Sweeter Than Wine

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Sweeter Than Wine Page 15

by Hestand, Rita

  "I was in luck to find it. So close to the school."

  Lacey wondered why he had come, but ever since she got back from her trip Howard had been more attentive to her and was very interested in the pictures she had of her vacation. He'd asked who the man with her was and she explained he was her guide. Why she had called Sam her guide she didn't know, but she wasn't about to explain her relationship with Sam to Howard.

  She looked at Howard again.

  "You got quite a tan while you were up there in Oregon, I wouldn't think there was that much sun," he asked, noting her legs and smiling. "Do you have family up there, is that why you chose that part of the country?"

  "No family. I've always admired the area, and hadn't seen it. I wanted to take in the redwoods and see the ocean at the same time. It was so beautiful. You know we have beautiful trees but it's so hot in the summer here in Texas it's hard to get out and appreciate them."

  "Oh, I just thought it strange to go there…"

  "Really? I can't imagine why, it's the most beautiful place in the world if you ask me. Part of why I love Texas is the trees." She shrugged.

  She felt a little uncomfortable with his questions about her vacation. Howard had never noticed anything about her; he had treated her like any other teacher, but never seemed to see her as a woman. What had changed him?

  Lacey knew the minute she laid eyes on Howard things were not the same. She didn't want to admit it, but Sam was the only thing on her mind, and trying hard to concentrate on anything else just made things worse.

  "As for the tan, I was on the back of a motorcycle a lot and near the water a lot so I guess I got a little sun. I went deep sea fishing one day, and then I fished from the shore another. I guess you've seen pictures of the trophy, huh?"

  Nothing like rubbing it in.

  "Really, it sounds like you had fun there. You know, I am sorry I was so rough on you before you left. You caught me at a bad time though, and I wasn't really in a mood for it. You didn't deserve that. It's just well, since I'd known you, you hadn't gotten out much or traveled or anything. But when you came back with all the pictures I never dreamed I'd give you the incentive to go out and try a real vacation." He chuckled.

  Lacey turned to look at him, "I saw it as a challenge, not an incentive. I was actually angry and wanted to prove something to you and myself. I found out a person can change Howard. You can blossom when you least expect it. I'd been taking care of my mother so long; I forgot all the things I missed. Of course I don't regret caring for Mom. And I know she's at peace too."

  "I thought that might be the case. I didn't mean to throw down the gauntlet. I'm sorry. I was much too rough on you. I know about your mother. In addition, when I said those things, I let that completely slip from memory. That had to be a full time job, and you were working for us then too."

  "To tell the truth I think this vacation was exactly what I needed. I'm so glad I went. I enjoyed it. Now if I can get this place looking like I want before I go back to work, I'll be happy."

  He adjusted his tie, then took it off and threw it on top of the sofa too. Lacey saw the action and tensed. It seemed she wasn't the only one that had changed. Howard had never invited himself to her apartment, nor paid her much attention, now he was all over the place.

  "Anything else I can do for you?" he asked as his eyes traveled up and down her with lazy appreciation.

  "Um…no, but thanks…you want some lemonade?" she asked.

  "Sounds great," he smiled at her.

  She poured them both a glass and sat at the kitchen table with him.

  "So what really brings you over, Howard?" she finally asked, wishing he'd go home so she could finish her task. .

  "You, I mean, look we aren't at work now. We've worked together for years. But you seem so different since you've been back. Everyone has remarked about it. I'm curious as to what exactly happened on that vacation of yours."

  Lacey met his glance now, "And I'm curious as to why you are curious. Howard, I had been taking care of my mother for some time when I began at the school. I took care of her until she died. I admit I didn't have much of a life before that, but all of that is going to change now. I’m better, and yes, I guess a little different. You were right, before I couldn't have shown the girls much fun. But now…well maybe."

  "Oh don't get me wrong, I like the change in you," he smiled, putting his hand over hers.

  She moved it. "You're my boss Howard, not my boyfriend."

  "But I thought…."

  "Yes, exactly what did you think?" she asked turning to stare at him.

  "Before you left well…I thought you were pretty interested in me. At least that was the signals I kept getting from you."

  "That might have been the case, at one time, but things do change, Howard. You are a tremendously handsome man, but I'm no longer interested." She stated and stared him in the eyes.

  "Does this have anything to do with the man in the pictures?" he asked going back to look at the picture once more. Piled high on the counter.

  Lacey moved to pick up the picture before he got hold of them. "That's none of your business. I like you Howard, always have. But I'm just not interested in you like that."

  "Guys like that, beach bums, surfers, they hold no future for you Lacey." He cautioned. "You can't possibly take a summer romance seriously."


  "Well, I have an excellent job, and quite a future I'm told. Which makes me quite a catch?" He stared at her. "And I know in the past you've been interested in me."

  She rolled her eyes, seeing how dull Howard really was. "Howard I might as well admit, I did have a crush on you. For years in fact. Ever since I came to work for the school, but that's over. I've moved on. One has to learn these things the hard way, and I did."

  "But it's this guy now?" He laughed.

  "Maybe…" she admitted.

  "Forget him, he's a loser. I can offer you so much more," he moved closer.

  "Not interested." She repeated and moved away from him.

  "I see, well, your mistake," he picked up his jacket and tie. "If you change your mind the door is open…for a while."

  Lacey cast him a glance over her shoulder, "Thanks…Howard. I'll keep that in mind."

  "You do that," as he was about to leave he looked at her again. "Anyone can have a vacation Lacey. And yours was probably overdue, but you're too intelligent to make something of a summer fling."

  "Am I?" she quipped. "Thanks for stopping by Howard. See you in school."

  She slammed the door behind him as he left. The nerve of the man, coming to her house telling her who she should like and shouldn't like. How could she ever have been so blind?


  Sam couldn't believe the address Lacey left at the hotel had a for sale sign on it. She'd obviously moved, but where. There was no forwarding. He'd flown to Texas to find her, and now this. What was he going to do now? He couldn't find her.

  Maybe he could contact the real estate agent. He dialed the number from the sign and immediately asked the receptionist if the owner left an address. Although the receptionist sympathized with his problem, she couldn't give out that information on the phone.

  Sam slammed the phone down.

  "Dammit Lacey where are you?" he cried aloud. "I can't have lost you."

  Sam took a room at the Hyatt Hotel and now slowly drove back in the rental car, determined to find Lacey one way or another.

  After a good dinner, he made up his mind, he had an idea, and if it worked, he'd be talking to Lacey tomorrow.

  The next morning he dressed in jeans and a white shirt, shaved and called the real estate company.

  "Yes, I'm interested in the property, but I'd like to ask your price."

  The agent looked it up and quoted a price to him.

  "Oh no, that's much too high. I wonder if I might speak to the owner, I have considerable cash to pay down, and thought maybe I might talk them down a bit." Sam smiled into the phone.

The agent was silent a moment then agreed. "I'll contact her and get back with you within the hour, hopefully."

  "Thanks, you have my number."

  Satisfied that he would soon see Lacey again he sat on the small couch and waited for the call. It wasn't long in coming.

  "She's says she'll meet with you at eleven this morning, on the site." The agent told him

  "Wonderful, thanks."

  Sam got ready, and went to the gift shop at the hotel, he found a beautiful bunch of daisy's for sale and bought them. Then he hurried to get a taxi to take him to the house.

  He was early, anxious to see Lacey.

  He walked around the house and went into the backyard where a gazebo stood right in the middle of the yard. He walked up to it, and found a swing inside. About to sit down he heard a voice.

  "So, you're interested in this property, sir?" Lacey's voice sounded almost bored.

  Sam took his time turning around and as he faced her he heard her intake of breath, "Sam?"

  He stared at her for a full minute before saying a thing, and then he grinned, "Sure took a lot of work to find you, lady."

  "S-Sam what are you doing here?" she gasped coming closer.

  Sam soaked in the site of her, realizing how very much he had missed her.

  "I think I forgot to say a few things." His eyes never left hers now.

  "You came all the way down here to talk, you could have phoned easier." She almost laughed.

  She was standing there in an ice blue sundress, her hair streaming over her shoulders in curls. He got the same reaction he always did when he was with her, he wanted her, but this time he tempered those feelings. This time he wanted to do and say all the right things. It was important.

  "If I said them over the phone, I wouldn't be able to see your face, and I want to see you when I tell you how much I missed you."

  Her glance fell to the ground and she pinked. "I-I missed you too."

  Her admission seemed strained.

  "Good….but that's not why I came all this way." He swallowed hard.

  "Don't tell me you want to buy my mom's house?" she nearly laughed again.

  "No…sorry, I guess I got you here by false pretenses. The house is lovely but no, that's not why I'm here either." His eyes assessed her carefully.

  "But, your job?" she looked up at him now.

  "I guess they like me, they gave me a few more days." He took a step closer.

  "Would you like to sit down?" she motioned for the swing.

  He nodded, then handed her the flowers, "For you."

  She took the daisies and smiled down at them. "I love daisies."

  "I figured you might."

  "Why? How could you know?"

  He shrugged, "I don't know when I walked into the gift shop I had no idea what I'd get you, then I saw those and thought of you instantly."

  She smiled. As they sat in the swing it brought them even closer, but still he didn't touch her, not even her hand.

  "Lacey, I've found the answers to my identity. My grandparents were part of the whole thing." Why had he told her this? He didn't come here to talk about family, unless it was his very own. He came here for her. Would she go back with him? Did she love him as much as he realized he loved her?

  "And are you going to do anything about it?"

  "No, nothing. It's finished. It's a closed book now. I'm satisfied."

  Lacey's smile was contrite but she was smiling. "I'm so glad you made that decision and on your own, too."

  "I didn't come here to talk about my family ties. I came here because since you left there's been a huge void in my life that nothing and no one can fill…but you!"

  Her head came up and she looked him in the eyes now. She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

  "Lacey I know we haven't known each other long. I know we haven't had enough time together, but I also know that I don't want to waste any more time without you either. I'm crazy in love with you Lacey. Put me out of this misery…marry me!"

  Lacey's eyes became huge, and tears filled her eyes, "Sam!"

  Suddenly he pulled her to him and kissed her with wild abandon.

  This kiss was breathtakingly long, and suddenly sunshine flooded him and he felt a wave of happiness inside him that made him want to jump up and pick her up and hold her high in the sky.

  When they pulled apart to grab a breath he smiled into her face, "Is that a yes!"

  "Oh Sam, are you sure?" she asked breathlessly.

  Sam pulled away from her and pulled something from his pocket, "I bought this in Houston, as I've spent a little time trying to find you. However, I was determined to find you. This too is something I thought you'd like too."

  He stretched the little black box out to her.

  With trembling fingers she took it, glanced at him and a slow burning smile lit her lips.

  When she opened it, she gasp again, "Oh Sam, my very favorite, white gold, a solitaire and sapphires surrounding it. It's lovely. Just absolutely lovely. Oh yes, Sam…I'll marry you."

  "Man…I was scared you might turn me down for good ole Howard." Sam laughed as he took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger.

  "There's only one man in this whole world with kisses sweeter than wine!" she cried as the ring sparkled on her finger.

  He stood up, pulled her out of the gazebo, and lifted her high in the air. "You complete it all, Lacey. I've found my paradise…with you! I was happy to find my sister, happy to become part of her life, but nothing…I repeat nothing makes me as happy as being with you."

  "Oh Sam, I can't believe you are here, and this is happening to us. It's like some fairy tale." She laughed, but as he let her down, he slid her against him and her lips found his in a kiss that sealed their promises.

  "Kasie insists we get married up there, do you mind?" Sam asked as he pulled away from her reluctantly.

  "Don't tell me, she wants to plan the whole thing," Lacey laughed.

  "She's crazy about you. She, Chayton, and the whole family are. They are the ones that convinced me that it's possible to fall in love so quickly and completely."

  Lacey cuddled against him, kissing his ear, "When I came home, it was so barren, so lonely. I couldn't stand it. That's why I put my mother's house up for sale. I just couldn't stand it any more. I was so afraid I'd never see you again. However did you find me?"

  "It wasn't easy. I went back to the hotel and checked a forwarding address not an easy feat with all the privacy rules of a hotel, but I managed and then when I got here and saw the house up for sale I thought I'd never find you. Then I got the idea to call the real estate company. It was the only way I could see you again."

  "We have a lot of things to decide on, and I am willing to do anything you want. I want you to know that. I don't care as long as we are together." He assured her.

  "You'd live in Texas?" she shrieked.

  "If that's what you want." He admitted. "I'll live where you live." He kissed her hand.

  "I want to live in that beautiful home of yours, and be your wife, and have your babies." She cried.

  "Are you…pregnant?" he asked hopefully.

  "Oh I don't know it's too soon to know. Would it bother you if I was?" She laughed.

  "God no, I'd be thrilled." He hugged her to him. "I don't care as long as you are with me, forever."

  "Forever is a long time, Sam."

  "I'm not sure it's long enough," he pulled her up hard against him and hugged her as though she might suddenly fly away. "There's your career too, what of that?"

  "Teaching is something you can do anywhere." She smiled against him.

  "Did you know I'd come after you?" he asked in a teasing manner.

  "No, I hoped you would, but I understood that we haven't known each other long too. So I realized why you might not."

  "It's incredible isn't it? I mean, just a couple of weeks ago, we didn't even know each other. Now, I feel like one of my arms has been cut off if you aren't by my side all the time."
He kissed her again, letting her know that later they would make love all night and into the morning.

  She smiled up at him moment later, "I've loved Texas and teaching all my life, but I swear when I came home without you, I felt lost. I felt as though I no longer belonged here. Nothing but you walking back into my life today changed that feeling. Now it's as if everything has come around. Like I'm on solid ground again. I love you Sam."

  "And I love you," he hugged her close holding her and closing his eyes he whispered a silent thank you to God for finding her. "And Lacey, I want you to know this isn't just a physical thing between us either. I see you walk into a room, and the room lights with sunshine in my heart. When I walked into the gift shop it wasn't something I've done often for a woman and I instinctively knew you'd love the daisies. I feel some inner connection with you and I know that sounds a little crazy, but it's as if we're soul mates or something. I just know with you, that's how much I love you. I know you, inside and out."

  "I didn't know you were such a romantic." She teased. "Soul mates. I like the sound of that."

  "Usually I'm not romantic. You sort of bring that out in me. Say are you hungry?"


  "Let's go for one of those Texas size steaks, I think we are going to need it for energy, what do you think?" he winked.

  "Hmm…what exactly did you have in mind?" She kissed his lips.

  This kiss was warm, tender, and heated. He dueled with her tongue, he kissed and licked her lips, and there was so much promise in things to come as his fingers slid over the delicious tips of her breast, arousing her as she moved sensuously against him.

  "This isn't the time or place Sam," she whispered.

  "I know, and I’m not sure we're going to make it to the Steak house first either. We might have to take a detour, how far is your place," he murmured in her ear.

  "Too far, maybe we should go inside."

  "Good thinking, that dress of yours is driving me wild." He smiled. "Sundresses should be against the law."

  "Race ya," she called with a giggle, and then headed for the house…

  The End

  About the Author!


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