Mission Superstar_A Romance set in India

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Mission Superstar_A Romance set in India Page 11

by M. V. Kasi

  Shilpa considered Dhruv’s offer. Given a chance, she would rather stay at the hospital. But he was right. “Okay. I’ll come with you,” she replied softly.

  Dhruv led her outside where his car was waiting for them. “To the penthouse,” he instructed Shiv.

  THEY REACHED THE underground parking of Dhruv’s apartment building which luckily was empty. Taking the private lift, they went up to the penthouse.

  Shilpa watched as Dhruv shut the door and walked towards the kitchen. “Are you hungry? I have a few snacks handy.”

  “I’m fine,” she said softly. She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass wall that overlooked the city skyline and stared outside. One minute, she felt as though she were on top of the world, having dinner with a man whom she felt was special, and then, the next thing she knew, her world came crashing down when a loved one almost died. Life was so damn unpredictable.

  She felt DJ’s presence as he stood next to her. He didn’t talk or ask her any questions yet, but she knew he must be wondering about Ma. She was about to tell him about the relationship with her when a phone call had interrupted them.

  She took a deep breath before she revealed the painful part of her life which she thought she had gotten over. “Rhima Kumar is not my mother,” she softly said. “She was my late fiancé, Pranit’s, mother.”

  She wasn’t looking at him. She was still staring outside while she spoke. And Dhruv remained quiet, simply listening to her.

  “Pranit was a police officer like me. We were in the same batch during our training and we also ended up in the same department working together on many cases. The last case we were working on together was trying to gather proofs on a Mafia family which had many legitimate businesses as the forefront and strong links to politics.”

  She trusted Dhruv enough to reveal the rest of the information, which, if it got out, would possibly risk her life. “The men we were targeting Karanjit Thakur and Tarun Shankar.” Shilpa knew that everyone knew about Tarun Shankar. He was one of the richest and the most popular businessman and politician in India and he had been arrested three years ago for having ties to the Mafia. He was caught red-handed with no chance of escape. The police department was appreciated for the effort, but the name of the officer who led the investigation hadn’t come out.

  “Five years ago, the day before Pranit and I were to get married, I received a call from Keshav Thakur who was our informer at that time. Keshav Thakur’s father was Tarun Shankar’s close business associate and one of the key Mafia kingpins who supplied drugs to the South Zone. Kehsav had told us that he had some critical information that could only be conveyed in person.”

  Neither she or Pranit had any reason to doubt Keshav because they had been working with him for a while.

  “Pranit asked me not to join him, and he went by himself.” Shilpa recalled why. She was getting henna put on her hands. Pranit had insisted that was more important and to relax and have fun with their friends and family while the celebrations continued.

  She took a deep breath. “When Pranit didn’t call me or answer his phone a couple of hours later… I just knew.” Pranit’s mutilated body was found at the place. And she had been the one to find him.

  “Pranit’s mother went into shock. I was quite close to her as my parents and brother lived abroad, and I visited them only once a year.” Shilpa’s parents still insisted she quit her job as it was dangerous and to move abroad as they did.

  “Before Pranit passed away, he and I had a discussion that after our marriage, we would stay close to wherever his mother lived. I kept that promise even though my marriage didn’t happen.” And even when Shilpa moved to different locations due to her transfers, she insisted Rhima Kumar come along.

  “From the time I had accepted Pranit’s proposal, I began to call his mother Ma, just like she had requested at that time.”

  Dhruv put his hands around Shilpa’s waist and pulled her close to him, until she was resting her body against his. She didn’t protest and simply drew comfort.

  “You are quite a woman, Shilpa Dasani. Rhima Kumar is lucky to have someone like you in her life.”

  “I’m the lucky one,” Shilpa replied softly. And then, a smile covered her face. “Barely two years after my team and I exposed Tarun Shankar and had him arrested, Ma had just one agenda left. To get me married.”

  Shilpa laughed softly as she recalled the various matchmaking schemes that Rhima Kumar was upto get her almost-daughter-in-law married. Shilpa didn’t have the heart to tell the older woman that she would never marry. That she couldn’t risk a heartbreak or loss once again.

  Shilpa shook off those morose thoughts and turned within Dhruv’s arms. He was watching her with a pensive look, the kind she hadn’t seen on his face before.

  “Thank you, Dhruv, for taking me to the hospital on time and donating blood. It means a lot to me,” she said softly.

  He didn’t reply. He just kept watching her. Something about his look made her heart begin to thump hard inside her chest while her body slowly heated.

  Her eyes fell on his lips and she felt hers tingle. “Dhruv—” Before she could finish her sentence, his lips met hers.

  She kissed him back.

  Heat exploded, blanking her mind of all thoughts and worries.

  But barely a few moments later, Dhruv pulled his mouth away and pushed her slightly away from him. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I know you are feeling disturbed and you are seeking comfort. I don’t know what came over me, but I just—” Before he could finish, Shilpa pulled him close once again and crashed their lips together.

  He groaned.

  She put her hands under his shirt and greedily ran them over his body. The rock-hard body she explored had tempted her and drove her insane in her dreams over the last few weeks.

  Meantime, he pulled his mouth away and began kissing her neck frantically.

  Shilpa’s heart was beating so hard that it drowned out every other noise except for their loud breaths.

  She moaned out loud. “Dhruv. Please hurry,” she urged.

  His hands held the hem of her top and pulled it off her. His eyes heated when they fell on her bra-clad breasts. But she felt too impatient. She felt the burning need to feel him deep inside her. Everything else would have to come later.

  She pulled his shirt up, and he helped by shrugging it away. “Now,” she whispered, leaning over and biting his shoulder.

  He let out a growl and pushed her back against the glass wall. And then, he lifted her clean off the ground until her legs wrapped around his hips. His mouth met hers, devouring her while he pinned her against the wall. His hands pulled her body closer, rubbing his arousal to her core and sending sparks of heat despite the clothes between them.

  “I have wanted you for so bloody long,” he growled against her mouth.

  Before she could tell him that she had felt the same way, a sudden shrill tone of her phone ringing made her body jerk. The phone screen flashed brightly on the floor where it must have fallen when Dhruv had kicked away her trousers.

  Shilpa’s body tensed. Dhruv’s body holding her pinned to the wall, vibrated with tension as well. Slowly, he lowered her legs to the ground. And then, leaning down, he handed her the phone.

  It was the hospital. “Mrs. Kumar is doing fine,” the nurse informed. “She’s asleep right now, and her vitals are stable.” Shilpa had specifically asked the nurse to keep her posted, in case Ma wasn’t able to sleep well.

  “Thank you for the update. Call me if she asks for me or if there’s a problem. I’m only ten minutes away from the hospital.”

  By the time Shilpa ended the call, Dhruv was still standing in front of her. “You okay?” he asked softly. Not whether or not Ma was okay because he must have heard the conversation she just had with the nurse.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Dhruv… I…” She didn’t know whether to apologize to him or not for the interruption. Because she still wanted him. She wanted him to hold her and make her forge
t her worries that night.

  Keeping her eyes locked on his, she unhooked her bra and removed it completely. She saw his eyes flare. She covered the distance between them and threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head closer to kiss him.

  He groaned. But she felt his arms tighten on her hips before pushing her a few inches away. “We shouldn’t,” he said. “At least not tonight.”

  It took a while for Shilpa to digest the words.

  “I want you, Shilpa,” he continued. His hand cupped her cheek. “But I’m selfish enough to want all of you. I want our first time to be when we both are ready. Not when you are vulnerable and sick with worry.” He picked up his shirt and put it around her. And then he tugged her gently. “Let me show you the guest room.”

  Chapter 22

  Shilpa woke up to the sight of an unfamiliar room.

  It took her a few moments to remember everything. She immediately reached for the phone and called the hospital and was informed that Ma was doing well and was currently resting.

  It was only six in the morning, so she supposed she’d have to visit the hospital later during visiting hours. Once her mind was satisfied that Ma was doing fine, she allowed herself to think about what had happened the previous night.

  Her cheeks heated recalling how she had thrown herself at Dhruv. She had even felt humiliated when Dhruv had pushed her away. However, now that she had a good night’s sleep and could think with a rational mind, she did agree with Dhruv’s decision of holding off.

  Taking a deep breath, she got out of the bed. It was childish, but she wanted to sneak out before Dhruv saw her.

  Slowly, she got up and opened the bedroom door. And then padding softly through the long hallway, she went to the large living area. She took a few steps towards the main door when she heard a masculine voice clearing his throat.

  It was Dhruv.

  Oh shit! Shilpa’s cheeks heated once again along with her stomach fluttering at the sight of him being shirtless and in just simple cotton pajamas.

  “Tea or coffee?” he asked with an amused smile.

  “I… I need to go,” she managed to say.

  “Why? I just called the hospital. Rhima is resting. Shiv and I will drop you off there in a couple of hours.”

  Shilpa couldn’t think of an excuse. She sighed. “Tea,” she said in answer to his earlier question.

  “One masala chai coming up.” Another flutter passed through her stomach at the fact that he recalled her preferences. And this time, she no longer gave excuses to herself that those flutters were anything but a strong attraction towards the man in front of her.

  She watched as Dhruv placed a dish on the stovetop and pulled out a couple of containers to begin preparing the tea. She was surprised. She had expected him to have some kind of state-of-the-art automatic beverage machine. Or at least a state-of-the-art chef making the said beverage.

  Slowly, she turned around and looked at the interior of the penthouse. The previous night, she hadn’t been in the mindset to pay attention to the details.

  The interior looked clean and modern. Freshly painted walls, polished marble floors, and gleaming wooden cupboards. The place looked enormous too. Probably because it was huge, considering it occupied the length of the entire top floor of the building.

  But apart from the size and fixed fittings, the rest of the furnishings looked simple. A sectional couch, a wall-mounted TV, a dining table for four, and simple rugs. She even recalled the bedroom was decorated simply.

  Her assessment was interrupted by his amused voice.

  “You have a strange look on your face, Officer Dasani, while you assess my penthouse. What are you thinking?”

  Shilpa gave him a sheepish smile. “I don’t know… a penthouse decorated with every luxury item possible. Opulent rugs, paintings, or at least coffee machines. I even expected a live-in, on-demand chef.”

  He burst out laughing. “You are mostly right. This place was just like that. But before I moved in, I got most of the things moved out to a storage locker. I like having open spaces with just the bare necessities. I get claustrophobic with too many things.”

  “And the chef? Mrs. Thadani mentioned a five-star chef.”

  Dhruv grinned. “Five-star huh? Neeru must have been up to some devious scheme when she spoke to you. I usually do hire a cook for Shiv, Viren, and me when I begin shooting for a movie. I’m too busy then. But for the last two months when I didn’t have anything on my plate except Mission Superstar, I didn’t want a cook. I enjoy cooking.”

  “I see.” She was slowly beginning to discover that DJ was a sophisticated movie star. But Dhruv was a simple guy.

  As the tea brewed, Dhruv walked around the counter and came closer to her with an intent look on his face. She stood still, not knowing what to expect.

  He stopped in front of her and held her cheek. Then leaning his head down, he brushed his lips on hers in a sweet kiss.

  Immediately, a blast of heat enveloped Shilpa’s body.

  “Couldn’t resist. You look beautiful,” he said softly.

  Her cheeks heated at the compliment and also at her body’s reaction to it.

  Dhruv smiled. “You know, as much as I love your usual fierce persona as Officer Dasani, I think I like this shy version of you, too.”

  Shilpa let out a laugh and shook her head. “I wish I knew why I seemed to have a personality transplant since last night,” she said. “Maybe because I don’t know how to behave with you anymore, now that Mission Superstar has come to an end.”

  Dhruv grinned. “You can continue to be as you were during the mission. I had serious hots for the bossy Officer Dasani.”

  Shilpa smiled even as she fought another blush. “Why do I have a feeling that when it comes to your personal life, you are not the type to take orders from anyone.”

  “Is that a problem?” he asked.

  “No. I think I would like the bossy you, too.”

  Dhruv laughed. And after having tea, he made a simple breakfast which was absolutely delicious.

  “Is there anything you can’t do with perfection?” Shilpa asked, taking the last scrumptious bite of her breakfast.

  “Hopefully, you’ll not know the answer to that anytime soon,” Dhruv replied with a wink. Then his expression turned serious. “I want to see more of you, Shilpa,” he softly said. “I don’t know exactly what is happening between us or where this will lead, but I do know that I want to spend more time with you.”

  His words caused her to panic slightly, but she couldn’t hide from the truth. “I don’t know what’s happening either, but I feel the same way, too,” she replied.

  He pulled her close once again and kissed her. This time a deep, mind-numbing and heart-pounding kiss.

  When he pulled away, they were both out of breath and nearly gasping. “Let’s go. It time to go to the hospital,” he said.

  Chapter 23

  Rhima Kumar was discharged from the hospital to return home. Her recovery happened at a rapid pace. In fact, Ma had even cheekily told Dhruv that his visits helped with her speedy recovery. So, of course, Dhruv found a way to visit the older woman regularly.

  Shilpa was amused at Ma’s and Dhruv’s conversation and arguments about various movies and the characters in them. Shilpa wisely kept out of them and agreed with both of them in a diplomatic way.

  Despite his busy lifestyle, Dhruv always flew back to the city and even extended the lease on the penthouse. Shilpa didn’t question him.

  There was definitely no ulterior motive on his end because Shilpa knew Dhruv didn’t have to do anything to get her into his bed. Shilpa had made it more than obvious that she was wildly attracted to him and was willing to take it to the next step.

  In fact, Shilpa wondered why Dhruv didn’t take them in that direction. They had gone on several more dinner dates, and he even invited her over several times to his penthouse where he had cooked for her. But apart from the heavy making out, he didn’t take it any further.

/>   Shilpa could see he was in pain for having to restrain himself by stopping halfway, but still, he always stopped. Shilpa didn’t insist on taking it further either. Even though her body screamed in frustration like his, she enjoyed this phase.

  She wondered what it was. She knew it wasn’t love. It couldn’t be love. She had fallen in love before, and it wasn’t anything like how she felt towards Dhruv.

  With Pranit, her feelings were quiet. They were sweet. They made her feel good and safe.

  But with Dhruv, it was like a rollercoaster ride. She kept going higher and higher, unsure when the drop would arrive. She felt a keen void when Dhruv wasn’t next to her. She began to crave his presence way too much.

  No. She didn’t think it was love. An addiction or some type of juvenile crush at having a wildly popular celebrity showing interest in her.

  Shilpa knew she would eventually ride those feelings out once she and Dhruv came together. Meantime, she would savor their time and enjoy the rush.

  Chapter 24

  “He was almost purple in the face when I told him about the change in the script.”

  Shilpa laughed as Dhruv told her about how the script writer reacted when Dhruv suggested some logical changes before the movie shooting began.

  Currently, she was at Dhruv’s penthouse. She and Dhruv had just returned from visiting Ma that evening.

  Shilpa laughed. “Poor guy. He must hate me because of all these changes you are making him do.”

  “He’ll realize it’s for the better. More dessert?” Dhruv scooped out a generous serving of pudding to refill her empty bowl.

  “No more. I’m way too full.”

  Dhruv grinned. “You are too skinny. Didn’t Rhima say that again this evening?”

  Shilpa threw a cushion on him. “Says the superstar who is currently on a high-protein diet and wouldn’t touch any carbs or sugars. And stop making desserts for me. Or I will barely be able to chase the criminals while I’m on duty.”


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