightly on the bundle of nerves eliciting a growl from Razz and the tightening grip of her fingers in my hair pulling my face closer to her pussy.

  “Tanner, please.” She moans.

  I don’t respond. I continue to work her pussy over with my mouth and fingers until I feel her clenching my fingers and then the proceeding gush of her cum on my hand. I quickly remove my fingers and drink in her essence like a starving man.

  When I’ve sucked her dry, I stand removing my wallet from my jeans. I toss the condom to the floor and take off my offending jeans and boxer briefs in one fluent motion.

  I watch her eyes fix on my cock as I stroke and kneel in front of her. She reaches for my cock greedily, but there’s no way I won’t cum like a chump if she touches me.

  “Raquel.” I grit getting her eyes to meet mine. “You can touch me later, but right now I need to fill your cunt with my cock.” She nods.

  Opening the condom and rolling it down my cock, I groan with the contact. I envelop both of her wrists in one hand and position myself at her entrance. She stares mesmerized with the feel of my cock with every inch I feed her.

  She lifts her hips and wraps her legs around my waist, and that’s all she wrote. I slam into her and watch her pretty titties bounce with each thrust.

  Her pussy begins to quake and my balls begin to tighten. I release her wrist and lift her hips with my hands as I pound into her one, twice, three times and release with a growl and my name groaned loudly from her lips.

  Bending forward and placing my forehead to hers, I can’t help but be enthralled with her afterglow. She has a satisfied smile on her face and her breathing is beginning to slow.



  “This is the establishment of an us.” I whisper.

  She mutters, “us,” and she proceeds to fall asleep with my soft cock still comfortably seated inside her.


  Waking up before the sun even rises is a bitch, but the sooner we got on the road the sooner we get this shit over with. On the plus side, waking up with Razz’s limbs entangled with mine and her head on my chest was refreshing.

  Arriving in Kissimmee, our first stop is Bravo Supermarket to stock up on food and supplies to hold us over this weekend. I’m more concerned with the sleeping arrangement and having Razz’s pussy filled with my cock than what I’m going to eat. Shit, I could eat her pussy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But the women have spoken and real food is more important than my overactive imagination and hyperactive libido.

  Pulling into the parking lot, the girls insist on leaving Spook and I in the Tahoe. Are they fucking tripping? I just got Razz back and I sure as shit ain’t sitting in a car while I could be watching her ass sway while she pushes a cart. So, Spook and I decide to give them a ten minute head start down to the last minute mind you, because we don’t need to seem too needy or is it overly desperate. Whatever, you get the point. As soon as the clock turns to ten-O-seven, our asses are speed walking into Bravo’s and searching aisles.

  Wouldn’t ya know the women are in the produce section sword fighting with an eggplant and a squash. Is this the reason we were left in the truck, so they can disappear and have all the fucking fun, I don’t think so.

  I give Spook a chin lift towards the cucumbers. You know the organic ones that grow to be a foot long if not longer. He catches my drift and we strut over to get the biggest swords we can find. Spook gets his and holds it out and I cipher through a few to make sure mine’s bigger. No more shaking your heads people. Men do not want to have the smallest swords when they go into battle.

  The girls are still giggling and sword fighting, so we take the opportunity to creep up behind them with our swords in their proper position, hanging low near our Johnsons. I press my cucumber against Ra
zz’s ass and breathe heavily in her ear. She tenses and before I can say any of the dirty words that are ready to roll off my tongue, I get an elbow in my ribs and a heel landing hard on my foot. Shit that hurt. She turns around swiftly and freezes before she can deliver her palm into my nose.

  “Shit, Trigger. What the fuck were you thinking?” She chastises me.

  “I was thinking I wanted to go grocery shopping with my girl who happened to be sword fighting, so I thought I’d challenge her to a duel.”

  She giggles and the stress of almost getting my ass kicked by a girl releases. “Sure, you can push the cart.”

  “I’d much rather you push the cart and I follow.”

  “Not happening. You push or you walk back to the truck.”

  She glares at me and that whole I’m going to dominate your ass if you don’t listen vibe radiates from her. “Fine, I’ll push and Spook can ride on the front of the cart.”

  “Whatever you want, it’s just going to make it harder for you to push the cart after we fill it with stuff.”

  After an hour in this fucking grocery store pushing Spook’s enormous ass and a cart overflowing with groceries, I’m tired and sweating. I guess Razz taught me a lesson today about learning to put my foot in my mouth before I let it overload my ass. But on the bright side, we’re loading up the Tahoe and heading to our destination with Razz driving, Greer in the passenger seat and us boys in the back.

  We drive for fifteen more minutes and pull into a gated community. I give Spook the what the fuck look and he shakes his head. Razz gives the security guard a password and shows her ID. He nods and goes back to the security booth opening the gate and allowing us to pass.

  These houses aren’t houses but mini-mansions. We go down the straightaway, take a turn, then a right and the fourth house on the left is our destination. It’s one of three on a cul-de-sac. It has cream-colored brick with burgundy shutters. Antique light fixtures adorn the outside around the porch.

  Getting out of the Tahoe, I take in the serenity of the neighborhood. Kids are running around freely or playing basketball at the end of the cul-de-sac. A couple kids stop what their doing and stare in our direction until they see Razz approach the truck. They take off in our direction screaming her name.

  A little girl tugs on her shirt and she squats in front of her giving her a hug. “Hey, Isabella. Are you beating the boys in basketball again?”

  Isabella beams at Razz. “You know it, Razzy. They don’t stand a chance with me.”

  I watch as the two older boys smile and the three younger boys shake their head because like I told you before boys don’t like to get beat by girls.

  “How long are you staying this time?” Isabella asks timidly.

  “Through the weekend for now.”

  “Can you play with us?”

  “I’ll make time for you, baby.” She stands with her hand on Isabella’s shoulder. “Trigger, Spook, Greer. This is Isabella, Danny, Rafe, Mitchell, Trent and Gavin.” Greer waves at the kids and Spook and I give them fist-bumps even Isabella who reminds me of Razz when we were kids. “Let us get situated and I’ll call you all in and we can have a rematch of Call of Duty.”

  Isabella jumps up and down while the boys smile from ear to ear. “Awesome, Razzy. See ya later.” Isabella squeaks.

  We grab our bags and head in the house, which is just as extravagant as the outside. Gray carpet sweeps through the downstairs into a living room with black leather furniture and dark oak tables with a nice flat screen TV centered above a fireplace.

  Razz sets her bags at the foot of the staircase. “We need to get settled. The Florida Chaotic’s will be here in a bit and then I have a date with some kids.” She chuckles.

  “I didn’t get any messages about the Florida Chapter.” Spook asks confused.

  “Um, I texted Rip on the way down here to let him know what time to expect us.”

  Now I’m confused. “How do you know Rip?”

  She looks sheepishly to Greer. “When the Florida Chapter was in Cumming with the whole Lily crazy ex, I met Sandy, Duke and Roadie. I talked to Sandy about some of my investments.” She starts blushing. She walks over to the picture window in the front of the house. “I own the three houses on this cul-de-sac. They were the first houses I bought. Rip and Sandy helped me get everything set up while I stayed in Cumming and didn’t have a chance to get down here. The ol’ ladies help when someone needs it.”

  I wrap my arms around her and put my chin on her shoulder. “Tell me about the kids.”

  “Rafe and Isabella’s parents were killed in a car accident. The only family they had was their aunt Meri. At the time, she had just turned eighteen. With her being so young and not financially stable to support two kids, the system gave her a lot of trouble. The kids were in two different foster homes for almost a month before Rip got in touch with me.” I watch her watch the kids and swipe her wet cheeks. “I came down here and the club helped me find this neighborhood. I bought that house.” She points across the street. “The club got Meri a job at one of their businesses and we stormed the court system. Within a week of Meri having an income and a stable living environment, the kids were given to her. That was three years ago and I come down a few times a year to check on everything.”

  I look to my brother and Greer. Greer has a small smile and Spook is rubbing her arms.

  “What about the other boys?”

  “Let’s see.” She points to Danny. “Sandy found Danny living in an alley digging through a dumpster. He was twelve and his home life was abusive. I was here for the club’s annual Shake-N-Bake party when Sandy brought him through the door. He was dirty, bruised and skinny. Come to find out, he was Duke’s nephew. Apparently his sister had issues with drugs. Long story short, Duke adopted Danny and they live in the other house. Now, Mitchell, Trent and Gavin are Rip’s kids, but they stay at Duke’s more than their own.”

  “Why does Duke stay here and not in one of the clubhouse apartments?”

  “When I came down the first time, I bought those two houses and waited for this one to go on the market. It was just sitting and after talking to Rip and Sandy, we decided that it would be good to have them live there as well as taking care of it so I don’t have to worry about it. The Florida Chaotic’s have full access to the houses just in case they need it or if something needs to be fixed.”

  “I had no clue you were in so deep with the clubs.” I state in awe.

  “Trigger, I’ve been apart of the Chaotic’s since I was a kid. It’s in my blood even though I don’t have a biker daddy. Helping people that need it gives me purpose.” She giggles.

  Greer pushes me out of the way and cocoons Razz in a hug and whispers. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, but I’ll say it again. You are worth more than dollar signs and everyone you help has been touched by your commitment and love for them. Those kids love you because of your heart and because you take time out of your day to share it with them.”

  Razz steps out of the embrace and stares into my sister’s eyes. “Thank you, but without so many others helping me I wouldn’t be able to do it. Greer, you help me so much in Cumming and I appreciate it. I love you like a PMS’ing women loves chocolate.”

  Breaking their little bonding moment, I have to crack a joke. “Razz, as much as I love to see you with another woman, can you maybe find one that isn’t related to me.”

  She slaps me on the chest as Greer glares. “Whatever, you might change your tune if you knew how good I am with the ladies. I might show you up.” She states teasingly.

  Thinking that over, I’m not sure I could share her even if it was with a taco and not a hot dog. “Okay, let’s unpack groceries and bags and get ready for the Florida Chaotic’s.”

  Chapter 17


  Rip, Sandy, Mac, Duke and Kit, Rip’s wife arrive and we stand around bullshitting waiting on Beanie to get her. He had to make sure Chaotic Lift was set before he left his baby.

  The ki
ds didn’t even wait five minutes before they came running in after the MC and headed straight to the basement. When I furnished this house, I made sure that the basement was full of things that the kids would enjoy. The boys are constantly fighting over Playstation or Xbox, but Isabella usually wins to play the Wii. Then I have a pool table, foosball table and a Pac-Man arcade game.

  Having money hasn’t defined me, but helped me to give to those who were never able to have the finer things. The happiness that these kids give me for just being here is overwhelming, but at the same time gives me the validation that I need to know I’m doing the right thing.

  Glancing at the front door, I watch as Beanie hustles in dropping his bag as soon as he enters. “Let’s get this party started.” He bellows.

  We all make our way to the table in the dining room, which if it weren’t for the women sitting on their men’s laps wouldn’t have enough chairs.

  Rip, of course, seats at the head even though it’s my house. He lays a manilla folder on the table and it gets passed around to Beanie, Trigger and Spook. Apparently, Greer and I aren’t involved in this mission. Big mistake fellas.

  I grab the folder as it is being passed by me and Greer leans closer. The first page is on the owners Brad and Craig. They’ve owned Wonderland for six years and have been life partners for eight. There’s nothing out of the ordinary and I’ve met them both and never got an odd feeling towards them. The second page is on a twenty-six year old woman, Darla West. She’s been a dominatrix for three years. She’s single, but has a four year old daughter, Maye. The third page is on a twenty-eight year old woman, Maggie Sharp. She’s widowed and she has a six year old son and a four year old daughter. She’s been at Wonderland off and on for two years. The fourth page is on a thirty-four year old man, Garrett Wilder. He and his wife are members of Wonderland and have been for six years. They have a four year old daughter, also. See the pattern.


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